Monthly Archives

October 2015


How To Be happy













 Hello my amazing friends I hope you are doing well. Here are some few tips on how to be happier. I have come to realise that happiness is a choice and have learnt to accept that in life sometimes circumstances arises that makes us unhappy but we should learn to refrain from negativity and become more positive and delighted.

Tip one, learn to love yourself and others. Try to give lots of Hug. If you do have a partner, hug him or her as often as you can. Hugging makes your body release hormones that gives you happy feelings.
Second tip try to meditate .meditation has been proven scientifically to help in healing the mind and soul.

My third tip is to surround yourself with positive people, people that are able to lift you up, inspire and motivate you. You can make friends by being active on social media such as Facebook Twitter Instagram.  YouTube is also a great place to find great inspiration.
Fourth tip is to learn to pamper your self. have your makeup, Manicure and Pedicure done, afterwards, you will instantly feel delighted and more beautiful. If you need beautiful Makeup, Manicure and Pedicure in The Netherlands, please contact me at

I hope these tips were helpful

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience

Accessories- www.watchstar.nl



Effective Carreer Tips!

Hello lovely! I hope you all are doing well. I just wanted to share some career tips based on my working experience in the Netherlands for the past five years.  First tip, if you are a foreigner in a foreign country such as the Netherlands, it might be challenging to find an ideal desired job.

All you have to do is keep persisting in case you are rejected 100 times during your solicitation, never give up. If you are lucky enough and find a job, do your very best to keep it! I have been lucky enough to have a job in the health care, beauty and restaurants in the Netherlands. I have also been working as a social worker and beauty consultant. You do not have to wait for your dream job, just find something doing, while doing the job you found you might fall in love with it. My last but not the least tip is to always have a positive behaviour at work, smile, do not be late at work and dress appropriately.

Nevertheless, It is  very important to find a job you love, find a sheet of paper, write down things you love doing for example, writing, gaming, cycling, modelling and so on, and start a research on company associated with your passion, approach these companies and show them you are really passionate in their field, create a Linkedin profile!

I hope these few tips are helpful! Good luck!


I love you so much

Ekene Patience

Accessories- www.watchstar.nl



Taking Control Of Your Life, Career and Family!

Patience Ekene


Hello loves, I just felt it in my heart to share with you on how to take control of your life. This post will inspire you to take definite change in your life undermining the circumstance you are in.

2015 is almost coming to an end. I hope you have been able to make the best out of it! It is very important and make self-reflection. Ask yourself of you have been able to achieve all you wished for for the year, if not, you still have the chance to do so. All you have to do is grab your pen and paper, and write down all you wish to achieve,  all your issues, what is going wrong, what you like to do, the things that scare you, try to do at least one thing that scares you every day and read some motivational books . Anything that is bothering you, just say to yourself, I can handle it.

You also need to identify what you really like to achieve, and take action and work towards it.

I have been listening a lot to Bob Procter, and have been inspired by him. In life, fear is constant, but you have to do it any way. Take perfect control of your life, go for your dream job, house, and career and do not let anyone bring you down.

In order to become better in the field you do, for instance if you are a model and you want to become a better photo model, all you have to do choose role models, those that are very successful in the field and be inspired by them.

I hope these few tips were helpful!

I love you so so much!

Stay beautiful!


Ekene Patience







Hello loves, I just wanted to share with you a great news! I have a new job am quite excited about it. Although it’s a bit stressful.  My new job is in the health care sector. I do go to people’s home to help them with house choirs such as dressing the bed, cleaning the house and so on, basically the kind of job you do when you are at your home. I have a passion for helping others that is one of the factors that attracted me to take the job. One of my client is above 80 years.  I do not own a car, so I do travel by bus called Connexxion in The Netherlands.

One of the great things about the bus I travel with to my job is that all the bus drivers are doing their job for free. It’s quite amazing.

Besides going to peoples home to help them, I also do charity work whereby I collect cloths and shoes for less privileged once across the world. I have been able to collect shoes cloths and many more from donators in the Netherlands worth thousands of euros. I encourage you to participate in charity works, it means a lot in helping and touching the lives of people. Absolutely incredible.

I am also a photo model, mother, entrepreneur and student.

My advice for you all in case you are looking for a job! Never give up, keep on searching, especially using the relevant key words can help you spot your dream job. For instance if you are looking for a Marketing job in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. All you have to do is type in on google Marketing Jobs Amsterdam and you will find a lot of options and choices. There are a lot of sites such as Monster board, Linked in, Facebook and many more to find a job!

I hope these tips were helpful!

I love you so so much


Ekene Patience