Monthly Archives

May 2016


Tips on How To Store Your Cloths

I do love to have a tidy wardrobe, because am able to find all the items I need easily. Here are some tips on how to arrange your cloths properly;
Sweaters– Do hang your sweaters and warm clothing in your wardrobe only during the winter period, because winter clothing do occupy enormous space in the wardrobe. You can fold all your sweaters and keep safe them in a box during the summer time.
Blouses– I like to arrange my blouses in symmetric colours and orderly. Invest in good hangers and wardrobe, to avoid your massive clothing falling off all the time from your wardrobe. Well, I am speaking from experience.
Denim– Jeans and denim are very easy to hang in the wardrobe. You can decide to fold them properly. I love brands such as G-Star, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Gucci Jeans, and also affordable brands from h&m.
Dry Cleaned Cloths– There are some delicate fabrics you may not be able to wash or maintain by yourself, you need to bring them to the dry cleaner.
Shoes– I have a thing for shoes, I can advise you properly on how to store them. I usually store my shoes in a wardrobe. You can organise them according to colours and style. My favourite shoe brands from the Netherlands are from The Bijenkorf, We, Manfield, Espirit, Shabies, Fils, Heeleys, Michael Kors, Guess. Please find some of my stylish look here on this link
I hope these tips were helpful!
I love you


Ekene Patience


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Hello my Amazing friends, Thank you for for visiting my blog. Here is my Fun Sexy Activities In do almost on daily basis. I love Working at home especially in a clean environment. It is highly advisable to clean your home on daily basis. You can add some airfreshner from Ampi pur to make your home smell great.

I also love to keep my wardrobe well organised! Washing your linen every week is highly advisable to be able to sleep in a clean fresh bed!

Eating very healthy meal such as Yoghurt, Muesli, Lots of fruits, Oranges, vegetables is highly recommended!

I love making smoothie as well! It is very healthy and delicious.

For your personal care, you should practise personal hygiene by applying mouth wash from Listerine, this can be found on your nearby drugstore such as Etos, Kruidvat in The Netherands. Use some good washing soap from Dove, and please do not forget your body spray and perfume.

I also enjoy going out for a walk.

I hope these tips were helpful

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Please do check out my other videos too!

I love you so so much


Ekene Patience







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How To Deal With Burnout

I love my job, but I do try as much as possible to avoid burn out. Burnout, which is brought on by chronic stress, can cause problems with physical and mental health, relationships, work and more. Burnout doesn’t just happen from working (or studying) long hours, but constant stress can spiral out of control if not handled properly. If you feel you might be on the cusp of burnout, making sure to rest and re-evaluate can prevent a meltdown before it’s too late to manage and keep a normal lifestyle.
Being cautious of the damage that the burnout could cause can help you realise you need to slow down ansd take it easy.  But we often get pushed aside for external fctors, like career success and study goals. If you know how burnout can affect your work, you make prevention a prioprity.

My advice for you is to take a break, ensure proper good night rest, and eat properly. Taking a break makes you more productive. You can take a break from your work by going for a vacation.

I hope these tips inspires you!

Stay fabulous



Ekene Patience









Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

YAY! Thumbs up for more health style article!

Hi lovelies, Jogging, exercising by running, sit ups, running is a great way to stay in Shape. I have been a Photo Model for several years, so having a great lifestyle and being in shape is paramount.

I eat a lot of fruits, such as Kiwi, Banana etc. Do your makeup, wear a clean cloths, ensure you take your bath twice a day and brush your teeth often.

Riding my bike is an awesome way I exercise too. I enjoy riding my bike especially in the summer time. I love making Smoothie as well.

Drinking a lot of milk, yogurt makes you strong. You may want to use some multivitamins too such as calcium, magnesium!

More Tips/summary


  • Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.
  • The bulk of food consumption should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
  • Choose lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts).
  • Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.
  • Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.


I hope these tis were helpful!


I love you



Ekene Patience



My Favourite Fruits

Hello my beautiful friends! I just wanted to share with you my favourite fruits. Orange, strawberries and kiwi. I know so many people does not like fruits, but fruits is very good for the skin and full with vitamin c. In case you do not like fruits, you can try to make some milk shake combining fruits to it or slice some kiwi in an icecream. I very good friend of mine gave me a very delicious Italian drink. It was a mixture of blended chocolate, gin and lemon. I think its something we all can make at home. I know some ladies who uses cucumber on their face as beauty routine.

My little advice for those of you facing some challenges, always remember time heals every wound. Just keep your heads up and stay positive! In stressful and stormy life moments like past weeks I always remind myself that “this too shall pass”. Everything comes and goes…nothing is forever, therefore we must learn to embrace the stormy weather of our lives and perhaps even dance under the rain. I do love to hear from you what your favourite fruits is.

I Love you,


Ekene Patience


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