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August 2016


Charity Work In The Netherlands!





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Hello lovelies, Thank you for reading my blog. There is absolutely great llove in giving, caring and sharing! I have been doing charity work in The Netherlands for over two years. I work for Dorcas, a charity organisation in The Netherlands (dorcas.nl) I help to collect used cloths, shoes, utensils for less priviledged once accross the world.

Few years ago, I was called up by a man who own a shop in a city close to where I live in Zeeland The Netherland. He told me he wanted to get rid of all the items in the shop and he wish to donate it for the charity organisation I work for. So I contacted the charity organisation I am working for, and they made appointment with the man,  all the items where collected. such as Shoes, Scarf,Cloths, and many more ( see pictures). These items would be donated to people all over the world whom are in need of cloths and basic amenities. It feels great to help the poor and needy. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo Ekene Patience Makeup-Artist In The Netherlands www.fabulousbeauties.nl


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An awesome family is the most beautiful gift anyone could ever wish for. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I also appreciate all my fans, followers, friends. I just want to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to each and everyone that have been there for me. I do appreciate you all alot, even though I do not say or express it often. i do really care and appreciate each and and evey one of you. like the saying goes, A friend in need is a friend indeed.  During my study years in the Netherlands, I have achieved a great relationship with some of my co students, collegues and mentor, I do regard them as family as well. I do have perhaps more than one hundred family members

Please do show some love to your loved and dearest one! See more of our family phores HERE

Thanks for stopping by!



Ekene Patience























Working In The Netherlands


Working girl ! #jeep #hot #maserati #lamgboghini #cars #rotterdam ##travel #places #fashion #rihanna #beyonce #nikkiminaj #love #hot #girl # #wife # milf #sushi #blondbody #picoftheday #car #cars




Hello Lovelies! Working In the Netherlands has been an awesome experience for me. I have had ample opportunities to work for prestigious companies such as Kuidvat, De Tuinen, Parfum Star, Allevo, Dorcas, Candelabra and Jacaranda Trading B.V. In The Netherlands. All these years in Holland, I have been happy living here, there are sometimes downsides and upsides aswell. I have also been able to build up my own business as a co founder of Fabulous beauties and watchstar.nl

The dutch people are very friendly and kind.  Its als a great country to bring u your children expecially in Zeeland. You can easily find a job in recruitment agencies such as werk.nl, Randstad, Tempo team. Alot of tourist easily get a job in Horeca (hotels, catering and restaurants) . In case you do not speak dutch, it might be a problem finding a job, although there are alot of dutch persons whom speak english language

In Amsterdam, Rotterdam there are alot of dark people compared to Zeeland area. Almost everyone in The Netherlands speak englsh. Although it is very important to speak the dutch language in order to find a good job. The upside of living in The Netherlands is that other european countries such as Belgium, Germany are quite closeby.

It is very important to learn the culture of the Netherlands because the cultue of the Netherlands is very different as that of nigerian culture ( see hofstede cultural dimension).

All in All, my working experience in this country is awesome and I highly recommend The Netherlands to build up your career.

Keep in mind, there are alot of cheese here and you have to know how to ride a bike lol.

I love you


Ekene Patience