Monthly Archives

October 2016


Makeup,Manicure,Pedicure done by me!

I just want to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone i have meet in my beauty career. I had so much pleasure doing your makeup,hairstyling, manicure and pedicure. I earn the utmost pleasure when i see the beautiful smile on my model;s face after doing their makeup, or hair styling. it feels so fulfilling. I also enjoy doing manicure and pedicure. I made these pictures to inspire you.  I have been a model for several years, and a beauty consultant. Most of these photos were taken few years ago. I hope you are inspired! Few weeks ago I did the makeup and hair styling for my girlfriend for free (see video) she absolutely loved it! I also enjoy giving my kids cool haircut!

I love you.

















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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org

Unwinding Tips




Hello Lovelies, I hope you all are having a great weekend! Here are some of my pictures wearing my favourite purple dress. I took this picture about four years ago in Amsterdam, The Netherland. I recently made a new video to inspire you on how to unwind. Life can get so stressful sometime with work, studying etc, so it is important to have me time sometime. I usually, pray,meditate, eat healthy and dress up no matter how i feel. Even though am feeling down, I do try my possible best to dress up and look my best , doing so helps to boost my mood! I love drinking warm cup of thee and listening to awesome music from Madonna, Coldplay, Rihanna, Beyonce and sting. Most of the time, people tend to judge you by your look, without tking the time and pain to get to know one better.

Going for a walk at the beach is a great way to unwind! Vlissingen in The Netherlands has a great sea called the boulevard! Spending sometime at the beach helps you to clear your mind and receiving fresh sea breeze air is important. Lthough the Dutch weather is deteriorating, winter is around the corner and its getting quite cold.

Have a great weekend! I hope my beauty tips inspires you!


I enjoy making Youtube videos and making pictures as a hobby. If you have some tips on what you like to see next on my blog, Please let me know.

Ik hou van jou!




Ekene Patience.

BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Working In The Netherlands

Hey muffins, this is a note to share with you my working experience in Horeca- Hotels, restaurants and cafes in the Netherlands. it was amazing!- Ik vond het erg leuk – that means, I loved it.

While I was a student at Rotterdam University, I did some in between jobs in Restaurants such as Olijven Tuin in Rotterdam and Toro dorado, Markt Cafe, these above mentioned restaurants are awesome!

I also worked for Amadore , Amadore has a great customer service system, well trained staffs and also great ambiance in their restaurants.

if you are searching for a student job, restaurants, cleaning jobs and hotel receptionist can be a great start.

I also worked in some awesome hotels as part time jobs. I was fired several times because I lacked some experience. so my advice to you young lad out there, you need to be well experienced before you apply a job, choose a field you are good at, and be the best.

I hope this tip inspires you.

I am currently looking for a job, am good at makeup,sales and marketing and also has some experience in cleaning , so please do contact me if you know about a job offer in The Netherlands.

I love you

