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January 2017

BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Fun Activities In The Netherlands

Thumbs up if you enjoyed watching my video below!

I do like to use this opportunity to say a very big congratulations to my darling sister and my new brother in law for their awesome wedding. I am so proud of you sis!

Here is a vlog and some fun activities I have been doing recently! I love spending quality time with my kids by playing with them, chatting with them, reading to them and so on.

I love my boys so much!

Please share with me the fun activities you engage in. The weather is very cold here in The Netherlands so its quite difficult to have real fun like going to the park, playing football outside etc.

I hope you do have a lovely day!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience

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AutoMobiles In The Netherlands

Hello Lovelies, Allow me to introduce you to VanVliet Trucks in The Netherlands. VanVliet Trucks suppies trucks,trailers, generators, automobiles worldwide!

Their sister company is called Jacaranda Trading B.V. located in Rotterdam In The Netherlands. I had the prestigious opportunity to write my thesis on Export of mobile hospital trailers to Nigeria for the company for Jacaranda Trading.

Jacaranda Trading B.V. is a Dutch company that specializes in export of mobile hospital trailers to African countries. The company has been in existence for more than 15 years. The sister company is Van Vliet trucks B.V. which has been operational for more than six decades. Few years ago Jacaranda Trading B.V, exported four mobile hospital trailers to Congo and two mobile hospital trailers to Sierra Leone.

The company also export other goods and services such as trucks, generators, aeroplanes and medical equipment to African countries such as Ghana, Liberia and Togo. Most of their customers are derived from direct marketing and referrals from their sister company Van Vliet Trucks B.V. The Ceo of the company is Mr. Nol van Vliet. Jacaranda trading B.V. is located in Rotterdam at Lichtenauerlaan 102-120 3062 ME Rotterdam. The company has currently ten staffs and employ’s external contractors for projects such as refurbishing mobile hospital trailers. Luxury cars can be found here

 Please do contact me if you need any advice or great discount on any of their goods and services.




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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

How To Look Expensive With Cheap Hair

Hello lovelies, As you all know already, am a Nigerian and a dutch citizen living in The Netherlands. I hereby present to you how to look expensive wearing cheap hair. I tend to add lots of accessories to look fabulous! You can use the same method to tush up your look! I hope my hair styling video below inspires you!

The reasons why I made this tutorials is to inspire ladies out there, especially Nigerian girls whom sometimes spend unto three hundred euros to buy a hair product just to belong and to be classified as whatsapp babe. It is not necessary, you can also look very pretty with affordable hair less than fifty euros. What matters most is to wear clean cloths, keep your hygiene on top of your game, exercise often, wear nice makeup and use the right accessories.

Please share with me your tips on how you style your hair!

I love you so much!



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BEAUTY, Shop My Courses

How To Get Rid Of Oiliness On T- Zone

I always get all oily on myT-Zone. That area of your face that makes up your forehead, nose, and chin is often the problem area for acne and oily skin. But even if you don’t break out there, you still might get a little shiny once in a while. It’s a delicate balance between achieving that much sought-after dewy look and looking totally reflective, so try these simple steps to get rid of unwanted shine and get you looking your best.

Here are some tips on how to get that oiliness off your face.

1.       Use salt and water to wash your face on daily basis, that will help to reduce

      the oiliness on your face.

2.       Se blotting paper to dab on your face especially if you have makeup on, you 

       may want to dab gently on your face.

3.       Avoid eating too much fatty food such as chips etc

4.       Do you get oil on your T zone? What is your favourite trick to et rid of it?

5.       Thanks for stopping by.


Ekene Patience



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Are you guys all completely still in christmas spirit? During christmas and newer celebration, a lot of us like to look our best and unique, I try to distinguish my styling by adding some African touch to my styling. There are no excuses not to experiment with customes, accessories, My christmas outfit is from a very kind photographer, I also made a video with it, Please keep your eyes on my YouTube channel, because the cool movie is coming soon. My african outfit is from Vlisco. By the way, I made the wig myself, hence i am on tight budget and can not buy new things, I do tend to be creative.

I hope my outfit inspires you!
I love you





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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org

Happy Newyear My Amazing Friends and Family!

Hello my beautiful friends, A very happy newnyear to you! I have gotten a special combination of Music, movies, games, food  and inspirational clothing I loved alot last year. Lets get started!Recently, I saw a movie of Johny cash documentery and another movie called Matchpoint! I absolutely loved both films, the head actress of the Johny cash movie is Reese Whiterspoon and that of Matchpoint was directed by Woody Allen. You can find both movies on YouTube.

My favourite food I ate this Newyear period, is Oha soup provided by my Nigerian friend, thanks so much girl if you are reading. My favourite music station in the Netherlands is called Soul and jazz, very cool music. I also enjoyed sitting , chilling with my kids watchig playstation, playing with Playmobile, Lego and so on!Please find some of my favourite oufits below, I love african clothing, shopping in The Netherlands from shops such as Steps, Wehkamp, H&M, Zolando, We, Manfield, Hunke Moller, Nelly.com, CoolCat and many more!!! For cosmetics, you can check out Etos, Kruidvat, Douglas and Ici Paris in the Netherlands

Have a fabulous year!I love you to pieces!!!


Ekene Patience
















Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

My Favourite Statement Jewelries

Happy new year my amazing friends and family!! Here are some cool pictures and video wearing my awesome bold statement jewelries. I love wearing bold jewelries because its very stylish. In the video below, I shared with you few of my favourite cool jewelries and how to match them! I hope you enjoy it! Please do share with me what your favourite stylish Jewelries are. You can find some cool fashion statement jewelries from Asos shop online, Wehkamp, Zalando, We fashion, H&M, Step fashion, Nelly.com, and many more.  Most of them, I picked up from the Netherlands. In Nigeria, you can find also very cool traditional jewelries as seen in one of my pictures below. You might wear a very cheap outfit, but adding some good selected accessories such a a nice ring, necklace  or wrist watch can make you look very expensive like a million bucks!

I love you so much! I wish you all the very best this new year!











