Yuppie it’s my birthday tomorrow! I am so so so super excited. My amazing friends, Please join us in celebration . Thank you lord for your grace and love! xo
April 2017
Hello Muffins, Here are some of my pictures and models I have done their Makeup, Manicure, Hairstyling and coached on how to model and look more fabulous!
I hope these looks inpires you.
I love you.
Ekene Patience
TWITTER‣ @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience
Hello muffins, I hope all is well!!! Jogging is a great way to boost your happiness level. I tend to jog at least once a week. Eating healthy is also essentials. I do pamper my self by giving moi a nice gift such as perfume, good cosmetics, dress up, washing myself properly.
Avoid being fearful! Be more confident and confront your fears. You are perfect just the way you are. If you are in a bad relationship, change it, if you are having a bad diet, change it. Do Always what you love doing! I love modelling, food, cooking, writing, sports, makeup and I do that everyday!
Spending quality time with my friends and family makes me happier too! One of my very good friend gave me a great advice few years ago, when I was having difficult times then, he told me, stay closer to your friends and the once that loves you more when you are having challenging times!
Reading a listening to motivational audio is also a great way to boost your mood such as audio from Bob Proctor, Brian Tracey Dani Johnson, Partricia Bright! Below, I made a video to inspire you with more tips!
I hope you are motivated to become more happy.
I love you so so much!
Ekene Patience
Hello muffins, Here are my current favourite pictures of me shot by several photographers in europe. I have been a photo model for several years! I hope you are inspired!
I love you.
Please check out my awesome blog video below.
Ekene Patience
TWITTER‣ @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience
see more here
Hello lovelies, here is some cool pictures and video (below) to inspire you on how to style your hair! I hope you are inspired! My favourite hair products are from Alumine, Loreal, Andrelone. I tend to wash my hair at least 3 times a week in order to make my hair less greasy and easy to style.Try to apply good conditioner to hair while washing it so it can maintain its texture. You can shop awesome hair extensions from www.luxyhair.com. Mimi ikon is the owner of the brand. she makes awesome hair tutorials swell. Please check her out!
I love you
Ekene Patience
Car tour at Van Vliet Trucks in Rotterdam In the Netherlands was terrific! I am so pleased to have visited the prestigious company yesterday! Last year, I wrote my thesis on export of Marternal Mobile Hospital to Nigeria of Jacaranda Trading B.V. The sister company of Van Vliet Trucks. Van Vliet Trucks has several kinds of Trucks, Generators, Luxury cars such as Porsche, Ferrari, Lamboghini and many more!
One of the unique selling point of the company is the ability to customise according to the needs of their customer!
I hope these pictures inspires you.
I used to have Chrysler PT and and a Grand Cherokee jeep in Nigeria. I love american cars. My little 8 year old sons favourite car is Lamgboghini.
What are your favourite cars my friends? I do love to hear from you.
I love you so much.
Ekene Patience
TWITTER‣ @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience
Hello lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. Recently, I created a video to share with you my awesome March Favourite Items. The month of March has been very inspiring for me. I have been reading alot and listening to inspirational audios by great motivators such as Brian Tracey, Dani Johnson and Bob Proctor. I got an awesome book as a gift from a phd student from Egypt called No Excuses written by Brian Tracey. I absolutely love the book. I also love listening to music by One Direction, Taylor swift, Beyonce , Rihanna. I am currently loving the song my The Weekend called I feel it coming
I also shered with you my current favourite stylish sunglasses, outfit, my hair styles and more.
I hope you are inspired. Please send me an email, tweet me to share with me your March Favourites!
My email address is ekenepatience@yahoo.com
I love you so much.