Monthly Archives

September 2017


How To Wear Black Dresses!!!

Hey sugar, I have a confession to make, I love black dresses!!! No matter what season or year we are in, black is always back! This being said, do not lie to yourself that black is out of style or not cool enough for summer. Let’s recap some styling theories.

Black is flattering, nonchalantly sensual and you can never get wrong with it. Black is always elegant, even if you upgrade your outfit with a sexier touch. Moreover, during summer black means being super stylish and always sexy! For example, sheer black dresses or oversized summer jumpers for the beach wear will be much more fashionable than the outrageous neon dresses.

Today I am showing you this magnificent outfits I wore during my photo sessions in The Netherlands. You may want to shop for your black dresses online on shops such as Zolando, Ebay, Amazon, www.nelly.com, De Bijenkorf, Omoda,Wehkamp and many more.

I hope you are inspired.

I would love to hear from you what your favorite color is.

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Met dress – De Bijenjorf





Makeup and Fashion Trend Autumn 2017!!!

Hello muffins! You all must have noticed, winter is around the corner, autumn is almost over! This blog post would inspire you on Makeup and fashionable styling for this season. I love wearing Mac lipstick, eyeliner,lipliner,concealer, foundation, blush etc. I also recommend black opal powder, concealer and foundation for dark skin ladies. Ysl, Blackup, Maybelline, Loreal are also great makeup brands. During the winter period, a good leather jacket from Omoda is a good buy. Primark has awesome clothing, manicure items and shoes for very affordable prices. In my video tutorial below, you would find some cool handbags you can wear for this season. Spending money on good quality handbags is a must, because it would last for decades. Few years ago, when I was still married, I used to get a lot of present from my hubby then such as handbags etc. Well if you do not have high income for high end products such as expensive bags, perfumes, you may want to save up and give your self a nice present everymonth, its a nice way to reward your awesome self.

Some good brands of bags are Gucci, Prada, Louis Vulton, Cartier, Michael Kors, DKNY, some cool perfumes for winter period is Channel, Chloe, Dolce and Gabana and Hugo boss. Sephora, Douglas, Ici parijs are great retailers. For Men, Channel perfume, Hugo boss, Calvin Klein are good buy.

It is also going to be very chilly during the winter period, drinking lots of hot thee, reading and listening to audio books and spending quality time with friends and family members is an awesome way to be happy this season.

I hope you are inspired!!!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


H&M Top

G – star jean

Mac red lipstick


Primark Grey Top

Hat – H&M

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High Demand For martenal Mobile Hospital In Nigeria!!!

Hello angels!!! Today’s blog post was inspired by one of my blog reader, thank you for your inspiration. It is a bit off the makeup, fashion video I love making for you all. I am going to introduce you to the enormous demand for martenal mobile hospital in Nigeria. As a Nigerian and Dutch, I can tell you there is a huge different between the health care system in Europe and in Africa especially in the rural areas of Nigeria. I would be very happy if there are enough mobile hospitals in Nigeria such as the Northern part of the country, to help women whom wants to give birth to be able to access great healthcare facilities.

During my final year study at the University in The Netherlands, I conducted a research on export of maternal mobile hospital to Nigeria, I called over 100 hospitals in NWSE of the country, the findings of the research was that there is high demand for mobile hospitals, medical equipment in the country. There is also high mortality rate for pregnant women in rural areas of Nigeria.  European countries such as The Netherlands, Germany, Scotland, England has top notch medical supplies. Nigerian government could collaborate with companies such as Philips, Lamboe in The netherlands, Jacaranda Trading B.V. for hospital equiptment  supplies!

I hope this post inspires you!

I love you!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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Makeup Looks For Different Occasions!!!

Hello my adorable friends, See below some cool pictures from my several shoots in The Netherlands few years ago. I wore several makeup looks to sooth my outfit, occasion and theme for the shoot. I hope you are inspired. Try to wear makeup (especially eyeshadow) that compliments with your accessories and dress. For example, if you need to wear a blue dress, blue bag, blue eyeshadow will match well.

I love you.



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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How to Lose the Baby Weight!!!



 Most pregnant women prefer to sit and engage in  less movement, this act can increase pregnancy weight. By the way, my  younger sister is heavily pregnant, congrats Sis and a very good friend of mine just put to bed, congratulation!!! I have been there twice and  I learnt some great tips and tricks on how to get back In shape after pregnancy. These tips are:

1. Practise a lot of sit ups after one month of delivery
2. Eat a lot of salad,
 fresh fish pepper soup, lots of fruits
3. Tie wrapper  or broad belt around your stomach right and leave it on for hours while you go about your daily activities, this Act help to reduce gas in your  stomach.
4 Use Palmers anti stretch mark on your stomach, bio oil is also very effective. Sliced lemon and giner added to water is a great drink that would help you lose belly fat (Please see more on the video tutorial below)
When taking your bath, use body scrub,  focus on the darker area of your skin after pregnancy such as your stomach and face.
5. Read a lot of articles online regarding losing weight and child care. Babycentre is a great website for that.

Incase you are struggling with child bearing and cant get pregnant. Nordica is a great place to be for ivf. The company has branches in Nigeria and other European countries.

Please avoid too much weight gain during pregnancy in order to reduces the chances of high blood pressure, excessive weight gain and difficulties during giving birth.

I hope these tips were helpful!!!

 I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

SHOP   @Here



5 Ways To Make New Friends!!!

Hello muffins, I hope you all are doing great! when I was younger, I used to be an introvert and was very shy. Nowadays,a m very outgoing, I love making new friends and meeting new people. Angels, today I am going to share with you awesome ways to make new friends.

  1. Go to parties, attend events, communicate with people whom has alot in common with you. I for instance, I am a beauty consultant, I do makeup, manicure, pedicure and makeup, I enjoy hanging out in beauty salon, spa and so on.
  2. Make a habit of collecting peoples contact information when you do attend events, You may ask them to give you their whatsapp number. this act would enable you stay in touch and continue the friendship.
  3. Making your own plans is awesome, but if someone asks you to hang out, even better. If you get invited to do something, strongly consider going. I won’t tell you have to force yourself to say ‘yes’ to absolutely everything. Like if you’re certain you’ll dislike an activity, or it’s way outside your comfort zone, or that’s the only time you have to study for a big exam, it’s okay to decline. However, if you’re only a little unsure, give it a chance. Why turn down a free chance to get out there with people? When you’ve got more friends and different options competing for your time you can be more choosy. Be persitant , do not let people discourage you from making new friends. I would encourage you to attand events, go to parties, go for a spontanous excursion, book a hotel this would help you socialise more and reduce boredom.
  4. Staying in shape is an awesome way to be more positive in life. If you feel tired, out of shape, or sad, most of the time, making friends is going to be extremely difficult. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple things that you can do to increase your physical and emotional resources.Most people don’t realize just how disconnected from their bodies they have become until it is too late. Fitness after 50 is not about looking a certain way for other people. It is about having the energy and confidence to explore the world and make friends on your own terms. You do not really need to hit the gym everyday. Simple situps, pushups, rope skipping at home would give you the courage and ability to be more active.
  5. Be very open minded and accept others. Be certain that not everyone is perfect. Do accept others the way they are. Be in a hurry to forgive when you are offended by friends and family.

I hope these tips inspires you.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

DSC03810Novotel Hotel Rotterdam







How To Achieve Financial Stability!!!

No matter how buoyant you are and financially stable, it is very important to save money for rainy days. These tips below will help you save money.

  1. Turn of the Television- Television adverts would lure you to buy certain items you do not really need at that point in time of your life. There are lots of financial benefits to this practise.  Less expedicture to ad induced products.
  2.  Stop collecting and start selling. There are some people that thought their collections would bring them riches. You may want to sell all your collectibles such as shoes, cloths, makeup on ebay,etsy, amazon and many other onlie shop retailer.
  3. Make your own gift, than buying from shops. You may include your hand writing on the gift.

You may create a customised card yourself online instead of buying expensive cards.

  1. Repair clothing instead of tossing it, Do not dispose a shirt if you lose a button on it, rather repair it. Learning little bit of sewing skills is a great way to save money.
  2. Avoid eating from fast food. Instead of eating fast food or just nuking some prepackaged dinner when you get home, try making some simple and healthy replacements that you can take with you. An hour’s worth of preparation one weekend can leave you with a ton of cheap and easy dinner and snack options for the following week.
  3. Turn of the light. If you live in europe, before going out to work, turn of the lights and all electricl appliances. Turning off lights when you have plenty of natural sunlight can also help keep your electrical bill down over time. The bottom line: If you aren’t using a light, turn it off.
  4. Plan your spending. Always make a list on the items you need to spend your money on – The secret to this method (if you want to call it that) is to identify what you are spending money on so that you can begin to plan your spending. Once you begin to plan your spending, you will gain control over it and you will be able to plan to spend money on your savings. In other words, you will plan to put money into your savings account. Many people don’t like to plan their spending because it involves a little bit of work . No one is saying that success will come easily, but this little bit of work will pay off big time in many areas of your finances. Just as the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail.

I hope these tips inspires you.

Ekene Patience





10 Cool Things You Can Do Everyday To Improve Your Life

Hello my amazing fabulous beauties in the house!!! This blog post is dedicated to you in order to inspire you on how you can invest your time and energy in lucrative activities! Without much further ado, lets get started!!!

  1. Sing- Pratice singing, sing praises to God.  if you can not sing, join a music class, you might end up becoming so famous!
  2. Travel, If you do have an european passport, you can visit countries such as Spain, Greece for very affordable prices. Traveling helps you to become more educated, accomodating and versatile. Companies such as Sunweb has great holiday packages at very affordable prices
  3. Get out in nature. Go for walk with your loved ones, spend quality time together visit the streams, hiking, biking. If you are married, go for a dinner date with your husband or wife, plan a secret getaway or do  a simple picnic.
  4. Exercise. Exercise makes you look smarter, happier and feel better.
  5. Practise gratitude, be grateful for your loved ones, kids, family friend, job, gratitude helps to improve your relationship.
  6. Write, write a blog, keep a journal. writing helps to relax the brain. Keeping a journal helps you let go and forgive.
  7. Mediation is also awesome, meditate every day.try to pracise yoga at home. You may watch YouTube videos for inspiration
  8. Declutter your life, try to practice minimalism, live simply, you do not need to have all the best cloths, houses, cars to be happier. just live!!!
  9. Eat healthy food everyday.
  10. Relax, pursue your hobby, keep doing what you love no matter the circumstance.

I hope these tips were hepful!!!
I love you so so much!!!


Ekene Patience










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Who Run The World?

There are so many ladies who have given me little nuggets of life wisdom which have all contributed to the woman that I am today. 

My Mum – She always encouraged me to explore my creativity and never put limitations on what I could or couldn’t do. She taught me how to self-motivate & be grateful for the smaller things in life.  She also taught me to be confident and believe in myself. She is simply my best friend.

My Friends – I have a girl gang that is seriously enviable. My friends are some of the most inspiring people to be around. All with different passions, life mottos and brimming with the best advice you could ever ask for. Every time I hang out with any of them, I leave feeling a little more inspired.  Although most of my girlfriend are in different countries all over the world, social media helps us to connect.

My Manager – My very good friend in Rotterdam is someone I have worked very intensely with for few months now and I have watched myself grow into a seriously confident, savvy, courageous and determined business woman. This isn’t something I think I’ve ever mentioned to anyone as he is always the one encouraging, supporting and praising me but he gives me the drive to improve myself in terms of building a stronger more resilient side of my personality that I often struggle with. When I see how he gets things done and takes control of difficult situations with absolute ease, I soak it in like a sponge! I also have a very kind lady as a girlfriend in Middelburg whom has always been there for me.

Adele – Adele is one of my favourite artist.  Simply for being so down to earth in a world where sometimes her feet probably don’t touch the ground. She has stayed so true to herself regardless of what she has achieved. She is a great musician. Some other great artist are Beyonce, Rihanna, Kanye west and Coldplay.

My Viewers/Readers – I learn an awful lot from those who read, watch and comment on my social channels. You are all some of the bravest, strongest and most determined people I’ve ever come across. Every individual story or piece of advice you offer me has such an impact. It’s such a special thing that whilst you are learning about me and my life, I can also learn a lot from you too just by reading your comments and tweets. Some of my favourite life mottos or quotes have come from twitter mentions! 

I hope this has encouraged you to think about the ladies in your life that have an impact on you and if it has, let them know! 

 “When women support each other, incredible things happen!”

Thank you for reading!

I love you


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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Healthy Lunch Ideas!!!

Hello lovelies, Hope you all are doing terrific!!! I was inspired by my girlfriend to write this post. She prepared very delicious pancakes,I tasted it, it was awesome!!! She added cheese and ham to it. She also taught me how to prepare pancaks.

How do you prepare a delicious pancake?  you set a hot pan on the as cooker, add a little oil to the pan and then add the mixed flour in the pan, set the heat very low. After 3 minutes, you have made your self a very delicious pancake. You may add cheese, fish or ham to it.

My other healthy lunch ideas are:

  1. Salad  wth fish, chicken  or beef. Lidl, Emte or albert heign has very affordable packed sald mixed and weel packaged
  2. Fruit salad, you may combine, apple, per, orange, strawberries and add a little honey to it. its so delicious. You may want to eat your fruit salad with yoghurt or a hot cup of thee.
  3. Chicken. I love chicken, KFC and mcdonald chicken nuggets are my favourites. I also love baking chicken at home. I usually add nando’s hot chicken peri-peri source
  4. Preparing smoothie home is a great way to stay healthy. You may want add fresh fruits and vegetables to your smootie.

Avoid too much fatty food, practise meal preping. Please see more pictures of healthy food idea here i specially selected.

I hope you are inspired.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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