Monthly Archives

October 2017


Study Hacks! How to Achieve Good Grades At School!!!

Hey muffins, Hope you all are doing great. Here are some cool learning tips that would be very helpful in order for you to achieve good grades at school: Lets jump right into it shall we:

  1. Take notes during classes.
  2. Listen to your teacher when you are in class, like really listen.
  3. Visit library after school hours to work on your assignment(s). Forget about procrastination. Always read the topic you learnt in class immediately (revise)  after classes (same day). Do some research on the topic online.
  4. Join a learning/study group, look for a friend to study with, at least once every week.
  5. Make a to do list of all the assignments, study you need to do
  6. Eat properly and sleep at least 8 hours to be able to be strong for the next day.
  7. Avoid too much party.
  8. Do not be afraid to ask your lecturers questions in the class incase you do not understood the topic.
  9. If you have enough income, you may seek for extra coaching from professionals on the topic you are studying, lets say you are taking Spanish classes and you are not so good at it, you may look online for Spanish teachers (freelance) to assist you improve your Spanish language skills.
  10. Do not allow any one make you feel bad for studying, if you do need to get 5 masters degree, phd, go for it, do not let anyone make you feel you study too much, there is nothing like studying too much. I feel that life is a learning process and we all should learn on daily basis. You may check out Audible, Scribd and free text books online incase you do not have access to library . These sites would help you improve your knowledge on any topic you feel like learning.

Above all, have fun! School is also an environment to make friends and socialize.

I hope these tips were helpful!

Please do share with me how you achieve good grades at school, I do love to learn from you.

I love you so much.


Ekene patience.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Ekene Patience

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My Favourite Holidays Destination!!!

Hello angels, Christmas is around the corner, you might be thinking about an exciting environment or destination for an awesome holiday. Today, I decided to write this blog for you to inspire you on great places you can visit for holidays. Travelling is a great way to see new places, have new experience, become more versaltile. I have been to Belgium, United kingdom , Germany, France, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Nigeria, Greece and many more, so I have a handful of experience of great places you may want to visit. I highly recommend these countries mentioned above. Amsterdam, Rotterdam is incredible, Creta greece is awesome, Paris is terrific, Mallorca Spain is amazing, Scotland, places such as Edinburgh, Glasglow, Dundee, aberdeen is very beautiful, Turkey, Instabul is very cool. You may want to check out cheap ticket with Easy jet or Ryan air.

I hope you are inspired.

Please share with me your favourite holiday destination, I do love to hear from you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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How To Find a Job!!!

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3fm serious request Eindhoven (glazenhuis)2010 in The Netherlands!!

Hiya Muffins, I hope you all are doing great. Have you guys been wondering how to find a new job lately?

Well here are some cool tips on how to do so.

  1. You can register your own business at chamber of commerce and become self employed person ( you may need a website as well. wix.com or wordpress can be used for building a website)
  2. Work for a boss, search website such as LinkedIn, indeed, monster board, studentjobs, Linkedin, jop rapido, for job offers.
  3. Become a photo model, actor, figurant in movies, search for casting calls on Facebook, twitter, goggle by using the right keyword.
  4. Become a you tuber, make movies and promote your self on other social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram.
  5. Promote products for other businesses or become a drop shipper.
  6. Start selling your own stuff you do no need on ebay.
  7. Contact companies directly, e.g if you are interested in cleaning jobs, search for cleaning job agencies in your area by searching on google, use the right key word, call or email them
  8. Search on Facebook for job coach, ask your friends who do work how they found their job.
  9. connect with alumni by attending events.

Remember, working would enable you earn money. money is important for enjoying a decent lifestyle such as spending quality time with your family and friends, going on vacation to Maldives, Barbados or other awesome countries, buying nice cars, houses and so on.

I hope you are inspired. Please do let me know if these tips were helpful.

I love you.




TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


p.s. I am currently looking for a job, if you have any tips, please do contact me – ekenepatience@yahoo.com Please find my digital cv HERE





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BEAUTY, Shop My Courses

Current Favourite Manicure Look Book!

Hello muffins, Below are my current manicure lookbook 2017! I love pretty nails. If you love wearing your own natural nails you may want to file and buff your nails first before applying nail polish. My favorite nail polish are from L’Oreal, Rimmel London, Sally Hansen, KOHL and from Channel. Do remember to apply top coat afterwards. Exercise patience and allow your nail POLISH to dry first before going about your daily activities.  I hope you are inspired.

I love you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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How to Become a Good Student!!!

Hello my amazing friends, I hope you all are doing well. I have so many students (young and old) as friends, so I was inspired to write this blog post to motivate and coach you a little bit on how to become a better student. I have been studying for many years. I have my bachelor of science  degree in Biochemistry, Bachelor of art in International Business and Management studies, currently doing my masters in Management.  I also studied in beauty branch to become a beauty consultant and also a diploma as a professional secretary from Penn foster in Scranton U.S.A Here we go:

  1. Always be punctual.
  2. Attend lectures, when you are not able to attend classes, inform your lecturers on time.
  3. Be a decent student, be polite to your colleagues, do understand that we all are different, especially if you are an international student in a University, we all have different culture and background.
  4. Attend library, read your books, look up articles and journals online for information
  5. Dress up well, practice personal grooming before going to school such as, brushing your teeth properly, taking your bath, wear neat cloths.
  6. Listen to your teachers attentively in class
  7. When test is coming, do study for it
  8. Do not practice exam malpractices such as copying

I hope you are inspired. I do love to hear from you your tips on how to become a better student.

p.s. I give free coaching on English Language  and Dutch language.

If you need some tips on how to improve your language skills mentioned above, do let me know

Whatsapp – +31617339446

I love you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shirt – H&M

Jean – Tommy Hilfiger


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Shop My Courses

October 2017 Favourites!!!!



Need to look prettier this autumn season, well these are my cool recommendations for you. Here are few brands where I could use every product from their line to create a full face of makeup. Especially when you take moisturiser, eye cream, serum and primer into account first; then the number of candidates becomes rather small. Yet, I’m so happy to say that I could walk onto a Chanel counter, Mac or any drug store makeup counter choose a full entire face of makeup (what a dream that would be) and know that I will look my absolute best at the end of application. There are just so many products that I really adore and feel deserve more hype. Their eyeshadows for instance from channel, whether powder or cream, are some of the best out there and always pop up in the most beautiful shades. You may also want to use Black opal powder for baking your face instead of the B9 powder. The day and night cream of channel is the best, how I wish I could afford them. Few years ago, when I used to work with MOOI perfumeries in The Netherlands, some customers do walk in the shop and spend thousands of euros on skin care products, I did admired them a lot.

I am currently loving the Channel chance perfume, it smells heavenly. But there are a number of other products that I have been using and adoring now for a few months, and it was about time that I brought them all together for a run down. Take a peek at what my current favourite beauty buys are and how you could integrate them into your own routine!

I hope you are inspired.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Me at work mooi parfumerie few years ago



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Teez lipgloss





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Autumn Hair!


This season, I have done autumn fashion, makeup look. Here is an autumn hair look book. I usually wet my hair a little bit before brushing it to make it nice and soft. I love blow-drying  curling my hair too, braids can be a great alternative this season because it requires less blow-drying. I do get my hair inspiration from a YouTube guru Luxy hair founder called Mimi Ikonn.

I’m also considering studying “HOW TO” braid tutorials on YouTube. For Makeup, now it’s Autumn and the nights are drawing in quicker and the leaves are turning brown and crispy, I thought it apt to change up my makeup up a bit (maybe I was feeling a bit daring this day). I treated myself to a new lipstick from the Mac counter, I picked up a dark red colour, I also love wearing viva glam by Rihanna too. For my eyes, I love wearing Lancome eyeshadow, smashbox, Givenchy and urban decay. giggle).


Are you changing up your makeup bag this autumn?

Check out my autumn makeup tutorial below.

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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BEAUTY, LIFESTYLE, Shop My Courses, Uncategorized

Budget Party Planning Tips!!!

Hey muffins, want to throw your child, spouse or colleague a party on budget? Here are some cool clever cost-cutting ideas:

  1. Go digital in inviting people, do not spend money printing cards for your bash, rather invite them via Facebook or Whatsapp.
  2. Tap your network for entertainment, contact a friend that is good for MC, can sing or dance instead of inviting an expensive artist to perform.
  3. Order birthday decorative items online, sites such as Ebay, amazon, alibaba.com has very affordable birthday or bridal party decorative.
  4. You do not need to cook expensive meals, you may serve, fried meat, chicken, gizzard and some loempias.
  5. Buy your kids, spouse or colleague awesome gifts that can last them for very log time such as wrist watches, headphone etc. You may want to give a gift card from Fashion chick, topshop, Tesco, albert heijn or bol.com
  6. Wear cloths you already have for the party as long as the clothing is clean and well kept, you may just buy some trendy accessories to make it look more glamorous.

I hope these tips where helpful!

I love you so much.


Ekene Patienc

p.s. A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all my friends worldwide,  family at home home and abroad for all your kindness, support ! I appreciate you so much…


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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10 Ways To Improve Your Mood!!!

Hello muffins!!!  I was inspired to write this post by a friend of mine! Everybody is different, and everybody has different ways of dealing with periods when they are not in their best mood but if you’re looking for suggestions, you may find these helpful:

  1. Step back and self-reflect. Whenever I start feeling down, I try to stop, reflect, and get to the root of my feelings.
  2. Reach out to someone. I used to bottle up my feelings out of fear that I would be judged if I talked about them. I’ve since learned that reaching out to a loving, understanding person is one of the best things I can do. You can reach out to a trusted friend, partner or relative, it’s ok to cry on someone shoulder. You can discuss how you feel and brainstorm on how to make you feel better.
  3. Listen to music. Music can heal, put you in a better mood, and make you feel less alone, or take you on a mental journey.  I love listening to gospel music, Rihanna, Davido, Psquare, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Coldplay and wiz kid.
  4. Cuddle or play with pets. If you are blessed with pets, that is terrific, spending quality time with a loving pet can instantly make your heart and soul feel better.
  5. Go for a walk. Walking always helps me clear my head and shed negative energy. It’s especially therapeutic if you choose to walk at a scenic location. You may decide to register in a Gym, engage in sporting activities.
  6. Drink something healthy and reinvigorating. For some reason, orange juice always puts me in a better mood and makes me feel revitalized and serene. There are many health and mood benefits of drinking orange juice and other fruit juices. You may also want to drink minted thee or other flavored thee.
  7. Write. Writing is usually the first thing I do when I’m feeling down. It always helps me get my thoughts and feelings out in front of me.  I love writing this blog post to inspire, reach out to you my awesome readers. I do a lot of research, I do ask people some questions such as how to you get better at your job? What are the activities that you engage in to make you feel better, etc., I get a lot of feedback that is how I learn. Please do not be afraid to make new friends, and be open. It’s part of living! A friend of mine always says, you only live once, which is very true.
  8. Take a nap. Sometimes we just need to recharge. I always feel better after getting some rest.
  9. Plan a fun activity. Moping around never helps me feel any better, so it usually helps to plan something fun to do if I’m feeling up to it. It can be something as simple as creating my own vision board or something as big as planning a trip. I enjoy playing with my kids a lot. I also love to go window shopping when am bored, or hangout in the library, with friends, do my groceries, and cleaning your home, cloths, garage helps a lot too because your mind tend to be occupied and you do not get to think about negative stuff.
  10. Do something spontaneous. Some of my favorite memories entail choices I made spontaneously. We should all learn to let go of routine every now and then and do something exciting and unplanned. You may go for a spontaneous trip or decide to spontaneously do 200 meter race, challenge yourself every day, and have something or someone to look up to. You may listen to great motivators such as Oprah, Brian Tracy or listen to funny YouTube videos such as The Ellen show, two and half man and the big bang theory.

Please do share with me tips on how you tend to elevate your mood and feel better when ever you are not feeling so excited, do love to hear from you.

I hope you are inspired.

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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