Monthly Archives

November 2017


Healthy Food For Glowing Skin

Hi lovelies, Here are some of my current favourite food items. Healthy diet is essential for healthy looking skin. Food rich in omega 3 would help you achieve a glowing skin. Cooking from scratch is healthier, buy your own vegetables from the supermarket and prepare fresh meals everyday.  Drinking lots of water  and good night rest helps you to achieve lovely skin as well. Please do avoid ingesting too much carbohydrate rather consume meals with high protein content such as fish, milk, egg and lean meat.

Little carbohydrate and lots of fruits and vegetables would help you achieve a healthier looking skin. Too much sugar intake is bad for your health. if you can, abstain from high volume of alcohol intake and smoking.  Consuming good healthy food will make you look more trimmed, healthy and keep you fit. Exercise is an essential way to tone your muscle, induces excretion and helps you look and feel better.  You may want to wash your self at least twice everyday use face mask, facial scrub, day and night cream for your skin treatment as well. Please find below a video with my skin care routine. Kindly share with me your skin care regime, I do love to learn from you .

By the way, Whether you are big, small fabulous, I still do love you just the way you are!

I hope you are inspired!

See more healthy food here


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience







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Image ©Licensed to i-Images Picture Agency. 05/04/2017. London, United Kingdom. Tesco Stevenage. Picture by Andrew Parsons / i-Images


How To Look More Stylish And Fashionable!


Hello muffins! I hope you all are doing great.

I was inspired by my very stylish and fashionable friends to write this blog post. My friends gave me ideas to share with you all on how to look very stylish on budget. One of my very stylish girl friend i know over a decade mentioned that you do not have to have alot of money to look stylish, you just have to know how to combine the write outfits.  I totally agree with her. Passion for fashion is the key and  essential in order to look great. I do admire some top fashionable personalities such as Tyra banks, Naomi Campbell, Victoria Beckham. I do read some great blogger’s post such as In The frow, and beauty by Carli bel, beauty by jj .

You may search on YouTube, vogue magazine , attend fashion shows for fashion inspirations and style.

Most of all, believe in your self and know that you are unique!

I hope you are inspired.

I love you


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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My Favourite African Outfits!

Hello my amazing friends! Here are my favorite African outfits! I love wearing african outfits because its unique.  If you’re hoping to stand out at an event, why not pair some pretty  outfit with African attire with your outfit? It’s almost guaranteed that nobody else will be wearing anything like it. You’ll be the most fashionable one there and it will most certainly become a talking point. Because African outfit  is so vibrant and interesting, it becomes a statement piece. It can be the focal point of your entire outfit

 I hope you are inspired. My word of inspiration for you all today is , if you work hard and stay determined, good things does happen!

I love you so much.


p.s. I do Makeup, Manicure and Pedicure, please contact me if you do like to work with me  – Here


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Winter Makeup, Skincare and Outfits ideas!

Hey Sweetness!  Winter is officially here! are you looking for a winter date idea to try? Or maybe you’re totally single and just looking for a fun idea for a girl’s trip, a birthday, or just an “i-need-to-treat-myself-because-im-awesome” date! Here’s a fun date Idea that I’d highly recommend for winter. I usually spend most of my time indoors during winter period, working, writing, working on school assignments, reading or just giving myself a nice treat. Do remember to treat your skin with good skin care products. Some very affordabe skincare product i like aot is Nivea, it helps to reduce dry skin. Nivea has showergel, body oil and bodycream. For kids, Zwitsal bad foam is amazing, and baby oil. Do remember to keep your hair and entire body tidy and fabulous . Primark  and Marks and Spencers in Europe has very affordable clothing for winter period

Few months ago, I went for a car tour in Rotterdam, I love cars such as Porsche and Lamgboghini. It was great fun!

Thank you all so much for reading my blog and for watching my videos. Please feel free to drop me a note on what you do like to read about on my blog.

I love you so so much!


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Feel Good Therapy For Winter!!!

Hi lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. As a certified beauty consultant and biochemist, I learnt alot during my study years on some cool tips on how to feel good especially during the winter period, whereby the weather seems to be cold all the time. These are some tips for you:

  1. Drink lots of flavoured thee, soup, my favourite soup are fish soup, tomato, lentil soup.
  2. Dance dance dance or go for a walk. Taking a long walk or cycling can be very helpful. you tend to receive fresh air and experience beautiful nature.
  3. Do your manicure, pedicure, makeup, wash , clean your self and be ready for the day even if you do not have anywhere to visit
  4. Hang out and spend some quality times with friends and family.
  5. Buy your self a present. You do not wait until you receive a present from someone, you may give your self a nice flower or perfume.
  6. If you live in a cold (winter) country like the Netherlands, Belgium, you may want to visit a Sunny country such as the Maldives, Seychelles for holidays
  7. Pamper your self, visit a spa for massage, pampering, if you have enough money go on vacation to a nearby holiday homes, luxirious hotel etc
  8. If you are really bored and do not have much to do, start a class, you may start to tke a laguage lesson, beauty classes etc

I hope these tips were helpful!

p.s. I am not a medical doctor, these are just tips i use my self and has helped me alot to pep up my moods. If you are feeling very sad, depressed and experiencing some anxiety attack, I do advice you to see your doctor.

I love you


I just want to use this medium to say a big congratulations to my little sister for the birth of your newborn baby! I love you both so much.

And also a big congratulations to my older son for acquiring your b diploma for swimming. I am so so proud of you.


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup


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my lovely sister and her son!


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup



Having a positive mindset can improve your mood, I was watching t.v. the other day, a lady with terminal cancer was being coached by her doctor on how to overcome the anxiety she felt as a result of her ailment, the doctor advised her to pretend as if she is perfectly fine (live in denial), she should never think about the fact that she has cancer and would die in few year, the lady admitted that denial helped her to overcome depression, anxiety and sadness her ailment  caused her. She felt better and was more positive.  These are some more tips that would help you feel better.

  1. Celebrate even your smallest success. Keep a journal, write down 3 things each day that you are grateful for or went really well.
  1. Speak positively and in the present tense – instead of ‘I want to be happy’, change it to ‘I am happy’.
  1. Know that you can choose your thoughts. Train your mind to focus on the good in your life.



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




General Tips For Travellers!!!

Hello lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. Today, am going to share with you my favourite airlines. I enjoy travelling a lot and visiting new places, meeting new people, experiencing new culture . It helps me to understand cultural dimension, make new friends and most of all its nice to see new places. About a decade ago, I used to come from Nigeria to The Netherlands, 8 weeks on in Nigeria, two weeks off, I flew a lot with klm from  Lagos Nigeria to Amsterdam in The Netherlands.

Some other amazing countries I have been to are France, Germany , Spain, Turkey ,Greece , Italy, Belgium, Kenya and Nigeria. I flew with klm, British airways, Emirates, Kenya airlines, royal air Maroc, Turkish airline during my trips. These airlines mentioned above are my favourites. My younger sister is an entrepreneur like myself, I guess it runs in the blood. She sells flight tickets , her company’s name is called Solite Travel Nigeria.


Some health tips for you when travelling are as follow:

1.Do not be drunk  avoid drinking too much alcohol before travelling

2. Do not forget to set your alarm on while waiting for your flight to arrive, you might miss your flight

3. Leave your house at least 2 hours earlier than the flight boarding time, this act would enable you arrive in the airport online and prevent you from panicking.

4. Pack your luggage a day before the trip

5. Take some of your favourite items such as perfumes creams in miniature. You might need vaccination or anti malaria injections when visiting African countries.

6.Make sure you have your visa and all the proper documents ready for your trip.

I hope you are inspired! Please do share with me your favourite holidays destinations, I do love to learn from you.

I love you.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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How To Achieve A Healthy Youthful Skin!

Hey,  lovelies! I hope you all are doing well. Today  blog post to inspire you on how you can  achieve a younger youthful  fabulous  skin and some health care tips. I used to work at De tuinen , mooi parfumerie, parfumstar and Kruidvat as a beauty consultant and  assistent drogist in The Netherlands. During my working experience with these prestigious companies , I  learnt a lot about how to give  customers advice related to oral hygiene, hair care and skin care. I love  applying cosmetics on my skin.


I do enjoy using skin care product from Dove, Palm olive, Nivea, Givenchy , Vaseline , loreal, Garnier , the body shop  and some high end product from Hugo boss, Givenchy and more. You may want to use special facial  wash for your face. Brands from Garnier,  alumine y Peter Lamas are great for skin care. I enjoy applying Vaseline on my skin. More amazing skin care tip is , You may use egg ( raw) egg as a masker, leave it on your face for 1 hour and rinse.. You may also create your face steam by your zelf. By using boiled hot water , pour it in  a bowl, squeeze some Lemon in it , put a towel over your head and steam your face  for 10 minutes.


Healthy food play a very important Role for your skin. If You do eat McDonald as breakfast, lunch and dinner, You Will not be as healthy as someone that eats salad every day.  Please do not get me wrong here, McDonald is absolutely great if You do Combine some salad  and other healthy elements to it. What is your current skin care regimen?  I do love love to learn from You. Please do share. Thank you so much for reading. P.s. i was advised today by one of my amazing blog reader to also write a summary of my content in Dutch. Then I  thought to myself  Why not?


Hoi iedereen. Hoe is het met jullie, vandaag ga ik delen met jullie mijn favoriete huid verzorgen regiment. Ik hou van cosmetica. Mijn favoriete zijn van Nivea, Dove, vaseline. U kunt deze spullen bij Kruidvat, de tuinen,  Douglas kopen. Ik hoop dat jullie zijn geïnspireerd. Graag laat mij weten wat u favourites huid verzorgen spullen zijn. Ik hoor het graag.  Ik hou van jullie Groetjes en kusje bvb Ekene


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How To Clean Your Living Space Fast!

Hey beauties! I hope you all are happy and bubbling! My advice for you today is to try to be grateful for every single day and for all the beautiful things in life you have today, be thankful to God. Cleaning is one of my favourite thing in the world. I used to live in a very big house with over 5 rooms, sometimes I do spend 4 hours everyday cleaning and organizing. Its very ok to have a tidy environment, for me it calms me down. Some cool easy tips for you to make cleaning fun. I have also done some house keeping in some 5 star hotels in The Netherlands and vocational homes.

  1. Turn on the music.
  2. Vacuum the whole house first, also the bed needs to be vacuumed, afterwards, make your bed properly.
  3. Mop the floor, add some cleaning agents in the water before mopping to give the whole house a nice scent.
  4. Do not forget the toilet, bathtub, mirrors  use special cleaning agent for these.
  5. Use air fresher from Breeze or Rituals.
  6. Dust the whole cupboard,windows, doors etc.
  7. Garden your garden.
  8. Last but not the least, rearrange your wardrobe at least once a week, organize it . Have fun and enjoy your tidy sparkling environment.

Personally, I enjoy sleeping on a clean bed linen. I sleep better and also it helps to prevent skin problems such as pimples and acne when you use clean bedspread, towels and wear clean cloths daily. I hope these tips were helpful!

I love you so much!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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LIFESTYLE, Shop My Courses


HIII!!! If you do know me well, you must have seen me wearing smokey eye shadow. I I have tried out smokey eyes on several occasions especially during my photosession!! Doing something super dramatic to your eyes sometimes makes you feel good! I really love how these look came out! What do you guys think? Would you try it?!! Let me know!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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How to Dress Cute During Winter!

Hello muffins! Happy new month! Yes, its almost Christmas, it might snow next month. It is very cold and chilly nowadays. In order to keep your self warm and look pretty this season, these are my  tips for you below, enjoy!

  • Balance a warm, leather coat streamlined leggings that make your legs look slim.
  • On the other hand, if you’re wearing boots, wear a tailored jacket up top.
  • Find a sweater that stays close to your body and falls below the knee. Its streamlined silhouette is a practical way to look chic and elegant.
  • Use different fabrics for winter style with an edge. While it might not keep you warm, a hint of lace or velvet color adds a touch of femininity to traditional sweater fabrics: think a lace short skirt and a wool sweater. Primark has really nice outfits at affordable prices.

Don’t be afraid to play with color. Sure, black on black on black matches, but what about different tones of pink or white. If you an African like me, you may want to add a touch of African prints to your outfit, as a scarf Vlisco has awesome African materials.

Hats helps to keep your head warm, River island shop has some cool accessories for winter such as hat, gloves and scarfs.

I hope you are inspired!

Please share with me your winter looks! I do love to hear from you. New awesome stylish facebook post here


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Paris, city of love!

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