Monthly Archives

January 2018


My Current Favourite Hotels In The Netherlands!

Amsterdam is the biggest city in The Netherlands, an amazing tourist destination. Sheraton hotel and restaurant is located in several cities in The Netherlands. I particularly like the one situated at Schipol airport. It does has a great ambience and awesome beauty centre.

Zeeland is a municipality in The Netherlands.  I have had dinner several time at Van Der Valk in Goes, the food there is great. We did enjoyed their buffet. Van der Valk hotel has also a very lovely hotel in Middelburg as well.

Amadore hotel has several restaurants, bars and wellness centre in Zeeland. The Arion hotel by Amadore in Vlissingen has a great ambience, lovely view of the boulevard.

Fletchers hotels is also a terrific place. I have had ample opportunities to work at Fletchers and Amadore hotels in zeeland. Their customer service is one in a million. If you are in search of a very beautiful hotel, you may want to check out Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. You woud definitely love the ambience and interior deco. I also posted some pictures of the amazing beautiful Eko hotel in Lagos Nigeria. If you do ever visit Nigeria, check the hotel out, you would definitely love it.

I hope this blog post inspired you.

Stay fabulous.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Lagos , Nigeria

Kenneth Kroone


Fletchers Hotels




Van der Valk Goes


Arion, Amadore7309_65719

Arion Amadore Zeeland


Cleaning Out My Closet!!!

Hey muffins 🙂 I hope you all are doing great. I have received dozens of request on how I do clean up my closet. I tend to maintain a very tidy closet and love clearing out my entire closet every two months. I also enjoy rearranging all my cloths. You may also want to wash most of your cloths during your clear out. I have been able to help so many of my friends and family members to tidy up their wardrobe! The fun of cleaning your wardrobe is that you get to find lovely cloths hidden in between your pilled up cloths you have not worn for months and also giving to charity is amazing. I have donated lots of my cloths to Dorcas and Leger de Heils in The Netherlands. If you do need any of my clothing items, makeup, shoes or cosmetics please do let me know. Please kindly support my blog by shopping my post.

Thank you so so much for all your love and support.

I do appreciate it so much.

Wishing everyone an amazing week!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




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Stylish Work Wear Outfits!

Hello my beautiful fashionistas in da house! I hope you all are doing great. Please find some cool outfits below on how to style your self when going for a job interview or to your work place. You need to look smart and confident.  it is also important  to present your self in a great way. You need to look fine! Your resume has to look great too.

Make sure you wear clean cloths, keep looking online for jobs. There are numerous website for finding a job such as indeed.nl, monsterboad, national vacature, uwv in the netherlands, job rapido. You can ask your friends and family, have the know you are looking for a job have them coach you. keep updating your cv, stand tall, be strong, and make it right loves.

Look for top four companies you like to work for, contact the director of these company, and have them know you do love to wor for them.

I hope you are inspired. Your jobis to get a job from now onward! You are now  the director of the new company called ‘GET A JOB!!!

I do love to learn from you how you find a great job. I am currently a master student in Management and marketing and looking for a befitting job.

Your brilliant tips is highly welcome.

I love you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Hallo mijn mooie fashionista’s in da house! Ik hoop dat het goed met jullie gaat.Hieronder enkele coole outfits over hoe je jezelf kunt stylen wanneer je op zoek bent naar een sollicitatiegesprek. Je moet er slim en zelfverzekerd uitzien. Je moet je zelf op een geweldige manier presenteren. Je moet er goed uitzien! Je CV moet er ook geweldig uitzien.

Zorg ervoor dat u schone kleren draagt, blijf online op zoek naar werk. Er zijn heel veel van websites voor het vinden van een baan, zoals indeed.nl, monsterboad, nationale vacature, uwv in nederland, job rapido. Je kunt je vrienden en familie vragen of ze weten dat je op zoek bent naar een baan als ze je coachen. blijf je cv updaten, sta rechtop, wees sterk en maak het goed liefdes.

Zoek naar de vier beste bedrijven waar je graag voor werkt, neem contact op met de directeur van dit bedrijf en laat ze weten dat je graag voor ze wilt werken.

Ik hoop dat je geïnspireerd bent. Jouw taak is om vanaf nu een baan te krijgen! U bent nu de directeur van het nieuwe bedrijf ‘GET A JOB !!!

Ik vind het heel leuk om van je te leren hoe je een geweldige baan vindt. Ik ben momenteel een masterstudent Management en marketing en zoek voor een passende baan.

Uw schitterende tips zijn van harte welkom.

Ik hou van je.


Ekene Patience


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I am sorry if you have seen some of these pictures in my previous post, just created a compiled outfit lookbook for your inspiration.




Feel Good Therapy!

Hi beauties! From time to time, we all need some kind of self-confidence. Self-confidence is required for achieving a great balance in our daily lifestyle. Good self-confidence can help you during your career, job interview, relationship and so on. Below are some awesome tips to inspire you!

  1. Do not compare yourself with others, rather, remember your strengths and be happy for all the great things that is happening right now in your life.
  2. Invest in yourself, take care of yourself, wear makeup, watch your diet,  listen to great music,  read christian books, audibles,  motivational speech and  sleep well.
  3. Be very happy with all the precious blessings you have.
  4. Learn to accept and love  yourself just the way you are
  1. Minimise negative self-talk
  2. Celebrate other people and be happy for their achievements.

I hope these few tips were helpful.

Please do share with me your top tips on how you do boost your confidence. I do love to learn from you.

I just want to use this medium to say a big huge thank you to all my friends and family for all your emails, whatsapp messages, tweets with all the beautiful inspirational messages and prayers

I love you all  so much and remember confidence makes you sexier!!!


Ekene Patience


Hallo schoonheid! Van tijd tot tijd hebben we allemaal een vorm van zelfvertrouwen nodig. Zelfvertrouwen is vereist voor het bereiken van een goede balans in onze dagelijkse levensstijl. Goed zelfvertrouwen kan je helpen tijdens je loopbaan, sollicitatiegesprek, relatie enzovoort. Hieronder staan enkele geweldige tips om u te inspireren!

  1. Vergelijk jezelf niet met anderen, eerder, onthoud je sterke kanten en wees gelukkig voor alle geweldige dingen die er nu in je leven gebeuren.
  2. Investeer in jezelf, pas goed op jezelf, draag make-up, bekijk je dieet, luister naar geweldige muziek, geluidssignalen, motiverende spraak en slaap goed.
  3. Wees heel blij met alle kostbare zegeningen die je hebt.
  4. Leer jezelf te accepteren en van jezelf te houden zoals je bent.
  5. Minimaliseer negatieve zelfbespreking
  6. Vier andere mensen en wees blij voor hun prestaties.
    Ik hoop dat deze paar tips nuttig waren.

Geef me alsjeblieft je beste tips over hoe je je vertrouwen kunt vergroten. Ik vind het heel leuk om van jullie te leren.

Ik wil dit medium gewoon gebruiken om heel veel dank te zeggen aan al mijn vrienden en familie voor al je e-mails, whatsapp-berichten, tweets met alle mooie inspirerende berichten en gebeden

Ik hou zo veel van jullie allemaal!


Ekene Patience


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Travelling is Good for your Soul!

Ndi bayi, ekenem unu! lol! It means in igbo, Hello my humble people. How are you guys doing? I hope you all are having a great weekend. Travelling inspires and nourishes the soul, yes, it is expensive, but i truelly love traveling. The Dutch people love travelling. Most people in The Netherlands love to visit Maldives, Thailand, Spain, Paris and Italy, Uk and curaçao. Travelling enables you to make new friends, learn, experience delicious food and more! My younger sister sells world wide flight tickets  at very affordable prices. If you do love travelling and need some guide, lonely planet is an awesome book for travel tips, TUI and other travelling agencies are terrific for advising customers too. You may rent a house or a room via airbnb or a hotel room. If you are a driver, you can also rent a car!

Where is your favourite holiday destination?

I do love to learn from you!

I love you!


Ekene Patience


Ndi bayi, ekenem unu! lol! Het betekent in igbo, hallo lief mensen. Hoe gaat het met jullie? Ik hoop dat jullie allemaal een geweldig weekend hebben. Reizen inspireert en voedt de ziel, ja, het is duur, maar ik hou echt van reizen. De Nederlanders houden van reizen. De meeste mensen in Nederland zijn dol op Malediven, Thailand, Spanje, Parijs en Italië, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en curaçao. Reizen stelt u in staat om nieuwe vrienden te maken, te leren, heerlijk eten te ervaren en meer! Mijn jongere zus verkoopt wereldwijd vliegtickets tegen zeer betaalbare prijzen.

Waar is je favoriete vakantiebestemming?

Ik vind het leuk om van je te leren!

Ik hou van je!


Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience

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koffieKoffie in Vlissingen


Nigeria17081748037_90485d4870_kWith love from Paris


Koffie in Kenya!


Top Skin Care Tips 2018!

Hello my lovelies! Due to the fact that your well being is so important to me, I have decided to create this blog post to inspire you, For instance, At the University where I study masters in Management  in Scotland, a lot of students come to me to seek advice on how to have a smooth looking skin, especially the international student Africans) whom do struggle to find skin care items for darkskin. my plain advice to them is to use the basic items such as nivea, dove, Vaseline. I used to have the same challenges, but I got advice from fellow Africans whom has been living in Europe for decades.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours on daily basis
  • Drink lots of fresh orange juice, water and avoid excessive caffeine
  • eat salad
  • wash your makeup items/replace the brush, foam on weekly basis
  • eat a lot of vegetables
  • Nivea face wipes, day and night cream, bio oil, garnier face mask are amazing for skincare

I hope these tips where helpful! Please do share with me your skin care routine, I do love to learn from you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience





Nivea wipes – HERE

Nivea Anti age creme – HERE










January Favourites 2018!

Hi fashionistas in da house! As am writing this blog post to inspire you, am sipping a cup of thee and giving my self a nice foot bath! Yes I love  doing my pedicure and that of my friends, family and customers! It is essential to give your self a great me time!  Below are some of my favourite cosmetics, fashion items and parfum for 2018.

I love Mac beauty products, estee lauder perfume,fro men, i do recommend Giogio Armani as perfume. Rituals also have male and female beauty products.

I use orange, lime to scrub my face, Nivea face wipes is also amazing for ladies. first do wipe your face with Nivea face wipes before washing your face,it helps to balance the ph level of your face.

Recently, I expanded my business activities! Yes, i registered Ekene schoon maak bedrijf.  I do cleaning, house keeping, facility maintenance shopping and more! Please contact me if you do love to work with me!

Thank you so so much  for all your love and support.

I love you.

Below is a video with my current makeup favourites!


Ekene Patience



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4 Ways To Achieve A Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hello my dearest friends,  I have been asked alot by my friends, fans, followers, family members tips on how to become happier. Some of us may become unhappy due to the fact they lost  job, contract lost a loved one or financially drained.  Some  people tend to use anti depressant to combat it. As a biochemist, I learnt during my study years there are some amazing ways you can actually become happier, fight depression and stress with out consuming drugs that can harm your health especially drugs with side effects.

Below are some of my tips:

  1. Distract your self, try as much as you can to look for something you love doing, become a photographer, start a  new study, babysiter, painter, join a dancing class and so on and so forth. look good on daily basis.
  2. Create balance and evacuate your self from an environment, jobs that is risky for your health and wellbeing. I do believe in the saying, health is wealth. Some of us do stay in a job that you love but might be dangerous, be very careful and make the right decision, please never risk your health no matter your circumstance.
  3. Build meaningful connection, make friends, reconcile with your self, fury or whom ever that has ever offended you. The word of God sttes that  God forgives us of all our sins as long as we forgive our neigbours.
  4. Visit musuems, zoo, go for date, jogging, makeover, manicure, pedicure, spa and so on.

I hope you are inspired.

Thank you so so much for reading. Please find video below with tips on how to become happier.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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5 Reason I Enjoy Blogging!

My greatest source of joy are my adorable boys and  making others look and feel fabulous! Being a beauty consultant has enabled me to meet the most talented amazing beauties in Africa and Europe! Male and female come to me for beauty advice such as how to look younger, sleep better, healthy diet, advice to look younger, mouth, skincare hygiene, styling tips and many more. I am so so so grateful for all the amazing talents, ladies and gentlemen i have had the opportunity to inspire. I love you all with all my heart! I will forever remain grateful. I just want to say that i have learnt from you all as much as you guys have learnt from me.

Below are the most important reasons I enjoy blogging!

  1. Blogging has enabled me to become more organised.
  2. It has helped me to become a better person and meet the needs of most ladies and gentlemen helping them to solve, beauty, healthcare and lifestyle problems. blogging has helped me to create a positive impact to other, i can not imagine a better feeling.
  3. it has helped me to start several businesses in the Netherlands such as fabulous beauties, fab beauties and watch star 

4. It has helped me to value myself and others more especially persons whom has put some effort to look nice and well groomed.

5. it has offered me a creative space to share my ideas and allow my ideas grow and also I have been able to work with amazing entrepreneurs like me.

Please do enjoy my pictures and that of some of the amazing talents I have worked with .

I love you.





please kindly subscribe and tell me what you think about this video content below!


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6 Ways TO Make Your Employees Happier!!!

Hello my amazing friends, Happy weekend! I hope you all are doing great. Today’s blog post about amazing ways to keep your employees happy and engaged. Happy employees helps the company to stay engaged and do better job. If your employees are not happy, they will not stay.

  1. Take your employees out for a cup of coffee or lunch, do not pretend to care but do really care! Give them little gift such as employee of the month T shirt.
  2. Give feedback to your employees, it is important for your employees to understand their strengths and weaknessess. people need to hear how they are doing. feedback will help them do better.
  3. Recognise your employee’s uniquenness. Look at them individually and identify their strength.
  4. Help your employees to achieve their goals in life!
  5. Assist employees with training programmes to help them improve their skills. Take a genuine interest in their future career path.
  6. Understand their family commitment and be more flexible . If an employee becomes sick, do not fire them during their probational period but be more understanding and loving so to speak.

I hope these tips are helpful!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Pretty Pink Dress – HERE



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