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July 2018


My Favourite Hotels In Netherlands!

Hello, my lovelies! I hope you all are doing well. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on some cool hotels in The Netherlands, especially for my international friends whom would like to visit Holland someday.

Hilton Hotel has branches in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and other cities. Sheraton hotel at Schipol airport is great. I like Fletchers hotels too. Amadore hotels and restaurants in Zeeland are terrific. Last but not the least is the Novotel hotel. Beach hotel Domburg is also great for tourist.

You may want to use booking.com, Expedia or trivago for your hotel prices comparison. it is advisable to book a few days ahead in other to receive discounts.

My lovelies, which hotels do you like to lodge in when you go on holidays, I would love to learn from you.

Thank you all so much for all your love, inspirations, and kind words. I truly appreciate it!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Receive News Alerts on Whatsapp: +31620175330




Hotels Rotterdam

Happy weekend my most adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing great and pampering yourselves! Recently, I received a gift card from Douglas cosmetic shop in The Netherlands from one of my blog reader! I used it to buy some cool items such as

Hello my amazing friends! check out my fun shoots in The Netherlands!  wishing you all an amazing week! Stay fabulous!xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pMMhhIWitg #Red #Redlips #fashion #Beauty #Fashionmodel #Mua #Ze




Ekene Patience in 's- Gravenpolder



Top Nutritional Delicious Food!

Hello, muffins! I hope you all are doing great. I have helped several of my friends, fans and family members to lose tons of calories by advising them on great delicious diets to take every day. During my study of Biochemistry, I learnt a lot about food biochemistry and great essential nutrients. Good food is great but the excess food is toxic for the body. Too much food intake can cause heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Tanya burr and Jamie Olivier has written terrific books and guide on how to make healthy meals. You can find their tutorials online too. Below are essential food items to incorporate in your diet on daily basis. Fruits such as apple, banana, mango etc

  1. Vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, broccoli. It is better to purchase little quality of food that would last you for one or two days than buying too much food that might expire after a couple of days.
  2. Lots of fish, meat, fish, chicken. Rice, potato and spaghetti are paramount.
  3. Lots of water, juice and at least 3 glass of milk every day for healthy bones and teeth. Milk contains calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient for healthy hair and bone. Fun fact, do you know that you can mix egg, yoghurt and olive oil when you apply it to your hair and face every day, it would help you look very young. You may also mix olive oil, kiwi and sugar on a bowl, apply it on your face as a scrub on daily basis, it will help your skin look spotless.
  4. Last but not the least, exercise often, run errands by taking a long walk, bike, wear amazing cloths  ( it does not have to be expensive, it should look neat and presentable and have fun!

I love you all so so much!

Thank you for all your love and support. I truly appreciate it.


Ekene Patience



Hallo, muffins! Ik hoop dat het goed met jullie gaat. Ik heb een aantal van mijn vrienden, fans en familieleden geholpen om tonnen calorieën te verliezen door hen te adviseren over heerlijke diëten die ze elke dag kunnen nemen. Tijdens mijn studie Biochemie heb ik veel geleerd over voedselbiochemie en belangrijke  essentiële voedingsstoffen. Goed eten is geweldig, maar het teveel aan voedsel is giftig voor het lichaam. Te veel voedselinname kan hartaandoeningen, obesitas en diabetes veroorzaken. Tanya burr en Jamie Olivier hebben geweldige boeken en richtlijnen geschreven over het maken van gezonde maaltijden. Je kunt hun tutorials ook online vinden. Hieronder staan essentiële voedingsproducten die dagelijks in uw dieet worden verwerkt. Fruit zoals appel, banaan, mango, enzvt.

-Groenten zoals komkommer, tomaat, broccoli. Het is beter om weinig voedsel aan te schaffen dat een of twee dagen meegaat dan te veel voedsel te kopen dat na een paar dagen kan vervallen.

-Veel vis, vlees, vis, kip. Rijst, aardappel en spaghetti staan voorop.

-Veel water, sap en minstens 3 glazen melk per dag voor gezonde botten en tanden. Melk bevat calcium. Calcium is een essentiële voedingsstof voor gezond haar en botten. Leuk feit, weet je dat je eieren, yoghurt en olijfolie kunt mengen als je het elke dag op je haar en gezicht aanbrengt, dan zou je er heel jong uitzien. Je kunt ook olijfolie, kiwi en suiker op een schaal mengen, dagelijks op je gezicht aanbrengen als scrub, het zal je huid er vlekkeloos laten uitzien.

Als laatste, maar niet de minste, loop vaank om je boodschappen te doen of fietsen, draag mooie kleden (het hoeft niet duur te zijn, het moet er netjes en toonbaar uitzien en altijd probeer plezier te hebben!

Ik hou zo veel van jullie allemaal!

Bedankt voor al je liefde en steun. Ik waardeer het echt.


Ekene Patience



Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience

Make-Up ad styling done by me

Ekene Patience




5 Top Sites To order Your Delicious Food Today In The Netherlands!!!

Hello, my adorable food lovers! I hope you all are doing great! This blog post is dedicated to my fellow friends and family who loves food like me. I love eating good food because it helps my skin to glow and look well nourished. There are five awesome websites online in The  Netherlands whereby you can order your delicious meal online and have food delivered at your doorstep, how awesome is that?

These sites are:

  1. Uber
  2. Thuisbezorgd.nl
  3. Deliveroo
  4. Hellofresh
  5. Foodora


I hope these tips inspired you! Friends, where do you order your food? I will love to learn from you

I love you.


Ekene Patience




Ekene Patence

Dress – www.nelly.com

Ekene Patience

Rotterdam central station

Ekene Patience

Dress – www.nelly.com Jewelry – Swarovski

Ekene Patience

Head Phone www.vr-i.nl Jacket Only

ekene patence
Rotterdam P1010866




Dress – Shein Shoes – Guess Makeup – Ekene Patience

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Where and What To Buy In Rotterdam!

Hello my adorable angels! I hope you all are doing great. Rotterdam is one of my favourite cities in Europe. I love shopping in Rotterdam because its fun and easy to find almost everything you need. For my international friend, Hoogstraat in Beurs is great for shopping. I like buying stylish outfits and jewelries from Zara and Swarovski. You can buy toys for kids from Bart Smit and Intertoys. Cex is a cool shop in Zuidplein where you can purchase affordable electronics, phones, games at very affordable prices. Rotterdam Zuidplein is a fun friendly place o shop, free wifi and nice serene atmosphere for shopping. If you need a nice place to stay, you may want to lodge at the Hilton Hotel, Easy Hotel, Intel Hotels or Novotel In Rotterdam. If you are on budget, you may want to spend the night at city hub hostel. I enjoy coffee at Starbucks and Douwe Egbert at Rotterdam central station.

I enjoy purchasing my makeup and cosmetic items from Boozy shop In The Netherland, Mac, and Rituals

Where and what do you buy in Rotterdam city, my friends?  I would love to learn from you!

I love you


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

P.s. I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, If you need very stylish clothes, furniture, generators, cars, shoes or advice, please do contact me!

Whatsapp – +31620175330


Ekene Patience
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Ekene Patience Ekene Patience


Ekene Patience






Style Your Dresses In Several Ways!

Hello, my fabulous friends! The weather is so nice these days, I truly enjoy summer days and love to style myself in stylish ways. It is so practical and fun to wear dresses during the summer period! Most of my blog readers, fans and family have been asking me what I do during the summer period, I enjoy styling my self in colorful dresses, eating out, hanging out in the beach, maintaining my skin, by taking my bath at least three times a day, use day and night cream from brands such as Nivea, Loreal,  spending quality time with family. Going for a walk in the park is a fun way to enjoy the summer period or just chilling in a nice terras, Amadore Stefano in Vlissingen in The Netherlands has a great terras.

Do remember to wear sunscreen cream on your body when hanging out on the beach tanning, and also wear sunglasses when the sun is shining to keep your self-hydrated by drinking lots of clean water. Media Markt has cool airconditioner to keep your room chilled because you might feel uncomfortable when your house is too hot.

My angels, how do you spend your summer days? I would love to learn from you!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Receive News Alerts on Whatsapp: +31620175330



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Ekene Patience Ekene Patience Ekene Patience Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience















My First Week Of July 2018 Beauty Favourites!

Happy weekend my most adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing great and pampering yourselves! Recently, I received a gift card from Douglas cosmetic shop in The Netherlands from one of my blog reader! I used it to buy some cool items such as perfums, rituals products.

Therme has awesome cosmetic products such as massage oil, body cream and home spray! Aside from good cosmetics, perfumes and make-up, it essential to treat your self with a good meal. I like the perfume from Michael Kors and one million, I have been using the lip gloss from Estee Lauder and ysl, a must have. Skincare, Therme, rituals, Biotherm products are great brands. FOr men, Hugo boss, perfume, shower gel is also a  must-have.

Aside from beauty favourites, I have been listening to Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeeran, Sia music, absolutely fabulous!

My lovelies, Please do share with me your favourite July cosmetics and beauty products! I would love to learn from you!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Receive News Alerts on Whatsapp: +31620175330

Ekene Patience




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ekene patience ekene patience

My cool gift





Top Healthy Food For Healthy Looking You!

Hey sugar! I hope you all are doing great! I am so xcited to share with you some cool healthy food ideas that will make you healthier and fabulous.

For breakfast, oatmeal is so healthy, crackers and tonijn fish is  delicious. For lunch tomato soap is an awesome meal idea. In The Netherlands, we enjoy having cheese and bread for lunch.

Dinner meals are my favourites, I love Rice and chicken, especially the surinaams rice, potato cheese and lots f vegetables such as brocolli, green pepper. I love albert heign super market cheese! Aside from Albert heign supermaket i do shop at Spar , Emte and Jumbo. I truelly enjoy food. Do remeber to drink fresh orange juice on daily basis and lots of fruits and water!

My darlings, what are your favourite meal ideas? I do love to learn from you!

p.s. Aside from healthy meals, consisent exercise would help you look well nourished and healthy looking. boking and jogging is terrific for all.


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Hé schatjes! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie! Ik ben zo blij dat ik jullie enkele coole ideeën over gezonde voeding deel die je gezonder en fantastisch zullen uitzien.

Voor het ontbijt is havermout zo gezond, crackers en tonijn vis is heerlijk. Voor lunch is tomatenzeep een geweldig idee voor een maaltijd. In Nederland genieten we van kaas en brood voor de lunch.

Dinermaaltijden zijn mijn favorieten, ik hou van rijst en kip, met name de rijst van de surinaamse rijst, aardappelkaas en veel groenten zoals brocolli, groene peper. Ik hou van albert heign super market cheese! Afgezien van Albert Heijn supermaket winkel ik bij Spar, Emte en Jumbo. Ik geniet echt van eten. Vergeet niet om dagelijks vers sinaasappelsap te drinken en veel fruit en water!

Mijn lievelingen, wat zijn je favoriete maaltijdideeën? Ik vind het leuk om van je te leren!


Ekene Patience

Van der Valk HotelVan der Valk HotelVan der Valk HotelVan der Valk Hotel P1010465 P1010484

P1010358 sparP1010460 P1010461P1010352 P1010347 rotterdam
