Monthly Archives

October 2018


Top Female Musicians I Admire!

Hello, muffins! I hope you all are doing great. I have been admiring and listening to these awesome female artist listed below for over a decade. Their music is so beautiful. I enjoy listening to music and also like playing cool music for my friends and clients. These artist listed below are my favorites. Aside from their angelic voice, I love their hairstyles, makeup, and fashion sense. Beyonce is such an amazing dancer. Lady Gaga is a true fashion icon.

Guys, which female artists do you love listening to?

I have very exciting news for you guys! Lady Gaga is coming to The Netherlands in December, see more info here Grab your tickets today guys!

I would love to learn from you.

I love you!


Ekene Patience



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here








Happy weekend my most adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing great and pampering yourselves! Recently, I received a gift card from Douglas cosmetic shop in The Netherlands from one of my blog reader! I used it to buy some cool items such as




Skin Care Review – Duvolle

Hello, my amazing friends! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. This blog post is all about Duvolle radiance – spin care system. This awesome product arrived from The United States of America few days ago. I absolutely love it. The company approached me and asked me if I would love to review their product, I accepted. I love how this product makes my skin glow and feel so silky. It came with three brushes. You may use face wash from Elf cosmetics or from Rituals when using this product. I truly love this skin care product. Thank you Duvolle for sending it to me, I appreciate it a lot. If you do want to use this product or need one, all you have to do is ask me or order it on Duvolle.com.


I love you

Ekene Patience


Shop this great awesome skincare product at - www.duvolle.com


HELLO LOVELIES, NEW AWESOME BLOG POST JUST WENT UP! www.ekenepatience.com Pleease like and share! xo Dior KLM Royal Dutch Airlines easyJet Ryanair Royalairmaroc.com


Shop this great awesome skincare product at - www.duvolle.com  See more photos - www.ekenepatience.com

Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship wprldwidePlease dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +3162017533




4 Favourite Airlines I Love To Fly With!

Hello, my beautiful angels! I hope you all doing well! Some of my fans and blog readers have told me that they have never flown because they do have flight phobia. I always advised you guys not to be afraid, there is nothing wrong with flying. Traveling is an awesome way of discovering the world and learning. I remembered the first time I set my feet in The Netherlands, I was blown away. I loved how tidy Schipol airport, my new friends then, the beautiful perfumery shops, I remembered buying so many perfumes then and also some drinks, chocolate, mp3 players and more for friends and family in Nigeria. Close to where I used to live back then, I used to buy my channel chance perfume at the Ici paris xl shop in Amsterdam. Shopping in The Netherlands is great. My friends, family in the United Kingdom, United States, South Africa and other parts of the world, I truly recommend your visit to The Netherlands. Below are some of the airlines I enjoy flying with

  1. Emirates
  2. Klm
  3. Singapore Airlines
  4. Turkish Airlines

The reason I prefer these above-mentioned airlines is due to their top-notch customer services and considerations. For example, a Few years ago, I used to fly business class with KLM, ( how come you may ask? Can I afford it? No, I can’t, but then KLM they allowed us to swop sits). I truly enjoyed their food as well. Emirate airlines ladies do dress very well.  I do advice you guys to buy tickets online as well on www.cheaptickets.nl and via tui.nl, they do have very affordable tickets. In Nigeria, there are also great airlines such as Arik air, easy jet,  aero contractors  British airways and airpeace Nigeria. These airlines fly national and international.

My adorable friends and family, where do you buy your flight tickets from? I would love to learn from you!

My younger sister sell flight ticket and reserves hotels for her clients worldwide! The name of her flight agency is Solite global travels.  Are you traveling to Newyork, Singapore, London or Japan soon?

Please contact me or Solite global travels for your affordable ticket. Thank you so much for reading. Please kindly like, comment and share this blog post!


Ekene Patience

Hallo iedereen! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal! Sommige van mijn fans en blog-lezers hebben me verteld dat ze nog nooit gevlogen hebben omdat ze wel vluchtfobie hebben. Ik heb jullie altijd geadviseerd om niet bang te zijn, er is niets mis met vliegen. Reizen is een geweldige manier om de wereld te ontdekken en te leren. Ik herinnerde me de eerste keer dat ik in Nederland kwam,, ik werd weggeblazen. Ik hield van hoe opgeruimd de luchthaven van Schiphol, mijn nieuwe vrienden, de prachtige parfumeriewinkels, ik herinnerde me dat ik toen al zoveel parfums kocht en ook wat drankjes, chocolade, mp3-spelers en meer voor vrienden en familie in Nigeria. In de buurt van waar ik toen woonde, kocht ik mijn kanaalkansparfum in de winkel Ici paris xl in Amsterdam. Winkelen in Nederland is geweldig. Mijn vrienden, familie in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Verenigde Staten, Zuid-Afrika en andere delen van de wereld, ik raad je echt aan om naar Nederland te komen. Hieronder zijn enkele van de luchtvaartmaatschappijen waarmee ik graag vlieg.

  1. Emirates
  2. Klm
  3. Singapore Airlines
  4. Turkish Airlines

De reden dat ik de voorkeur geef aan deze bovengenoemde luchtvaartmaatschappijen is te danken aan hun uitstekende klantenservice en overwegingen. Een paar jaar geleden vloog ik bijvoorbeeld businessclasses met KLM (hoe komt het dat u zich afvraagt? Kan ik het betalen? Nee, dat kan ik niet, maar toen hebben KLM ons toegestaan om te slopen). Ik heb echt genoten van hun eten. Emiraatluchtvaartmaatschappijen kleden zich heel goed. Ik raad jullie aan om ook online kaarten te kopen op www.cheaptickets.nl en via tui.nl, ze hebben zeer betaalbare tickets. In Nigeria zijn er ook grote luchtvaartmaatschappijen zoals Arik air, easy jet, aero contractors British airways en airpeace Nigeria. Deze luchtvaartmaatschappijen vliegen nationaal en internationaal.
Mijn lieve vrienden en familie, waar koop je je vliegtickets vandaan? Ik zou heel graag van je leren!

Mijn jongere zus verkoopt een vliegticket en reserveert hotels voor haar klanten over de hele wereld! De naam van haar vluchtagentschap is Solite global travels. Reist u binnenkort naar Newyork, Singapore, Londen of Japan?
Neem contact met mij op of Solite global travels voor uw betaalbare ticket. Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen. Wilt u alstublieft deze blogpost alstublieft toevoegen, becommentariëren en delen!
Ekene Patience



Happy weekend friends! xo @ekeneaart www.ekenepatience.com

Hello! I am a personal shopper in Europe. Please contact me if you need these beautiful items xo WhatsApp- +31620175330

See more stories on - www.ekenepatience.com



My catwalk skills!




3 Best Ways To Sell Your Books!

Hello, my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on how to sell all your books you do not use any more. A few years ago, I sold some of my book with bol.com in The Netherlands. During my University studies, I bought so many books, after a while, I had to sell some of my books I no longer use because I needed some extra cash.  Three top websites to sell your books are;

  1. bol.com
  2.  Marktplaats
  3. amazon

You may also want to sell on eBay, zeelandnet and on gumtree.  I recently bought some new books. I intend to sell the books at very affordable prices. Please make an offer! By the way, I am a photo model. I have been a photo model for more than a decade now, my pictures have been used and published in several books, online and offline promotional activities, exhibitions, companies’ websites and social media pages updates, calendars, flyers, websites and more. If you need me to make customized pictures or videos in very nice outfits at your home, photo studio, hotel room, uncompleted building, street photography. I enjoy taking pictures and videos very much.

Ekene Patience

Donate – Here

Shop – Here


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship wprldwidePlease dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +3162017533



Hello beauties, I just posted a video on my YouTube channel. August month has been an awesome fabulous month, so I decided to share with you few of my August Favourite items. I love Mac products, I shared a Mac studio Fix powder in the video, the powder h

Makeup and styling by me


My Favourite Football Players!

Hello, my adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing well. Today, one of my cool blog readers gave me a very cool idea to share with you guys my top four football player. I was very thrilled with the idea! I have never written about football players, I am very sorry guys. I love sports a lot, Actually, when I was in secondary school in Nigeria, Saint Brigid’s girl’s grammar school, I was the best hockey player.

My favorite football players are:

  1. Messi
  2. Ronaldo
  3.  Okocha
  4. Kanu Nwankwo

I love these guys football skills and am a huge big fan of theirs, my healthcare tip for them is to exercise regularly, play carefully in the football field and avoid injuries. Ladies and gentlemen in da house, are these guys I mentioned above your favorite football players? I do love to learn from you. By the way, My very good family friend who lives in Belgium is a retired football player  ( super eagle) who lives with his family in Belgium, he has a football academy, If you guys are looking for a good football academy to attend or join and improve your football skills, please let me know, I can hook you up with him.

There is this famous song Nigerian’s football fans does sing for Okocha back in those days, the song goes like this, ( Okocha igbuemo, Okocha, I love you pas Maradona, okocha) lol.


I love you guys so so much!


Ekene Patience

Donate – Here

Shop – Here

Flight Tickets – Here


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship wprldwidePlease dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +3162017533

Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship worldwide please dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330


October 2018 Favourites!

Hello, muffins! I hope you all are doing great. Yezzz!!!! October month has been so fabulous, we thank God for his mercies, care, guidance, protection, provision, blessings and love. I fell so blessed an endowed. I have decided to share with you some of my October  2018 favorites.

Please do not see my blog post as a show-off, rather see it as a source of inspiration, motivation and more. Many of you my awesome friends and family has come to me and you guys told me that my blog posts have helped you guys improve your business, self-care, makeup skills, self-confidence, better grooming skills, fashion sense, grammar and more.

I have been inspired to create a book, a novel and more. The funny aspect of it all is that my blog is kinda my book to me.
My October favorite is my new job. I am a personal shopper. Self-employed. I love shopping for clothes, books, perfumes, cars, cosmetics, hair products, skin care products,  trucks, generator, hair products and more for my clients. I buy and sell beauty items from Europe and Africa and ship worldwide. I have helped several of my friends shop for suits, shoes, school bags, bikes, hair products, health insurance packages and perfumes in Africa,  other European countries and in The Netherlands for great occasions such as for wedding ceremonies,  graduation parties and so on.

I started my personal shopping business over a decade ago. I remember in the year 2006, I used to own a beauty salon in Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria. I had several employees working for me then, the ladies were very good with hair styling and braiding.  Then I had my boyz quarter apartment in Port Harcourt, River State Nigeria. I had very top customers from Shell, ExxonMobil, qedi, red transport Nigeria, Ebony hospital port Harcourt, University of Port Harcourt students, businessmen and women and more. Some expatriates who used to work with Eni Saipem also came to my shop then for a haircut, sometimes I went to intel camp Port Harcourt and Onne camp to deliver my services.

After my graduation and study of Biochemistry in Nigeria, I had to sell my salon than to my girlfriend.  I moved down to Lagos Nigeria where I continued my personal shopping business. My customers in Nigeria were health insurance staffs, bankers, international real estate management staffs, shell staffs delta afrik staffs, wave ventures, and more.

I was also very active in Nigeria, I helped my friends to buy watches, cars, makeup, flight tickets especially workers who work in other cities in Nigeria.  then when I was living in treasure garden estate Lagos Nigeria, I had so many friends then living in the same estate them whom I helped to book their flight tickets to the United Kingdom, united states.

Other of my October favorite is my Instagram and Flickr accounts. I share my nice pictures and items I have for sales. I started these social media accounts because many of you have been demanding ( also male fans) Ekene, don’t you have shoes or clothes for sale? I hope you guys like these items listed on my page. By the way, if you find any item on my blog that tickles your fancy, please let me know, I can get them for you from Europe and ship to you.

I also enjoy coaching a lot, I tend to encourage people to deviate from activities that lead to stress, rather persons should invest their time and energy in self-care and care for others. Sometimes, after a long day at work, we may be very stressed out. It is better to find a healthier way to air your anger, disappointments than trying to put the blame on someone else. There are several ways to indulge in anger management, such as seeing a psychologist, confiding in someone, counting 1 to 10 and so on.

I hope this blog post inspired you. Thank you so much my amazing friend, family, teachers, coaches, mentors for always being there for me when I needed you the most. I am most grateful! Merci!!!

Ekene Patience

Donate – Here

Shop – Here



Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience








My Look Of The Day!

Hello, my beautiful angels! I hope you all are doing great!. This is my look for today! I hope you guys like my outfits. I am a fashion stylist in The Netherlands. I love being creative with my outfits. Ladies and gentlemen, if you do need a stylist, want to wear my clothes, shoes, bags for your photoshoots or for fun, please contact me! I love styling my male and female friends up! I am also a photo model, I enjoy making beautiful customized pictures of my self.

The looks below are ideal for the lent period. Summer is almost over in The Netherlands. You just can’t go wrong with great winter jackets! Shops such as Esprit, Bomont, Hudson Bay, The Benehams has cool winter jackets! Timberland has great winter shoes as well.

Enjoy the pictures below! I love you all so so much for all your love, support, encouragement, donations, and kind words.

I love you


Ekene Patience

Connect with me

Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Donate – Here

Shop – Here


p.s. The first few pictures I wore today, the rest are for your extra viewing pleasure!













Cool Fashion Tips For Men!!

Hello my handsome men in da house, I hope you all are doing well. Men do like to look handsome and put together. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on 5 top shops you can buy amazing, affordable clothes for men in The Netherlands. Ladies, you may also do your shopping in the shops mentioned below.

1. The Bijenkorf
2. H &M
3. C&A
4. G-star
5. We  fashion

These above-mentioned shops have very stylish clothes for men and women. LEVI jean is also cool brand. I do recommend you save money and buy few high-end quality cloths. That would help you have some cool clothes for work. Suit supply is a great place to buy very stylish and fitted suits for male and female. If you do not have time to do your laundry your self, you may ask your nearby laundry man to help you. I love to do my laundry my self and iron my clothes whenever am going out.  Good skin care regimen is important for your clothing maintenance.

You may want to wash your self properly, wear good deodorant under neat your armpits such as deodorant from Dove or Nivea. That would help your clothing smell fresh all day long!

I am a photo model and personal shopper in The Netherlands. I make customized pictures at my home, hotel room, street photography, bikini and so on.  I have a professional camera, If you need me to make some pictures and send to you via email, WhatsApp or we transfer, please do let me know. I have been a professional photo model for over a decade now. Please see some of my pictures here Aside from modeling, I am also a certified beauty consultant, I do makeup, manicure, and pedicure for male and female.

I can help you do your shopping from the Netherlands and from England.

Donate – Here

Shop – Here

For sale Price on request www.ekenepatience.com Whatsapp +31620175330

Happy weekend friends! xo @ekeneaart www.ekenepatience.com


Hello my handsome men in da house, I hope you all are doing well. Men do like to look handsome and put together. Today's blog post is meant to inspire you on 5 top shops you can buy amazing, affordable clothes for men in The Netherlands. Ladies, you may a

Hello my handsome men in da house, I hope you all are doing well. Men do like to look handsome and put together. Today's blog post is meant to inspire you on 5 top shops you can buy amazing, affordable clothes for men in The Netherlands. Ladies, you may a

Hello my handsome men in da house, I hope you all are doing well. Men do like to look handsome and put together. Today's blog post is meant to inspire you on 5 top shops you can buy amazing, affordable clothes for men in The Netherlands. Ladies, you may a

Hello my Angels, I hope you all are doing great!  I have been planning to post this post for few weeks now but I wanted to get some good answers from my friends and family before I share. I asked some of you on how you do manage loneliness, you guys gave



Levi Jeans

Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour

Trucks for Sale! Prices on request!