Monthly Archives

March 2020


My Top Fashionable Dresses 2020!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. Below are some of my favorite dresses in 2020. A few weeks ago, Femmeluxe sent me four pretty dresses. I was asked to create a blog post with the dresses. Below are some pictures and videos with the dresses from Femmeluxe.

I love wearing dresses because dresses make me feel very pretty, happier, feminine and confident.  Femmeluxe has very nice dresses, shirts, trendy tops and trousers, and the company ships worldwide. You may find awesome reviews of other models online regarding femme luxe online.

I am a personal shopper in Europe, If you do like me to shop for you very lovely dresses, cosmetics, photo books, please contact me.

Today, I received my very first professional photobook. I love it, it looks very nice and pretty, my photobook is customizable.

I also make customized pictures of me if very lovely outfits. If you would like me to wear a very special outfit for you and make very nice pictures or videos for you, please contact me.

Thank you so much for reading


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here


Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper and a fashion stylist. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa


Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>




Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>


Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa


Hello, I am a personal shopper, I can help you shop for lingeries, t shirt, school bags, boxers, food, socks, flight tickets, visa application, hotel reservations, airbnb reservationsfurnitures and more. Please contact me if you are interested in my servi





I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa



I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa





How To Start A Fashion Business And promote It In The Netherlands!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well! Starting a business in The Netherland is terrific. I have been a photo model In The Netherlands and other European countries and I have coached several photographers on how to start a professional photography business. I still currently do one and one coaching regarding starting a business in The Netherlands and also promoting it.

In order to start and promote a successful business in The Netherlands, the following is advised;

  1. Choose a business name and register your business with the chamber of commerce in The Netherlands
  2. Choose a business name
  3. Set out a budget for your fashion business and for the promotion
  4. Advertise and promote as much as possible on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, marktplaats, gumtree
  5. Create a nice website for the business
  6. You may want to sell your manchedise on bol.com, ebay, facebook, marktplaats and so many other sites.
  7. Employ an individual to help you with your tax clearance
  8. If you need to start a fashion business, you may choose to rent a warehouse for clothing storage or sell on bol.com, amazon ,and marktplaat.
  9. Scout for models, bloggers to help you with modeling your awesome fashion items and share them on social media in order to yield sales.


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa




I am a model, beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, a




Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>



I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa




Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa




Femme Luxe Haul Try – On Haul !

Hello, my amazing friends and family! How are you today? I hope you all are doing well. I am so excited to share with you all these amazing outfits sent to me by Femme Luxe in The United Kingdom. Femme Luxe approached me yesterday and asked me if I would like to review their lovely clothing on my blog, and I said YESSSSS!!!!

Femme Luxe has very lovely outfits ranging from dresses, jeans and more. I went to the boulevard in Vlissingen in The Netherlands yesterday and made these lovely pictures!

Thank you so so much Femme Luxe for sending me these lovely dresses! I really love the outfits, the texture, quality and how trendy and affordable these outfits are.

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here



Shop this outfit – Here

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>

Shop this cool outfit – Here

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>

Shop this lovely Outfit – Here





Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>

Shop – Here


How To Sell Your Photography Online!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, How are you today? I hope you all are doing well. This is a highly requested blog post. Many of you have been asking me, Ekene, how can we sell our photography, some of you make nature, abstract, model, street photography and more and wish to learn how to sell your photography

  1.  Instagram
  2.  Fotolia
  3. Shutterstock
  4.  Flickr
  5. Foap
  6. WhatsApp
  7. Amazon
  8.  bol.com
  9. Sell during exhibition

I have been a photo model for over a decade in Europ and Africa and I have attended several photography workshops. During these workshops, I learned you can sell photography in this above-mentioned site.

I have shot with over four hundred photographers in Europe and Africa in total. My pictures have been used for paid websites, exhibitions, building sites, portfolios, stock photos, books, posters, event flyers, magazines and more!

I make very lovely pictures and video and sell them, some of you have ordered a video of me dancing, singing, my morning routine, and also pictures of me in lovely outfits.

I am a photo model in Europe. Please do contact me if you wish to work with me

Thank you so much for reading my blog.


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa








I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa








I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com





5 Top Car Companies In The Netherlands!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today? I hope you all are doing great. I personally love cars, especially exclusive cars such as Ferarri, Porsche, Lamborghini and more. I once had the ample opportunity to visit Van Vliet trucks in The Netherland for a car tour. I really enjoyed it. Many of you have been asking me a whole lot of car-related questions. I am presently not a driver, but 12 years ago, I used to drive two cars, a very pretty Chrysler pt and a cool Grand Cherokee car in Nigeria. I really enjoyed driving both cars than in Lagos, Nigeria.

There are four awesome automobile companies in The Netherlands where you can buy your cars and truck

  1. Pk Trucks
  2. Kleyn trucks
  3. Kroymans
  4. Trucksnl
  5. Marktplaats

These above-mentioned companies have great cars, trucks listed on their website and they do ship worldwide.

Van Vliet trucks also sell cars, trucks and spare parts, they do have awesome customer service and do ships worldwide as well.

I am a beauty, business and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please do contact me if you need you to help you carry out market research or you may contact these above-mentioned companies by yourself.


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

Hi ya! I am a aphoto model and a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, flight tickets, hotel reservations,  please let  me  know if you  are interested. www.ekenepatience.com

Model Ekene Patience

Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa



P.s. I am a beauty, health and business consultant in The Netherlands. Are you a male or female? Would you like to surprise your girlfriend, wife with a nice lipstick, eyeliner, lipgloss, perfume, lingerie, eyeshdow or do you need products from Europe for

EKENE PATIENCE WORKING AND MODELLING!  Making my self look pretty and others look fabulous is my passion! I am so happy I have the oppotunity of doing what I cherish! I hope these pictures inspires you!  xxx Ekene Patience www.fabulousbeauties.nl

Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship worldwide please dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa


Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour


BEAUTY, makeup

9 Top Universities For Your Master’s Degree In 2020

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today! I hope you all are doing well. Are you planning to start a master’s degree studies soon? Or is your wife, brother, sister, or girlfriend planning to start a master’s degree studies soon in Europe?

Below are top universities to study with;

  1. University of Dundee
  2. University of Edinburgh
  3. Westminster University London
  4. The Vrije University of Amsterdam.
  5. Oxford University
  6. University of Cambridge
  7. Erasmus University
  8. University of Tilburg
  9. HZ University

These above-mentioned university has a great reputation and very fare to their students. During my master’s studies at the University of Dundee Scotland, I was a student mentor, I coached students on how to achieve good grades, healthcare advice, career advice, job-seeking advice and more. I have been to vrije university Amsterdam 11 years ago to make enquires regarding starting a masters degree program and also gained admission with the University of London (Oxford University) over a decade ago, I could not go ahead with the studies then due to personal reasons.

Below are some great advice for newbies (so to speak) or persons who wish to start a masters degree study;

  1. Apply on time
  2. Make sure you inquire from the university all their terms and conditions regarding their admission
  3. If you wish not to go ahead wit studying with a particular university, please defer your admission on time
  4. Admuir in Scotland has great affordable accommodation in Scotland
  5. Make use of Airbnb and affordable hotel accommodation when you travel to a new country for urgent accommodation or if you have to fly often to and fro to the country you reside and to your university
  6. Volunteer to mentor student
  7. study hard and have a genuine interest in the field of study you choose
  8. Be very polite and kind to your teachers and colleagues
  9. Attend all lectures and have fun while studying

I hope these tips were very helpful. I would like to use this opportunity to thank all my lecturers then at the University of Dundee, all the students I met then, my employees then during my studies and Admuir accommodation for providing such a great accommodation, for being so accomodating, flexible proving and learning hub for the student. I am also thankful to all my lecturers at Anambra state University in Nigeria during my 5 years of Biochemistry studies, to all my sponsors, and also a big thank you to my lecturers, mentors during my studies at Inholland University in The Netherlands and at Rotterdam University of Applied sciences.

Planning to start your master’s studies in Scotland soon? Great airline to fly with to Scotland from The Netherlands is Easyjet, you may want to bank with Bank of Scotland during your master’s studies.


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here



I am a photomodel, I make customised pictures and videos. Please kindly make ur request today xo www.ekenepatience.com


Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper and a fashion stylist. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa



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Naughty student

A post shared by Ekene patience (@ekenepatience24) on


Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie, cosmetics, drinks, cloths, beautiful pictures , furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa appl

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper and a fashion stylist. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa


Graduation ceremony  in  Scotland, Great Britain. Masters in  Management and Marketing  University of Dundee #dundee #masters #management #scotland #ceremony #uk #unitedkingdom


My Favourite Music Artist 2020

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well!

I enjoy listening to great music. I also love dancing too. Dancing helps to lose weight and stay in shape. Over a decade ago, I took several lessons in Belgium as Zumba dancing. Zumba dancing is very nice and lots of fun.

Below are my current favorite artist of 2020

  1. Davido
  2. Burnaboy
  3. Ciara
  4. Beyonce
  5. Dua lipa
  6. Billie Elish
  7. Wizkid

I listen to this artist almost every day. I recently wrote my very one song – here.

My dearest friends and family, who are your favorite artists and musicians?

I would like to learn from you! Is sing and dancing your hobby? If you do like to sing or dance, and would like to share your written or recorded song with me,  please contact me. I would love to share your thoughts, dreams, aspirations with you and subsequently encourage you to become the best artist you can be.

Thanks so much for reading!

You can listen to great songs on Sound clouds, youtube and buy awesome cd players from the Media market.


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here


Hi, I make beautiful pictures and videos here. My pictures and videos are for sale. I also create customised pictures and video. Please contact me if you need a customised lovely pictures.   I am a model, beauty, business and health consultant, I am also

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-


Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper and a fashion stylist. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa




I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa
