Monthly Archives

January 2021


4 Top Telecommunication Company In Nigeria

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well! Nigeria is a beautiful civilized country with very decent, loving, and caring persons. I am so happy to be in Nigeria. I was very thrilled when I met my family members. I am a mummy, I also visited my younger sister who is a mummy too.

I derive pleasure in communicating with my national and international friends, likewise my awesome families, fans, and friends.

Top telecommunication companies

  1. MTN
  2. Glo
  3. 9Mobile
  4. Airtel

I have been using mtn line for a long time. When I was a teenager, I got my first two phones from my friend, I used mtn line on the phone. I also made some friends with some men working with mtn then, they used to visit me then at my room at Anambra State University Uli, Nigeria.

I enjoy calling my mummy, daddy, friends, and fans. In The Netherlands,  KPN and DELTA are the commonly used lines for tv, internet, and calls communications.

If you do want to buy a sim card on the street in Nigeria, is no longer possible, you need to go to the office of MTN, 9Mobile, or other telecommunication company in other to have your line registered. You also need to buy recharge the phone with recharge cards before you may be able to make phone calls. The cost of recharging a phone varies from five hundred naira upwards. If you are an international  from abroad,  in Nigeria for holiday, you may want to call your friends and family you have known for years via whatsapp call, that may be more affordable for you my loves.

The telecommunication system in Nigeria, the lines are effective, affordable to recharge and the companies respect their customer’s privacy.

I have helped so many friends and family with recommending the best communication lines they can use on their mobile phones.

I am virtual assistance and a blogger, Sometimes, I use my phone to capture images, video, edit photos and so on. Several phones has several functionalities, some phones have better picture resolution, higher storage space, easier to use, etc. do you need help with choosing a great phone for communication? please contact me.

When using your phone or computer, please avoid bringing the phone too close to your eyes, the rays frm the screen may be harmful for your eyes.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I highly recoomend the above telecommunications line. If you do need help with setting up a mobile application on your phone, such as babbel, vsco, etc, please contct me.







How To Become A Business Consultant In 2021!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well! I am a beauty, it, business consultant. Today, I am going to share with you how to be a great business consultant. Being a good business person or organization is amazing because, if you do treat your customers great, your customers are going to stay loyal to your business for a very long time. Below are great tips on how to become a business consultant.

  1. Choose a business you wish to start up!
  2. Conduct market research
  3. Acquire some training in regards to how to communicate effectively, we all know the saying, customers are always right
  4. Register your business
  5. Create awareness of your services by putting up a Facebook ad, Jiji, online and offline adverts
  6. Create engaging contents on your website and other social media sites
  7. Be proactive
  8. Go international!
  9. Have fun

I am an it and business consultant, I coach entrepreneurs and personnel on how to promote their businesses on social media, build a website, business communication ( verbal& non-verbal communication)  create a great marketing campaign on social media,  such as how to create youtube videos, Instagram accounts online and offline ads. You may also seek help with professionals on sites such as Fiverr for example SEO and sea for your websites and blogs.

A tip of the iceberg, Do remember that businesses worldwide have cultural dimensions. According to Geert Hofstede, some countries has higher power distance than other, practice uncertainty avoidance, and so on. Try as much as possible to adapt to the new environment your business is located in and practice flexibility and understanding in order to provide optimum satisfaction to your customers.

If you do need a business consultant for your organization, please contact me, I can assist with coaching your staff on time management, effective communication, and so on.

I am a freelancer for cavazanni recruitment agency in Nigeria, cavazanni helps in recruiting staff worldwide.


Ekene Patience

Salon – Here

Translation –  Here

My gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here










My Pretty Hair and Lovely Eye Lashes!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today, I hope you all are doing great. Below are some of my pretty hair and eyelashes I got recently. I love wearing braids. The main reasons why I wear braids is because it’s easy to maintain, it suits my skin tone, I can play with my braids by running my fingers across my braids anytime I want, and also very affordable.  Recently, I made some youtube videos wearing this lovely hair, I received several compliments from my fans and friends that the hair is very pretty on me. I have been in Nigeria for several weeks and I have worn braids most of the time. I got the golden black braids from Port Harcourt.

In order to maintain your hair, wash your braids twice or three times a week and add hair cream to it. Please avoid using hot water to wash the hair.

My girlfriend sells lashes, the name of her eyelash brand is ilash.com. ng. For several years, i have not worn lashes, recently, I tried out her lashes, her lashes are very nice, pretty, durable, and affordable. Please do visit her webshop and get yourself one today.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Please do share with me your hair care routine, I would love to lear from you


Ekene Patience





Hello! Do you need lovely outfits, please contact me  #fashion #beauty #UniversityChallenge  #dresse











4 Languages I Can Speak!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. I like learning and speaking several languages. The four languages I can speak and write are;

  1. Igbo
  2. Dutch
  3. English language
  4. Little french

My mummy speaks Igbo, I also speak Anambra Igbo very much because I studied in Anambra state over a decade ago. Recently, I started creating cool content whereby I speak Dutch, Igbo, and English language. Many of my fans and followers love these videos a lot, and I have received great feedback from you guys! I wish I could speak the itsekiri, Yoruba, and Hausa language very well. I also wish I could speak the Italian language, german and Spanish language very well.

When I was in a secondary school in Asaba Delta state, my awesome mummy thought me french, she is a great french teacher. Aside from learning french then, I really enjoyed spending time in the laboratory then during my secondary school days, some times, I spend over six hours in the laboratory, creating cool substances. I am very happy I spent so many hours  in the laboratory at my secondary school, then because I ended up being the best chemistry student, my teachers then we’re very proud of me and loved me.

Are you a dutch citizen living in Lagos or Abuja Nigeria, you might want to socialise with dutch persons , you might check out expats online and join the forum to make new friends, whereby expats tend to meet with each other. You might want to visit Apapa boat club and makes some friends. British or american citizens living in Nigeria might want to visit these places to make dutch friends and subsequently find a great dutch teacher.

If you do wish to learn a new language, please download the Babbel app and listen attentively, you may want to listen to the Babbel app at least one-hour every day in order to learn a new language.

Would you like to learn a new language with me, french, Italian or Spanish? please contact me, I would be very happy to learn with you.

Thank you so much for reding my blog! I appreciate it


Ekene Patience













Hello, I am a photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me www.ekenepatience.com



www.myfabulousbeauties.com www.blacknoir.me