
My Life as a Beauty and It Consultant!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How ae you?

I hope you all are doing well!  Today, I am going to share with you a little bit about myself.


I am a beauty and it consultant, I do offer beauty advice and i also design basic websites, see more information here


I am a web design enthusiast, there are three platworms i do recommend for persons whom wish to design websites


  1. WordPress

  2. wix.com

  3. Square Space


Aside from website designs, I am a photo model, a biochemist, short story writer and a certified beauty consultant


Are you a short story writer, a youtuber, a Mua, do you need a new logo, a new book cover , a social media manager, do contact me.


You may want to use the services of other freelancers on Fiverr




Fiverr is also a great platform for finding freelancers.


if you wish to get to know me better, do chat me up via whatsapp today, see contact page!


I wish to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you for visiting and reading my blog!


I appreciate it!




Thank you so much for reading.




Ekene Patience

I hope this blog post inspired you!

Thank you so much for reading my blog!



FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



My websites

EKENEPATIENCE.ORG ‣ @ekenepatience.org

BLACKNOIR.ME ‣ @blacknoir.me

MY FABULOUS BEAUTIES ‣ @myfabulousbeauties.com

FABULOUS BEAUTIES FOOD ‣ @fabulousbeautiesfood.com

BLACKNOIR.ORG ‣ @blacknoir.org



My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos on Blacknoir  – Here



Story book –Here

My YouTube Video – Here


My gig – here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here

My Lovely Photo modelling Pictures – Here

Fashion – Here

Cars  Here

Ekene Patience



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