
3 Ingredients to reduce Stress!


Hello my amazing friends, Here are some few tips I practice on daily basis in order to reduce and minimize stress.


Exercise is a spectacular way to minimize stress, being active is very important fit the body and soul. You can try to do some yoga, go for a long walk, mountain biking and so on.  Constant exercise helps you to stay in shape and you can achieve a fabulous body. As the saying goes, practice what you preach. I do at least 100 sit ups on daily basis an walk and bike 10 Km minimum every day. You can also try to often move your head back and forth and also your legs to reduce the tension.”  Just like the ‘Watch me Nae Nae’ song movement lol.

A warm bath and foot massage is also vital.

Healthy Diet

Eat healthy, avoid excessive drinking and smoking. Eating healthy makes your skin glow, ensuring balance diet is important for healthy looking skin and glow. In case you have something bothering you. Try not to let it weigh you down, rather write it down and do some soul searching, after a while you would able to find solutions to it.

Be Grateful

Be happy with what you have. Be joyous and appreciate what you have!  Its God’s blessing to be alive, so try to appreciate the breath you have and good health. Be strong, prayerful and stay positive. Most of all, be hardworking. Do what you love, spend some quality time with friends and family, avoid heat up arguments and stay safe!

I hope these few tips were helpful!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience

Accesories- www.watchstar.nl


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