BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Car Tour 2017!!!


Car tour at Van Vliet Trucks in Rotterdam In the Netherlands was terrific! I am so pleased to have visited the prestigious company yesterday! Last year, I wrote my thesis on export of Marternal Mobile Hospital to Nigeria of Jacaranda Trading B.V. The sister company of Van Vliet Trucks. Van Vliet Trucks has several kinds of Trucks, Generators, Luxury cars such as Porsche, Ferrari,  Lamboghini and many more!

One of the unique selling point of the company is the ability to customise according to the needs of their customer!

I hope these pictures inspires you.

I used to have Chrysler PT and and  a Grand Cherokee jeep in Nigeria. I love american cars. My little 8 year old sons favourite car is Lamgboghini.

What are your favourite cars my friends? I do love to hear from you.

I love you so much.


Ekene Patience


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