
5 Top Makeup Shops In Berlin!

Hello my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I  hope you all are doing well. Today, I am going to share with you five top makeup shops in Berlin in my own opinion.

  1. Rituals
  2. Lush
  3. Chanel
  4. Gucci
  5. Douglas
  6. Dior
  7. Babor

Berlin is a city in Germany. There are so many makeup shops in Berlin.

These above makeup brands are very good makeup items that are very durable. It is important for high fashion photo models from The Netherlands and Germany to wear makeup.  Doutzen kroes is a top photo model from The Netherlands and she wears very nice makeup. I am a photo model, I also wear makeup. Makeup artist such as Nikki’s tutorial wears and reviews makeup. Most ladies wear makeup from these above mentioned brand so that they would feel happier, looks better and also practice creativity.

There are some top fashion blogger and youtuber that are very good with makeup as fashion blogging such as Beauty byjj, Patricia bright, Carli by bel.  There are also some top male makeup artist on youtube. Please find these great youtubers here on my pinterest board.

I have been a makeup artist for over a decade, during my makeup artistry study, i learnt that makeup has several shades for different skin tone. For a example, a dark skin model might need a different tone of foundation shade from a light skin model.


I hope this blog post inspired you.


Ekene Patience


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