
How To Become A Professional Secretary

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

There are five schools you can learn how to become a professional secretarial skills in my own opinion from;

  1. Westford University college Canada
  2. Pennfoster
  3. Pitman training uk
  4. Utah Univerisity
  5. Eastern Kentucky University

I am a professional secretary.  I earned my professional secretary online diploma over a decade ago from Pennfoster. Professional secretary is a great skills you can learn online or at school if you a beautician like me, business man or woman or a stay home mummy.

You have to make great plans to become very very  self disciplined before you may be able to become a professional secretary.
If you want to apply for a job at any company, you may be asked to present a cv and a motivational letter.

You might also decide to be a freelancer and work on voluntarily basis as soon as you have earned your diploma from the above named school. Helping companies no matter how small is a great way of showing act of kindness as a certified professional secretary.

It is very important to learn how to write a great cv and a great motivational letter to be able to earn yourself a great job.

You may use the service of persons on jiji.ng, udemy, upworks, fiverr, cavazanni for writing a decent cv and motivational letter.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I am a freelancer. If you need my service in terms of writing a great motivational letter, cv , blog post, research on how to become a professional secretary or on how to undergo management studies abroad, shout out and more , please feel free to consult with me.


Ekene Patience

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