


My name is Ekene Patience Nesiagho

I am a big fan of Amazon.

My book written on Amazon – Here

Do shop on Amazon today!


Amazon – Here

I am a freelancer on fiverr


i do design websites on wordpress  with my photos, my videos, paid posters, headers and customized video intro from fiverr, and do share regularly content on social media and do paid advertisement too.


My website design gigs – Here

Please find my fiverr gig approval request letter below.


I do charge 30 euros only every month for being enlisted on the subpage from each company. this price is for beauty, hotels, mua pages

on this website www.ekenepatience.com


I do charge one hundred euros every month for being enlisted on the top page, example, each hilton hotel branch enlisted on the top page of my website pays 100 euros only.



I do charge fifty euros every month for being enlisted on the top page of www.blacknoir.me and 50 euros for being enlisted on the top page of myfabulousbeauties.com every month.

Please find detailed information on the websites below.


Blacknoir.me is my first affiliate marketing website.

Ekenepatience.org is my second affiliate marketing website.

myfabulousbeauties.com is my third affiliate marketing website.

fabulousbeautiesfood.com is my fourth affiliate marketing website.

ekenepatiencemakeupblog.wordpress.com is my fifth affiliate marketing website.

ekenepatienceautomobilescom.wordpress.com is my sixth affiliate marketing website.

ekenepatienceskincare.wordpress.com is my seventh affiliate marketing website


More exciting photos and videos

 Blacknoir.me – Here
myfabulousbeauties.com – Here

My website design gigs – Here


My Short Story Books – Ekene Patience

Please order your fabulous pictures and videos – Whatsapp +31683059224

Hi there, I am on fiverr. Please find my fiverr gigs – Here

Trade by Barter  Here

Advertising fee – Here