
Exercise To Lose Belly Fat!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you are doing well. Do you want to be healthier, lose weight, and look great? Would you like to go back to size (s) or medium (size m)?  these tips would help you lose weight. Today, I would share with you exercises you can participate in. Overweight can lead to heart diseases, obesity, protruding stomach, lack of confidence, lose your a modeling career, less active,e and may lead to depression.

In order to lose weight, please practice the following.

  1. Please work out often. Do sit up at least 200 ties a day, please use each time you do the sit-up!
  2. Do a lot of walking. work at least 2 hours a day.
  3. if you have a mountain bike or race bike, go out and do some riding.
  4. Do you like jogging, please do jog often?
  5. Eat well. Make sure you have the right proportion of nutrients
  6. Do aerobics or go for swimming if you can swim
  7. Dance often
  8. Avoid including sugar in your thee or coffee. Stick to good old water on a daily basis
  9. Instead of using the lift, use the lift.


My dearest loved ones, please when you go out jogging, cycling, or walking, please make sure you take enough water with you or drink a lot of water before you leave your home in order to avoid dehydration.  I have once left my home on a long-distance trip without taking enough water with me, I felt highly dehydrated. I did not leave my home with enough water because I was in a hurry to be on time for my appointment. Many of my blog readers, fans, and friends have stopped by at my home in The Netherland to ask me for water to drink  or to wash their hands in order to resuscitate themselves and avoid dehydration and contamination. So many of my friends and family members have also stopped by at my home to ease yourself (use the toilet)  when i was living in Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Middelburg, and other cities I have lived in.

After jogging, running, or cycling, please go straight into the bathroom and take your bath, clean yourself properly. If you do not have warm water at home to take your birth due to technical problems or if the warm water is not working, and its, Sunday, please visit your neighbor and shower at your neighbor’s house, if your neighbor is not at home, please do book a hotel room immediately and make sure you shower properly. Are you a student, did you come from abroad to study? are your family members abroad, and you are all by yourself, no mummy, daddy, aunties, cousins close by yu can visit and take your shower, you a short at your fellow students home if they do live nearby.

If you do not clean your body after exercise, you may feel very uncomfortable, and you may not be able to change from your sports outfit to your decent day to day outfit.

Please avoid cycling in places that might be risky such as curvy mountains and so on.

Presently, I have a little stomach fat, I have been struggling to lose it.  In the year 2015, then  I was still studying at Rotterdam University of Applied science, I had a very beautiful shape, with no protruding stomach, then I used to leave in Goes,, afterward in lived in Middelburg, and later in Vlissingen, finally found a house in Middelburg in the year 2015. I was studying then, and also working for Allevo. I did a lot of modeling jobs too.

I recently had a baby about ten months old,  it took me six months to heal from the cesarean section. Now I have been trying to lose weight by practicing sit-ups, but I am very careful so that I do not strain the cesarean section scars. (disclaimer) I love my three children dearly, I am a very happy mummy, not depressed or sad that I am a bit overweight. But I am seeking help, advice, and coaching from you guys so that I lose at least some kilos.

I hope these tips inspired you. Please kindly share with me how to lose tummy fat, i would love to learn from you!


Ekene Patience









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