
Advertising Fee

Advertising Fee

Hey there!

Hi, I’m Ekene Patience, I am a passionate blogger, writer and a digital marketeer.

Please contact me for advertising deals!

Online advertisment fee for facebook advertising, youtube, instagram, jiji.ng, gumtree etc.

Hi there, I am on fiverr. Please find my fiverr gigs – Here

Trade by Barter  Here

Advertising fee – Here

Do Chat me up via Whatsapp today to request for payment – Whatsapp contact here www.blacknoir.me and here www.ekenepatience.com

More Photos –

Photos 1 – Here

Photos 2 – Here

Photos 3  Here

Photos 4 – Here

Online Advertisement fee

Basic advert – 10 euros each


www.blacknoir.me/american-delight – 10 euros each company enlisted.


http://www.ekenepatience.org – 10 euros each


Premium advert – 50 euros each


Alternative payment option

You may want to purchase lebera recharge card, amazon gift card, hema gift card, bol.com gift cardrestaurant gift card offer me a free night stay at a hotel or

airbnb, or purchase my short stories book directly on amazon or directly from me.

My published short stories on amazon here


i do design websites on wordpress  with my photos, my videos, paid posters, headers and customized video intro from fiverr, and do share regularly content on social media and do paid advertisement too.


Please find my fiverr gig approval request letter below.


I do charge thirty euros (30 euros only ) every month for being enlisted on the subpage from each company. this price is for beauty, fashion, hotels, mua pages

on this website www.ekenepatience.com


I do charge one hundred euros (100 euros only) every month for being enlisted on the top page, example, each hilton hotel branch enlisted on the top page of my website pays 100 euros only.

hyatt regency hotel Amsterdam, radisson blu hotel Amsterdam, Novotel Hotel Breda, each branch pays 100 euros every month



Dutch Account


NL 62 SNSB 0339769963



Zenith Bank plc 

Account number- 2000184603

Account name – Nesiagho Patience Ekene




Bank of Scotland Account

Account Number – 12553661

IBAN :  GB52BOFS 804 607 1255 3661



Citi Bank Account

SORT CODE: 18-50-08
IBAN NO: GB87CITI18500808663076


The companies I enlisted only on blacknoir.me on the top page such as Apple pays the fee of 50 euros. The companies I enlisted underneath Beauty, Fashion, Makeup, Lifestyle on my website http://www.myfabulousbeauties.com such as dow chemical, dior,pays the fee of 50 euros each on monthly basis

The publishing fee of 10 euros and social media promotion 10 euros.

The 10 euros fees is compulsory all the companies enlisted on my websites and sub enlisted under dutch delight, nigerian delight, british delight etc.

email – ebonycare29@yahoo.com

Whatsapp – +31683059224



Publishing fee for www.blacknoir.me/american-delight, www.blacknoir.me/dutch-delight, www.blacknoir.me/nigerian-delight and so on


Hello friends, I am on Fiverr. The charge of listing the goods and services on this page is five euros on monthly basis.

The charge of (every) social media updates with affiliate link is also five euros. I shall write blog post and share on twitter, youtube, instagram, linkedin, Facebook and emailing.

All in All, I do charge ten euros on monthly basis for www.blacknoir.me/dutch-delight, www.blacknoir.me/american-delight each company per month and so on.

Please do ask me for a payment request by whatsapp or via email, i also accept cash and western union transfer .

p.s. I also accept gift cards, vouchers, jewelries, a free night stay at a nice hotel, a free flight ticket, a free car, a free home, amazon gift card, bol.com gift card. The worth of the gift/ voucher should be equivalent to my monthly/ yearly rate stated above.

If you do not wish to have your goods and services enlisted here, do send me an email or a WhatsApp message.

signed by management


Ekene Patience Nesiagho

From the blog – www.ekenepatience.com

American delight– Here

Nigerian delight– Here

My website – Here


Tiktok video Basic English language and dutch lesson – Here

About Me


Hello everyone! Welcome to my book/diary. This book/diary is all about short stories I have written stories related to fashion, makeup, cosmetics, lifestyle and more. I am a very passionate writer and blogger. For many years now, I have received several requests from my friends, fans and family to write short stories and digital marketing courses. I have decided to compile all these short stories and courses I have written for many years into a digital online book/diary. Join hundreds of thousands of individuals who has benefited from my online coaching worldwide today!

I also make YouTube videos and write on my blog about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, travel, food and all sorts of other life subjects from anything like spending quality time with my adorable kids has been my passion for many years now. When I started writing this book, I never thought when I started out on this journey that I would have as many people coming along on it and my other social media pages with me as there are today, but it’s amazing, I love it and am very thankful to each and every one of you.

I am a brand commissioner and sales representative as well. I promote goods and services on my blog and my several social media sites online and earn commisions in form of gift cards, cash, and services for companies such as vr-i.nl, sho nutrition, Femme luxe, aw bridal, duvolle, and any others.

I am a very happy Mother of two handsome boys and a beautiful daughter, Photo Model, Youtuber, Certified Make-Up Artist,Biochemistan international business and management studies graduate, Masters (MSc.) in Management and Marketing graduate, Professional Secretary, Nigerian, Dutch,  an entrepreneur, Philanthropist , a Beauty Consultant In The Netherlands and co-founder of Watch StarFabulous Beauties and founder of fab beauties.

In addition to everything else, I am hopeful, loving, very optimistic and hardworking. I am residing in The Netherlands and Nigeria. I have earned my diploma in master’s in marketing management in Scotland, I have a Bsc. in Biochemistry and a Diploma in Professional Secretary from Pennfoster U. S. A I graduated from a University in the Netherlands. I studied International Business and Management studies. I earned my masters degree in marketing and management from the University of Dundee in Scotland.

My modelling experience in Netherland makes me part of who I am today. I have also modelled in Belgium, France, Germany, Scotland, London, Milan, The Netherlands and in Nigeria.  Apart from that, I am a fun-loving person.  I also possess other diplomas in Makeup, Cosmetics, Perfumery and skin care. I study at Beauty Partners in The Netherlands. In Nigeria, I earned my diplomas in excellent Microsoft word skills, excel and powerpoint with MultiMesh Nigeria.

I was an ambassador and sales representative for Van Vliet Trucks and Automobiles and work closely with the company, few years ago was a really interesting and educational experience for me with them whereby I wrote my thesis on Export of Maternal Mobile hospitals to Nigeria.

I was a depot manager for an international charity organisation in The Netherlands called Dorcas for over 4 years, whereby I collect clothes for less privileged ones worldwide.

Looking for a very experienced caregiver? I am a carer.  I have worked for many years for Allevo,  a prestigious home care company in The Netherlands and Elder in the United Kingdom.

I have done shoots for books, exhibitions, calendars, DVDs, websites, webshops, art galleries, photography workshops, portfolios, postcards, and magazines.

I have also worked and did internship for the following prestigious companies in The Netherlands and Nigeria such as Ocean Crest as a teacher, Cedar oak laundry,  Elder in United Kingdom, Eneco  AdeccoVan Der ValkFriss b.v.Fletchers HotelsKruidvatDe TuinenAllevoMooi Parfumerie,  Parfum StarAmadoreToro DoradoCandelabra b.v. Roompot in the Netherlands and Jacaranda Trading in Rotterdam The Netherlands the sister company to Van Vliet Trucks. I am currently working Cavazanni recruitment agency for as a freelancer.

My motto in life is to never do to others DELIBERATELY what I wouldn’t like them to do to me.

Besides modelling, I am also a Makeup artist and certified beauty consultant.

My digital CV





More Photos –

Photos 1 – Here

Photos 2 – Here

Photos 3  Here

Photos 4 – Here


Ekene Patience

Fab beauties – Here 

Read more

Email – ebonycare29@yahoo.com
Whatsapp- +31683059224




Patreon – Here


Tiktok video Basic English language and dutch lesson – Here

Dutch Account


NL 62 SNSB 0339769963

Zenith Bank plc 

Account number- 2000184603

Account name – Nesiagho Patience Ekene

Bank of Scotland Account

Account Number – 12553661

IBAN :  GB52BOFS 804 607 1255 3661

Citi Bank Account

SORT CODE: 18-50-08
IBAN NO: GB87CITI18500808663076

http://www.ekenepatience.com payment

100 euros fee is for companies/hotels enlisted on the top page of my websitehttp://www.ekenepatience.com. example www.ekenepatience.com/easy,www.ekenepatience.com/amazonwww.ekenepatience.com/ritualshttp://www.ekenepatience.com/hilton, each Hilton branch has to pay 100 (one hundred eauros) only on monthly basis.

http://www.blacknoir.me and http://www.myfabulousbeauties.com payment

100 euros fee is for companies enlisted on the top page of my website http://www.blacknoir.me and on http://www.myfabulousbeauties.com, companies such as mcdonald, klm, roompot etc

That is 45-thousand-naira equivalent in Nigerian currency ( fourty five thousand naira only).

The 50 euros fee is for companies enlisted only on one of my websites. Either on (blacknoir.me) or on (myfabulousbeauties.com)

Secondly, The fifty euro fee is for companies mentioned on te sub pages of my website, such as companies enlisted under the column of beauty, lifestyle, makeup of my website http://www.myfabulousbeauties.com

The 120 euros fee is for companies enlisted on the top pages of myfabulousbeauties.com and http://www.blacknoir.me and also on the subpage of blacknoir.me. companies such as NS, Klm, Michael Kors, Roompot and so on

Payment information

Please do bear in mind that these above-mentioned fees are monthly fees.

The fee is categorised, it depends on the service i have offered!

Please do remember to pay on time, kindly send me a WhatsApp message or an email if you do have any enquires.

Whatsapp -+31683059224

Email 1 – ebonycare29@yahoo.com

Email 2 – ekenepatience@yahoo.com


Dutch Account


NL 62 SNSB 0339769963


Zenith Bank plc 

Account number- 2000184603


Account name – Nesiagho Patience Ekene

Bank of Scotland Account

Account Number – 12553661

IBAN :  GB52BOFS 804 607 1255 3661


Citi Bank Account

SORT CODE: 18-50-08
IBAN NO: GB87CITI18500808663076

signed by management




Graag zie het bedrag dat moet betaald worden.

Er zijn verschillende prijzen

Het prijs hand afhankelijke van het dienst (internet service) ik heb aan u bedrijf aangeboden!

met vriendelijke groet,

Ekene Patience Nesiagho

Google translator – Here

More Photos and Videos – Here

Hi there, I am on fiverr. Please find my fiverr gigs – Here

Trade by Barter  Here

Advertising fee – Here