BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org

Happy Newyear My Amazing Friends and Family!

Hello my beautiful friends, A very happy newnyear to you! I have gotten a special combination of Music, movies, games, food  and inspirational clothing I loved alot last year. Lets get started!Recently, I saw a movie of Johny cash documentery and another movie called Matchpoint! I absolutely loved both films, the head actress of the Johny cash movie is Reese Whiterspoon and that of Matchpoint was directed by Woody Allen. You can find both movies on YouTube.

My favourite food I ate this Newyear period, is Oha soup provided by my Nigerian friend, thanks so much girl if you are reading. My favourite music station in the Netherlands is called Soul and jazz, very cool music. I also enjoyed sitting , chilling with my kids watchig playstation, playing with Playmobile, Lego and so on!Please find some of my favourite oufits below, I love african clothing, shopping in The Netherlands from shops such as Steps, Wehkamp, H&M, Zolando, We, Manfield, Hunke Moller, Nelly.com, CoolCat and many more!!! For cosmetics, you can check out Etos, Kruidvat, Douglas and Ici Paris in the Netherlands

Have a fabulous year!I love you to pieces!!!


Ekene Patience
















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