
Healthy Food For Glowing Skin

Hi lovelies, Here are some of my current favourite food items. Healthy diet is essential for healthy looking skin. Food rich in omega 3 would help you achieve a glowing skin. Cooking from scratch is healthier, buy your own vegetables from the supermarket and prepare fresh meals everyday.  Drinking lots of water  and good night rest helps you to achieve lovely skin as well. Please do avoid ingesting too much carbohydrate rather consume meals with high protein content such as fish, milk, egg and lean meat.

Little carbohydrate and lots of fruits and vegetables would help you achieve a healthier looking skin. Too much sugar intake is bad for your health. if you can, abstain from high volume of alcohol intake and smoking.  Consuming good healthy food will make you look more trimmed, healthy and keep you fit. Exercise is an essential way to tone your muscle, induces excretion and helps you look and feel better.  You may want to wash your self at least twice everyday use face mask, facial scrub, day and night cream for your skin treatment as well. Please find below a video with my skin care routine. Kindly share with me your skin care regime, I do love to learn from you .

By the way, Whether you are big, small fabulous, I still do love you just the way you are!

I hope you are inspired!

See more healthy food here


Ekene Patience


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Image ©Licensed to i-Images Picture Agency. 05/04/2017. London, United Kingdom. Tesco Stevenage. Picture by Andrew Parsons / i-Images

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