
How To Pass A Job Interview!

Hello, my amazing friends and family! How are you? I hope you are doing great! In my early twenties, Over a decade ago, I had a very beautiful beauty salon in Port Harcourt, well furnished, my salon was close to DE CHIC salon in Port Harcourt, a registered business approximately ten minutes walk. I employed some ladies to work for me then, before I employed the ladies, I had to interview them. I also offered them a salary on a monthly basis.

Presently, I am a business, it, health, beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Many of you call/ write to me on a daily basis for consultation. In order to pass a successful interview, you have to be well prepared for the series of questions that you may be asked such, why would you like to work for our company, what kind of degree do you have and so on. These tips below will enable you to excel

  1. Research about the company before attending the job interview
  2. Dress properly
  3. Show genuine interest in the company when you arrive for the job interview
  4. Have a well-formatted and written cv with you for the job interview
  5. Answer the questions thrown at you politely, do not be scared
  6. Ask the interviewer questions too at the end of the job interview.

I work for Cavazanni recruitment agency as a freelancer. Cavazanni recruitment agency employs local and international it consultants, personnel for oil and gas. Cavazanni recruitment agency also helps in cv formating.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. If you need one on one coaching or via WhatsApp video call, please contact me or send me an email


Ekene Patience

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