
My Pretty Hair and Lovely Eye Lashes!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today, I hope you all are doing great. Below are some of my pretty hair and eyelashes I got recently. I love wearing braids. The main reasons why I wear braids is because it’s easy to maintain, it suits my skin tone, I can play with my braids by running my fingers across my braids anytime I want, and also very affordable.  Recently, I made some youtube videos wearing this lovely hair, I received several compliments from my fans and friends that the hair is very pretty on me. I have been in Nigeria for several weeks and I have worn braids most of the time. I got the golden black braids from Port Harcourt.

In order to maintain your hair, wash your braids twice or three times a week and add hair cream to it. Please avoid using hot water to wash the hair.

My girlfriend sells lashes, the name of her eyelash brand is ilash.com. ng. For several years, i have not worn lashes, recently, I tried out her lashes, her lashes are very nice, pretty, durable, and affordable. Please do visit her webshop and get yourself one today.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Please do share with me your hair care routine, I would love to lear from you


Ekene Patience





Hello! Do you need lovely outfits, please contact me  #fashion #beauty #UniversityChallenge  #dresse










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