
How TO Be More Productive While Working From Home!

Being able to work at home is luxury because you tend to save time, travel expenses and so on but it does requires a lot of discipline and dedication.  During my final year studies, I did a lot my studies at home, My teachers were very flexible , helpful  and understanding. I have learnt that the only way I can be productive by working from home is to cancel all distraction. First I do clean and organise the whole house properly, I turn of the tv and tune to radio with nice soul and jazz music playing on the background with very low volume,

Below are more amazing tips on how to achieve  productive day working from home.
1. Avoid procastination. Create  a to do list for the  day, ensure you prioritise all your activities in  a good order .
2. Make  sure you eat properly. Good food helps to keep you productive and energised. When you are feeling stored after couple of hours working at home, go for a quick run,  jogging or other form of exercise.
3. Make sure you dress up properly just the same way you would dress up if you were going to an office to work .
4. Give yourself a peck / reward when you have completed a task.

5. Meet with your coach, boss regularly in order to evaluate your performance and gain support.
I hope these tips were helpful to help you become more productive while you work from home.

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Ekene Patience

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