
My Second Passion is Painting!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. My second passion is painting. My First passion is Modelling. I have been a photo model for over a decade now. I have been sketching and painting for over two decades now, but did not do it as much as I did modeling. I have been told severally that my painting and sketches are quite nice. My modeling, sketching, and painting skills are god-given skills. I never went to school to earn these amazing skills. Although during my five years of biochemistry studies, I drew a lot of hydrocarbons, DNA structures, and more. I enjoyed drawing structural formulas a lot then, my biochemistry lecturers then were very nice.

Below are some of the sketches, paintings I have done recently. In order to start painting or sketches, you need the following items,

  1. Canvas
  2. Painting brush
  3. Acrylic paint
  4. A sketchbook
  5. Pencil

Pipoos and Action supermarket has a great canvas and paints to start with. Painting and sketching is one of the most fun activities you can ever indulge in. My apologies, if the paintings and sketches below do not look like paintings of famous painters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt.

When painting on a canvas, you can use a brush, and make sure you stroke the brush on the canvas several times till you are happy with the result. Make sure you cello tape the side edges of the canvas to avoid the paint for staining the canvas and also to make the result of the canvas is up to to your expectation! If you are wearing a nice manicure and do not wish the manicure to be stained with the acrylic painting, please wear a hand glove on your hands.  Please leave it to dry, clean up your brushes, and keep them in a safe dry place. Make sure you place the towels or clothing items you use for creating the painting in a washing machine, after all the items have been washed properly, hang them to dry. Clean the entire environment you used in painting. If you have a big house, please create a nice studio for painting,

I hope this painting inspires you to start being creative today!


Ekene Patience

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