Short Stories
Short Stories by Ekene
Hi angels, I studied at the prestigious university of Dundee. I love writing short stories! Enjoy my published short stories below!

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Ekene Patience
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The Shy Model
Once upon a time, there was a very very shy model, Moi! I could not catwalk, I could not do my makeup and I was very very shy!
I used to live in a very small village then, studying and preparing for my examination. My roommate was called Ijeoma, we went to classes together, then I was preparing for my pre-science examination to later become a medical doctor.
I studied really hard! I went to the university to study, sometimes, I walk thirty minutes going, and thirty minutes coming back home. I was truly a great student and loved studying.
Whenever I return so late in my little tiny bedroom then, my roommate Isioma would still be awake waiting for me. I always told her, do not worry about me, but no, she said to me, Patience, always come back home early, it’s better.
Ethan was my college friend then, sometimes we studied together, there are certain subjects I did not understand, Ethan helped me out. Sometimes, I and Ethan would study in the classroom alone till midnight. After studying real hard with Emeka in the classroom, I would walk back home, sometimes Emeka would escort me back to my room, sometimes I did walk alone.
The next day, I went to school, the classroom was filled up, one of my classmates whispered to my ears, she said, Patience, we have some visiting lecturers from the neighboring university. I was so excited because I learned then that visiting lecturers were more kind, gave better lessons to the previously graduated student. So I was eager to meet the lecturers.
The next day, I woke up, took my bath, brushed my teeth, dressed up, and hurriedly prepared for school. When I got outside of my big compound, my landlady was sweeping the big compound I was living in, I said to her, good morning ma, she replied to me, good morning my daughter, she asked me, how are you? I said fine, thank you.
I ran to the university. I sat on the front seat, waiting eagerly for the visiting lecturers to arrive. A few moments later, the visiting lecturer arrived in the classroom, immediately, everybody stood up, and said, good morning aunty, she replied, good morning class, how are you all? we all said fine, thank you, immediately we sat down, I brought out my book from my schoolbag, grabbed my pen, and immediately started writing.
She thought us chemistry, she was such a brilliant lecturer and also very beautiful, after her lessons, the male lecturer walked in and thought our mathematics. The lectures were very nice and later in the afternoon, I went to a nearby canteen to buy lunch. I bought an egg roll and coca-cola, after lunch, I went back to class. Around 4 pm in the afternoon, I decided to walk back to school. On my way walking back home, a young lady stopped me, her name was Nkechi, she said to me, Patience, I remember you, we are classmates, there is this upcoming miss campus event that is coming up soon, I would like you to contest, you look so beautiful, you have long legs, pretty smile, and a nice figure, I said to her, thank you very much, I blushed a little, she gave me her phone number, she asked me to think carefully about the offer, I said ok, no problem, thank you. I said to her bye-bye.
A few days later, I called the lady back on my new Nokia mobile phone, I told her, I am very interested in contesting for the beauty pageant. she was very pleased with my call and later that day, she invited me back to her home.
When I got to her bedroom, I met two other ladies with her at home, they brought out several beautiful dresses from their closet and they asked another side of them the room so that I can quickly undress. I pulled off my jeans and my t-shirt and tried out the long beautiful evening dresses. I called her name, Nkechi, look, I have to try it on, I was very very shy to get undressed, I asked the ladies to look to the outside to buy banana and groundnut, wow, they said, omaclicha means beautiful in Igbo language dress on now, she smiled and called the attention of the two other ladies who went. I smiled and sat down, greening from ear to ear, I was so thrilled, the first time to have tried out such a beautiful long dinner dress.
Nkechi sat me down and told me about the upcoming beauty pageant, she said I would be one of the contestants, and three other ladies, I was going to wear a very tiny bikini in front of lots of people, no, I said, I can’t wear that, what if my mummy sees it, or my daddy or my sister, she said it does not matter, it has to be very tiny and skimpy so that I can win the love of the audience.
The three ladies were so generous, they contributed money together and they asked me to join them to the nearby market in Awka, Anambra state to buy me more items that would make me look more stylish and glamorous, first, I declined, I said to them, please do not spend your money on me, you are just a student like me, and we all are managing to survive, one of the ladies said to me, never mind, my daddy is very rich and I have enough money and I am willing to spend any amount on you and make sure you win this beauty pageant. I was very surprised by how generous she is. After a while, I was convinced and she decided to spend a lot of money on me. So we went to the market in Awka, she bought me lots of jewelry, a headscarf, traditional outfits, makeup items, cosmetics, and much more.
We got back from the market a few moments later, and Nkechi said to me, Patience, these are the lovely clothes, all for you. You can take it home with you, the next day, please come to my room with the bikini, dresses and traditional outfits, I shall personally teach you how to catwalk. So the next morning, I took my bath, prepared my simple meal indomie noodles with fried egg, turned on the generator uncle Joseph bought for me in Asaba, a small modern generator, I bought it then for fifty thousand Naira, a Honda brand. I quickly eat my indomie noodles and ran to Nkechi’s house.
When I got to Nkechi’s bedroom, I undressed in her living room, and dressed up into the evening wear, walked to her bedroom, and asked her, how does it fit? She said perfect. I smiled, and went back to the living room to try on the second outfit she bought for me, I went to her living room and asked her, how does it fit? she said, wonderful! Wow, I was so thrilled. Last but not the least, I tried out the traditional outfits, then I was already getting exhausted and anxious about the upcoming beauty pageant, she said to me, Patience, not to worry, I am going to teach you all you need to know about this upcoming event. She went to her second bedroom, she brought out very shiny looking high heel shoes from the brand Chanel, she said, this is the shoes you would be wearing for the beauty pageant, I am going to ask all my friends, family to cheer you up as well on the pageant day.
On a Monday morning, I woke up very happy and well fulfilled, dressed up, and went to school. I went to my girlfriend living very close to my house, I called out her name, Chioma, are you ready? let’s go to school, she called out and said, yes, I am ready. She and her brother Chukwudi came out of the house and the three of us went to school, we walked about thirty minutes to School. After the morning lecture, I went to the library to read my book, after reading my book, during the afternoon, I became very famished, so I went to a nearby canteen and eat fufu, egusi soap and drank Coca Cola with pure water. I really enjoyed the meal, after the meal, I went to the market and bought some dry fish, crayfish, rice, red oil and so on to prepare rice and stew.
When I was doing my pre-science then, my very close friend used to come to visit me every month, he would lodge in a hotel in Awka and then pay for public transport to visit me.
Later in the afternoon, I went to my friends, home, I went to prepare for the pageant. it took me four weeks total to prepare for the beauty pageant, sometimes, I travel to my friend’s home living in Awka campus to learn some speech, catwalk, and so on. During my visit to the Awka campus, we listened to nice music such as music from Eve, Sisqo, and Brandy, these were in songs trending then.
My girlfriends prepared nice flyers and banners and shared it with everyone possible on the campus and also outside the campus such as Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka campus, Nnewi campus, and of course at Mbakwu. We also exchanged phone numbers with so many boys and girls then at school, then I was a very young lady, in my early sixteen. I remembered I weighed less than fifty-seven kilogram then, and had very nice brown skin (brown skin girl). I traveled to Awka (unizik) severally to make new friends and invited my friends and family members then in Asaba to come and cheer me up on the pageant day.
One week before the pageant, I was very ready, I could catwalk very well, sing, dance, and speak queens’ English. On the main day of the beauty pageant, I was very confident, thousands of students were around during the pageant, all were very happy to see the contestants, we wore very beautiful dresses, wore nice hair, shoes, and makeup.
All in all, I won the beauty pageant. I was very thrilled. It was a great experience to win a crown at a very young age, made so many friends and had so many fans. My entire friends and family members were very happy and proud of me! But after the pageant, I became very very shy because whenever I went to school, all the students would be calling out my name, Queen Queen, miss MBK, I was so shy, I was one of the most popular girls on campus then, at that young age, I felt so much pressure on me because of the high expectation from a campus queen, I was expected to keep up the appearance, although those items (majority) of the items were not bought by me ( were bought and sponsored by my fellow young lad student) so I gave back the items to the ladies after the pageant and some of the items I was asked to keep them.
I was not from a very rich home, so I could not buy expensive clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry a queen ought to wear during a pageant or after a pageant, due to that, I was very shy to attend lectures. I skipped school for several months. The other ladies who came out second, third positions after the beauty pageant were keeping up their appearance, they wore very pretty clothes, shoes, and so on. I was very happy with the clothing and shoes my parents bought for me I used to study then. At the end of the pre-science studies, I did not pass my pre-science exams, so I had to do neco/waec exams, I passed and later went to another university in Anambra state to study in Nigeria. A few years after my prescience studies, and during my university studies, I met a very nice man, he gave me lots of clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and more. I also participated in a beauty pageant in port Harcourt and did some hosting jobs afterward in Port Harcourt and very often at civic center Lagos, Nigeria.
The moral of this short story is to be a dutiful student, always work hard, if you are a shy student or have challenges at school, find a very kind lecturer to talk with or a student chancellor. Thanks for reading my short story.
2nd Short Story
The African Girl In Holland
Amir brought his newly wedded wife to Amsterdam for the very first time, her name is Anna.Anna is a very beautiful lady, almost as beautiful as Ciara, with very nice shape and personality whom spent seven years studying and became a medical doctor. Anna said to Gbenga, my loving husband, i am so happy to be in Amsterdam, everything looks so nice and clean, Amir held Anna close to his chest and gave her sweet loving kiss om her forehead, he said to her, iyawomi, ( iyawomi means my wife in Yoruba language) welcome to Europe!
Anna felt so nice and proud, she is the first child of her parent with eight children, and the first among them to visit Europe, Oluwa oshe, (means thank God) she spread her hands, knelt down and started thanking God, I am so happy to be in Europe, such a nice country. When she passed the checking point at the airport, Amir and Anna went outside of Schipol airport and boarded a nice taxi, The taxi was from the car brand Teslar, yee! Anna screamed, is this a taxi? she asked her husband, her husband said yes now, Anna said to Amir, iyawomi ( means my wife in Yoruba ), relax, setback enjoy the ride. Both of them arrived in Wibaustraat, Amsterdam entered there beautiful home.
Anna was very happy with the home Amir bought for them, the house has total of five bedroom. Kola furnished one of the room with over five hundred dresses, two hundred pairs of shoes from brands such as Louboutin, Chanel, Gucci, Dior, Prada shoes, and fifty hand bags from great brands too.
Anna went to the bathroom, took off her cloths and dressed up, she wore a very tight lingerie from marlies deckers and a very high heel Prada shoes with a nice stockings just the way Amir likes it. Amir loves to spoil his wife with lots of gift such as very expensive lingeries from brands such as Victoria secrets, Hunke Moller, marlies deckers, a night before her wedding, she wore a very expensive lingerie with a very high heel shoe just to please her husband, designer shoes from brands such as Gucci, Prada, Dior, Louboutin and many more.
Amir worked into the living room, saw his wife wearing the lovely outfit, he said, wow, you look so beautiful my love, Ope walked to her husband and held him so tight, both of them had a nice dance while listening to jj cale and bob dylan songs.
The next morning, around five am, Amir went to the Albert Heijn shop in Wibaustraat to buy some food such as chicken, fresh orange juice, milk, eggs, bread, Salad, pizza, rice, Heineken beer and vegetables. When Anna woke up, she took her bath in the beautiful jacuzzi bathroom in their lovely apartment, later she went into the inbuilt home sauna and later went downstairs to clean the dishes, clean the entire house, do the laundry, iron clothes, and garden entirely and sat on the couch waiting for her beloved husband to come home. Her husband Amir came home with a beautiful bunch of tulip flowers and groceries for his lovely wife.
He said my sweetheart, here is a beautiful dutch flower for you, his wife was so happy and felt so blessed to have earned such a loving adorable husband that spoils and shower her with lots of love and care. she took the flower, placed them in a jar, added some water, and placed it properly in the living room.
Afterward, she made her husband a very delicious breakfast. they both sat down on the sitting room dining table gazing at each other with a lot of love and admiration.
The next day, Amir said his boyfriend is coming to visit him, his name is Atlas. Atlas is Amir’s childhood friend, they both grew up in Ibadan and did everything together, for example, both friends attended the University of Jos in Nigeria and studied industrial chemistry. Ope was so excited to meet Atlas, Amir has told her a lot about him, how kind he is, gives him the best business advice, whenever he needs anything done, Amir does it for him. On that afternoon, Atlas came to visit us, Anna, Amir, and Atlas went to a cafe a few blogs away from our lovely home in Wibaustraat Amsterdam, we had a nice drink and eat some chicken. Atlas had his eyes on Anna the whole time, his eyes were glued to her very pretty Gucci high heel shoes she was wearing the very tight true religion jeans she wore. Anna was very shy and did not pay attention to his gaze.
Finally, Amir returned from the restroom after he finished easing himself. We talked about nice music from 50 cents, Mary j Blige, Lenny Gravitz, Jennifer Lopez and Asa. Anna danced a little with Amir, Atlas was watching both love birds and was greening from chin to chin.
After launch, Anna, Amir, and Atlas boarded a taxi and went to Amsterdam central station, they ate some nice snacks at a very popular lunch cafe in Amsterdam central station called Febo, later they went to buy some nice souvenirs such as an MP3 player from media market Amsterdam, visited black is beautiful museum, Anna Frank museum, the zoo, the library, the canal, Keukenhof, where they plant beautiful flowers. It became very late, so the three friends decided to book a room at Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam. it was a great experience. Anna and Amir spent the night together in the same room, while Amir took a separate room. That evening, Amir said, am celebrating my birthday and my mummy, daddy, my wife and children, colleagues from work would attend. Ope immediately ran into Amir’s arm and gave him a very nice tight hug and squeezed his back, patted his back, congratulations, am so happy for you. Atlas felt so happy that he finally had the opportunity to have Anna i in his arm, her skin felt so soft and she was wearing a Dior perfume.
The next day Anna and Amir immediately rushed to the shopping centrum in Amsterdam, bought Atlas a nice pair of Armani shoes, nice Prada perfume,Gucci belt, We fashion blazers, and a nice birthday card. The next day Anna and Amir visited Kola and gave him his birthday gift, he was so happy!
Magnolia is the younger sister of Anna. Anna is her favorite sister and both sisters are very close. On Monday morning, Anna called her younger sister Magnolia who lives in Lagos with her husband and four children, they both exchanged pleasantries, Magnolia asked Anna to buy her Michael Kors wristwatch, some nice shoes and dresses, Anna happily accepted. During the afternoon, Anna went to Amsterdam city centrum and did some shopping for herself and her sister. She bought some nice perfumes for herself such as Dior, One million Paco Rabanne perfume, Gucci and channel perfumes. During the evening, her beloved husband came home, he said to his wife, coming weekend, my mummy, daddy, sisters, and her kids would be visiting our lovely home. Opeyemi was very happy she was finally going to meet the parent of his loving husband, she was also not sure if they would like her, Her husband’s family is from Osun state and Anna is from Abeo okuta in Ogun state. Although Amir was born and bred in Lagos state, Anna as well.
The next day, the parent and siblings of Amir came to their lovely home in Wibaustraat Amsterdam, they were very happy, they sat at the table and eat lots of amala and ewedu, chicken, rice, and fresh fish pepper soup. A few hours later, they left. Anna and Amir retired to the bedroom.
Amir needs to go back to Lagos Nigeria where he works. Amir works for Agip in Lagos Nigeria, an oil company. Amir is the assistant director of the company. On Monday morning, Kola and Ope went to Schipol airport to make some inquiries regarding ticket booking. On getting to the airport, Amir immediately bought a business class ticket for himself and for his wife for the oncoming flight. On their way back to their car, Anna ran into her schoolmate, she exchanged pleasantries and Amir was excited to meet her. Her name is Anisa. Anisa is a very beautiful young lady in her early twenties with a very nice hot body and has a very sweet American accent when talking. Ope excused herself and went to the restroom, Anisa secretly gave Amir her number in Ope’s absence. A few moments later, Anna came out of the bathroom and went home with her husband.
The next morning, Amir secretly made an appointment with Anisa and went in a hotel room with Anisa in a very discreet hotel. Amir did not return home that night. Ope was very very worried, hence her first time of visiting Amsterdam, did not know where to go, she called her husband but his phone was switched off. The next morning Amir came back to his wife, his wife asked him, where are you coming from? He immediately confessed to her he said honey, i love you but i just cheated on you, Amir told Ope that he slept with Anisa and that he was so sorry he said.
Anna immediately accepted his apology. But she told herself she loves Amir more than anything in the world and does not want them to end their marriage.
The next morning, Anna woke up, she started thinking about what Amir had done to her, wow, I can’t believe my eyes, so Amir has the guts, the audacity to cheat on me, well, I must revenge. I am going to look up Amir’s phone list, and sleep with his best friend. So at night, when Amir was sleeping, Anna quietly went through his phone, he saw Bayo’s number, Bayo is a very tall handsome black guy, very rich and well behaved. took a number, he called him up and invited him over to City hotel in Ibadan. Bayo went straight to her room. He did not ask any questions such as, why did you want us to meet, is anything the matter? Anna just called Bayo, she said to Bayo, Hello Bayo, please can we meet on Monday evening by 6pm in Ibadan at the City hotel.
Bayo said sure no problem. Bayo entered the bedroom of Anna, looking so mesmerizing, he wore Dior shoes, Dior jeans, Dior shirt, a Dior hat and channel perfume. Ope said to Bayo, Ope was wearing her very skimpy Marc Jacob dress she bought in London and a very high heel shoes from Louboutin and an underwear from Prada.
Bayo came in the bedroom and the first thing he did was grab Anna on the hands and gave her a nice kiss on her chin once, because in Nigeria, the kisses on the chin is once, while in The Netherlands the kiss on the chine is three times.
Bayo has been a great friend to Amir and never disliked anna for one bit, he has always advised his friend to take good care of his wife, keep to his word, avoid too much drinking, late nights, sleeping with other women, nagging, fighting, yabbing, Kola took his advice and has remained a good husband to Ope.
He has always advised Amir to be more sweet and kind to her, he did not arrange another woman for Amir or something like that. He apologised and sat down. Bayo and Anna had quality moments together, eat nice food, took some drinks and chatted holding each other’s hand.
Anna went back to Lagos to her lovely home the next day. When she got back home, Amir asked her where are you coming from, she immediately told her husband everything that transpired between her and Bayo. Amir was not upset, he said, well, my loving wife, I have known you so well, I trust you and I know you will never cheat on me, so please feel free, whenever you want to see Bayo, you may go and see Bayo, and if possible you can invite Bayo over whenever you can so we three can sit on the sofa, drink beer together and if you need some leg, neck massage, Bayo can offer it to you at out matrimonial home. Ope was very surprised, she expected Gbenga to be upset, threaten to end the marriage etc but he was quite calm, she felt so proud that she made the right choice to marry such a loving and understanding man.
The moral of this story is that, men please be kind to your wife, give your wife the best care, love, understanding, me time and women be nice to your husband, be loving caring. whenever you both have misunderstood, please do not remain in the house and allow the argument to escalate, rather, one of you may leave the house, rent a nice hotel or an Airbnb accommodation and wait for a while until both parties are calm, afterward please do reconcile!
Thank you for reading
3rd Short story
Cecilia and Chika, the two love birds
Cecilia and Chika were so much in love. Cecelia works as a cleaner at a restaurant in Port Harcourt while Chika was a student at the University of Port Harcourt.
Two months after meeting each other at the restaurant where Cecelia was working as a cleaner, they got married. Cecilia gave Chika five lovely kids within five years. Cecilia was so much in love with Chika because Chika is a very tall handsome caring, loving, kind, God-fearing, intelligent, and loving man.
After five years of being together, Chika decided to travel from port Harcourt to Finland to write an examination so that he can gain a job at an oil company.
He left Cecilia with five kids alone, Chika introduced his friend Ikem to cecilia, he said to cecilia, this is my friend Ikem, he is going to take good care of you when am gone, you can cook together, eat together, drink together, he can help you with anything you need, go out together on a date, cecilia said, ok no problem.
Five years later, Cecilia waited for her loving husband to come back to Port Harcourt to join her, but to no avail, he did not call, he did not write, she became very worried.
She spoke to Ikem about her worries, Ikem comforted her, he said to her, nne, don’t worry oh, everything is gonna be alright oh, I am here for you.
A few moments later she stopped crying, Ikem started taking good care of Cecilia and her kids, he would go to the farm and fetch firewoods for them, he would go to the everyday supermarket in port Harcourt and do some groceries he would bring the kids to school and bring them back. Sometimes he would take them to domino pizza to buy them shawarma and five alive juice and meat pie
Ikem made sure that Cecelia did not lack anything, he was such a nice guy, he gave Cecelia every month five hundred thousand nairas so that she can buy food clothes, hair, soap, underwear, dresses, electronics, pay for her utility bills, travel expenses, shoes, makeup for her self and also for the kids.
Whenever Cecelia needed him, he would just rush to her, nne, are you ok, do you need anything, she would say no, I am fine, I only miss my husband and do need your company, I do not want to feel too lonely, please stay with me for a while lets chat together.
Chika wrote his exams in India, he studied very hard, he passed and gained a job immediately in India with a top-notch oil company. He became a big boy, he bought himself a very big Ferarri car and a nice house in Finland.
His job was very demanding, sometimes he would wake up as early as 5 am and go to work and get home at 10 pm. He had a very busy lifestyle.
After ten years, no call, no text message, no emails, he suddenly went to port Harcourt to his lovely Cecelia, Cecelia was so happy to have him back. She said, honey, welcome home, ten years, no call, no email, what happened, he said, nne oma, i have been working really hard to make sure we are alright.
Cecelia said, ok no problem, I understand my loving husband
Chika gave Cecelia fifty thousand dollars to open a restaurant at the shopping mall called Shoprite in port Harcourt. She opened a very nice restaurant called it Cecelia restaurant she sold pounded yam, nsala, oha soup, fried rice, turkey, egusi soup, okro soup, and so on.
Chika said to Cecilia, I will be traveling to Finland next week. You might not hear from me in next coming months, but always remember I love you and our kids so so much and you will always be my baby. Calling Nigeria from India was very expensive and sometimes due to the fact that Chika had to work offshore, he was unable to make calls to his amazing family often.
She said ok, no problem. Cecelia was so happy, at least she had Ikem, the male friend Chika introduced to her, she was so happy with Ikem, he was such a nice, caring, and kind man.
She said ok, no problem. Cecelia took her restaurant business very seriously. She employed ten very beautiful ladies, she bought them nice dresses and nice shoes, she made sure they looked very nice, wore very nice tidy clothes and hair.
Her restaurant was the talk of the town, everybody loved her food. She also had a unique recipe she got from her sweet husband and added a touch to her meals.
A few months later, her husband came from Finland and took his wife and five kids to port Harcourt, Cecelia asked her sister to help her run the restaurant. When she got to Finland. she started a new restaurant and employed ladies and hostesses to serve food. She also did home deliveries. Her husband, five kids were so proud of her.
A few years later, Chika decided to invite a lady to come to live with him in Finland he offered her one room in his apartment, she helped him with cleaning, ironing, chatting with him, whenever needed some groceries, she did the groceries, whenever Chika needed to eat nsala soup , okra soup in India, she made him very special delicacy, she maintained his apartment and garden. They both slept in separate rooms and did not have any intimate relationship, but both were very very happy with each other and lived together just like brothers and sisters.
Chika told his wife in port Harcourt about the new lady in his home that helps him with housekeeping. His wife was so happy for him. His wife understood how demanding his job would be. At least he now has someone to chat with, clean his home, tidy his clothes, go on a date with if need be
Cecilia was one of a kind, she understood her husband very well and trusted him.
Cecelia took her restaurant business very seriously, she employed some ladies to work for her. A few months later, her husband came from Finland and took his wife and his five lovely kids with him to Turku, Finland, he bought a very nice house close to the beach in Turku Finland. he lived there with his wife and lovely five kids. He was so happy he finally reunited with his family.
Cecelia asked her sister to help her run the restaurant in Port Harcourt before she left for Finland. , Cecelia started a new restaurant in Turku and was very successful!
The moral of this story is always work hard, stay focused, create a nice loving family have a great mindset and have fun!
4th short stories
The Tulip Flower
Once upon a time, Cynthia was a young teenage girl in her early teens, she just finished her secondary studies, she lived with her parents in a small town called Wuse Abuja. One morning on her way to do some groceries, she met Sara. Sara is a young lady living close to Choice supermarket in Abuja where Cynthia does her groceries, Sara said to Cynthia, I have seen you very often coming to do groceries here, Cynthia said to, yes, the Choice supermarket is one of my favorite supermarkets in Abuja, I also like to shop at Everyday supermarket and Park and shop supermarket in Abuja and victoria island Lagos Nigeria whenever I visit Lagos. Both ladies started chatting and exchanged phone numbers.
The next morning, Sara invited Cynthia to their lovely home. Amanda lives with her mum and dad and five other siblings, she said to Cynthia, I am very tired of living here in Wuse Abuja, I have been dreaming of visiting other great cities in the country. I do wish to visit another city such as Enugu, Port Harcourt or Lagos, so after much contemplation, Amanda and Cynthia decided to travel to Port Harcourt together.
Both ladies contributed money and rented an apartment in Port Harcourt, there is this famous bar called the Pink cafe, both friends went there every evening to listen to nice blues songs. During the weekend they both went to a nightclub called Happy box in Port Harcourt to sit down and have a nice drink such as Guinness beer, Heineken and dance the night away. At happy box nightclubs, a lot of expatriates usually come there such as staff of companies from Onne, Intels, Agip, Saipem, Chevron all went to these cafes and of course some big boys in Port Harcourt.
Both ladies bought some lovely dresses from Shoprite and other shopping malls in Port Harcourt, spent thousands of Naira on clothes, pretty hair, jewelry, and shoes, due to the fact that Amanda and Cynthia were very young, they enjoyed going to parties, events, and wanted to look their best and so on.
The following week, Cynthia decided to apply for university studies at The University of Port Harcourt, she gained admission to study Biology, she called her daddy in Abuja, she said Daddy, please I need some clothes at least two pairs of jeans, two t-shirts, underwear, comb for my hair, money for soap, perfume and food. I do also need some money to pay for admission fees at the University of Port Harcourt and for the student accommodation, her daddy immediately sent five hundred thousand Naira to her Nigerian bank account.
Cynthia was so happy, she felt so happy to have great parents that buy her food, clothing, pay her school fees, accommodation, and so on. The following day, she called her mummy and aunties, they all sent her some money to her bank account for travel costs, electricity bills, etc. The next day she went to the university of port Harcourt, wearing a very nice pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt she bought from a shop at Rumuola, close to Eligbam junction from the money her parent sent to her account, she also did her hair braids at a beauty salon very close to rumuokwuta junction. She felt so proud, very very happy and pretty She asked, one of the prospective students, please where is the admission office of biology students, the lady replied, walk straight on the hall, turn left, the first office on the right-hand side, that is where you need to apply, she smiled and said thank you.
She walked into the admission office, on the door was written Mrs. Okocha Ibe, she knocked, Mrs okocha responded, please come in, she came in and smiled to Mrs okocha, Madam, please I do wish to apply for the course biology, I have my Neco and Waec result with me, I would like to submit it, Mrs okocha smiled and said, welcome to the University of Port Harcourt, I am very happy you chose to study with us. Mrs okocha collected her credentials, asked her to pay the sum of fifty thousand Naira for the admission fees, she told Cynthia, not to worry, I shall submit your credentials to the admissions office, you may come back two weeks time to check on the notice board outside my office in order to find out if you are one of the students admitted.
Cynthia decided to apply for university studies at The University of Port Harcourt, she gained admission to study Biology, she called her daddy in Abuja, she said Daddy, please I need some clothes at least two pairs of jeans, two t-shirts, underwear, comb for my hair, money for soap, perfume and food. I do also need some money to pay for admission fees at the University of Port Harcourt and for the student accommodation, her daddy immediately sent five hundred thousand Naira to her Nigerian bank account.
Cynthia was so happy, she felt so happy to have great parents that buys her food, clothing, paid her school fees, accommodation, and so on. The following day, she called her mummy and aunties, they all sent her some money to her bank account for travel costs, electricity bills etc. The next day she went to the university of port Harcourt, wearing a very nice pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt she bought from a shop at Rumuola, close to Eligbam junction from the money her parent sent to her account, she also did her hair braids at a beauty salon very close to rumuokwuta junction. She felt so proud, very very happy and pretty She asked, one of the prospective students, please where is the admission office of biology students, the lady replied, walk straight on the hall, turn left, the first office on the right-hand side, that is where you need to apply, she smiled and said thank you. She walked into the admission office, on the door was written mrs Okocha, she knocked, Mrs okocha responded, please come in, she came in and smiled to Mrs okocha, Madam, please I do wish to apply for the course biology, I have my Neco and Waec result with me, I would like to submit it, Mrs okocha smiled and said, welcome to the University of Port Harcourt, I am very happy you chose to study with us. Mrs okocha collected her credentials, asked her to pay the sum of fifty thousand Naira for the admission fees, she told Cynthia, not to worry, I shall submit your credentials to the admissions office, you may come back two weeks time to check on the notice board outside my office in order to find out if you are one of the students admitted.
The next day, Cynthia followed Amanda to a very nice beauty salon close to Eligbam Cynthia escorted Amanda to the tattoo salon, helped her choose the tattoo design and Amanda got a huge tattoo worth two hundred thousand Naira then on her waist. Later Cynthia decided to get some little tulip flower tattoos as well on her back. Cynthia also got herself a nice piercing on her nose, her Tommy, and an eyebrow tattoo. Cynthia felt so happy, trendy, and stylish. Whenever she went to a pink cafe, she had all her girlfriends see her new brow tattoo, nose piercing, and the nice tattoo she had on, she was so proud. One evening, Cynthia was wearing a nice Dior brown dress and high heel Gucci shoes, she walked into a pink cafe and a Chanel wristwatch her previous American boyfriend bought for her , she bought herself a nice glass of Jack Daniel on the rocks. Amanda did not join her to the pink cafe, she traveled to Bonne island to spend the weekend with her Italian boyfriend called Paulo.
Cynthia was enjoying her drink. A few moments later, a man called Jack approached her, he told her he works with Saipam and that he is interested in being her boyfriend. Jack looked very handsome, wore very nice clothes. Both drank some drinks together in Pink cafe port Harcourt, later went home to relax together that evening.
In the morning, Cynthia walked to the street to get an okada( motorcycle) that would take her to her apartment in rumuokwuta. After thirty minutes of standing outside under the hot sun, Cynthia finally got an okada that took her to her room close to Rumuokwuta. Cynthia rented a very beautiful room in a boy’s quarter in rumuokwuta. She had her own kitchen and toilet in a very private, secured compound.
Sometimes she had friends and family members that came from Asaba and Benin to visit her And spend the night at her beautiful boy’s quarter. Cynthia had a very nice friendly landlord then, he was a chief and an honorable member of the house of assembly in Port Harcourt, well respected and honored in the community of that local government area.
A few weeks later, Cynthia met an American man called Mark, who helped her pay for her home in Port Harcourt and also Paid all the expenses of renting and furnishing her shop in port Harcourt. Her American boyfriend escorted Cynthia to her new shop at Eligbam junction, had a meeting with the owner of the shopping complex, and paid for the shop and the interior decoration. Cynthia went to Aba, bought some nice shoes, hair extensions, wigs, slippers, perfumes. Cynthia was a very hard-working student, she was able to pay her school fees with the money she earned from the shop.
A few weeks later, Cynthia said admission to The University of Port Harcourt, she started her studies there, during her second year, she had a lot of workloads, she had to write the examination in biology, chemistry, statistics, physics, economics, and other fun subjects, Cynthia decided to imply two ladies one lady from Calabar, the other lady from delta state, both ladies started working for Cynthia in her top-notch salon in Port Harcourt. Cynthia made a lot of money, paid for her rented apartment in Port Harcourt, and her rented apartment at the university. Aside from being a beautician, Cynthia is a top model, she modeled often for some photographers in port Harcourt.

5th short story
Young & the sexy bank Lady!
Once upon a time! Deborah Chika started her new job at Bentley Bank in Newyork. Deborah Chika is a young lady with very pretty long legs, long hair, flat Tummy and a very nice bosom. Immediately Deborah walked into the office of the hiring officer Mr. Joseph Ashley, she was immediately hired. She had the prettiest smile, Mr. Joseph said to Deborah, you are welcome to Bently bank, Deborah smiled and said thank you. Mr Joseph told Deborah, one of the hiring procedures of our bank is that you shall write an aptitude test. Halle wrote the aptitude test and passed.
Debo was very happy to have earned the job. She immediately went home and told her girlfriend Rose. Rose, I have earned a job. I am the new bank manager of Benty Bank. Rose said congratulations to Halle.
Deep down, Rose was not happy. She also wanted to earn a job as a bank manager, buy lovely perfumes from brands such Dior, channel, and Hugo boss, wear nice clothes from brands such as Hugo Boss, Prada, Gucci, and more, make new friends, and have a very pretty car. So Rose said, I must stop this, I have to make sure she loses the position of a bank manager. I have to be the bank manager of Bentley bank.
Rose and Debo have been childhood friends for over two decades, they both attended the same primary school and secondary school. Debo was more attractive than Rose. Debo has the perfect shape, perfect dentition, perfect legs, perfect bosom, very pretty soft lips, and all the things a man likes in a woman, a nice smile, character, humor, and Charisma.
Debo was supposed to start work the following week. Rose got all the necessary information she needed from Debo in regards to her new job, address and so one
The next morning, Rose went to Tina, her neighbor. She said to Tina, Halle has just gotten a new job, let’s find a way to make sure she does not acquire that position. As a matter of fact, I actually want the position myself.
Tina said to Rose, well we have to come up with a plan. Tina told Rose, well, you have to apply for the same job position, Rose said no to Tina,I can not do that, Debo is going to find out I applied if I get the job eventually. moreover, in order to get a job in a bank, I need to have a very pretty leg, nice bosom, beautiful face and of course a nice decent height. She was just an average five feet tall lady and not so extrovert so she decided to go for plan b. She told herself, I am going to sleep over it and come up with a plan.
Tina said, yes, you are right. Well, I have got another plan. I am going to ask Doris, my younger sister who lives in Miami to apply for the same job, at least Halle does not know her. Doris is a very beautiful young lady in her early twenties, two feet tall, pretty long legs with an incredibly pretty face. I am sure if she goes and applies for the job, wearing a very nice tiny piece of suit with short skirt, she would earn the job.
that, Peter is a wonderful cook, sometimes, Peter would leave his duties as the manager of Punk oil and gas, would rush back home to cook some very delicious meal for Debo, Debo would just sit back and relax in the living room, watching television while Peter prepared several delicacies for Debo.
Later that evening after both love birds has finished shopping for cars spent over a week searching online and the beautiful fancy streets of New York, they decided to celebrate their newly bought babies, that is their cars. Peter called manhattan hotel Newyork reserved for an Indian cuisine, Peter decided to invite gabriel and his wife Patricia over for the nice dinner date in manhattan Hotel, they took a three course meal. Patricia and Rose are very close friends both ladies used to work for a great real estate company in Florida, they both ride together in the car going and coming back to the real estate company, both ladies were very close and very fund of each other.
After dinner, Peter and Debo decided to rent a hotel room in Manhattan hotel Newyork. Debo really loved the idea, she was so fond of Peter and enjoyed every little gesture he had towards her. For example, during her most recent birth, Peter bought Halle three samsonite boxes filled with shoes, clothes , makeup , perfumes, very high heeled shoes ( over twenty pairs in several colours, such as pink, blue, while, red, green) and lovely lingerie. Peter really loves Debo so much,whenever Halle is wearing her makeup in her bedroom or in the toilet, Peter would be staring at her with so much love and attention, he would always tell Halle how beautiful she was and Halle never failed to reward Peter with a dashing smile. Peter loves it so much when Debo dresses up like a doll for him, Debo sometimes would spend six hours to dress up, two hours for makeup, two hours to dress her hair up like a doll and a few hours selecting sexy outfits. Whenever Debo dresses up so nice, Peter would take her for a nice outing in Newyork, most times, they went to several nightclubs in Newyork, and dance the night away. both lovers were so deeply in love with each other. During the evening or late night outings, both love birds slept in top-notch hotels in Newyork.
Peter and Debo decided to visit Europe for the very first time. Peter and Halle have lived in America for so many years, visited almost all the cities in the United States of America such as Florida, Philadelphia, Newyork, Texas, Colorado, Boston, Pennsylvania, California, just name it. So they decided to visit Scotland, Edinburgh to be precise because the younger sister to Debo lives in Edinburgh with her family. Peter and Debo decided to visit Edinburgh in Scotland as a lovely gift to each other for the upcoming Christmas present. Peter and Debo and their kids usually celebrate Christmas with their kids at their homes. Europe would be a lovely change, Peter, and their three kids were so happy when they arrived in Scotland. They decided to stay at the Sheraton hotel in Edinburgh Scotland. Peter flew with their nanny, his wife, and three kids from New York to Scotland.
Their nanny Nancy is a young Chinese lady, very quiet, speaks basic English language, has a slender body and is well behaved. The nanny and the three kids of Peter stayed in a separate room while Peter and his wife stayed in the same room. Halle frequented the room very often.
n Christmas Eve, the entire family went to different fun places at the hay market together, went for a bus tour, and visited various awesome restaurants in Edinburgh. The entire family was so happy.
After Christmas, Peter and his family flew back to The United state of America, Debo earns a lot of money because she works with ExxonMobil, but Peter insisted on covering their trip. Peter spent over five thousand dollars for the flight tickets to and fro to Newyork and spent over five thousand dollars shopping for his lovely family. He bought his wife and three kids nice dresses, some perfumes, necklaces, and more.
Peter and his family arrived at their home in New York, went into their bedroom together, after some basic nighttime routine, Debo changed into very skimpy nightwear, went to the stereo, put up nice music of Celine Dion, started singing in a low tone, cos I am your lady, you are my man, slowly cropped into the bed and held Peter so tight he looked deep into Peter’s eyes and said, baby, I love you so much, I feel so happy to be your wife and I am very happy to be the mother of your three children. But I wish to ask you for a favor, Peter said, what, please go ahead, Halle smiled and said, Peter, since eight years we have been married, I have never had the chance to do anything at all by myself, we literally do everything together, use the toilet almost at the same time, brush our teeth the same time, take our shower together every day, work almost every day, I love our routine do not get me wrong she said, but I do need me time, as a matter of fact, I do want to travel to Paris alone, do some shopping, go skiing, start a computer lesson, I do want to learn how to build websites, webshops and so on and find a decent school online in Paris whereby I can learn some new skills, do some paintings and of course start writing again.
Peter said no way, Debo, I love you so much, You are a beautiful lady, I can not afford to lose you, I want to eat, drink, sleep with you every single day, I want to wake up next to you every morning, I want to hold you tight every day in my arms. I just can not afford to be without you baby. I am so used to you, I fall asleep every day in your arms, sleeping again without you at night would not be easy for me. Halle tried to convince Peter but to no avail, she decided to start a Ph.D. degree program at the University of California. Peter agreed, she started her phd program in microbiology, at the University of California, she went to school from New York to California by public transport.
Peter have been together for almost twenty years now, Debo has told Peter she really wants them to spice things up in the bedroom, bring in more fun, perhaps try new ideas in regards to love language, Halle’s dress sense, body language, speech and scent for Peter. Peter brought up an idea, he said why don’t we find a nice couple, a boyfriend and girlfriend, who are very young, trendy and vibrant who would guide us on how to spice things up in the bedroom, Halle said, I totally agree with you. So David went online, he went to a European dating site in Amsterdam, saw a nice young student couple there, flew them into New York, and had them teach him and Debo some bedroom fun lessons. The young couple works with an international bank in Amsterdam, the lady’s name is Joan, she is a nice young dark skin lady, with nice bosom, long legs, pretty lips, and a cute smile, the young man was about five feet tall, chocolate skin, very handsome and brilliant, both young couples were studying banking and finance at the university in Amsterdam.
After six months of intensive lessons, Peter and Debo were professionals, their bedroom life improved and both couples were very happy. David covered all the expenses in terms of the travel cost of the two young couples whom he flew from Europe to Newyork for some intensive coaching. After six months of intensive coaching, both couples perfected their bedroom act.
The moral of this short story is that we should always value true love! Love is a beautiful thing. Please do stand by your loved ones no matter their circumstances, everyone needs the best love, support and care ever they can get never neglect or criticize anyone with the uniform of inabilities or impairment because some were caused by accident they never wished for or were born with it, he or she never asked God to create them the way they are!
Everyone needs the best love, support, and care ever they can get never neglect or criticize anyone with a uniform of inabilities or impairment because some were caused by accident they never wished for or were born with it, he or she never asked God to create them the way they are!
6th short storybook
Bello and His Wives
Bello is a young handsome vibrant hard working man, his dad was once the president of Zambia. He has over twenty fleets of cars. All the girls in Zambia want to date Bello because of his handsomeness, charisma, and for his wealth, but due to the fact that Bello was raised by a God-fearing family, he was well-disciplined and did not womanize. His family was one of the few Christians in the northern part of Zambia.
Bello went to Shani hair salon in Zambia, met Amina, fell in love with her, he married her. Amina was nineteen years old when they got married, Bello and Amina did a church and traditional marriage in Zambia, after the marriage both couples traveled to London for a honeymoon.
Due to the political unrest in Zambia, Amina and Bello decided to buy a nice home in London and reside there.
Bello was twenty-four years old when they got married. Bello is the only heir of his parent. He made four beautiful baby girls with Amina. Amina and Bello were very happy couples.
Amina loves being a full-time housewife. She decided not to attend university studies, rather she chose to stay home and take good care of the beautiful girls she bored for Bello. Bello’s parent who still resides in Zambia were quite unhappy with the decision Bello took. Bello is the only son of his parent. His parent was very rich and Bello was their only son.
During the summer of 2010, the mummy of Bello decided to fly from Zambia to visit Bello and his wife in London. She visited them for the holidays. Bello was very happy that his mummy came to visit them in London, at least they would have a helping hand in regards to babysitting their lovely daughters. One afternoon, Bello sat down with his mummy in the living room. She said to him, Bello, I am your daddy, we are getting older every day, I truly need a male child. I need a son to take over my business empire.
Bello’s father has a great company in texas, he was the owner of a software engineering company ( similar to Microsoft) he was as rich as bill gate. She said to Bello my dear son, look, your daddy is more than a trillion-dollar rich, we need a son to inherit all this money.
Bello said, mummy, I have four beautiful daughters, I love them, and when am not able to manage my daddy’s company, my daughters would, I am going to send them to the best university, make sure they do have the right education to run our company.
Bello tried his very best to convince his mummy, but she insisted. She made several calls and asked her friend to fly in her daughter from Zambia to London. Bello’s mum said to Bello, this is not what i bargained for, i need a son, that it!
A few days later, a very beautiful Zambian lady arrived from Zambia at the lovely home of Bello, she is the daughter of one of Bello’s mummy’s best friends. She entered the living room, Bello’s mummy was happy she arrived. Bello was not happy neither was his wife happy.
Bello’s mummy sworn never to leave if he did not sleep with that new lady, he said to Bello, as a matter of fact, am not leaving your home until i hear the cry of a baby boy!
Bello had no choice, he went to bed with the new lady from Zambia, few months later she got pregnant, after nine months, she delivered a baby boy.
In uk, it is not allowed to have two wives, so Bello made arrangements, he bought her a new home in Newcastle, three ferrari cars and two jaguar cars, bello was happy he has a new baby boy, his mummy and daddy were happy. There was one person that was not happy, Bello’s wife was not happy. She told bello how she felt, she told Bello, well, I do not think you do love me, if you did love me, you would have not listened to your parent. Bello said to his wife, well you are almost fivety years old, almost approaching meno pause, done caeserean section three times, your chance of giving me a male child is very slim, well, i had no choice. Bello wife, said, Bello, its not fare, thats so rude and unkind. Bello held her close to himself, gave her a nice peek on the chin and said, baby, my mummy is getting old, I do not want to break her heart nor that of my daddy, my younger brother is married, he has five son’s, if i do not adhere to their request, my parent are going to give all their inheritance to my younger brother with five sons, we do not want that to happen do we? Bello’s wife said, yes you are absolutely right.
Bello and his first wife decided to return back to the ways things were, they were very very happy, Bello protected his wives ( wedded and traditionally married wive) never stalked them, he always provided everything they needed, cars, money, clothing, houses, underwear and everything they needed.
7th short storybook
Mary and the mysterious man
Mary is a young beautiful sixteen years old lady, she got married to Noah in Ontario Canada when she was seventeen years old. Mary is a nice lady, she likes dancing, singing and wearing very pretty skimpy little dresses. Noah fell in love with Mary the very first day he saw her. Mary was equally in love with him.
Mary has a very beautiful mummy, Mary’s mummy always visited Mary and to keep them company and spent quality time together and cooking for them at least 5 times in a year in Canada. Sometimes, Mary, Noah and her mummy would go to a shopping mall in Ontario to buy lovely clothes, shoes, perfumes and more. Mary is the only daughter of her mummy. Her dad was late when she was two years old.
Naoh is a billionaire, Naoh likes to dress up really nice and he also likes to see Mary dress up real nice. Both loves instagram very much, they did post lots of stylish pictures of themselves on instagram. Mary adores Noah, Mary likes to show off his handsome husband, so sometimes, mary would book flights for her and her husband to newyork, japan, singapore, India and very often to Bahamas.
Naoh bought Mary Rolls Royce and ferrari because Mary is his loving wife . Few year later, The lost and found previous lover of Mary moved in to town.
His name is Mathew, Mathew loved Mary very much. Mathew and Mary started dating when Mary was just sixteen years old. Mary and Mathew did not consumate the relationship because they were very little.
Mathew heard via someone that Mary lives in Ontario Canada, he decided to trace her down to Ontario Canada and rented a mansion close to the home of Mary and Jacob, he also paid several men lots of money to keep their eyes on Mary because he was a very jealous lover. Mathew loves Mary very much and did not care if she was married, he never wanted any other man to talk to Mary, no mechanic should talk to Mary, no teacher should talk to Mary , no electrician should talk to maryy, no one except him. He was exceptionally possessive and over protective of Mary when they were teenage lovers then. He wanted to destroy the marriage of Mary by all means nice he moved to Canada, he said to himself, if he can not have Mary, no one else would.
Mathew was practically obsessed with Mary ignoring the fact that Mary is the wife of someone else.
He said to himself when Mary was sixteen years old a very little teenage girl, she promised to marry him, they even planned to make a lot of babies together after marriage. Mary has another man in her life, he was very upset.
He came up with a plan, Noah has a fashion shop on the high streets of Canada where he sells top-notch brands of cloths such as Hugo boss Dior Gucci and Prada shoe belt, and more.
Mathew met Rebecca the owner of the shopping complex. He rented the same shop exactly the same shop Jacob has.
He furnished the shop with expensive wristwatches. He hired a salesgirl. He came up with a plan to win the heart of Mary back to his teenage lover. Mathew decided to visit the shop of Jacob, when he buys Prada shoes, Gucci shoes, Dior perfume for himself, he decided to buy Jacob as well.
He was monitoring all the movement of Jacob, any hotel Jacob rented, that was where Mathew would go, any restaurant, spa that’s where Mathew went. He was so obsessed with everything Jacob was doing.
Any male friends Jacob had, that’s the friends Mathew had.
Noah noticed how nice Mathew had, he was so happy with Noah, they both decided to hang out more together, sometimes they would spend the night in a hotel together in separate rooms, go to the same restaurant together, go to the same gymnastic together, cook together, enjoyed Chinese food together they both really enjoyed the company of each other.
Mary started noticing the change of behavior of Noah, he started coming home by 9 pm instead of the usual 5 pm. He comes home every night drenched in alcohol. Whenever mary complains he scolded her and asked her to mind her business.
Mary was worried, one night when Noah was sleeping, he saw so many pictures Jacob took with Mathew, she was very shocked.She also went through the phone and saw all the times Noah and Mathew have been calling each other.
She became very worried. She decided to secretly call Mathew and have fun with him.
The next day, she called Mathew, Mathew was so excited to hear the beautiful soothing voice of Mary, He said, oh Mary, I am so happy to hear your voice, I love you so much, I missed you, he said much (kisses) via the phone to Mary, Mary was equally happy to hear his voice. They planned to meet in a nice hotel in Newyork one week later, a nice getaway together, Mathew immediately booked a flight ticket for Mary and himself, both met each other at Novotel hotel Newyork, exchanged pleasantries, discussed the fun activities they both did when she was fourteen years old and later fell asleep in each other’s arms. Mary realized he still loves Mathew, the next day he called Jacob her husband, told him she would be away for two weeks, he accepted
Mathew spoilt Mary with several gifts such as Dior bags, shoes, Diamond jewelry, Rolex watches, clothing from Prada and gave her credit card gift of one hundred thousand dollars worth. Mathew said to Mary, please divorce Noah and Marry me, I am going to make you the happiest woman on earth.
One month later after quality time with Mathew, Mary became pregnant, she was not sure if she was pregnant for the man that has already married her, Noah or if she was pregnant for her old flame Mathew, she was so biased.
Eventually, she had the baby, it was for Mathew, Noah know immediately because the baby looks so much like his new friend, he confronted Mary, Mary told him about Mathew, how they met and so forth, Naoh said, wow, I understand. I am not mad at you, as a matter of fact Mathew is also my friend, Mary said, I already know, I saw his contact on your phone, and he has visited our home, and I see how you people work together at the shopping complex.
Both couples wholeheartedly accepted Mathew as a family friend, the three friends had so much great time together! Sometimes, Mathew will ask his driver or gardener to bring flowers to Mary, and Mary was so happy she has two men that loved her. One was married to her and the other was her old school love, she could not afford to lose her marriage and return to her first love, she explained to her husband and her husband accepted.
Their children lived together as one in the same home, everyone visited each other home, Noah said to Mary, always feel free to visit Mathew, but you shall forever be my wife!
8th short storybook
Cynthia The Travelling Angel
Cynthia is a young student at the University of Cambridge. She loves studying. She studies medicine. One day, she was traveling from Edinburgh to London so she can meet up with her lectures for the next day. It was a cold evening of September 2017. She sat on Scottish rail, she was such in a hurry to catch the next train that would bring her to her home close to Picadilly London.
Cynthia mistakenly took the school bag of a lady in the train, she did not know that the school bag was not hers, it happened when she was stepping out of the Scottish rail. she got home and found out that she had mistakenly taken the school bag of someone else. Cynthia has done a lot of shopping in Edinburgh from some cool shops and had a lot of items on her hand, bags from Tesco, clothing from shops in Edinburgh that were not in London and of course her school bag.
The brand of the school bag was Samsonite. Cynthia was shocked, petrified and panicked. She felt very bad. She opened the bag, she found out that the content of the bag was clothes. She had lost her own bag she thought, she took the bag of someone else in the Scottish train instead of her own bag.
The next Monday morning, after her lectures in London, she decided to travel back to Edinburgh at the train station, where she boarded the train, she said to the train personal at Edinburgh, I mistakenly took the Samsonite bag of someone else, please, I also have a samsonite bag, I wish to return the wrong one I took, the train personal said, ok, no worries, Immediately Cynthia was about to leave the train station, she overheard another lady called Agnes stating to the train personnel at Edinburgh, Sir, I mistakenly took the bag of someone else, when I got home, I found out that the content of the bag is clothes, I wish to return it. Cynthia turned around, looked at Agnes, ran to her, and said, yes, yes! that’s me, that’s my bag, may I have it. It was like a great re-unification, wow, she held her heart, and took a nice deep breath, I am so happy, Cynthia immediately gave Agnes a nice hug and said, thank you so so much for returning my bag, I almost had a heart attack, when i got to my room and discovered I took the wrong bag.
Both ladies were very happy to have gotten their lost Samsonite bag back. Cynthia decided to travel back to London that same Monday from Edinburgh. Agnes was a university student at Edinburgh, she was studying Biology at the University of Edinburgh.
Cynthia loves traveling, Cynthia has been to Spain, Milan, Italy, Japan, China, Singapore, India, Milan, Newyork, Texas, aside from Studying medicine at the University of Cambridge, her second passion is traveling. She loves making beautiful pictures while she travels. She publishes the pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram. Cynthia has a loving and supporting parent and family members who sponsored her trip to various countries worldwide.
On Tuesday, Cynthia’s boyfriend called Bayo, went to visit Cynthia in her study room, both of them sat on the coffee table together, eat some bread and egg together and drank a cup of thee together, both started holding each other’s hand tight and Bayo told Cynthia how much he loves her. Cynthia said to Bayo, I love you right back baby, after our university studies, I am going to wed you in Ondo state, Nigeria.
Cynthia is an American lady, her father is from Boston and her mummy is from Colorado. Cynthia and Bayo met at the University of Cambridge London, during their second year of study. Both met in the classroom during their chemistry lesson taught by Mr. Bradson in London. Both attended classes together at the University of Cambridge London.
Cynthia and Bayo were alone in their bedroom in London, no one else was there with them, Cynthia whispered to Bayo’s ear, he said to him, baby, i love you so much, i wish to tell you something, something amazing happened, i lost and found the laptop you bought for me. Bayo said to her, baby, I am so happy you did. Bayo immediately walked towards the curtain, closed the curtain, sat on the couch in the bedroom, he said to Cynthia, come to me, sit on my lap, Cynthia went ahead and sat on the lap of Bayo. Bayo said to Cynthia, I love you baby if you need anything, new clothes, phone, laptop, shoes, textbooks, travel money, provision, underwear, perfumes, body lotion just let me know.
Bayo is a young handsome man studying Medicine at the University of Cambridge. Bayo knew Cynthia loves studying and does not have alot of friends, he gave Cynthia the phone number of Adekunle, Bayo said to his american girlfriend Cynthia, Baby girl, i know that you are a book worm, please this is the phone number of Adekunle, go to his house in Manchester and please have some fun together, I do not like to see you like this, year after year lonely, you know me well, my work and study is very demanding, sometimes i have to leave for lectures as early as 7 am and come back to you 11 pm, Monday to Sunday.
Please go to Adekunle this coming Sunday, sit with him, chat with him, have breakfast lunch with him, Adekunle is a nice medical student like us, you both would have so much fun reading, burning midnight candles studying together. Cynthia said, ok, no worries, I will do just that, She packed her things on Saturday carefully, put it in her school bag, and traveled to Manchester to spend some nice time with Adekunle.
When she arrived at Adekunle’s home, Adekunle welcomed Cynthia with a nice hug, gave her a nice peek on the cheek, and asked her if she would like to have a drink. Cynthia said, yes, i am very tired and famished, please i would like to drink a glass of cola. She drank a glass of Cola and ate rice and chicken from Nando’s Adekunle bought for her earlier on. Adekunle had some other flatmates called Tolu and Tope. Tolu, Tope, and Adekunle sat down with Cynthia, exchanged pleasantries and later Cynthia and Adekunle retired to bed together, both of them slept off like babies, nothing happened.
Cynthia and Chidinma used to be roommates in London, they both shared a separate bed but were sharing the same room, she and Chindinma had to share the fees for the room. Now she lives all by herself in London, although she has a boyfriend, he is very busy. She enjoyed every moment she spent with Adekunle, although both had to share the same bed, she felt save and secure. Adekunle did not make any advances at Cynthia, their legs just touched each other while they were sleeping together, but nothing more or less happened.
On Monday morning, Adekunle decided to bring Cynthia to the train station, after both has spent quality study moments together. They studied, biology, physics, chemistry together, cynthia was very happy because she learned how to draw all the twenty hydrocarbons very well such as methane, ethane, propane, and decane, her drawings became more structural, all thanks to Adekunle.
Tolu and Tope gave Cynthia a nice present, both are artists, they love drawing, so they decided to offer Cynthia a nice piece of art, they decided to give Cynthia a nice present, a nice canvas of acrylic paint.
Two weeks later, Bayo came to Cynthia, visited her, spent two weeks together, both had so much fun together, they decided to visit the family Cynthia in Newyork. Bayo and Cynthia decided to book a flight ticket, traveled to Newyork, and arrived at the home of Cynthia’s parents. Both friends gave the mummy and daddy of Cynthia a nice flower. They both booked the flight with American airlines.
Later that afternoon, The parent of Cynthia, Bayo, and Cynthia went to Nando’s in new york, eat chicken peri-peri, rice and chicken, drank a glass of cola, and exchanged pleasantries. The parent of Cynthia told Cynthia that Bayo is a nice man, Bayo looks very handsome and sounds very intelligent. Later, the parent of Cynthia, Bayo, and Cynthia decided to spend the night at Sheraton Hotel in Newyork.
The parents of Cynthia were very rich, they decided to give both lovely couples a nice present, so they paid for a room for both couples, and paid for a room for themselves.
Bayo and Cynthia had a nice weekend, Bayo decided to call his cousin in Newyork, he invited him over, Bayo’s cousin’s name is Afolabi, Afolabi arrived, Afolabi is a nice handsome man that lives in New jersey, he spent sometimes with Bayo, Cynthia in the room, they ate some food together at the sheraton’s hotel in Newyork and later, Afolabi decided to pay for his own room, he loves his cousin so much, he decided to pay for his own room just to make sure he gets the chance to have breakfast with his cousin the next morning and offcourse exchange pleasantries. During the afternoon, Afolabi, Bayo and Cynthia decided to hit the gym, before Bayo invited Afolabi to the sheraton hotel in Newyork, he told Bayo about all the great facilities Sheraton hotel in Newyork has such as the swimming pool, gymnastic, Bayo knew that Afolabi does not have very nice clothing, so he bought him nice gym pack from London and a nice gymnastic shoes from Adidas from London, he gave the awesome present to his cousin when he arrived. Afolabi wore the nice gymnastic outfit his cousin bought for him during their visit to the gym.
The next moring, Bayo, Afolabi and Cynthia arrived at the breakfast hall of Sheraton Hotel Newyork, they ate bread,eggs and drank thee. Bayo and Afolabi were happy to have shared a table together with Cynthia for breakfast. Bayo and Afolabi exchanged pleasantries and were happy to have seen each other again after so many years.
After breakfast, Bayo and Cynthia checked out of their hotel room at Sheraton hotel, booked a flight from Newyork to London, and immediately flew back to London.
Bayo had so many friends in London, he asked all his friends to keep their eyes on Cynthia, he gave all his friends thousands of euros as extra help for his girlfriend, in case if he had to travel very far away and his friends can not reach him, they can quickly help Cynthia, he also asked them to help her with homework, cooking if she can not cook herself, make sure she does not lack anything, Cynthia has all the addresses and contact number of Bayo’s friend, Bayo asked Cynthia to feel free to visit his male friends and asked them for help whenever she needs anything, Cynthia also shared important contact details with Bayo. Cynthia always visited all the male friends of Bayo, somethings four of them in a day, from one hostel to another, sometimes if she needs help with statistics, she goes to the bedroom of Stevenson, if she needs help with physics, she went to the bedroom of Mathew all the students had one bedroom and lived in a student housing complex, she had such a happy study experience and achieved excellent grades, most time A grades.
Cynthia was very happy, she was happy about the first great impression Bayo made during his first visit to her parent. Bayo presented himself as a nice intelligent, young medical student with high charisma and so much love and passion for Cynthia. She told the parent of Cynthia how beautiful Cynthia is, how he wanted to marry Cynthia just the very first week he set his eyes on Cynthia, how perfect Cynthia cooks, cleans and excels in all her exams. Cynthia felt so happy she met Bayo and to have Bayo as her only love and boyfriend.
Bayo and Cynthia immediately went straight to their one-room both rented close to Picadilly London, both were very happy to have had a nice weekend in Newyork
After seven years of studying medicine together, both love birds decided to get married, they wedded in Newyork, rented a home, had five kids together, and lived as a happy couple ever after!
Cynthia started working at a medical hospital at New jersey, she loved her job so much, she supported several charity organizations as well.
When Cynthia got employed at the hospital in New jersey she was offered a job as a pediatrician while Bayo was offered a job as a gynecologist in Philadephia. Cynthia was given a new laptop, a new uniform, some shoes, hand gloves and offered ten thousand dollars monthly as salaries. She took care of kids that were not feeling fine at the hospital in New Jersey, while Bayo took care of women.
Both love birds got their jobs in different cities both called each other very often via WhatsApp video calls and met each other once a week at their lovely home in Newyork!
9th Short Story Book
Nonso and the ladies
Sarah and Joan were best of friends, both were born and bred in Ghana. Sarah and Joan lived most of their live-in Ghana. After their 21st birthday, Sarah and Joan’s parents decided to move to Paris, France. Sarah and Joan’s parents were best of friends in Ghana, Sarah and Joan loves studying together and also traveling since they were very young. Sarah and Joan have not visited Ghana after six years they both lived in Paris. So both planned to visit Ghana. Both bought flight tickets from Paris and flew to Ghana. Sarah and Joan were very happy to see Accra Ghana again after six years they traveled to Paris together.
Sarah said to Joan, wow Ghana looks so beautiful. Sarah and Joan arrived at Accra, that evening on their arrival, both ate nke nke en pepper sauce with fried ice fish. Later they both ate okro soup and fufu with goat meat pepper soup and drank one bottle of heineken each. Sarah and Joan enjoyed the meal so much at a nearby fast food in Accra ghana.
Sarah said to Joan, I truly enjoyed this meal, i have never tried anything like this before. Joan said to Sarah, same here.
On arriving in Ghana, Joan met a nice man called Nonso. Nonso is a handsome lovely young man.
Nonso drives a nice car. He drives a Mercedes benz and was self employed. Nonso is a businessman, an architect, and a very successful one at that. He builds and designs homes worldwide.
Sarah was sitting on the Hilton bar in accra ghana when Nonso approached her. Nonso said to Sarah, please come to my table, i am such in a good mood to chat. I have been sitting here alone since 4pm and its already 8pm. I have been alone all these hours here and feeling very lonely.
Sarah and Joan quickly moved from the table they were sitting and sat with Nonso.
Nonso introduced himself to both ladies, both ladies were happy to have to meet Nonso. Nonso said, well i like you Sarah very much, i would love to date you. I love your hair, your pretty face, the makeup you are wearing the nice perfume, is that jadore, Christian dior you are wearing, she said yes.
Sarah blushed. She said to Nonso, i find you very attractive, you look very handsome. I love your nice tommy hilfiger t shirt, your nice true religion jeans of course your north face schoolbag and your dior t-shirt.
They had several cocktails called camparinya and few minutes later Joan excused herself, she retured to the bedroom they lodged at Hilton Hotel Ghana. Sarah and Nonso walked around in the Hilton hotel ghana, nonso was so excited and eager to show her all the nice features Hilton had, such as the nice waterfall on the wall, the swimming pool, the dining bar, the jetty bar. The billiard area and so on.
Sarah and Nonso went to Nonso’s bedroom.
Nonso took off his clothes, he was wearing a nice Hugo boss trousers. Sarah said to Nonso, wow i love your nice Hugo boss boxers and your nice muscular body. Nonso has six-packs on his stomach and nice muscular legs.
Nonso said thank you. Nonso said to Sarah, i have a nice bathroom in my room actually, i have got a jacuzzi in my bedroom. Sarah said wow, i can’t wait to relax with you.
Sarah was so happy, she said, wow, i do not have a Jacuzzi in the bedroom i am lodging with Joana.
Nonso said to Sarah not to worry, lets have a nice relaxation moment in my jacuzzi at my bedroom together, Sarah replied, sure no worries.
Nonso was wearing nice Marlies Dekker underwear and nonso was wearing nice hugo boss underwear. So both had their underwear on and went inside the Jacuzzi together and had a nice bath.
After the bath Nonso wore a nice channel perfume and sarah had a nice ysl perfume. Sarah had a very nice long hair she braided at the salon and very nice french manicure she made. Nonso said to Sarah i love your nice hair you made at the salon and your fresh french manicure. I am going to support you, I am going to give you some money before you leave so that you can buy yourself a gift.
Both of them went in front of the 45 inches television screen in the hotel room of hilton room. Both eat popcorn. Sarah asked Nonso if he would like to have a nice lapdance, Nonso said yes, so Nonso went ahead and put on the music of 2face idibia titled you are my african queen. Sarah started singing and dancing vigorously for Nonso, after they have listened to two face idibia, they both listened to square omalicha.
Few hours later, Sarah said to Nonso, baby i am tired, i want to go back to my room and relax. Nonso said to sarah, hold on a minute, please dont leave me all by my self i do not want to be lonely. I truelly enjoyed your company and would be very happy if you can spend the night with me, if possible, I want to spend every single night that passes by with you.
Sarah said to Nonso, no worries, i shall spend the night with you on one condition if you tell me a nice story and pet me till I fall asleep, Nonso said, no i do not know how to tell a nice story in English language, i only know mid night stories in igbo language, she said no worries, Nonso told Sarah nice midnight stories, she later fell asleep like a baby in his arms
The next morning, Sarah quickly dressed up, she wore a nice pink dress from Boohoo and a black high heel shoes from Guess, wore her favorite Chloe perfume, did her nails properly and hair. Sarah looked so stunning in her outfit. Nonso said to Sarah, this is our first night together, we have had so much fun with each other in this hotel room, i feel something so strong for you, i can almost call it to love but you may not believe me if i told you so, Nonso said to Sarah, please move in with me.
I have just bought a new condo in New Jersey and a nice Bentley car. I am willing to pay for your flight ticket. I am flying back to New Jersey, as a matter of fact, I just can’t get my eyes off you, i wanna spend every second with you.
Sarah felt so astonished, she felt also something strong for Nonso, but she just needed time to make sure its true love. She said yes to Nonso’s offer and both decided to start a new life in Newjersey.
Both love birds went to new jersey from Accra ghana, they flew with American airlines. When they got to the beautiful condo nonso bought for himself and joan, he actually bought it on their names. Joan said, wow I love it, it looks so nice. Joan was born and bred in Paris but from ghana. Nonso was born and bred in new york but from Nigeria.
Joan and Nonso were so much in love, both went to several nightclubs in newjersey, several restaurants, nonso bought joan very very pretty dresses from Louboutin, Prada, gucci and dresses from fendi, channel, gucci , prada, dior, and very pretty makeup from estee lauder, channel, boujoir, christian Dior, and very very nice perfumes.
After three months of their arrival to New jersey, Joan got pregnant for Nonso in New jersey, nonso immediately married her two weeks later. Nonso was four months pregnant when she got married to Joan.
Five months later Joan gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Both couples decided to name him Kingsley. Kingsley’s room was very very nice. He got a nice bed, nice furniture and very lovely outfits from brands such as Dior, Fendi, Guess, Nike and more.
Kingsley gave Joan and Sarah so much joy. He looked so handsome and healthy.
Sarah was in the lovely home Nonso acquired for them, Sarah decided to quit her job in paris as a salesgirl in a supermarket and decided to become a stay home mummy.
Whenever Nonso went to work with his Ferarri car in new jersey, Sarah would stay at home, wash her self properly, feed baby, clean the entire six bedroom flat all by herself, do the laundry of herself , chat with some of her friends online and that of nonso, iron the cloths and offcourse prepare very delicious meal. Nonso favorite meal is okro soup, oha, vegetable and Banga soup with hot eba or semo.
Nonso used to have a lady whom did his cooking and washed his clothes, but he dismissed her when he met Joan Joan was a better cook and cleaner than her.
Nonso is from Nigeria, Joan is from Ghana. Nonso and Joan were both born and bred in Africa, Nonso in Nigeria and Joan, ghana, they both moved abroad when they were adults. Nonso’s parents are from Imo state, the parents of Joan are from Ashanti, Ghana.
After ten years of marriage of Nonso and Joan, both spoke different languages. Nonso wanted to find a woman, whom he can speak a nice imo dialect, after ten years of marriage, Nonso applied for a voluntary architecture job in Nigeria. He traveled to Imo state and found a very beautiful woman called Ada
nso immediately bought her a house and a car after one week, he took her shopping in Polo shopping mall and changed her wardrobe, he spent fifty million nairas on her within one week. He secretly did a very quiet traditional marriage with her, after two years of Nonso and Ada living together secretly as a traditionally wedded couple, Ada gave birth to a boy and a girl for Nonso. Nonso was so happy with Ada because he found a woman he speaks the ibo language with every day.
After living in Nigeria for two years with Ada, he decided to move back to New Jersey.
Ada, asked him, why do you want to move back to America, he decided to finally tell Ada the truth, he said to Ada, I actually have a wife with three children in New Jersey, her name is Joan and she is a very beautiful lady and nice, I also love her. Ada was very very upset, he said to Nonso, but you did not say this to me before, Nonso said, am sorry, i have to go now.
Nonso traveled to new jersey and went back to Joan and his three lovely kids.
After two years, Ada traced Nonso to New jersey, he knocked at Nonso door, Nonso opened the door and was happy to see her. He introduced Ada to Joan, he asked both ladies to live together in the house peacefully with him, Both ladies said no to Nonso offer, both ladies started shouting and screaming at Nonso, Nonso, you cheated, you lied. Nonso said to both ladies, i love you both so so much, i can not choose, i deeply want to have you both as my wives in house. Both ladies said no, Nonso, said goodbye to both ladies.
10th Short Story
Cynthia the American waitress
Good afternoon mr. Isaac, how are you today? I am fine thank you.
What may i get for you sir? he said to him, your beautiful self. He later replied to her, am joking. I just arrived from Amsterdam to Newyork, i flew with American airline and i am lodging at hotel Bacceret here in Newyork. I just had a quick meeting with my secretary before i arrived here.
Cynthia offered him a dashing smile. How was your trip? I hope you enjoyed your trip to Newyork. Yes, i did, as a matter of fact, the flight was amazing. I love Amsterdam very much and i do like it here in newyork.
I am the owner of an airline company in The Netherland. I am here in newyork for my phd studies. I have just applied with the university of Newyork.
Cynthia said to him, wow thats fine.
Isaac is a nice handsome man with a nice six packs , very dark chocolate skin, very tall, white teeth and a very very handsome.
Isaac mum is from Zimbabwe and his dad from zambia but has lived most of his life in Amsterdam. He stayed at the raddison blu hotel for two weeks in Amsterdam before he decided to fly to newyork for a business research.
Cynthia likes Isaac but due to the fact that she was a waitress, she could not tell how she felt about him.
For good two weeks, both were very close, Isaac kept visiting the restaurant Cynthia was working for in Newyork.
One day, Isaac decided to tell Cynthia how she feels about her.Cynthia was so happy to find out how Isaac feels about her.
She gave isaac her number.
Two weeks later, they decided to go on a date.
During their date , isaac proposed to her. During their first date at the Bacceret hotel, he gave her a diamond ring. Cynthia was very happy.
She said to him, baby, i have been coming to your cafe for the past two weeks, loves everything about you, your smile , your height , your voice, your mini skirt you wear to work and more. She accepted the ring with so much joy and happiness.
Isaac and Cynthia had a very nice wedding in newyork . Two weeks later they both flew to Amsterdam.
After five years, they both had four lovely kids.
Isaac and Cynthia bought a very beautiful home and hotel in Amsterdam
Both were very very happy together.
11th short story
Sonia the angelic daughter.
Sonia is the second daughter of her mummy. When her mummy and her daddy seperated, her elder sister Sandra went to live with her daddy while sonia lived with her mummy. Her parent seperated because of personal reasons.
Her mummy was very happy she gave birth to Sonia and Sandra. Sonia was such a sweet adorable child with a very cute smile. Her mummy was so proud of her and her sister. Her mummy did not want to give birth to more kids after having two adorable daughters because her doctor advised her not to do so.
Sonia grew up alone. She did not have alot of friends while she was growing up. She received so many toys, clothes, books and more from her mummy. Her mummy bought her nice toys whenever they travelled to disney land paris together.
Sonia and her mummy always flew from Japan to Disney land Paris every year to visit Disney land Paris. Sonia loves disney land so much because if the side attractions and fun activities she indulges whenever she goes there.
She and her loving mummy has been to disney land more than five times. Sonia loved disneyland so much. Sonia mummy Amanda bought a very pretty home in Paris. Three bed rooms. Amanda decorated the room for her self and for her daughter.
She was raised by her mummy alone. Her elder sister Sandra was then raised by his dad’ s second wife and her dad. Her mummy loved her and her sister sandra so much and she and her sister sandra loved her mummy too very much.
When Sonia was fiveteen years old, she left from Japan to Malaysia for her university study. Her mummy took good care of Sonia during her six years university study in Malaysia. Due to the fact that she could not speak English and Malaysian language very well, she decided to marry a Malaysian man. She was also very much in love with the Malaysian man as well. The Malaysian man was very tall and handsome.
The name of the Malasian boy is simano. He was seventeen years old.She married him when she was sixteen. The malaysian boy was seventeen.
They were so in love. Both did not have children because they were university students.
Simano and sonia got married. Two years later , the marriage did not work out, both seperated.
Sonia was eighteen years old and simano was nineteen years old. The divorce and seperation was pretty fast. it took a very short while before everything was finalised.
Simano told sonia that he no longers loves her, that he has found another beautiful lady, younger and prettier. His new girlfriend was just seventeen years old. He meet her online.
Sonia decided to travel back to Japan where she came from, after living in japan for two years with her parent, she met a japanese boy on the street of japan.
The japenese boy took her home and accomodated her for two years
The japenese asked her, what are you doing in the street of japan all by yourself.
She said , am looking for true love. Both feel in love. The japenese boy was twenty two year, she was twenty.
Sonia and the young man were deeply in love. They did every thing together, they studied together, eat together, danced together and more.
Her Japenese boyfriend was a great cook, he made delicious meals for her.
The japenese shared the house with his two other male friend. All his male friends were very handsome and very respectful. They all treated sandra with so much love and kindness.
After sonia finished eating, she would dance for her boy friend for three to five hours every day. Her boyfriend loves dancing with her.
Sometimes, she would excort her boyfriend to shops in japan city centre, they would shop, buy food, eat lunch.
After wards, she would go home.
One day, her japenese boyfriend gave her fivety thousand euros and asked her to go to china amd start a fashion business.
She started her own fashion brand. She invited her uncles and aunties, her mummy and daddy to the party , the day of her fashion party.
Her brand was as good as dior. Later, she travelled with her japenese boyfriend to newyork and they made five kids together.
Her Japenese husband is from a very rich family. His parent was extremely rich. He decided to buy himself a private jet. He flew eith his girlfriend worldwide.
Sonia and her japenese husband became very famous.
They were in vogue, cosmopolitan and all the famous magazines in the world, their fashion brand was the talk of the town. Top models and artist such as cardi b nikki minaj wore their brand.
She gave birth to her five children with caeserean sections and she was administered epidural. After giving birth, she decided to work from home for her self and her husband.
Her husband was so much in love with Sonia. He decided to quit his office job and stayed with her everyday at home.
Both were deeply in love. Every day, they designed new dresses and sent the designed dresses information to their factory in china.
Sonia and her husband lived in japan with their five beautiful kids together and was very very happy.
12th Short Story
The Nubian princess
Cynthia loves the finest things of life, beautiful dresses, pretty shoes from the brands such as jimmy choo, Gucci, pretty little things, McQueen, Prada, Chanel, Fendi, nice pretty hair from the brand kukus hair,luxuryy hair, spending the night at nice hotels s as baccarat hotelnew yorkk, marriot hotel and very expensive perfumes from brands such as Chanel,dior,Gucci, Prada and more.
One day, she was walking on the streets of Newyork close to baccarat hotel new york
Mr davis saw Cynthia on the streets of New york, he asked her if she likes to have a drink, Cynthia said yes.
Both walked into the Bacarrat hotel Newyork, ordered two soda water, two cup of coffee and red wine.
Cynthia gave Davis a dashing smile.
Davis asked Cynthia, how long have you been living in Newyork, she said i just arrived seven months ago, i was living in florida for one year, i did my houseman ship for one year at the university of Florida. I graduated last year December.
I arrived this year January in newyork and now am working at the hospital in newyork as a doctor.
Davis, said to her; wow , that is fabulous, I am a doctor too, i am a vertinarian to be precised. Let us be lovers and collaborate. Cynthia is a gynaecologist.
Both decided to become lovers. After few monthes, they were very very happy together. Two monthes after meeting each other they got married, both bought a home in Canada and moved to Vancouver Canada.
After six months of living in Vancouver Canada and after being happily married, she bore him twins.
The name of her twins were Janet and Mary, two lovely babies.
It took Cynthia few years to recover fully.
Davis gifted her with ferrari, bugatti, porsche, mercedes benz, toyota corolla and jaguar cars afterchildbirth
Cynthia was so happy with Davis.
Every day both drove around town in their several cars.
Davis has seven nice cars, and Cynthia has seven nice cars too.
Sometimes both went shopping at Vancouver, during shopping, they bought Dior handbags, Chloe handbag channel perfumes, Prada perfumes and more.
Every day, Davis will write a sweet love letter on the bed for Cynthia. Every morning when Cynthia woke up, she would read the love letters, Davis made her feel special and proud, he gave her the finest things in life and assured her she deserves it.
Cynthia loves Davis so so much.
Davis and Cynthia love each other so much. Sometimes, both would travel from Vancouver to Toronto from Toronto to Montreal, making nice pictures, chit-chatting, trying out new things and more.
Their favourite hotel is ibis hotel, Marriot hotel Toronto and ibis hotel Montreal.
After a few years, Cynthia finally recovered fully and was ready to go back to work.
One morning, Davis woke up and told Cynthia, I am going to Beijing china for two years. He went to China to start up a new hospital.
I will ask my brother in NewYork to come over to our home to take care of you and our kids he said to her before he left.
One week later, Andrew arrived. He bonded immediately with Cynthia.
Cynthia actually needed like a few more weeks to recover. She had quadruplet two years after having her first twins and had cs operations. Four babies at once.
Andrew helped her with babysitting, cleaning and doing groceries.
Cynthia loves wearing very hot under wears from Victoria secrets, Pabo, and Marlies Dekkers underwear around the house.
She wore very hot sexy victoria secret under wear every day.
One day, Andrew was sitting in the living room , Cynthia joined him and started dancing to the music of sisqo.
Andrew asked her to put on some decent clothes on but she refused. Andrew stood up, went to the shopping mall in vancouver, bought her ten chanel dresses, twenty gucci shoes and five dior jeans.
He gifted Cynthia and said, please wear these around the house for me. I like to see u look nice and i shall make lovely pictures of you.
Few moments later, Andrew retired to his room.
Andrew felt bad that his brothers wife does not know how to dress around the house, but he was happy with gifting her with channel, dior outfits and more.
Andrew was very happy taking care of Cynthia, he went to the market every day, bought fresh food, fresh orange juice, vegetable and more.
He prepared her very delicious meal for one year and did her laundry too. She was very very happy with andrew. Andrew sat down with her everyday on the bed, both chatted and exchanged pleasantries.
After few monthes of living at their matrimonial home, he started feeling lonely and also started developing love and likeness with his brother’s wife.
He came up with a plan, the next day he decided to buy some sports outfits. He went to the gym every morning, during the afternoon he went to the llibrary to study and at night he quietly returned to his room.
He also dismissed the thought of falling in love with her. His brother met Cynthia fifteen years ago and married her, he has so much love and respect for his brother so he did not fall for the thought .
Secondly he knew Cynthia was still suffering from prenantal and post nantal child birth issues and she had caeseram section. In order to ease the pain of child birth, she opted for epidural.
Three monthes after child birth, Cynthia asked andrew if she can sleep in his room. She said to him, Andrew, i like you so much, for the past three months davis has been away. I need someone to hug me and caress my hair. I am having alot of pains due to the operation.
Andrew sat her down, he said to her, Cynthia i understand completely how you are feeling right now, after three months after giving birth, i think you need to relax and calm your nerves.
I shall prepare you a nice dinner and have the bath tub ready so you can relax. She kept insisting and asked for some hug, but he refused, she went on her knees, please, i just had my four lovely quadreplet few months ago, i had my babies with caeserean section and epidural, please i need some one now to hold me, hug me, caress my hair, that will help me calm my nerves and relax, I am feeling a whole lot of pain on my legs and on my tommy due to the operation i recently did, He went straight to the bathroom, prepared a nice warm bath and he helped her to wash her back and massaged her back and legs while she was relaxing in the birth tub.
She became calm and relaxed afterwards.
After few years of staying at home, she started feeling lonely.
she could not make new friends as fast as she could in vancouver, all her girl friends were in Newyork, she did not have any friend. She was very busy tking care of the lovely kids she bore for her loving husband davis, she spoke very often with her very successful and beautiful rich girlfriends in newyork. After one year, she was feeling much better after having birth.
The next day, she decided to travel to newyork with her lovely kids
She called her husband, darling am feeling very lonely, i want to travel to newyork with our kids and have fun and catch up with friends, her husband immediately said yes, its good for you honey.
I am going to miss you, she replied, me too my love.
She flew to newyork with american airline from van couver to newyork.
She spent three monthes there, interacted with her former collegues at the hospital and her girlfriends. Her friends were so happy to see her and her lovely angels.
She had so much fun with her girlfriends, after spending three monthes in newyork, shopping, went to great spa for body and mind treatments she felt very happy and rejuvinated.
Three monthes later she went back to canada, six monthes later davis returned from his business trip and joined his lovely wife in vancouver.
Few months later, they decided to have more kids. Both decided to have five more kids. Davis took good care of her. She had all her beauyiful kids with caeserean section. All her kids were very healthy. She revovered from her operation not as fast as she could because she once had an accident which inhibited her quick recovery.
They both lived in vacourver for forty years. They had eleven kids in total. Davis has over seven hospitals in china, london, Canada, newyork and more.
Davis, cynthia and their eleven adorable kids lived happily ever after in vancouver canada. Davis bought an airplane and he flew all round the world with his beautiful wife and eleven kids. They visited disney land paris every year . Cynthia was so thankful and greatful how she has been loved and taken care by him and his family
13th Short Story
Love called Again!
Isioma is a very beautiful lady
She was so beautiful to an extent that all the boys at her school wanted to date her. She did not have any boyfriend.She lives in Ibiza with her mummy and daddy. Her mummy decided to register her at a nearby school where she could learn about fashion design.
One day, on her way to school She met a very handsome man sitting at a cafe next to her school. The man immediately feel in love with her, he invited her to his house that same day, Isioma followed him to his house.
That same day, the man proposed to Isioma with a diamond ring. Isioma was so surprised. Isioma said to him, i just met you few hours ago, after our brief meeting earlier on, i barely know anything about you.
He said to her, my name is Raphael, i am twenty four year old multimillionaire from ibiza. I am the son of the richest man in ibiza spain.
Immediately she said yes!
Yes yes! I love you. You are the best thing ever happened to me. She jumped into his arms, gave him a warm hug and kissed his chin. He smiled! Thank you for saying yes, he said to her! The young man has a fair complexion skin, nice dimple on his chin, broad shouder, average height, very handsome face and was well dressed.
Isioma is nineteen years old lady, that very day, she was wearing a very tiny mini skirt and a crop top and a flat scandal. She looked so pretty, Isioma likes wearing very sexy outfits because she has a nice body, and she is a good dancer. She can dance to afrobeats very well.
On that faithful day she met Raphael, the young man was sitting alone and was feeling very lonely. He asked isioma , how are you, she said fine, thank you. She bought her snacks and left.
She attended her lessons and went back home. When she got home, she kept thinking about the young man she met.She said to her self, wow such a handsome, exactly the kind of man i need in my life. Few moments later, she went to buy some beverages from the shop, that was the moment James asked her to marry him at his home.
The next day, she wore a very skimpy skirt from pretty little thing and a crop top from top shop, a nice leggings from boohoo, she was looking very hot and ravishing. she was walking down the street to the school, suddenly a ferarri car pulled up next to her, he asked to join him for a ride.
She peeped into the car, she recognized him immediately, wow Raphael, nice to see you again. Raphael gave her a sweet smile, baby lets go for a ride, find a hotel and chill.
Isioma immediately hopped into the car of Raphael, Raphael told her, you look so hot and ravishing, he caressed her pretty long hair. Raphael is one of the top-notch musicians in Nigeria, he was as famous as Maroon 5, Blof, Ray Emodi, Davido and Wizkid.
One week later after their first meeting, they went to a hotel, eat a nice dinner and Raphael asked her, baby girl, would you like to be my model, she said yes!
I have a new album coming up soon, i am in need to a nice sweet sexy girl like you to dance for me.Raphael gave Isioma five thousand dollars to do some shopping in Ibiza.
Isioma went to the shopping mall and other shops, bought some lovely outfits from gucci, tedbaker, zara, dior, prada and louis vutton.
She was very happy.
Few weeks later, she was featured in the music video of Raphael. Three months after meeting her, Raphael went on vacation with Isioma.
Raphael and isioma flew to Toronto Canada and Newyork with his private jet.
One year after meeting each other, Isioma bored him. A handsome baby boy. Raphael gave Isioma a very lovely new car from the brand Porsche. Raphael bought the car from USA.
Raphael and Isioma were very happy. Three years after marriage, Isioma bore Raphael three children.
Both were very very happy. Every year, they flew from Toronto Canada to Disney land for summer vacation.
Five years after marriage, Raphael won several MTV awards, he was the most famous musician in the whole world, and everyone loves his songs. He was even featured by Don Jazzy, a great Nigerian musician and producer in one of his music videos. Raphael was very very happy to have been featured in Don Jazzy’s music video.
14th Short Stories
14th Short Stories
Zimba and Raphael
Zimba said to Raphael, we have been dating for 7 years, its high time you say the word.Raphael said to her , am sorry baby, i love you so much but i just do not have the courage to say to you marry me.
You are very beautiful, well learned and very kind..
I just cant say it. I am too scared to get married, what if something happened, what if if i lose my job, who is going to take care of you? I know your parents, there are very rich.
Zimba, for crying out loud, your dad has five limosine cars, and six tesla cars, several top notch hotels around the world and five mansions in ibiza spain if i may recall.
You are from a wealthy family, your family is going to be upset with me if any thing happens to you or if am not able to offer you the best things of life.My parent in london are not so rich, i can not afford to gift you with diamond rings, chanel dresses, gucci shoes, fendi handbag and more!
More over, i want to be the one paying all the bills around here, i am sorry zimba, lets just leave things the way it is.Ok, she said. I am going to wait for you one more year.
Look Raphael, all my sinblings are happily married.Several men has come to me to ask my hand in marriage, i have declined seven men for you, why you may ask? I just cant double date.
Its you i met first before them, its you that i love, baby its you that i choose.Ok, please give me some time. By the way how is your mum doing? She said, well she is doing great.
She came back from Carlifornia last week, she went to visit my elder brother there whom is married to an american woman , she went for holidays.Every day, she kept asking Raphael please marry me, please, am almost fourty years , all my age mates are all married, please Raphael, pleaseeee
According to senegalese culture, it is very important to be married, especially in one’s early thirties.Raphael decided to promise her marriage so that she will not keep asking him.
Moreover, Raphael loves Zimba so much, they have been dating for more than eight years. He promised to marry her the following year, on one condition.
You have to take in for me first.Zimba asked him, what do you mean? Are you doubting my capability of making children he said no
He said to her, see Zimba, am a cultured man
My family loves kids, my mummy has ten children, in order to make sure you would bear me at least five kids, i have to impregnant you first.
She now said ok ok, no problem.One year, later no kids, two years later , no pregnancy, thrée years later no kid
He said to Zimba, garl,whats going on? three year past no kids.
She said well, i have been trying too.The following week, she got pregnant
Zimba dated Raphael for eight years, Raphael never asked her to bear him kids.After eight years, he became very anxious to have children. She started eating healthier, stopped ingesting anti conception. Three years along the line, she got pregnant.
Finally! She said to her self! Wow, i am so happy to be a mummyZimba and Raphael were very very happy.
After nine months, Zimba gave birth to a bouncing baby girl!
Before she gave birth, Raphael married her.
I am so happy baby girl. You make me feel like a man, now that you are pregnant, am guarenteened you can make babies.
Zimba said yes, my loving Raphael, am very happy to be the mother of your children, our babies are going to be as handsome as you are.
Zimba is from Senegal and Raphael is from London.Zimba parents were the president of Senegal.
Her mummy and daddy were very very rich .She got all the finest things such as lovely diamonds from zizov diamond shop in Antwerpen, Balenciaga shoes, jimmy choo shoes, perfumes from great brands such as gucci and more from her parent.
After three years, Zimba got pregmant again for their second baby.
She was expecting a baby boy this time.
Her first baby was a baby girl, she received a bentley car from Raphael as a gift, she received three porsche cars from Raphael after giving birth to her second child.
Although, zimba can afford to buy her self cases, diamonds, homes and more, she.prefers to have Raphael her beloved husband to do it for her.
Raphael was so happy she bore him a handsome baby boy, so he decided to offer her three porsche cars this time.
Raphael asked Zimba, what colour of Porsche car do you want, Pink, red and purple porsche cars she said.Zimba is the only daughter of her billionaire parents.
Her daddy and mummy were extremely rich.
Two years after Zimba and Raphael meeting, her daddy retired.He willed his billion dollar businesses to her daughter and his new son in law.Raphael decided to sell their home in ibiza spain, they moved to Newyork.
They had a very happy married life in Newyork.
Three years later along the line, she bore him three more kids.
Both couple and their lovely kids lived in newyork city
Every evening, zimba would prepare african dish for her loving husband.
One of the reasons, Raphael loves his senegalese wife is due to the fact that she is a fantastic cook.
She can prepare senegalese and nigerians meal
She could prepare egusi soup, okro soup and more.
Her food was as delicious as kilimanjaro, blackbell restaurant and more.
Every weekend,
Rapheal was a dotting husband. He took good care of Zimba, he took his kids to school every day, he managed zimba’s father fleets of businesses very well, he made sure he took his family to vacation every year, sometimes to Disneyland Paris, sometimes to Newyork, Australia and more.
One day, Zimba came back from work, she said to Raphael, I am in love with some one else.
I do not have any satisfaction anymore
Raphael started crying immediately, baby please, you can not leave me now, just tell me, what i need to do, how to satisfy you better and make you happier
Zimba said to him, well, its too late. I met a very tall handsome man few months ago in a supermarket.
I love the way he talks to me, he is tall, with a broad chest, romantic and handsome.
Baby, i love you. I just cant live without you, remember, we have kids, although they are eighteen and living on their own , this news will tear them apart.
She said well, i am gonna make them understand.
Few moments later, she left. He became very devastated.
He could no eat, nor sleep for one week. His heart was thorn
He ended up in hospital for two weeks.
He kept crying and crying every day.
One month later he felt better.
He went home alone, he was so lonely.
He waited for zimba to come home for six months but she did not.After six months, she came home to Raphael
Baby am back, i broke up with him. Raphael was so happy to have Zimba back
Raphael said to Zimba, since you left me, i have been crying! I am so happy to have you back in my arms. She said to him, baby i am here to stay, I am not going to leave you again or make you cry, Raphael said to her, are you sure? she said yes baby!
He had always wanted to have an extra marital affair with ladies living in Abuja. He has been faithful to his wife for ten years, he learnt from his friends living in Abuja that Abuja ladies are hot and ravishing. He went on and meet two ladies. He made appointment with them He arrived in Abuja on sunday. On monday, he called Nneka Nneka arrived in his bedroom Nneka is a pretty young lady. She was in her late twenties.
She wore a very pretty pink mini skirt and a pretty pink crop top and pretty pink high heel shoes and a cute handbag and drove in to hilton hotel with a pretty pink mercedes benz car. She said to him, sir good afternoon. He said, welcome pretty girl, he touched her on her chin, caressed her hair, she was wearing a red pretty braids. how are you? he said in ibo language, nne idi kwa hot. Which means baby, you look so hot, she said thank you. She said baby am a rich man, am gonna take care of you, in short i pay in dollars. He reached out for his briefcase; he gave her five hundred dollars. She said, wow sir, thank you sir, am so grateful sir, infact sir, after this massage, am going to step in the beautiful pink Mercedes Benz you bought for me and go shopping in Shoprite. Am going to buy you your favorite harwei pizza from Shoprite. On a second thought Chimezie.,
why don’t you hoop in the car with me and lets go shopping together. He said, nne i have told you times without number, you are my secret lover. Nne, i love you oh, dont feel sad oh, he reached out fir his briefcase, he brought out five hundred dollars more and gave to her. Baby, i will do anything to make you happy. Buy your self a pretty dress from jiba fashion, ok She immediately cheered up.I love you Chimezie, he hugged him and gave him a peck on his chin. Jiba fashion is great fashion brand in Abuja, Nneka loves shopping from Jiba fashion Abuja. Few weeks earlier, He said to her, thats my girl. I feel happy now, nne see you soon… Baby, i love you oh, she said thank you sir. She immediately hoped into her mercedes benz car and drove to shoprite Abuja.
She was wearing a very tight mini skirt, very very little crop top and a very very high heel shoes from jimmy choo. All the men started whistling. Wow yarinya, you look so hot, mua, i love you. She gave them a smile, she was wearing a very pretty pink mini skirt, while she was walking inside the shoprite shopping mall Abuja, a gentle man She was so so happy her lover Chimezie was so caring and loving He used the money he gave her. Bought vey very pretty outfits, food and drinks She love champagne. She bought a very nice Champagne from Shoprite for both of them. When she arrived in Chimezie’s room, Chimezie said, baby, put on something hot for me She immediately went to her box She has ten pairs of sexy lingerie from Hunke Moller. Ten set of lingerie from. Marlies dekker and ten set of lingerie from Calvin klein She wore several hot outfits for Chimezie He was head over heels in love with her.
15th Short story Book
Akin The Great Manager
Akin arrived at Barcelona Spain He was amazed how beautiful everything looks, beautiful lights on the streets, colorful buildings and very happy people.
The entire city looks so tidy and beautiful He recently received a job a offer He was appointed at Hilton hotel Barcelona Spain He was assigned the general manager of Hilton hotel Barcelona Spain
He lives in Senegal alone in a very big house, four-bedroom, one toilet and one bathroom. With a very big kitchen One morning up next his Senegalese girlfriend
His Senegalese girlfriend looks so much like Adut Akesh, the famous female model He kissed her on her forehead She smiled, how was your night honey, she said my night was quite alright
I slept well I enjoyed cuddling next to you when we are sleeping Akin gave her a big hug and kissed her on the forehead, baby, you are so adorable, I love you so much
Let go out for a dinner date at the Hilton hotel here in Senegal. Wow, I like that very much
During the evening hours, both dressed up properly, he wore an outfit he bought from Giorgio Armani and shoes from Gucci, she wore a Chanel and a high heel shoe from Louboutin Both likes listening to Davido.’
During their dinner date at the Hilton hotel at Senegal, Akin asked the waiter to put the song of Davido on Davido is Akin’s favorite musician, Akin has been listening to the music of Davido ever since he was a teenager.
His girlfriend likes Davido’s song too After having dinner, both stood up, he said baby gurl, give me your hands, let’s have a dance Akin and his girlfriend danced the night away at the Hilton hotel Senegal.
Akin likes using skincare items from Rituals, his girlfriend Miranda likes skincare from the brand Rituals, Chanel, Jo Malone, Lush and so on the two love birds went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.
Both were very happy after they finished washing themselves, Akin helped Miranda to dry her skin and also to put on her Rob, he slipped her off the floor, carried her on his Schulder and went upstairs, when he got upstairs, he tossed her on the bed, she giggled.
Miranda my love, she said yes honey, I have good news for you What’s, the good news she asked, I have received a very good job offer abroad as a matter of fact, the job offer is from Hilton hotel Barcelona I am so happy; the salary is very good as well, wow!
Akin likes using skincare items from Rituals, his girlfriend Miranda likes skincare from the brand Rituals, Chanel, Jo Malone, Lush and so on The two love birds went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.
Both were very happy after they finished washing themselves, Akin helped Miranda to dry her skin and also to put on her Rob, he slipped her off the floor, carried her on his Schulder and went upstairs, when he got upstairs, he tossed her on the bed, she giggled.
Miranda my love, she said yes honey, I have good news for you What’s, the good news she asked, I have received a very good job offer abroad as a matter of fact, the job offer is from Hilton hotel Barcelona am so happy; the salary is very good as well. Miranda said to Akin, darling we have to celebrate this. Akin said yes, we have to celebrate it my sweetheart Akin stepped out of the bedroom, went downstairs and brought out champagne with two glasses, went upstairs, he said to Miranda, sweetie let’s celebrate to amazing job opportunities and to greatness! Yeah! Let’s celebrate honey Prost, she said to him, both enjoyed the bottle of champagne together Honey, you are so intelligent, very handsome and very hardworking.
Akin found the job online via LinkedIn Hè saw the job opening, he immediately called from Senegal and applied
Hello, he said my name is Mr. Akin, am a Senegalese, I wish to apply for a job at your hotel. May I speak to the general manager he asked, the reception said, OfCourse, she immediately handed the phone to the Spanish male manager He asked the duty manager, may I send my cv and my motivational letter via email?
He said yes you may sir, I shall forward to the the hr. department after receipt sir.
Few days later, the manager of Hilton Hotel Barcelona called Akin, he interviewed him via whatsapp
After the interview, the manager said to Akin,
Mr. Akin, am very very impressed with your resume and your working experience, guess what Mr. Akin, you are hired!
The manager bought him a business class ticket the next day, he flew immediately to Barcelona Spain
He flew from Senegal to Barcelona Spain
He was very very happy
When he arrived at Barcelona Spain. He decided to lodge at
Ritz Carlton hotel Marriott Barcelona
He liked the hotel very much
One week after he arrived at Ritz Carlton hotel Barcelona Spain, he decided to resume work at Hilton hotel
He traveled alone to Barcelona He promised his girlfriend Miranda he was going to visit Senegal at least once in six months to visit her
Ok Everyone was so delighted to have him on board.
After six months of working at Hilton hotel Barcelona Spain the female receptionist started liking him. After one week, he started dating Agnes the female receptionist at Hilton hotel Barcelona
Both feel deeply in love
After six months of dating, Agnes started living with his love Akin
Both were so in love with each other. Akin told his girlfriend Miranda at Senegal that he has found a new girl She was quite upset Akin promised her no to worry,
Akin has just resumed work. He started working for Hilton Hotel Spain
Few months after he resumed work, one of the young ladies has been making pass at him for the past one week
She also likes dressing very sexy for him
Sometimes, she wears very very short miniskirts to work.
Whenever she wants to talk to him in his office she kept touching her hair lips, her bosom and she plays with her hair all the time
He said to here this is a working environment
It’s not allowed We cannot date at the office.
But she said to him Akin am very attracted to you Akin said, we are not allowed to do this, and you know that
She said, I don’t mind I am attracted to you Ok ok, I am going to arrange something for us
Let’s do dinner tonight at the Novotel Hotel Barcelona He said to her in a low tune Behave yourself, put yourself together girl
I know you are attracted to me I am also attracted to you
I have just arrived from Senegal few weeks ago
I have never dated a white chic before
I have been looking for a great opportunity like this all my life
I don’t even know your name
How come you are attracted to me She said to him My name is Agnes Lily
I fell in love with you the moment I sent my eyes on you
You look so handsome As handsome as Khaby Lame, the famous Senegalese youtuber and tiktoker
Ok lily ok ok…
Darling I am a very rich Senegalese man
My father is the king of Senegal
My father owns more than twenty homes and hotels in Senegal.
I am a very kind man too
Lily is a nineteen years old Canadese lady, she is from Toronto.
She looks so much like Dua Lipa and she also like dressing up like Dua Lipa.
During the evening hours, both went on a date
They had dinner at Novotel Barcelona Spain
After dinner, she asked Akin to spend the night with him
Both rented a room at Novotel hotel
The next morning they went to work
Akin has never dated a woman before from Quebec Canada living in Barcelona Spain, He started developing love for her
Every night, both spent the night at Akin’s home
Akin made delicious dinner
Lily loves Akin’s cooking skills
Akin lives in a very beautiful house in Barcelona Spain
He bought himself a condo with five bedrooms and he also has a swimming pool.
Six months along the line, almost everybody at their work place realised they were dating
One day, the director of the hotel called both of them for a meeting
He said to them, we have noticed that you both are love birds, actually staffs are not allowed to date each other, in order not to raise eye brows , we are going to transfer Akin and Lily to our second branch of Hilton Hotel Barcelona
Akin and lily was very sad.
Actually, both like the branch of Hilton hotel there were, but they were transferred to another Hilton hotel branch which was a little smaller than the prior branch
Few weeks later , both started liking their new branch
The new branch of Hilton hotel Barcelona they were transfered to was not so far away from the previous branch.
Six months along the line, they decided to take it to the next level they both got married
Akin and lily stayed together for many years together.
Both declared their love and affection for each other everyday.
All the staffs of Hilton hotel Barcelona were aware of their love life. All the staffs at the previous branch and also at the new branch.
Everyone was happy for Akin and Lily.
After two years of dating and their first small marriage both decided to organize a big fat wedding at Novotel hotel Ibiza, Spain
Both has worked for two good years and has been able to safe enough money for a big fat wedding.
Many of the staffs working at hilton hotel ibiza and hilton hotel Barcelona, lily’s family member flew in from Quebec Canada, attended their wedding
During the wedding celebration,
Lily told Akin how much she loves him
Akin also told Lily how much he loves him
Both gave each other a hug
The attendees of the wedding gave them a round of applaud, some of them stood up and gave them a hand shake, congratulations guys, this wedding is the best ever
Both said thank you
Akin said to Lily. Let us dance both decided to put on the music of Davido Skelewu, Lily and Akin danced the night away
All the attendees, more than five hundred persons also danced too.
On their wedding day, they played the song of Davido and wiz kid
Lily was smiling and was very very happy, five top notch photographers attended the wedding, photographers from Newyork, Barcelona Spain, from Paris, from Quebec Canada and from Ibiza Spain.
Both stayed married for more than twenty years.
He was a very very happy with her.
The parent of lily flew in from Quebec Canada to their wedding.
Lily’s parent likes Spain very much.
Lily’s parent were very happy she married a very handsome Senegalese man
Akin looks so much as Khaby lame , so tall and handsome.
The parent of lily feel in love with Akin, the moment they saw him
Both happy couple flew from Barcelona to Canada every year!
Lily’s parent were so so happy for him annd for their daughter.
Lily loves Quebec very much, she was always missing her mummy and daddy, she is also the only daughter of her parent
Lily and Akin lived in Barcelona for thirty years
Both visited Quebec Canada every year. Both visited Quebec Canada to visit the parent and family members of Lily
After thirty years of living at Barcelona Canada and working for hilton years for good thirty years,
Akin decided to relocate with lovely wife to Quebec Canada.
Akin had three children with Lily.
She was very very happy.
Both lived very close to the parent of Lily.
16th Short Story Book
Anna The Prettiest Mua
Ana Joan is a very pretty young lady that loves to apply makeup on her face. She is very very pretty and talented
Ana has several makeups from several brands Makeup from brands such as morphe, Chanel, Estee lauder, Givenchy, Louboutin, Prada and so on
Ana lives in a very pretty little apartment in Abidjan. She is from Cotonou She was born and bred in Cotonou
Her boyfriend that studies at Florida came to visit her for couple of weeks.
ANA works as a lecturer. One day, Joan got back from work she arrived at her home. She caught her boyfriend Joseph in bed with another woman
She was very sad afterwards, she asked him why you cheated on me,
Joseph said to her, she seduced me Joseph offered her apologies to her. Joan said, no Am not going to accept your apologies. I have been noticing several changes around here
You come back late at night; I do smell several kinds of female perfumes on you whenever you come home
I am fed up Joseph, you have to leave this minute Joseph was very sad, Joseph picked up few of his items at her home and left.
Joseph went back to his parent home in Florida
Joseph is a twenty years old man
Ana cried and cried for one week, Ana is nineteen years
She could not stand the sight and thought of Joseph cheating on herShe felt very very sad.After few weeks of loneliness.
She decided to travel to Newyork for holidays She wanted some new experience, she just wanted to indulge in some new exciting activities to distract her from thinking about Joseph She travelled to Newyork She decided to lodge at Hyatt hotel Regency Newyork for two weeks.
The next day after checking in at Hyatt Regency hotel, she went on a shopping spree on the street of Manhattan Newyork
She bought herself more makeup up items and perfumes from several brands
She bought dior lipstick, chanel perfume, prada and chanel makeup items
On her way back to her hotel room, she suddenly changed her mind she decided to travel to New Jersey to visit her rich girlfriend
She called Hyatt Regency hotel management to inform them that she wold be returning to her hotel room few days’ time.
When she got to the home of her rich girlfriend, her rich girlfriend said to her
My dear, I have just gotten a modelling gig with Vogue Housten Texas
I am going to be on the cover magazine of Vogue
Housten Texas.
The magazine will be distributed in the whole of the unites states of America
l going to wear fashion brands from Jessica Parker, Michael kors, dior and from the brand Alexander Mcqueen
The name of her girlfriend that lives in New Jersey is Dora
Dora is a very pretty young lady
She is nineteen years old, just like Ana.
Very slender, pretty long blond hair as pretty as the famous top model and makeup artist Michelle Phan
Dora is originally from Thailand
ANA is also from Thailand, but she was adopted by a very rich west African man
The man trained and nurtured Ana.
She is very very slender and almost two fit tall
She has done photoshoot with several photographers in Newyork, New Jersey, Miami and many other cities in The United states of America
Almost all the photographers in The United States of America have done shoots with her.
Dora said to Joan, I have gotten a modelling gig in Housten Texas,
Dora asked Joan Would you like to join me; I can sponsor you We can fly to Housten Texas from New Jersey together. I will host both of us, would you like that, She said yes, I do like it very much.
The next morning Dora went online, bought flight ticket for herself and her girlfriend She also paid for one week stay for both of them at Radisson blu hotel Housten Texas.
She was so happy she was going to travel to Housten Texas with her girlfriend Both flew the next morning to Housten Texas Both young ladies wore a very little skirt from the brand Alexander
Mcqueen and a crop top from Gucci and a very high heel shoes from Louboutin to the office of the editor in chief of vogue magazine in Housten Texas The same colour and design. When they arrived at the office of Vogue in Housten Texas Vogue editor said to both ladies
Very well then, I have several pretty pretty outfit that might fit you
I wish to have you both on stage
Come one ladies, I have some really hot exiting outfits I will like you both to try on
The editor in chief excorted both ladies to the dressing room
He gave them several outfits to try on
They tried on outfits from the brand Celine, chloe, ysl, lv, zara, Victoria secret, fendi, dior, blvgari, gucci, prada, and so many many brands
Both ladies were so so happy
They both wore several colourful outfits, red green pink and more
The editor in chief was very happy that the outfits fitted both ladies perfectly
He decided to make an appointment with them Both went to the office of the vogue magazine manager
She said to them
Ladies, I am very happy to have you both as the new face of vogue magazine housten texas 2024
I wish to make an appointment with you both
You are expected to come here on the 2nd of September
I am going to make proper arrangements for photographers, hair dresser, makeup artist and more
On the 2 nd of September
Both beautiful damsels arrived at the office of Vogue housten texas for the photoshoot
Few moments later, the makeup artist arrived, she made their makeup, hairdresser also arrived and fashion stylist
The photoshoot lasted for two days, both ladies earned twenty thousand dollars each after the shoot.
The pictures was published on the front page of vogue magazine, almost on all the pages
Every one was so so happy
Few days later, the two mua and photo model flew from housten texas to New Jersey
Dora and Joan has experienced alot of pain and heart break from their previous love life’s.
After six months of healing, both ladies decided to start dating again
Both went online and registed on a dating site
They could not find a man to love
So, one day they decided to go to a night club at New Jersey
Both dressed up properly
On arriving there,
They both met to young men,
The young mentioned introduced them selves to both ladies
Both studies at The University of Newyork
Few moments later
They had some drinks, danced and later went with the two young men to their homes
The two young men looks
So much like Justin Bieber and Jason Derulo
They nothing drove very lovely cars from the brand bently and Toyota Land cruiser
Both ladies spent the night at the home of the young men
They next day, both left.
Every weekend, both ladies wore very very tiny little skirt from the brand Alexander Mcqueen and a crop top from Dior and a high heel from ysl
Both ladies looks so much like the famous top model and makeup artist Michelle phan
Every evening night both went to night clubs in New Jersey and Newyork
Both ladies were desperately in search of true love.
One day, a very rich musician from Florida arrived at the night club
Immediately he arrived at the night club, his name is Hendrick Hansen
Mr Henrick Hansen feel deeply in love with Anna Joan
He asked ANA to join him
Dora asked Anna may I join you guys
Mr Hendrick said no
He wants to take only Ana home to his home.
Dora felt bad.
She decided to call bolt Newyork and went back to her hotel room
Few days later, Dora met a very handsome Japanes man, both feel in love and got married.
She bore him five kids
Ana went to Hendrick home
Fredrick is an American musician
As rich and famous as Bryan Adams
Hendrick asked Ana
Can you be my model for my next upcoming music album when they arrived home
She said yes
Hendrick is a very very good musician Hendrick immediately employed Anna
Both decided to become partners
Hendrick feautured Anna in his music videos
Both were very good partners
Anna loves dancing for Hendrick
Whenever Hendrick is singing , Anna dances and models for him
Hendrick was very very happy with Anna
Anna and Hendrick travelled to more than fifty countries together for music shows.
Both stayed together for four decades.
Both were very very happy artist together!
17th Short Story Book
Love at first sight
Isioma my love, I need you to put on that lovely pink flowery dior dress I bought for you recently, pink prada shoes and your gorgeous eye wear from the brand ted baker, I would like to take you out on a dinner date.
Isioma replied to Chika, honey I have other plans, unfortunately, I cannot make it today
I am going to visit my girlfriend, today is her birthday
No no, I would like to oblige you to reschedule it, it is very important we go out tonight
There is a new Thais restaurant i wish to take you to.
Well, honey I am going to adhere to your request on one condition. I will go out with you if you buy another lovely dress like the dior dress you gifted me with.
thats alright dear, i will do anything you wish
She went into her dressing room, dressed up properly
She wore her lovely outfit for her loving husband
Honey, she beaconed , Chika responded yes My love, am all dressed up, but I am not going out with you, am going to see my girlfriend Chidi
Honey, I have to. Today is her birthday
By the way, she is my best friend ,my childhood friend, and my classmate
We are inseparable
By the way,
Chika, it’s high time we go see my family ooh ah ah
We have been dating for twelve years, and we have been to virtually all the restaurants here in Quebe
Almost everyone in town knows about our love affair
I am sick and tired of being your perpetual handbag
My girlfriend Chidi is happily married with seven kids, she meet her man twelve years ago, just like us
Why have you decided to make me a laughingstock, why Chika
All my friends and married, you do not allow me to visit them or even allow my girlfriends to visit me
I am sick and tired,biko
Most of my girl friends does tease me, they said we behave like husband and wife all the time , we dress alike, go out together virtually everyday we have been together for good twelve years , yet nothing to show for it
Darling See eh, Loveth that met Samuel the other day, less than two weeks they met each other, he married her and both of them are already expecting a child.
Almost all my girlfriends that met their men the same time I met you are all married.
Why me? Eh Why me
I don’t like it ohh..
You need to see their big wedding
Loveth and Samuel are very happy together
More than one thousand people attended their wedding
She even received a very beautiful new Porsche car and four Bugatti cars from her husband Samuel as a gift and also so many gifts from the invitees
Look at me, just look at me
I will not accept it any more, every weekend dress up for me, we are travelling together to Japan, tomorrow Shangai, next tomorrow Milan, yes you buy Mr designers, Celine, Dior, Michael kors, Gucci and you bought me a home via Soho last year, paid for all the flamboyant vacations to Japan, Milan and so on, is not that I don’t appreciate it, Chika. I appreciate it ohh
At least, you know what? i deserve put the ring on my finger chika, put it abeg I deserve it jare
Ok OK OK. Lady, i will marry you
Are you sure. Chiki chiki, that’s his pet name
Yes am very sure, in short am going to make you the happiest woman on earth, I will buy you a very beautiful wedding dress, lovely evening dresses from the. Brand zara etc
But you know i am a very busy businessman
I travel often, and today I am in Milan, tomorrow, New York, next tomorrow, Dubai
Who is going to take good care of my iyawo whenever I travel eh
I am scared, ohh. , I don’t want anyone to snatch you away from me
You know you are very pretty. As pretty as Agbane derego
I know you well
You like to dress very psychedelic and also like to party
Ever since I know you , you have been to more than fifty concerts
Beyonce concert, burna boy concert, Dua lipa, Jay z , coldplay, davido, and so on
I love you too much, my baby boo, I don’t want to share u with anyone else’s oh
Don’t worry, honey, i love you too.
It’s only you I love, no one else
Less I forget, I have just started my PhD. in Quebec , I shall focus on my studies
If you do marry me, I will only invest all my time on you, no one else
I do not have any time for men now, he asked her. Are you sure? Yes, I am sure.
One week after, both of them got married
She was the happiest woman on earth
He gifted her with seven homes in Quebec, he bought the homes for her via soho real estate companies quebec, four homes in newyork an two homes in qatar , seven hair salon, five boutique, two restaurants and ten hotels.
He also bought her four aeroplane, five lamboghini cars, Four bugatti cars and seven Mercedes benz
He learnt her how to fly aeroplane.
After six months. She was able to fly her own planes.
She flew alone, sometimes with her adorable loving husband chika
Due to the fact Chika is very rich, chika gifted her whatever desires.
Chika is a great musician. Isioma is also a very good musician
Chika is as famous and rich as Chike the Nigerian musician
Isioma was also very very famous and rich as Simi the famous african musician
After twenty years. She and her loving husband flew around the world and made great hit songs
They sold over 50 billion albums
Chika ad Isioma’s parent are from Nigerian, the two love birds were born and breed in Quebec Canada
Ten years along the line, she bore Chika eight children
Twenty years later, all their kids were grown up and living at their own private home chika and isioma gifted their eight children with very beautiful homes and luxurious cars.
Chika was seventy years old, and isioma was sixty
Both have been married for forthy good years.
The marriage was not so exciting and happy anymore
Isioma started dating with very young men
Her husband chika could not satisfy her any more
Some times, isi baby will fly one of her private jets to London, to Spain, to Taiwan to see her very sweet young, exciting musician friends
Isioma likes cute handsome musicians as handsome as pato ranking
Although she is sixty plus, she has been able to maintain her figure, she looks very hot and sexy
She likes taking these very handsome hot musicians for a shopping spree
She has dated Pato ranking, de bank, p square, and Tyrese
Most of the time, they like to spend quality time at very beautiful hotels such as the ritz carlton Hotel Toronto. Ritz carlton hotel newyork and the ritz carlton Hotel in Japan.
One day, her husband Chika found out about her love escaped with very young handsome musician
He confronted her
She felt embarrassed
After one hour of hot arguments between both couples She admitted
Honey, after having eight kids for you
You stopped being intimate with me twenty years ago
I actually need something more than cuddling
I miss romance. Massage, cuddling, and more
Thats why I do it
Ok OK honey, chika said. I understand now you need my loving wife
Chika decided to build a very big huge hotel in quebec Toronto with well Ness and massage
He employed very handsome hot men for massage
His wife was so happy about it
Every day, she went to the very beautiful hotel her husband built for her and received very good massage.
She was very thankful and happy she has a sweet loving husband
Both lived together for fifty years as happy couples.
The reason 6 had a fabulous marriage together is due to the fact communicated very well everyday with each other and 6 each other very well
Both stayed married for seventy years, they both had total of eight children and a total of fifty grand children
18th Short Storybook
My angelic, Sugar daddy
Agnes had a very long red hair, lovely tiny green mini skirt on, a white top from the brand Prada, with high heel shoes from the brand Louis vutton a very pretty red lipstick from the brand dior, cute Chanel handbag and a pandora necklace on
She went partying with five male friends and five female friends
She bought very, very beautiful flowers for her girlfriend
The ten friends boarded a limousine and arrived at Cecelias home in Florida
During their trip, Cecelia, they popped a champagne in the car, and the ten friends were singing and dancing.
They played the music of Beyonce, ciara, burna Boy, wiz kid , cold play, Dr. Dre, and many many songs of top notch artist. The five ladies were so excited and were dancing
She asked her friends from uni to join her to her lovely girlfriends home
She went to her girlfriends home with her friend from uni because she wanted to surprise her best friend Cecelia
Her girlfriend was celebrating her birthday
When she arrived, she said to her
Happy birthday, girlfriend
All the attendees Agnes invited also congratulated her.
Cecelia was so happy Agnes came with her friends to her party.
Cecelia is the celebrant
Cecelia was wearing a very pretty long dress from the brand Alexander Mcqueen and a very pretty jet black high-heeled shoes from the brand Alexander Mcqueen as well.
Am happy to be with you today on your birthday
Cecelia smiled and replied, “Thank you..
Agnes and her friends from uni. decided to go to Hyatt Florida to celebrate
Agnes and her friend gifted Cecelia with Victoria secret perfumes
She received several items from victoria secrets from them
Lipstick, body lotion, body mist, perfumes, lingerie, and more.
Cecelia is the celebrant
Agnes had paid Hyatt fifty thousand dollars to reserve 30 bedrooms and also dining room for the 10 friends that she went with her on her birthday
Agnes , Cecelia her male and female friends from uni decided to look very, very stylish and pretty to the party
When they arrived at the Hyatt hotel all the ladies and the male attendies looks very, very pretty and the male attendees looked very, very handsome
Agnes is as pretty as Naomi Campbell
Cecelia is as beautiful as Agbane Derego
A few moments later, all the attendees at the party started dancing
Agnes went to the restroom to ease herself, when she was walking from upstairs to downstairs she met a very handsome american man
His name is Febian
He asked her if he may buy her a drink
She said yes
She said to Febian
Actually I am the one that organised this party
I paid hyatt Hotel fifty thousand dollars and invited my friends from housten texas, carlifornia, Toronto to attend
Febian said to her, “Very nice of u
As a matter of fact, I am the one who also paid for the hotel rooms here at Hyatt Hotel Florida
Each of us will spend 3 nights here
Its going to be fun
We all are going to eat, dine, and have some fun
Febian bought Agnes some drinks
Febian asked her, “Why did you decide to sponsor your girlfriends birthday with fifty thousand dollars pay three night each for the attendees,
She replied, “Well, Celelia is my childhood friend.
A few weeks ago, she gave me a ring
She sounded quite distressed
She said to me, she needed my help
She wanted to burrow some money from me for her upcoming birthday,
I decided not to burrow her money. rather, I rather sponsor her birthday
I am a photomodel and am very successful as a model, that’s why I decided to sponsor her, all these years as friends, I have gifted Cecelia so many times ,some time with dresses, shoes and so on
She is my childhood friend. We are like sisters.
Febian said, “Wow, that’s very kind of you
Febian introduced himself to her as a businessman
I arrived here in Florida for a business meeting
I am here for one week
Next week I shall be travelling to New jersey
I do like to see you again Agnes, you strike me as a very nice lady
Let’s be friends
For sure, sure I do like to be your friend
A few moments later, the party ended and everyone retired to their rooms
Agnes and Febian kept communicating via chat
A few weeks later, Febian left Florida for New Jersey
Febian and Agnes kept chatting.
Two months later
Febian purchased a flight ticket with American Airlines and invited beautiful Agnes to New Jersey
Febian paid for two weeks at The Marriott hotel New Jersey for himself and the beautiful Agnes
Agnes is very, very pretty
She is a black American
Agnes was born and bred in Florida.
Agnes is very, very pretty
She is a black American
Agnes was born and bred in Florida.
He wanted to make sure Agnes fell in love with him.
He bought her Chanel dresses, chloe hand bags, dresses from Ted Baker and three high heel shoes from the brand Louboutin, pink, black and white.
Agnes was so happy when she received these lovely gift from Febian
He said to febian after spending some days with him
Honey, I wish to ask you for a favour
I will like to start a PhD. programme at London business school
It’s just a one year course. It’s going to cost me a total of fifty thousand pounds.
Febian said, well I am happy to sponsor you, no need to ask
He immediately paid the sum of three hundred thousand pounds fees to the university.
All the expenses she required for her studies was paid for
The next day
She flew from America to London to start her studies.
After one year, she graduated.
She earned herself PhD in management.
After one years of PhD. studies
She flew with British Airways from London to New jersey to join her heart throb
One month later, Febian married Agnes
bore him seven children
The lived together as a very, very happy couple.
19th Short Story Book
Elthan The Generous Man
Elthan gave his girl friend a brand new car from Fendy manufacturing vehicle recently.
Every year, he likes to express his love for his lovely woman to celebrate their anniversary
Elthan has been dating Ashley for over a decade now
Last year, he paid her one week vacation for her to Ibiza spain.
Every year, he likes to offer his lovely lady Ashley amazing gift whenever she is celebrating her birthday.
His girlfriend badly needs a new car, the BMW car she is currently driving is getting old and its not a new model anymore
Although , she has already five beautiful Mercedes Benz cars she received as a gift from her sweet generous man Elthan
She reminded her lover Elthan
my sweet heart, nnam ukwu ooh, my angelic lover
Our anniversary next month ooh
I do need a new car my love
I want us to travel to Toronto Canada tomorrow to the garage of Fendy manufacturing vehicle
Both lovers lives in Montreal Canada
I want to select the latest model of Porsche car by myself
I really need a sharp and smooth car!!! Nnam ukwu i just cant wait to make my choice
Ashley and Elthan were born and raised by Nigerian parents living in Montreal Canada
Her lover Ethan said, yes offcourse my loving woman, see eh, even if you want me to buy you the moon
I will do that, am capable of buying you the sunset even
He gently touched her chin, you
You know how much i love you, my beautiful lady, omalicham
She replied, yes i know and i will always love and cherish you.
The next day, both went to Fendy manufacturing vehicle and bought two brand new Porsche vehicles
A black and white Porsche vehicle
The vehicle was very big and beautiful
She was very very happy
She drove the car to work every day
She likes listening to music when she is driving her car
Ashley likes Coldplays music very much
Whenever She is driving her beautiful Porsche car she bought from Fendy manufacturing vehicles car, she will put on the music of Cold play, she will then start dancing and singing on top of her voice, she even knows all the lyrics
She loves driving cars
She already has five beautiful Mercedes benz she received from her loving man in the previous years as a birthday gift
All her friends knows how much She loves Coldplay song, they all calls her Coldplay’s wife.
Whenever her girl friend teases her, and call her coldplays wife. She will just smile and say,
Yes let it be, if its because i like listening to cold play, am now colds paly wife , Let me be.
Ashley works with Bently bank Montreal Canada
The following morning when she arrived at the bank, her collegues were very suprised and astonished.
Ashley Ashley, where did you get this big Porsche car from?
It looks so beautiful….
Ashley works at the marketing session of Bently bank
She said to them, calm down ladies
My loving man bought it for me
Her girlfriends at the bank congratulated her
Nne congrats ohhhhh
We are so happy for you!!
Yem aka, high five powwa!!!
She said thank you
The next day, she decided to travel to Toronto Canada
She has a training in Toronto Canada
She is actually taking some training at a business school at Toronto get a promotion at work
She drove alone from Montreal to Toronto
When she got to Toronto Canada,
She decided to stay one week at Hilton hotel at Toronto Canada
On arriving at Hilton hotel ,
She ran accross Jamie her old flame
Both studied at University of Housten few years ago together
She was so excited
Jamie asked her not to pay for the room
He is going to sponsor her and pay for one week for her
She accepted, wow Jamie thats very kind of you
He paid one week for her at hilton hotel Toronto
She was so glad
Jamie asked her if he can share the room with her
She said yes
Both slept with each other every day
She was so happy to be in the arms of Jamie again
Every night , she held Jamie very tight
She felt deeply in love with Jamie again
Jamie is her first love and will always be
She met Jamie when she was sixteen years old.
After ten years, she got to set her eyes on Jamie again and reunite with him
Luckily for her Jamie was still very much single
She was also single
Although she has been dating Elthan for fifteen good years but he never proposed to her
She was so elated when she met her old flame in Toronto
Both spent one week together at Hilton hotel Toronto
She went to her training from her room
Jamie is a self employed busines man
He was actually planning to relocate to Housten Texas
He asked Ashley
Are you happy to relocate with me to Housten Texas?
Prior to meeting you today
I recently purchased a home in Housten Texas via Regus
I am going to start up my automobile business there aswell
She said yes offcourse
Very well then,
Ashley recently celebrated her birthday
She is almost thirty five years old
She said to Jamie , honey, dont you think its high time you pop the question
We have known each other for more than twenty years
Although, its been a while i saw you last
It would make me very happy if i become your wife
Jamie said ok, lets arrange a quick weddiing in Toronto Canada,
Both quickly got married in Toronto
James paid for their tickets to Housten Texas…..
When she got to Housten Texas
She called her lover Elthan
Elthan my love,
I am now living in Housten Texas
Elthan replied,
Obimo obimo, how come, how, when where ? i have been waiting for you oohh
Nne , tell me where you are right now i will come and join you immediately
Ashley did not want Elthan to feel bad
She did not want to tell Elthan that she is with actually the first man she met in high school in Housten texas, that will make him feel very sad
She decided to tell him lies
She lied to Ethan
She said to Elthan recently when he called her
I am here with my girlfriends
Nnayi, see eh. You remebered i once applied for a loan with a bank about six months again, the loan was recently been granted
I used the money to register for a training in Housten Texas
Elthan replied, wow thats very good! I am so proud of you.
Elthan told his beloved Ashley
Nne see eh, i am coming to Housten right away
My dear, i want to take good care of you there.
I am not going to allow you to be all by yourself there, no no no, its unacceptable i am coming to Housten Texas to be with you immediately.
She was astonished by his decision
She did not want to argue with him
Actually She is living with Jamie
She then called her girlfriend Isioma in Montreal
He told Isioma that Elthan is comingto see her in Housten
She wants her to act like She is Jamies girlfiend
For one week
Isioma accepted
She also explained to Jamie
Ashley told Jamie to act like She is the boufriend of Isioma when he arrives
Jamie and Isioma accepted to the plan
One week later, Isioma girlfriend to Ashley arrived at their home
Elthan also arrived
Ashley introduced Jamie and Isioma to him
As lovers
Elthan was so elated to see his beloved girlfriend again
The four friends spent quality time with each otjer for fpir weeks at Housyen Texas at Jamies home
One week later He left
Jamie and Ashleybwas so happy Isioma was there for them
Jamie understands her lovely Ashley and saw reasons why She has to maintain a very good relationship with Elthan
Elthan has been a very kind to her
She was so so happy to have met Jamie along the line and become his wife!
Jamie is such an understanding man
Jamie is the most handsome generous and kind man ever , two fit tall, dark skin with broad shulders.
He looks so much like Will Smith the famous american actor.
Both stayed married in housten texas for fifty years
Ashley bore James five children and they both had a total of fiveteen grand children
20th short story book
The Beautiful Apprentice
Sarah is a very pretty lady,She has gorgeous, lovely long hair, long legs cute lips and a very very curvy body. She studies at London Business school London
She is in her very first year. Sarah is from the United Kingdom
One day, when she went to London Hounslow west to do some shopping and sight seeing She met a very handsome Canadese young man from Montreal.
His name is Simon, He is a financial adviseur at JP Morgan bank Both had a delicious lunch at Nandos chicken and drank a bottle of coca cola each
The next morning, Simon lef Simon went to his home at London St Pancreas a few blocks away from Easy Hotel London St Pancreas.
When he got home, he went straight to his bathroom, took off his clothes and stepped into the bathtub. He washed himself proberly
After washing himself properly he went to his office space and wrote Sarah a love letter He professed his love and affection to Sarah
Sarah replied to his love letter and told him that she truly loves him too Both feel deeply in love with each other Everyday Sarah kept thinking about Simon
Simon is from Montreal Canada and has been working with JP Morgan bank for ten years
After ten years of working for JP Morgen bank he applied for a job at Chase bank New York city
He was offered a job at Chase bank Newyork
Few weeks after he was offered the job at Chase bank Newyork He moved to New York city He moved from Montreal Canada to New York city. Simon met Sarah in London during one of his business meetings in London
One week prior to the day he ought to start working He went shopping at the Hugo boss outlet in Montreal Canada
He bought himself some lovely outfits from the brand Hugo Boss at Montreal Canada
He bought twenty colorful blazers from the brand Hugo boss, five pairs of lovely shoes from the brand Hugo boss and several other outfit He also bought himself a very beautiful car from the brand Porsche at New York city
Simon was very happy with his job offering at Chase Bank Newyork He was offered the position of Bank Manager at Chase Bank New York Everyday, he wore his impeccable blazers from the brand Hugo Boss to work
He was very very happy with his new job All his colleagues at Chase banks New York likes him very much because he can speak British English and because he is very tall and handsome and he can dress very well.
Working at Chase bank at New York City has always been his dream. He likes New York city very much, the skyscrapers, the flayaboyant cars, delicious meals, very beautiful gorgeoús gorgeous ladies and so on