
How To Start A Fashion Business And promote It In The Netherlands!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well! Starting a business in The Netherland is terrific. I have been a photo model In The Netherlands and other European countries and I have coached several photographers on how to start a professional photography business. I still currently do one and one coaching regarding starting a business in The Netherlands and also promoting it.

In order to start and promote a successful business in The Netherlands, the following is advised;

  1. Choose a business name and register your business with the chamber of commerce in The Netherlands
  2. Choose a business name
  3. Set out a budget for your fashion business and for the promotion
  4. Advertise and promote as much as possible on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, marktplaats, gumtree
  5. Create a nice website for the business
  6. You may want to sell your manchedise on bol.com, ebay, facebook, marktplaats and so many other sites.
  7. Employ an individual to help you with your tax clearance
  8. If you need to start a fashion business, you may choose to rent a warehouse for clothing storage or sell on bol.com, amazon ,and marktplaat.
  9. Scout for models, bloggers to help you with modeling your awesome fashion items and share them on social media in order to yield sales.


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa




I am a model, beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, a




Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>



I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa




Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com Shop for your stylish outfits at - <a href="https://femmeluxefinery.co.uk" rel="noreferrer nofollow">femmeluxefinery.co.uk</a>


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa



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