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Tips For Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hi, lovelies! I hope you all are doing great. Today’s topic is on easy ways to manage stress. Stress leads to depression, anxiety attack, lack of concentration and unhappiness. Stress can also reduce your output at work. Managing stress and being in the right state of mind can increase your productivity and happiness. Below are some cool ways to manage stress!

  1. Practice meditation every day
  2. Go for a long walk
  3. Go on vacation
  4. Dress well, clean your self well, improve your hygiene
  5. Go out with friends for dinner or to the beach
  6. go to a nice spa for a massage or for a foot or a body massage.
  7. listen to cool music
  8. Distract your self with awesome movies from Netflix when you have spare time
  9. Get your mind off whatever that makes you feel stressed. The more you think about it, the more you become upset. The best thing is to focus and invest your energy in less stressful activities.
  10. Make sure you use support system such as family, friends, say what is on your mind and clear it off, keeping all the anger, stress, or painful thoughts all to your self can be harmful. find someone you can talk to and confide in.


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Me and my lovelies!

Middelburg city

Middelburg is so awesome!



Ekene Patience

Head phone – www.vr-i.nl Jacket – Only


Rotterdam City, close to Hilton Hotel





Hair styling done by me


Love and Affection mood!

Dress – www.nelly.com Shoes – Justfab!

My current favourite pampering items

Pedicure done by me


Study Hacks! How to Achieve Good Grades At School!!!

Hey muffins, Hope you all are doing great. Here are some cool learning tips that would be very helpful in order for you to achieve good grades at school: Lets jump right into it shall we:

  1. Take notes during classes.
  2. Listen to your teacher when you are in class, like really listen.
  3. Visit library after school hours to work on your assignment(s). Forget about procrastination. Always read the topic you learnt in class immediately (revise)  after classes (same day). Do some research on the topic online.
  4. Join a learning/study group, look for a friend to study with, at least once every week.
  5. Make a to do list of all the assignments, study you need to do
  6. Eat properly and sleep at least 8 hours to be able to be strong for the next day.
  7. Avoid too much party.
  8. Do not be afraid to ask your lecturers questions in the class incase you do not understood the topic.
  9. If you have enough income, you may seek for extra coaching from professionals on the topic you are studying, lets say you are taking Spanish classes and you are not so good at it, you may look online for Spanish teachers (freelance) to assist you improve your Spanish language skills.
  10. Do not allow any one make you feel bad for studying, if you do need to get 5 masters degree, phd, go for it, do not let anyone make you feel you study too much, there is nothing like studying too much. I feel that life is a learning process and we all should learn on daily basis. You may check out Audible, Scribd and free text books online incase you do not have access to library . These sites would help you improve your knowledge on any topic you feel like learning.

Above all, have fun! School is also an environment to make friends and socialize.

I hope these tips were helpful!

Please do share with me how you achieve good grades at school, I do love to learn from you.

I love you so much.


Ekene patience.


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How To Achieve Financial Stability!!!

No matter how buoyant you are and financially stable, it is very important to save money for rainy days. These tips below will help you save money.

  1. Turn of the Television- Television adverts would lure you to buy certain items you do not really need at that point in time of your life. There are lots of financial benefits to this practise.  Less expedicture to ad induced products.
  2.  Stop collecting and start selling. There are some people that thought their collections would bring them riches. You may want to sell all your collectibles such as shoes, cloths, makeup on ebay,etsy, amazon and many other onlie shop retailer.
  3. Make your own gift, than buying from shops. You may include your hand writing on the gift.

You may create a customised card yourself online instead of buying expensive cards.

  1. Repair clothing instead of tossing it, Do not dispose a shirt if you lose a button on it, rather repair it. Learning little bit of sewing skills is a great way to save money.
  2. Avoid eating from fast food. Instead of eating fast food or just nuking some prepackaged dinner when you get home, try making some simple and healthy replacements that you can take with you. An hour’s worth of preparation one weekend can leave you with a ton of cheap and easy dinner and snack options for the following week.
  3. Turn of the light. If you live in europe, before going out to work, turn of the lights and all electricl appliances. Turning off lights when you have plenty of natural sunlight can also help keep your electrical bill down over time. The bottom line: If you aren’t using a light, turn it off.
  4. Plan your spending. Always make a list on the items you need to spend your money on – The secret to this method (if you want to call it that) is to identify what you are spending money on so that you can begin to plan your spending. Once you begin to plan your spending, you will gain control over it and you will be able to plan to spend money on your savings. In other words, you will plan to put money into your savings account. Many people don’t like to plan their spending because it involves a little bit of work . No one is saying that success will come easily, but this little bit of work will pay off big time in many areas of your finances. Just as the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail.

I hope these tips inspires you.

Ekene Patience




BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Working In The Netherlands

Hey muffins, this is a note to share with you my working experience in Horeca- Hotels, restaurants and cafes in the Netherlands. it was amazing!- Ik vond het erg leuk – that means, I loved it.

While I was a student at Rotterdam University, I did some in between jobs in Restaurants such as Olijven Tuin in Rotterdam and Toro dorado, Markt Cafe, these above mentioned restaurants are awesome!

I also worked for Amadore , Amadore has a great customer service system, well trained staffs and also great ambiance in their restaurants.

if you are searching for a student job, restaurants, cleaning jobs and hotel receptionist can be a great start.

I also worked in some awesome hotels as part time jobs. I was fired several times because I lacked some experience. so my advice to you young lad out there, you need to be well experienced before you apply a job, choose a field you are good at, and be the best.

I hope this tip inspires you.

I am currently looking for a job, am good at makeup,sales and marketing and also has some experience in cleaning , so please do contact me if you know about a job offer in The Netherlands.

I love you







Hello loves, I just wanted to share with you a great news! I have a new job am quite excited about it. Although it’s a bit stressful.  My new job is in the health care sector. I do go to people’s home to help them with house choirs such as dressing the bed, cleaning the house and so on, basically the kind of job you do when you are at your home. I have a passion for helping others that is one of the factors that attracted me to take the job. One of my client is above 80 years.  I do not own a car, so I do travel by bus called Connexxion in The Netherlands.

One of the great things about the bus I travel with to my job is that all the bus drivers are doing their job for free. It’s quite amazing.

Besides going to peoples home to help them, I also do charity work whereby I collect cloths and shoes for less privileged once across the world. I have been able to collect shoes cloths and many more from donators in the Netherlands worth thousands of euros. I encourage you to participate in charity works, it means a lot in helping and touching the lives of people. Absolutely incredible.

I am also a photo model, mother, entrepreneur and student.

My advice for you all in case you are looking for a job! Never give up, keep on searching, especially using the relevant key words can help you spot your dream job. For instance if you are looking for a Marketing job in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. All you have to do is type in on google Marketing Jobs Amsterdam and you will find a lot of options and choices. There are a lot of sites such as Monster board, Linked in, Facebook and many more to find a job!

I hope these tips were helpful!

I love you so so much


Ekene Patience