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basic fit


Feel Good Therapy!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family,

How are you? I hope you all are doing well. Today i am going to share with you great ways to feel better.


1. You may want to visit Disneyland, Center Parcs or Tomorrowland


2. You may want to register with a sports school for fitness. Basicfit is a great sport school.


3. You may want to spend the night at a very beautiful hotel such Novotel Port Harcourt, Novotel Breda or at the Novotel at Brussels midi.

Novotel is a very popular hotel known worldwide. There are other awesome hotels you may want to stay at such as Ibis hotel, Radisson blu hotel, do find more hotels on the top page of my blog.


4. You may want to go on a vacation. Ritz Calton Hotel Barcelona is a great place for vacation!


5. You may want to eat a delicious meal at Bella Italia Edinburgh


6. You may want to listen to good books via Audible online.


7. Have fun!


I hope these above-mentioned ideas inspired you on how to feel good and have fun!


I am a beauty and it consultant.

Do contact if you wish to work with me


Ekene Patience




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FABULOUS BEAUTIES FOOD ‣ @fabulousbeautiesfood.com

BLACKNOIR.ORG ‣ @blacknoir.org



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Fitness and Healthcare Tips 2019!

Hello, my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great. I have been a beauty consultant in Europe for several years. I enjoy sharing the beauty and healthcare tips, do it your self-ideas and coaching with my friends, fans, and family. There are several ways to become more fit, happier, healthier this year 2019!

  1. Exercise often, bike, go for long work. You may shop for your awesome bikes at Decathlon, Piet Voskamp in Middelburg. Perry sports has great sportive outfits at low prices. Basic fits and fit for free are great places in The Netherlands for fitness.
  2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I enjoy buying the already made fruits from Jumbo, Albert heijn or at Dirk supermarket. In case you do not like vegetables, you may prepare it in the form of WOk, its more delicious that way. Check out the Jamie Oliver site for more inspiration.
  3. Sleep at least 8 hours every day. switch off your phone when going to bed, please.
  4. Practice basic self-care activities every day by brushing your teeth regularly, taking your bath, healthy balance meal, etc.
  5. Enjoy a new and relaxing hobby, it could be making beads, traveling, cooking. Try to become an expert in that field.
  6. Practice yoga and meditation. Personally, cleaning helps me to relax and stay calm.

Dutch version

Goedemorgen beste vrienden, vandaag wil ik het met jullie hebben over fitheid en gezondheidstips voor het jaar 2019. Gezondheid is een groot goed, misschien is het wel uw belangrijkste bezit. Niet voor niets toosten we bij feestelijke gelegenheden op iemands gezondheid. Iedereen wil gezond kunnen leven en gezond blijven.

Hier volgens enkele gezondheidstips,

-Eet gezond, veel groenten, fruit, noten  en volkoren producten

-Beweeg regelmatig, elke dag minimaal een half uur wandelen of fietsen

-Let op uw gewicht, een gezond gewicht zorgt er voor dat je lekker in je vel zit.

-drink niet te veel alcohol, let op dat het bij af en toe een gezellig glaasje blijft

-rook niet, heel simpel, gewoon helemaal niet roken, roken is zo ongeveer het slechtste voor je gezondheid

-goed slapen, een goede nachtrust is een must om overdag goed te kunnen functioneren

-vermijd stress, van stress krijg je zowel lichamelijke als psychische klachten

Mijn beste vrienden, dit waren enkele gezondheidstips, het vergt enige discipline om het vol te houden, maar het is het wel waard.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here


Hi dear! I am a beauty and healthcare consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you need beauty, healthcare and selfceare advice xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com www.blacknoir.me

Carbonara met penne echt lekker hmmm

www.ekenepatience.comp.s I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands and United Kingdom. These clothing, shoes, cosmetics, furniture items on my blog are for sale. Do you like the outfit am wearing? Would you like to buy it? It's for sale. Please contact m

Erg lekkere




Good afternoon my beautiful friends and family, do you need help with cleaning your home, hotels? Please contact me www.ekenepatience.com Whatsapp +3163365198