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business consultant


Customer Service Ideas 2019!

Hello my amazing friends and family! I hope you all are doing well. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on how to improve customer service in your organisation in 2019! The common mission of all businesses is to retain customers. In order to retain customers, great customer service is paramount. Every business has experienced unsatisfied customers complaint and dissatisfaction, do not worry, because we all are human and not robots, no business business environment is perfect, but the ultimate aim still remains improvement and giving your customer the best satisfaction they deserve.  Below are some tips to help your business improve customer service in 2019.

  1. Provide your customers with great website and social media presence.
  2. Use social media for tutorials, for instance, Dior uses Youtube channel to create fun videos and tutorials
  3. Always listen to your customers attentively
  4. Smile and be friendly with your customers
  5. Find ways to make it up with your customers whenever there is complaint. For example, If NS train or KLM has one or two hours flight delays, and had their customers wait for long, do apologise to your customers and offer them free drinks or gift in order to subtle them.
  6. Provide tailored made customer experience. For example Heineken beer has a cool Heineken experience hall at Bijmer arena in Amsterdam whereby famous artist worldwide performs.
  7. Have fun!

Thank you so much for reading my blog, tting  worldwide. Please contact us today for your worldwide job applications. I am also a business consultant, I can help coach you on how to improve sales, your marketing skills, seo, sea online and website building.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Shop Gorrilla’s coffee – Here




Hi dear, I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop for jewelries, wigs, makeup, drinks, cosmetics, fashion items, perfume from Europe. Please contact me if you are interested +31633651998 www.ekenepatience.com Our company ships worldwide












Great Customer Service Ideas!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing well. A customer is key to every business success. It is very important to deliver great customer service in order to earn returning customers, increase sales and builds trust. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on how to service your customers appropriately!

  1. Smile
  2. Be kind to your customer, never yell on the telephone towards your customers
  3. Listen to what they have to say about your company and regularly seek feedback
  4. Be trustworthy and reliable
  5. Create videos on Youtube about  your business and tutorials to coach and guide them on how to use your services
  6. Be a good role model!
  7. Create a great customer experience.
  8. Do not bridge the privacy of your customers.
  9. Have fun!

I hope this blog post inspired you. I am a beauty and business consultant. Please contact me if you need advice on how to increase sales, earn more customers, SEO, sea for your business.


Ekene Patience


Hallo mijn beste vrienden, ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie. Vandaag gaan wij het hebben over een goede klantenservice. Een goede klantenservice is van vitaal belang voor een onderneming. Goede service medewerkers doen meer dan alleen vragen beantwoorden, het zijn de actiefste soldaten in de strijd om de klant. Customer experience is alles. De kans dat een ontevreden klant over een slechte ervaring praat met anderen is 8 keer groter dan een prettige ervaring. Zeker in deze tijd van sociale media zijn positieve ervaring dan ook heel belangrijk.

Hieronder enkele nuttige tips voor de service medewerker:

-luister naar de klant

-communiceer duidelijk

-stel de klant voorop

-blijf professioneel

-wees stressbestendig

-stel de juiste vragen

-geef de klant het gevoel gehoord te worden

-vraag om feedback

-doe aan nazorg

Hoe meer van deze regels je navolgt, hoe succesvoller je onderneming.

En beste vrienden bedenk dit: blije klanten zijn trouwe klanten.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998

Hi dear, I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop for jewelries, wigs, makeup, drinks, cosmetics, fashion items, perfume from Europe. Please contact me if you are interested +31633651998 www.ekenepatience.com Our company ships worldwide

Hi dear! I am a certified carer and beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your homeware services. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hi ya! I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, please let  me  know if you  are interested . www.ekenepatience.com

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998




7 Top European Countries I Have Been To!

Hello angels! I hope you all are doing great. I love traveling! Many of you have been asking me, why do I Live in Zeeland in The Netherlands? What brought me to Holland?  Well, It’s a long story! Today, I am going to share with you top European countries I have visited.

  1. Italy
  2. Spain
  3. The Netherlands
  4. Germany
  5. Belgium
  6. Greece
  7. Great Britain (London and Scotland)

Whenever you want to go to London, Please fly with EasyJet, you would love flying with them. the airline has amazing customer service and delightful staff. You may want to stay in Premier Inn hotel, Novotel London or in an Airbnb in London whenever you for sightseeing, holidays or for business. During my stay in Creta Greece a few years ago, we stayed in a very beautiful hotel for a few days. We booked with Sunweb, it was a great experience. I and my family runs Solite global travels, we can help you book flight tickets and reserve hotels and accommodation worldwide.

I love Europe because it’s very organized, beautiful, clean, modernized and has very wonderful citizens! My lovelies, which European countries have you visited? why did you choose to visit the countries? I would love to learn from you.

Dutch version

Hallo mijn beste vrienden, Vandaag wil ik het met jullie hebben over de 7 mooiste landen binnen Europa die ik heb bezocht. De landen die ik heb bezocht zijn Italie, Spanje, Nederland, Engeland, Duitsland, Belgie en Griekenland. Wat het reizen binnen Europa zo uniek maakt is de verscheidenheid in natuur, cultuur en de volksaard van deze landen.

Wat betreft de natuur zie je het vlakke polderlandschap van Nederland en het bosrijke Noord Duitsland in Noord Europa tegenover het bergachtige en heuvelachtige landschap in Italie, Zuid Duitsland en Griekenland. De cultuur in Europa is werkelijk schitterend, elk land heeft zijn eigen rijk historisch verleden wat je terugziet in de eeuwenoude bouwkunst.

Wat betreft de volksaard, er zit een groot verschil in mentaliteit en levenswijze tussen de mensen in noord en zuid Europa, het calvinistische noorden tegenover het katholieke zuiden. Mensen in noord Europa zijn zuinig en werken hard, je moet eerst het geld verdien voordat je het uitgeeft, mensen in zuid Europa doen en denken precies andersom, ze geven het eerst uit en zien later wel hoe ze het terugverdienen. We spreken wel van het rijke noorden en het arme zuiden.

Dus mijn beste vrienden, een rondreis door deze 7 landen is zeer de moeite waard om te doen.


Ekene Patience

Thank you so much for reading.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels, cars, photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes, and hotels and give self-care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Patron – Here


Ekene Patience ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.fabulousbeauties.nl


Yuppie! Happy birthday to me! I celebrated it in the beautiful city of Paris! xoxo Ekene Patience

Hello my beautiful friends, Here is some lovely pictures I made today at home in The Netherlands!  I am a photo model in the netherlands Makeup and styling done by me! have a nice week! xoxo Ekene Patience ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.fabulousbeauties.nl

Yuppie! Happy birthday to me! I celebrated it in the beautiful city of Paris! xoxo Ekene Patience

Yuppie! Happy birthday to me! I celebrated it in the beautiful city of Paris! xoxo Ekene Patience






6 Top Shops To Buy Ship In Europe!

Hello, my loving angels! I hope you all are doing great. This is a requested blog post. He is a very successful ship seller in Europe. He asked me to share with him and with you guys top shops to buy ships in Europe. I have never been in a shop before though, but I love cars, ships, and airplanes.  My dream is to buy my very own ship/yacht one day and take a cruise around the world.

These shops are;

  1. Premierships London
  2. boatshop24
  3. approved boats
  4. Inautia
  5. Ocean marine
  6. oceancoyacht

My dearest friends, where do you shop for your lovely ships and boats in  Europe? I would love to learn from you.

Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, yacht, boats, ships, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes, and hotels and give self-care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Dutch version

Goedemiddag beste vrienden, Ik woon in  Nederland,  Nederland is een rivierenland. Nederland is met zijn rivieren de poort naar Europa, Rotterdam behoort tot een van de grootste havens ter wereld.

Zelf woon in Middelburg in de provincie Zeeland. In Zeeland heb je veel water, water betekent veel scheepvaart, van kleine recreatiebootjes tot luxe jachten en reusachtige zeeschepen.

Zelf ga ik vaak naar de boulevard in Vlissingen. Vlissingen ligt aan de Westerschelde, een van drukst bevaren rivieren van de wereld. Je ziet vanaf de boulevard allerlei boten voorbij varen, van kleine bootjes tot gigantische containerschepen met 20.000 containers aan boord. Het mooie is dat deze reusachtige schepen vlak langs de kust varen, je zou er zo naar toe kunnen zwemmen.

Je vraagt je natuurlijk af, waar worden deze schepen zoal gebouwd en wie zijn de kopers. Ik blijf even in Zeeland, hier zit namelijk een van de grootste scheepsbouwers van Europa. De Damen Shipyards Group, hoofdvestiging in Gorinchem, met wereldwijd 12.000 werknemers en een omzet van rond de 2 miljard euro.

In Vlissingen bezit Damen de Koninklijke Schelde Group, hier worden de grote en moderne oorlogsschepen, fregatten gebouwd, kosten van 1 fregat rond de 500.000.000 euro. Thans is er een order van maar liefst 1 tot 3 miljard euro in de maak, koper is de Nederlandse Overheid. Verder worden dit soort schepen aan andere landen verkocht.

Ook bezit Damen in Vlissingen de Amels Schelde, hier worden enorme superjachten gebouwd.

Kosten van een superjacht, 1.000.000 euro per meter. Kopers zijn meestal onbekend, het zijn de rijken der aarde, het zijn vaak oliesjeiks uit het midden oosten, deze zien het als leuk speelgoed. Of je moet zelf heel lang willen sparen. Momenteel werken bij Amels ongeveer 1000 mensen, het loopt als een trein. Andere grote scheepsbouwers in Europa zijn: Meyer werft in Papenburg, hier worden de grotere cruiseschepen gebouwd, maar ook gastankers zijn een specialiteit Fincantiere in Trieste, Italie, hier bouwt men cruiseschepen, ferry’s, en megajachten,

Lurssen werft in Bremen, van de 10 langste superjachten ter wereld zijn er maar liefst 5 op deze werf gebouwd.

 Als je van varen houdt, groot of klein, dan is Nederland en vooral Zeeland het paradijs op aarde.

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here

Flight Tickets – Here



Hi sugar! I am a hairstylist in The Netherland. I cut and style hair for male and female. Please contact me if you are interested. xo www.ekenepatience.com

Makeup and styling done by me www.ekenepatience.com


Erg lekkere


Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship worldwide please dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330


Are you hungry? need a delicious meal. Ekene  Patience is at your service - For more info see www.ekenepatience.comGood morning friends. Do like the beads/jewelry am wearing in this pictures/video or do you need a customised bead? i and my cousin & co.  i


a busy day in copenhagen



How To Be A Great Sales Person!

Hello, my amazing friends and family! I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share with you ideas on how to improve your marketing and sales skills as a business owner. During my master’s study at the University of Dundee, I was a student mentor and I coached my fellow Master’s students in Marketing and Management on how to improve their study skills, self-care and achieve good grades. I also wrote a thesis on digital marketing of Hilton Hotels in The Netherlands. I conducted some research on the digital marketing activities of Hilton Hotel in The Netherlands, I compared and contrast with other social media activities of their competitors and also advised them on how to improve their digital marketing. I have also coached SME’s on sales and marketing. It is very important to have great marketing and sales skills in order to earn more customers. For example, Amadore hotels and Roompot holiday homes in Zeeland has a great website. Easy to access and attractive. Here are some skills you need to earn more customers and improve your sales skills. Eneco in The Netherlands is also very good with marketing and sales, the company takes time to train its sales force before sending them to the field. While working for Eneco a few years ago, I had the great opportunity to receive some decent sales training and work with a very professional sales force.

  1. Have a great website
  2. Be kind to your customers
  3. Use social media tools to relate with your customers and share your business activities
  4. Advertise often online
  5. Know your products and services you offer very well
  6. Watch what your competitors are doing online and learn from them
  7. Practise active listening. Talk less and listen more to what your potential customers has to say.

By the way, Are you planning to visit Zeeland in The Netherlands soon, i highly recommend Roompot holiday homes, Fletchers hotels and Amadore. You will definitely  enjoy your stay.

I hope this blog post impired you. I am a business and digital marketing consultant. If you need me to coach you on how to build a website, place an advert for your company online, create customised pictures  you can use to promote your goods and services, manage your social media accounts, improve your blogging skills,  seo or sea, please contact me. I would love to work with you.

Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes and hotels and give self care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here

Flight Tickets – Here

Hi friends Please contact Solite Global Travels for your very affordable flight tickets, hotel reservations, visa bookings worldwide.  please like us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/solitetravels/ Thank you so much for your patronage in advance www.ek

Makeup and styling done by me www.ekenepatience.com

Hi sugar! I am a hairstylist in The Netherland. I cut and style hair for male and female. Please contact me if you are interested. xo www.ekenepatience.com

Makeup done by me xo www.ekenepatience.com

Hey you! I am a makeup artist and a personal  in the Netherlands. Please contact me if you need my service xo whatsapp +31657088182 www.ekenepatience.com

shoe for sale.  Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182 www.ekenepatience.com

shoe for sale.  Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182 www.ekenepatience.com


Solar panel for sale. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182

Shop this great awesome skincare product at - www.duvolle.com

Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship worldwide please dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330

Marketing and sales tips by Ekene Patience


Tips On How To Take Care Of Your Hair In 2019!

Hello my amazing friends and family! First of all, I would like to say a big thank you to you  all for your love, kindness, care and encouragement. I truelly appreciate you all. This is a highly requested blog post. I am going to share with you easy ways to care for your hair.

  1. Wash your hair every day.
  2. Use shampoo from Andrelon, Loreal. You can buy these from Etos or Kruidvat.
  3. Use head and shoulder shampoo if you have hair dandruff.
  4. Use nice hair perfume on your hair. You can buy lovely perfume from Douglas in The Netherlands or Ici Paris.
  5. If you do have damaged hair, you can buy some supplements from De Tuinen especially for hair.
  6. Watch Luxy hair tutorial on Youtube for cool hair styling tips.

I and my girlfriend sells beautiful wig, weave, hair extension, please contact me.

Need some help with a nice haircut, manicure or pedicure? Please contact me.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here


shoe for sale.  Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182 www.ekenepatience.com

Hi sugar! I am a hairstylist in The Netherland. I cut and style hair for male and female. Please contact me if you are interested. xo www.ekenepatience.com

Hi sugar! I am a hairstylist in The Netherland. I cut and style hair for male and female. Please contact me if you are interested. xo www.ekenepatience.com

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com


Happy weekend my most adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing great and pampering yourselves! Recently, I received a gift card from Douglas cosmetic shop in The Netherlands from one of my blog reader! I used it to buy some cool items such as

shoe for sale.  Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182 www.ekenepatience.com


Graduation ceremony  in  Scotland, Great Britain. Masters in  Management and Marketing  University of Dundee #dundee #masters #management #scotland #ceremony #uk #unitedkingdom

makeup done by me

Hi ya! Are you a male or female, would you like to learn how to apply makeup on your girlfriend, sister, wife, friend? please contact me. I am a makeup artist and beauty consultant in The Netherland. I also do manicure and pedicure.  Makeup #makeup  #beau


Makeup and styling done by me www.ekenepatience.com


What I wore During My Recent Photosessions!

Hello my amazing friends and family, I hope you all are doing great! I enjoy taking pictures and also coaching others on how to create an awesome image! Would you like me to be your model or your stylist? Please do ask! I have been modelling for many years now. I did my makeup, styling during all my photo sessions. I also give a photography workshop. If you do want to learn about photography, great locations for shoots, lighting, photo editing tools and more! Please contact me, I would love to work with you.

My pictures have been used for exhibition, websites, calendar, books, billboards and more. I also give a workshop for makeup, hair styling, fashion styling for male and females. You might be wondering, why do I like creating images, well due to the fact that I went to beauty school in Rotterdam and a diploma in makeup, skincare, perfumery and cosmetics, I enjoy to express and share with the world my makeup skills via images. I am so happy because I have helped thousands of women worldwide to learn about makeup artistry by sharing my images and videos. It’s really great to help others learn!

Speaking of photography! Below are some cool shops you can buy a photo camera, lighting and more!

1.Media Markt

2. Cool blue

3. Bcc

4. Verschoore

Aside from modelling, I truly enjoy digital marketing. I help companies to create social media accounts and updates! Would you like me to manage your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, blog, please do contact?

Thanks for stopping by!

I love you


Ekene Patience

I am a beauty, business and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please do contact me if you need my services. I can help you choose a business name, create a business plan, marketing and management.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com


Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com


shoe for sale.  Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182 www.ekenepatience.com

Older Pictures

Me, modelling

Me, modelling

ekene Patience



I Do Manicure, Pedicure, Makeup and Health Consultancy!

Hello, my beautiful angels! I hope you all are doing great! I do manicure, pedicure, makeup and health consultancy. I am also a photo model. I have been a beauty consultant for more than eight years now! I have worked with De Tuinen, Kruidvat, Mooi Parfumerie, Fabulous beauties and Fab beauties. I usually buy my makeup products from Ici Parijs, Douglas, De Bijenkorf, Etos in The Netherlands. During the period i worked for mooi parfumerie, De tuinen and Kruidvat in The Netherlands, I learnt how to apply makeup on customers, give advice on skincare, haircare, mouthcare products. Whenever I travel to Nigeria to visit my family, I apply makeup from Europe on my mummy, sister, cousins, friends and on my relatives! They always loved their makeover.

Ik vind mijn werk erg leuk! I work at my home and also in locations. If you need someone for your manicure, pedicure, makeup, skin care tips, please contact me. Are you a male?  would you like to learn how to apply makeup on your girlfriend, wife or sister? Please do not hesitate to contact me . I also give male and females haircut. Ladies, would you like to learn some beauty tips and tricks, do contact me too.

I have done shoots with over three hundred photographers n The Netherlands, France, London, Spain, Scotland, Nigeria, Italy, Germany. During my photo sessions, I applied my makeup all by my self! I use makeup brands such as Loreal, Channel, Dior, Mac, Ysl, Estee Lauder, Rimmel London, and Rituals.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog, your patronage, kindness, support, love and care!

I love you.


Ekene Patience

Are you planning to visit The Netherlands soon? Please kindly patronize us! I and my family run Solite Global travels agency. We do hotel reservations, visa applications, flight ticket bookings worldwide.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, photography equipment, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances,  flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here


My official website - http://www.ekenepatience.com/


My official website - http://www.ekenepatience.com/

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend! xoxo Ekene Patience ‪#‎mode‬ ‪#‎Dress‬ ‪#‎Fotograaf‬ ‪#‎Dresses‬ ‪#‎Black‬ #Dress ‪#‎Vlisco‬ ‪#‎Autumn‬#Mummy ‪#‎Watches‬ ‪#‎Photographer‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎Red‬ ‪#‎beauty‬ ‪#‎sexymodel‬ ‪#‎fashionmodels‬ ‪#‎Watchstar‬ ‪#‎ams

my hair

Need some pretty hair for your wife, girlfriend? Please contact me!





Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Ekene Patience 2018! Hi lovelies! I hope you all are doing well. So many of my friends, family members and fans has been asking me so many questions, so I have decided to use this medium to answer all your questions 1.Which


Makeup done by me

Pedicure done by me

Manicure on point



Love my new nails www.ekenepatience.com

Lovely paris


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Ekene Patience 2018! Hi lovelies! I hope you all are doing well. So many of my friends, family members and fans has been asking me so many questions, so I have decided to use this medium to answer all your questions 1.Which


Fun Places To Visit In Zeeland!!

Hello, my angels! I hope you all are doing great! This is a highly requested blog post. Many of you have been asking me, Ekene where do you live? I do live in Zeeland in The Netherlands. A lot of persons think Zeeland is very quiet,  nothing much to do, just eat, sleep and relax kind of lifestyle. Well, I have got news for you guys! Zeeland is such a fun place to live. I truly love Zeeland. There are fun activities to indulge in such as

  1. Holidays at Roompot vacation home
  2. The Boulevard in Vlissingen
  3. Cinecity cinema in Vlissingen
  4. Mini Mundi for kids or Verlinden in Goes.
  5. Domburg strand
  6. Biking in the park
  7. Dining in awesome restaurants such as Van der Valk, Amadore and Fletchers!

For your accommodation, you may want to check out awesome hotels and vocational homes via booking.com and via air bnb.

I hope these tips inspire you. I highly recommend these hotels and restaurants I mentioned above, because I have had the ample opportunity to work with some of the brands mentioned above and also I have dined and wined with them too.

My lovelies, where do you hang out in Zeeland, I would love to learn from you

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience

p.s. I and my sister manages Solite Global travels! If you do need help with hotel reservations or flight booking, Please contact me, I am at your service!

Thank you so much for reading!


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

My gig on Marktplaats – Here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here





Hallo! Mijn naam is Ekene. Bent u opzoek naar ervaren kapster voor bij u Thuis?  Ik kan u Haar knipoem en zetten In model. Kleuren is ook mogelijke. Ik Knip dames, heren en kinderen   Www.ekenepatience.com

Happy weekend friends! xo @ekeneaart www.ekenepatience.com

Hallo! Mijn naam is Ekene. Bent u opzoek naar ervaren kapster voor bij u Thuis?Ik kan u Haar knipoem en zetten In model.Kleuren is ook mogelijke. Ik Knip dames, heren en kinderenWww.ekenepatience.com


I Do Manicure, Pedicure, Make – Up And Hair Styling!

Hello, my amazing friends and family. I hope you all are doing well. I spoke with my mummy today, she lives in Nigeria, she advised me to coach you guys on self-care. She said to me, my daughter, please coach your fans on how they can do their make-up, manicure, pedicure, and make-up better. She said she misses my services to her. I used to do my mummy’s manicure, pedicure, make- up sometimes.  My mummy is one of the most inspiring people I know, she is well educated, kind-hearted, highly respected and loved. My younger sister too. She is a lecturer in one of the best university in Nigeria and a Ph.D. candidate.

You guys already know, I am a beauty, health and business consultant in The Netherlands. I do manicure, pedicure, hair- styling and make – up for male and female. I also give self-care tips for hair hygiene, mouth hygiene, and body hygiene. If you need someone to help you with a manicure, pedicure, makeup, and hair styling, please do contact me. I also offer my services on location.

Thank you so much for reading.


Ekene Patience


p.s. I am also a photo model, If you need a model for a workshop, website, or just for fun photography, Please do contact me. I make Portret, glamour shoots. I have shot in Nigeria, Scotland,  Germany, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Paris.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

 Shop – Here
 Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here
Flight Tickets – Here


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Hello dear! I do Manicure, Pedicure and Makeup. Please contact me if you would like to work with mewww.ekeneptience.com

After look manicure  done by me
