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How To Take Care Of A Man!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great. Today I am going to share with you tips on how to please and take good care of a man.
1. Be very caring and loving. Go together for a nice vacation and give each other a nice relaxational massage from time to time.
2 listen to him always
3. Dress up and look very nice for him. If you do have kids together, take good care of your children too.
4. Be respectful
5. Men are always right, avoid arguing with him
6. Keep his home clean and tidy
7. Send him nice pictures
8. Cook delicious meals for him

I hope these tips inspired you. Please share with me how you take care of your man. I would love to learn from you.

p.s. I am a professional carer, If you need homecare tips, self-care tips and someone for your home cleaning, please contact me.

Dutch Version

Hallo mijn beste vrienden, vandaag ga ik het met jullie hebben over hoe je het de man naar de zin maakt en wat mannen gelukkig maakt.

-behandel je man met respect en geef hem waardering

-wanneer hij voor je kookt, zeg hem dat hij geweldig kan koken

-mannen houden niet van zeuren, dus probeer dit te vermijden

-zorg er voor dat je er voor hem verzorgd uitziet

-streel zo af en toe zijn ego, mannen hebben het nodig dat de vrouw hem sterk vindt en bewonderd.

-gun je man zijn rust, als je man 8 uur heeft gewerkt heeft hij behoefte aan rust en een moment voor zichzelf.

Dit zijn enkele tips om het de man naar de zin te maken en waar mannen behoefte aan hebben.


Ekene Patience


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Hiya! I am a mua, beauty consultant and stylist in The Netherlands.Please contact me if you need my services. +31633651998


Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands -


Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo +31633651998

Hiya! I am a mua, beauty consultant and stylist in The Netherlands.Please contact me if you need my services. +31633651998

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo +31633651998

Hi ya! I make pictures, videos and  write on my blog. Please make your order today! Find more info here -



Tips For Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hi, lovelies! I hope you all are doing great. Today’s topic is on easy ways to manage stress. Stress leads to depression, anxiety attack, lack of concentration and unhappiness. Stress can also reduce your output at work. Managing stress and being in the right state of mind can increase your productivity and happiness. Below are some cool ways to manage stress!

  1. Practice meditation every day
  2. Go for a long walk
  3. Go on vacation
  4. Dress well, clean your self well, improve your hygiene
  5. Go out with friends for dinner or to the beach
  6. go to a nice spa for a massage or for a foot or a body massage.
  7. listen to cool music
  8. Distract your self with awesome movies from Netflix when you have spare time
  9. Get your mind off whatever that makes you feel stressed. The more you think about it, the more you become upset. The best thing is to focus and invest your energy in less stressful activities.
  10. Make sure you use support system such as family, friends, say what is on your mind and clear it off, keeping all the anger, stress, or painful thoughts all to your self can be harmful. find someone you can talk to and confide in.


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Me and my lovelies!

Middelburg city

Middelburg is so awesome!



Ekene Patience

Head phone – Jacket – Only


Rotterdam City, close to Hilton Hotel





Hair styling done by me


Love and Affection mood!

Dress – Shoes – Justfab!

My current favourite pampering items

Pedicure done by me