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7 Top European Countries I Have Been To!

Hello angels! I hope you all are doing great. I love traveling! Many of you have been asking me, why do I Live in Zeeland in The Netherlands? What brought me to Holland?  Well, It’s a long story! Today, I am going to share with you top European countries I have visited.

  1. Italy
  2. Spain
  3. The Netherlands
  4. Germany
  5. Belgium
  6. Greece
  7. Great Britain (London and Scotland)

Whenever you want to go to London, Please fly with EasyJet, you would love flying with them. the airline has amazing customer service and delightful staff. You may want to stay in Premier Inn hotel, Novotel London or in an Airbnb in London whenever you for sightseeing, holidays or for business. During my stay in Creta Greece a few years ago, we stayed in a very beautiful hotel for a few days. We booked with Sunweb, it was a great experience. I and my family runs Solite global travels, we can help you book flight tickets and reserve hotels and accommodation worldwide.

I love Europe because it’s very organized, beautiful, clean, modernized and has very wonderful citizens! My lovelies, which European countries have you visited? why did you choose to visit the countries? I would love to learn from you.

Dutch version

Hallo mijn beste vrienden, Vandaag wil ik het met jullie hebben over de 7 mooiste landen binnen Europa die ik heb bezocht. De landen die ik heb bezocht zijn Italie, Spanje, Nederland, Engeland, Duitsland, Belgie en Griekenland. Wat het reizen binnen Europa zo uniek maakt is de verscheidenheid in natuur, cultuur en de volksaard van deze landen.

Wat betreft de natuur zie je het vlakke polderlandschap van Nederland en het bosrijke Noord Duitsland in Noord Europa tegenover het bergachtige en heuvelachtige landschap in Italie, Zuid Duitsland en Griekenland. De cultuur in Europa is werkelijk schitterend, elk land heeft zijn eigen rijk historisch verleden wat je terugziet in de eeuwenoude bouwkunst.

Wat betreft de volksaard, er zit een groot verschil in mentaliteit en levenswijze tussen de mensen in noord en zuid Europa, het calvinistische noorden tegenover het katholieke zuiden. Mensen in noord Europa zijn zuinig en werken hard, je moet eerst het geld verdien voordat je het uitgeeft, mensen in zuid Europa doen en denken precies andersom, ze geven het eerst uit en zien later wel hoe ze het terugverdienen. We spreken wel van het rijke noorden en het arme zuiden.

Dus mijn beste vrienden, een rondreis door deze 7 landen is zeer de moeite waard om te doen.


Ekene Patience

Thank you so much for reading.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels, cars, photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes, and hotels and give self-care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Patron – Here


Ekene Patience ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.fabulousbeauties.nl


Yuppie! Happy birthday to me! I celebrated it in the beautiful city of Paris! xoxo Ekene Patience

Hello my beautiful friends, Here is some lovely pictures I made today at home in The Netherlands!  I am a photo model in the netherlands Makeup and styling done by me! have a nice week! xoxo Ekene Patience ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.fabulousbeauties.nl

Yuppie! Happy birthday to me! I celebrated it in the beautiful city of Paris! xoxo Ekene Patience

Yuppie! Happy birthday to me! I celebrated it in the beautiful city of Paris! xoxo Ekene Patience






My Top 5 Favourite European Countries For Shopping, Studies and Holidays!

Hello beautiful! I hope you all are doing great. Listed below are my five top favourite countries in Europe! I feel so blessed to  have seen beautiful countries in europe such as The Netherlands, Scotland, Spain,Greece, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, London. These countries are fabulous, but see below my top favouries.

The Netherlands is a perfect holiday destination. The people speak dutch and are very friendly.

Spain is a great for holidays  too. I have been to Mallorca, it’s  so beautiful there, the country has fine food and wine.

Italy is great for shopping , cities such as Milan is terrific for spending that big bucks for cloths. I have also been to Modena where Ferrari cars are made.

Germany is a very beautiful city, the people are well disciplined and correct, Always straight to the point.

Scotland especially Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow is terrific. London city is also very beautiful! Scotland also has great universities for studies.

In a nutshell, Europe is a great country! Filled with excitement and lovely cities. Visiting new cities, countries is a great way to learn new cultures, make nwe friends, become more versatile and international!

Please enjoy the pictures below of me during my trips to some of these countries mentioned above. Few years ago, I was a photo model, so I visited alot of fun places too when i had to travel for photosessions.

Thank you so much for reading.

I hope you are inspired.


I love you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


holiday 3

Mallorca Spain


Utrecht Holland


Creta Greece DSC04209 DSC04210 Creta Greece

Greece, Creta DSC05751

Ekene Patience _DSC2781 1111 Ekene Patience 5555 8999 22222



Brussels, Belgium



Paris DSC06167 DSC06185 Hotel Timor DSC06209 DSC06302 Timor-Anlage

P6290381 P6290382 P6290386Antwerpen, Belgium


Fun Pictures from Spain!

Hey muffins, I hope you all are doing well! I had an awesome stay with my family in Spain!

Mallorca is such a beautiful place, we really enjoyed hanging out by the se side. We got great deal with Sun Web a ticketing agency in Holland!

Ladies, I hope these outfits inspires you on how to style your self during your holadays!

Few years ago, we also visited Nigeria and  Creta Greece ( please video below)

I love you


Ekene PatienceDSC06440 DSC06453 DSC06459 DSC06471


Awesome Greece Holidays!

Hi muffins, few years, ago, I had an awesome holidays in Creta Greece! Hope this video inspires you! Crete Greece is an awesome country, the weather is nice and the food is delicious.!