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Dior Perfume


Top Fashion Shops In Paris!


Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you, i hope you all are doing well

Today, i am going to share with you top fashion brands in Paris France

1. Celine

2. Gucci

3. Prada

5. Chanel

6. Hermes

These above-mentioned fashion shops offer very beautiful fashionable wears and perfumes

Paris is a very beautiful city in France

Most French women likes to look good and smell really clean

Chanel, dior and Celine are very good perfumes and these brands makes very trendy and stylish outfits.

You may be able to shop for these above-mentioned brands online directly via the websites or via top notch fashion shops such as De bijenkorf and De benhams

Are you living in Paris, The Netherlands i do encourage you to shop from these above-mentioned shops

Thank you so much for reading my blog

I am a beauty and it consultant