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Exxon Mobile


11 Top Multinational Company to Work For!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

Today i am going to share with you nine top companies you can work for in my own opinion.

1. Damen

2. Dow chemicals

3. Chevron

4. Halliburton



7. Nestle

8 Eastman

9. Nest oil

10. Dangote

11. British Petroleum


These above-mentioned companies have great staff and has international presence.

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is a great company.

The company is similar to chevron, shell and nest oil. NNPC produces oil and gas in Nigeria and also exports to foreign countries.


Halliburton also produces oil and gas and exports to several countries.


Aside from working for these companies, you may want to patronize them as well.

NNPC, Exxon, British petroleum and total has different fuel/gas stations in different countries.


Are you looking for a great company to work for, please find job openings on google, indeed and on LinkedIn.

I hope this blog post inspired you.

Cavazanni Recruitment Agency is a great job agency. Do contact Cavazanni Recruitment Agency Lagos Nigeria for jobs in oil and gas industry!


Thank you so much for reading my blog.


Ekene Patience


My new YouTube video – Here


FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos on Blacknoir  – Here


Story book –Here

My YouTube Video – Here

My gig – here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here








5 Top Nigerian Multinational Companies!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

Today, i am going to share with you five top Nigerian multinational company in my own opinion.

1. Exxon mobile






These above multinational companies have great working ethics and very good csr (cooperate social responsibility) practice.

It is important to have an updated cv in order to stand a better chance of working for the above-mentioned companies.


Shell, Exxon mobile regularly hires engineers from all over the world for onshore and offshore projects.

Are you looking for a job in an oil and gas company, you may want to contact cavazanni recruitment agency for a job opening with an oil. And gas firm.

Shell port Harcourt is a great company to work for as well.

My new YouTube video, mentioned NNPC – Here

I hope this blog post inspired you


Ekene Patience



FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos  on Blacknoir  – Here

Webshop  – Here

Story book  – Here

My Youtube  Video –  Here

My gig – here


Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here

Cars and Trucks – Here










October 2018 Favourites!

Hello, muffins! I hope you all are doing great. Yezzz!!!! October month has been so fabulous, we thank God for his mercies, care, guidance, protection, provision, blessings and love. I fell so blessed an endowed. I have decided to share with you some of my October  2018 favorites.

Please do not see my blog post as a show-off, rather see it as a source of inspiration, motivation and more. Many of you my awesome friends and family has come to me and you guys told me that my blog posts have helped you guys improve your business, self-care, makeup skills, self-confidence, better grooming skills, fashion sense, grammar and more.

I have been inspired to create a book, a novel and more. The funny aspect of it all is that my blog is kinda my book to me.
My October favorite is my new job. I am a personal shopper. Self-employed. I love shopping for clothes, books, perfumes, cars, cosmetics, hair products, skin care products,  trucks, generator, hair products and more for my clients. I buy and sell beauty items from Europe and Africa and ship worldwide. I have helped several of my friends shop for suits, shoes, school bags, bikes, hair products, health insurance packages and perfumes in Africa,  other European countries and in The Netherlands for great occasions such as for wedding ceremonies,  graduation parties and so on.

I started my personal shopping business over a decade ago. I remember in the year 2006, I used to own a beauty salon in Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria. I had several employees working for me then, the ladies were very good with hair styling and braiding.  Then I had my boyz quarter apartment in Port Harcourt, River State Nigeria. I had very top customers from Shell, ExxonMobil, qedi, red transport Nigeria, Ebony hospital port Harcourt, University of Port Harcourt students, businessmen and women and more. Some expatriates who used to work with Eni Saipem also came to my shop then for a haircut, sometimes I went to intel camp Port Harcourt and Onne camp to deliver my services.

After my graduation and study of Biochemistry in Nigeria, I had to sell my salon than to my girlfriend.  I moved down to Lagos Nigeria where I continued my personal shopping business. My customers in Nigeria were health insurance staffs, bankers, international real estate management staffs, shell staffs delta afrik staffs, wave ventures, and more.

I was also very active in Nigeria, I helped my friends to buy watches, cars, makeup, flight tickets especially workers who work in other cities in Nigeria.  then when I was living in treasure garden estate Lagos Nigeria, I had so many friends then living in the same estate them whom I helped to book their flight tickets to the United Kingdom, united states.

Other of my October favorite is my Instagram and Flickr accounts. I share my nice pictures and items I have for sales. I started these social media accounts because many of you have been demanding ( also male fans) Ekene, don’t you have shoes or clothes for sale? I hope you guys like these items listed on my page. By the way, if you find any item on my blog that tickles your fancy, please let me know, I can get them for you from Europe and ship to you.

I also enjoy coaching a lot, I tend to encourage people to deviate from activities that lead to stress, rather persons should invest their time and energy in self-care and care for others. Sometimes, after a long day at work, we may be very stressed out. It is better to find a healthier way to air your anger, disappointments than trying to put the blame on someone else. There are several ways to indulge in anger management, such as seeing a psychologist, confiding in someone, counting 1 to 10 and so on.

I hope this blog post inspired you. Thank you so much my amazing friend, family, teachers, coaches, mentors for always being there for me when I needed you the most. I am most grateful! Merci!!!

Ekene Patience

Donate – Here

Shop – Here



Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



