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How to Lose the Baby Weight!!!



 Most pregnant women prefer to sit and engage in  less movement, this act can increase pregnancy weight. By the way, my  younger sister is heavily pregnant, congrats Sis and a very good friend of mine just put to bed, congratulation!!! I have been there twice and  I learnt some great tips and tricks on how to get back In shape after pregnancy. These tips are:

1. Practise a lot of sit ups after one month of delivery
2. Eat a lot of salad,
 fresh fish pepper soup, lots of fruits
3. Tie wrapper  or broad belt around your stomach right and leave it on for hours while you go about your daily activities, this Act help to reduce gas in your  stomach.
4 Use Palmers anti stretch mark on your stomach, bio oil is also very effective. Sliced lemon and giner added to water is a great drink that would help you lose belly fat (Please see more on the video tutorial below)
When taking your bath, use body scrub,  focus on the darker area of your skin after pregnancy such as your stomach and face.
5. Read a lot of articles online regarding losing weight and child care. Babycentre is a great website for that.

Incase you are struggling with child bearing and cant get pregnant. Nordica is a great place to be for ivf. The company has branches in Nigeria and other European countries.

Please avoid too much weight gain during pregnancy in order to reduces the chances of high blood pressure, excessive weight gain and difficulties during giving birth.

I hope these tips were helpful!!!

 I love you


Ekene Patience


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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org

My morning Routine 2017

Hello muffins, below is an awesome video to share with you my daily morning routine. I wake up, clean my home, freshens everywhere, take my bath, my favourite bath soap are from Dove, Nivea,Axe, Biotherm,Tura, Vogue etc., dress up and do my makeup. My favourite makeup items are from Marykay,Mac, Makeupstudio. My current body cream is from the bodyshop, my current favourite perfume is from calvin klein. Please check out my youtube video for more awesome inspiration! Please like and comment! I do love to hear from you your morning routine.

I also created an awesome video to share with you my January favourites, In the video you get to see all the awesome cosmetics and fashion items.

I love you.







Rotterdam Few Years Ago!

Hey lovelies, here are some of my favourite pictures I took few years ago in the beautiful city of Rotterdam! In Rotterdam, you can find some awesome buildings, food especially african food, hair accesories, cool cosmetics from The bodyshop, Lush etc. I studies in Rotterdam. I hope you like my pictures! Aside from Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Middelburg,Vlissingen, Breda are my favourite cities!


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