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My Pretty Hair and Lovely Eye Lashes!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today, I hope you all are doing great. Below are some of my pretty hair and eyelashes I got recently. I love wearing braids. The main reasons why I wear braids is because it’s easy to maintain, it suits my skin tone, I can play with my braids by running my fingers across my braids anytime I want, and also very affordable.  Recently, I made some youtube videos wearing this lovely hair, I received several compliments from my fans and friends that the hair is very pretty on me. I have been in Nigeria for several weeks and I have worn braids most of the time. I got the golden black braids from Port Harcourt.

In order to maintain your hair, wash your braids twice or three times a week and add hair cream to it. Please avoid using hot water to wash the hair.

My girlfriend sells lashes, the name of her eyelash brand is ilash.com. ng. For several years, i have not worn lashes, recently, I tried out her lashes, her lashes are very nice, pretty, durable, and affordable. Please do visit her webshop and get yourself one today.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Please do share with me your hair care routine, I would love to lear from you


Ekene Patience





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Hair Care Advice 2020!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing great! Men and women tend to struggle sometimes with excessive hair on the legs, shoulder, back, and chest. There are several ways to care for excessive hair on your body. Summer is around the corner, We need to care for our body hair, feet (pedicure), and hands (manicure). There are several ways to care for excessive hair on your body

  1. Shaving with shaving foam and shaving stick
  2. Waxing
  3. Trimming with scissors
  4. For women, with no hair, please wear Extention or wigs. Rosa beauty and Luxy hair has very nice hair
  5. For men, if you do not have enough hair on your hair, use the natural remedy on your hair such as rice water, or drink some hair vitamins, you can buy this from DE TUINEN in The Netherlands.

I am not a doctor but a biochemist. If you want to achieve healthier hair, nails, and better skin, you need to improve your diet. Consume more milk, protein-rich food such as fish, meat, and chicken.

If you have an itchy scalp, oily scalp or dandruff, use a special shampoo. Wash your hair every day with nice shampoo from Loreal and also use a hair conditioner.

There are artificial ways to improve your hair texture on your head such as hair transport. If you want to remove the entire hair on your hair, you need to undergo major Lazer.

I hope this tip inspires you. Please do share with me how you care for your hair


Ekene Patience












BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Trendy Hair Style Idea 2020!

Hello my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing great. This is a requested blog post. I love styling my hair. Summer is here! We all wants to have a nice hair style, good manicure and pedicure so that when we go to the beach, we feel very good. I like wearing nice hair. I like to brush my hair and feel the texture of my hair too. I am so happy to be  hair stylist. I get to feel different hair texture, advice regarding cool hair trends, dye and give hair cut.

Below are some of the hair styles I do recommend this year! Women, you can wear your hair in a knot behind your head, dye it, blow dry it, tong it, braid it, wash it at least twice a week. Men, wash your hair too regularly, go for hair cut once in a month at lest, dye your hair if you do have grey hair. I do recommend loreal hair dye.  You can use channel hair mist and spray on your hair, that would make your hair smell really nice.

I love wearing wigs and fixing weavon. I am currently trying to grow my own natural hair. So I am using the home made remedy for it. Rice water. I spray this on my hair. I have been using this for one week and I can see the result. it is  a brilliant way to grow your hair. I also use the hair growth vitamin from De tuinen.


I hope these hair styling tips inspires you. I am a hair stylist, please contact me if you need some guidance on how to makeyour hair look better and more fabulous.


Ekene Patience

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My Favourite Hair Care Products 2019!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great. I derive pleasure from styling my hair and the hair of my customers, friends, and family. Maintaining weave or your very own natural hair is very important. Below are some pictures of my lovely hair and products I use to care for my hair. Recently, I learned from Youtube how to lay and slay lace wig and also how to grow your natural hair by using rice water. You can buy cool hair products from Etos, Kruidvat, Me gorgeous, Fabulous hair and cosmetics Rotterdam, and also at Sami hair at Amsterdam Bijmer arena.

Please do contact me if you need someone to help you style your hair. I style for male and female. I also do body shaving, hair coloring, waxing, and eyebrow styling.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I do appreciate all your love, kindness and support. Stay fabulous!


Ekene Patience


Hallo mijn beste vrienden. Gaat het goed met jullie? Vandaag gaan wij het hebben over haarverzorgingsproducten. We willen allemaal dat ons haar er goed en verzorgd uitziet. Een goede haarverzorging is dan ook nodig voor een gezonde haardos. Deze verzorging bestaat onder andere uit shampoo, maar er zijn ook talloze andere haarverzorgingsproducten die u voor of na het wassen kunt gebruiken. Haarverzorgingsproducten hebben het doel een goede balans te vinden voor het haar en de hoofdhuid, die past bij het natuurlijke haartype en de conditie van het haar. De meeste haarverzorgingsproducten zijn afgestemd op het natuurlijke haartype (droog, gekruld, fijn, vet ect)of op het gewenste effect. Het grootste gedeelte van de ingrediënten van haarverzorgingsproducten komen uit de natuur. Men kan relatief simpel zelf een haarverzorgingsproduct maken met een avocado, bananen, azijn, amandelolie of kamille. De natuur doet zijn werk goed, meestal past uw natuurlijke haar het beste bij uw gezichtsvorm en persoonlijkheid. Tot slot mijn beste vrienden, aanvaard de schoonheid van uw natuurlijke haartype en verzorg het goed.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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I am a beauty consultant in Europe! Please contact me if you need my services xo www.ekenepatience.com

_Hi  ya, I sell customised pictures! Please contact me if you are interested.xo www.ekenepatience.com


Paris vibes




5 Ways To Maintain Your Hair During Summer!!!

Summer is awesome and we all love summer season! What can be better than warm sunny days, floral dresses and icy cold lemonades? That sounds like perfection if you ask me…Summer, however, can bring a few challenges to our hair. Summer heat can damage our locks, give us very oily scalps, and even turn our hair green when in contact with chlorine (yes, this can actually happen). But, fear not! Am  here to your rescue and want to share some amazing and simple summer hair tips.

1.  Reduce using too much hair products on your hair, such as hair spray, cream, oil etc to your hair, that can cause greasing and lead to hair odour.

2.Wash your hair regularly at least four times a week by using cool hair shampoo and conditioner from Loreal, Andrelon, Peter Lamas and so on.

3 use keratine and serum treatment on your hair. You may want to try out coconut oil as well.

4 drink more water.

5 Fight frizz

I hope these tips were helpful!!!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Stylish Hair Care Tutorial!

Hello lovelies, here is some cool pictures and video (below) to inspire you on how to style your hair! I hope you are inspired! My favourite hair products are from Alumine, Loreal, Andrelone. I tend to wash my hair at least 3 times a week in order to make my hair less greasy and easy to style.Try to apply good conditioner to hair while washing it  so it  can maintain its texture. You can shop awesome hair extensions from www.luxyhair.com. Mimi ikon is the owner of the brand. she makes awesome hair tutorials swell. Please check her out!

I love you


Ekene Patience














