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Several Ways To Style Your Weaves !

Hello, my amazing angels! How are you all doing? I have received lots of compliments while wearing my hair extensions from Rosa’s beauty. many of you have said to me, Ekene, you look so lovely, fabulous, pretty, beautiful, I have always blushed whenever I get such compliments from you guys.

I have been patronizing Rosa’s beauty hair for almost one year now. Rosa beauty hair ships hair extensions worldwide. Recently, Rosa beauty asked me to share with you my experience using their hair extensions.

Short story, During the first week of November 2019, I was in The hospital Admiralty Ruyter Ziekenhuis Goes, Zeeland preparing to give birth. Due to the fact that I have to give birth to the caesarian section, I had to stay for almost one week in The hospital. During this period of awaiting my childbearing in the hospital Goes, Zeeland The Netherland, Rosa beauty sent my hair extension with FedEx to my home in Middelburg Zeeland, unfortunately, FedEx met my absence. FedEx courier took my hair back all the way back to Rosa beauty hair extension company.  When I go back to my home in Middelburg after giving birth, I found out that FedEx left me a note that my absence was met. I was very worried, I immediately contacted Rosa beauty via WhatsApp and explained everything that happened. within one week, my lovely hair was shipped back to me. This short story is meant to showcase the great customer service and experience I have witnessed with Rosa’s beauty for almost a year now.

You may style Rosa beauty weaves/ wigs by –

  1. African headgear or scarf from Vlisco
  2. Hair accessories from Etos/ Kruidvat
  3. Curling it with hair curler from BCC or Mediamarkt in Middelburg
  4. Nice scarf from Zeeman in dauwedale Middelburg, Zeeland
  5. By using hair accessories from Aw bridal

I hope this blog post inspired you. Please do share with me how you do style your hair. I would love to learn from you.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.


Ekene Patience


Ekene Patience

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Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-






Makeup and styling done by me

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-



Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-


Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper and a fashion stylist. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa











Makeup done by me www.ekenepatience.com


Makeup done by me www.ekenepatience.com



Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-


Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-


Hey beauties!!! Today I have 5 beautiful outfit ideas!! Some fancy & some laid back & comfy. When I was in school my style was all over the place. I have always been that way!! Certain days I would be super girly and get decked out , while others I would







My Favourite Shopping Spots In Middelburg!

Hello lovelies! In few days’ time, I shall celebrate my birthday! Yesss!! Happy birth day to me and to all my fabulous friends born in April. There has been very high demand from my friends, family and fans to share on my blog where i do my shopping, you guys love my styling so much, Thank you so much for all your compliments. You may be wondering, why am i sharing my favourite shops, well, I enjoy sharing my ideas and helping others to smell, look, feel better.  I am presently a master’s student in marketing management, I have taken alot of courses in business management, human resources, operation management, media marketing, I have learnt alot about marketing and management. I am very thankful to my awesome teachers. The reason behind my choices listed below is that i am very pleased with their customer service and their websites is customer friendly. Below are my favorite shops in Middelburg Zeeland in The Netherlands.

1.       Albert Heijn

2.       Zalando

3.       Ici Paris

4.       Douglas

5.       Omoda

6.       Bart Smit

7.       Ikea

8.       Leenbakker

9.       Emte

10.   H&M

Aside from these shops I mentioned below, I also enjoy shopping at Schipol airport at Mac cosmetic counter, In Rotterdam De Bijenkorf, C&A, we.nl bol.com Kruidvat and Nelly.com. Media Markt is also a cool shop for shopping for electronics too

I hope these tips inspires you.

Please do share with me your favorite shops in Zeeland in The Netherlands, I do love to learn from you.

Thank you so much for reading.


Ekene Patience

p.s. My dearest friends, if you need someone for your seo, sea, digital marketing campaign, social media updates for your website,mentor,  please do contact me, I would be very pleased to work with you. Lets join hand together and make the world a better place.


Love yourself, fall madly in love with yourself before you expect others to fall in love with you, you have to let the world to understand how to treat you, do not let anyone bring you  down, never stay in an abusive relationship or marriage just because the society expects you to be married, do not need to wear designers to be happy, be in love with the life you have been given and be thankful to God. take care of you and your loved ones!



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FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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