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Health Consultancy Ideas 2021!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing fine. Today, I am going to share with u health consultancy ideas for the year 2021. These tips is applicable for national and international companies, self-employed individuals,  doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers, professors and students. 

1. Do not be in a house or sleep in a freshly painted house. For example,  If you are working in a hospital as a receptionist, and the hospital is being painted, please evacuate the building.

2 Avoid eating late at night, if you start feeling any severe intensive pain in your stomach or experience any unpleasant feeling and need anti biotics orhave conducted a pregnncy test, read negative and not sure if you are pregnant and yet the intensive abdominal pain still persist, , please to a very close and trusted friend or visit your doctor immediately for a proper check-up. Top hospitals you can visit are georges memorial hospital, admiralty ruyte ziekenhuis, doren clinic, reddington hosptal and vu amsterdam. if you are pregnant and have done caerserean section operation multiple times during chird birth, please speak to your doctor for best advice.

Please bear in mind, if you are visiting these above-mentioned hospitals for the first time, you need to buy a card before you can speak to a doctor, that means, you have to be a registered patient in any of these above-mentioned hospital. , you also need to have enough money in your wallet for your transport for going and coming back from your house. you also need a health insurance card if you want to visit these hospitals abroad. Please before going to a hospital for a self check-up, blood test and so on, please make sure you eat properly and gave taken good quality vitamins you can buy at med plus so that you will have enough energy.

If you are a mummy and wish to give birth in any of this hospital, please do visit the hospitals first and make enquiries and do request for the exact amount they do charge for giving birth because the normal birth delivery price is different from the caesarian section price.

3. Sleep at least for eight hours every day

4. Eat healthy meals

5 use cool cosmetics for your skincare  regime

6 wear clean cloths 

7. Listen to good music that would help you relax

8. Travel often

9. Please declutter your room. 

10. Use cool multivitamin. You can buy cool multivitamin from benu apothek or from med plus

11. Drink a lot of water and cranberry multivitamin.

I am not a doctor but a biochemist. During my biochemistry studies, I learnt good food and multivitamins Re great for your health. 

P.s. if you are a Nigerian pregnant woman living abroad and allergic to some medicines abroad, please contact the local pharmacy from the shop you come from to seek advice.

Thank you for reading my blog.

If you do know great health cosultancy tips for the year 2021, please kindly shre with me, i would love to learn from you


Ekene Patience


















Exercise To Lose Belly Fat!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you are doing well. Do you want to be healthier, lose weight, and look great? Would you like to go back to size (s) or medium (size m)?  these tips would help you lose weight. Today, I would share with you exercises you can participate in. Overweight can lead to heart diseases, obesity, protruding stomach, lack of confidence, lose your a modeling career, less active,e and may lead to depression.

In order to lose weight, please practice the following.

  1. Please work out often. Do sit up at least 200 ties a day, please use each time you do the sit-up!
  2. Do a lot of walking. work at least 2 hours a day.
  3. if you have a mountain bike or race bike, go out and do some riding.
  4. Do you like jogging, please do jog often?
  5. Eat well. Make sure you have the right proportion of nutrients
  6. Do aerobics or go for swimming if you can swim
  7. Dance often
  8. Avoid including sugar in your thee or coffee. Stick to good old water on a daily basis
  9. Instead of using the lift, use the lift.


My dearest loved ones, please when you go out jogging, cycling, or walking, please make sure you take enough water with you or drink a lot of water before you leave your home in order to avoid dehydration.  I have once left my home on a long-distance trip without taking enough water with me, I felt highly dehydrated. I did not leave my home with enough water because I was in a hurry to be on time for my appointment. Many of my blog readers, fans, and friends have stopped by at my home in The Netherland to ask me for water to drink  or to wash their hands in order to resuscitate themselves and avoid dehydration and contamination. So many of my friends and family members have also stopped by at my home to ease yourself (use the toilet)  when i was living in Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Middelburg, and other cities I have lived in.

After jogging, running, or cycling, please go straight into the bathroom and take your bath, clean yourself properly. If you do not have warm water at home to take your birth due to technical problems or if the warm water is not working, and its, Sunday, please visit your neighbor and shower at your neighbor’s house, if your neighbor is not at home, please do book a hotel room immediately and make sure you shower properly. Are you a student, did you come from abroad to study? are your family members abroad, and you are all by yourself, no mummy, daddy, aunties, cousins close by yu can visit and take your shower, you a short at your fellow students home if they do live nearby.

If you do not clean your body after exercise, you may feel very uncomfortable, and you may not be able to change from your sports outfit to your decent day to day outfit.

Please avoid cycling in places that might be risky such as curvy mountains and so on.

Presently, I have a little stomach fat, I have been struggling to lose it.  In the year 2015, then  I was still studying at Rotterdam University of Applied science, I had a very beautiful shape, with no protruding stomach, then I used to leave in Goes,, afterward in lived in Middelburg, and later in Vlissingen, finally found a house in Middelburg in the year 2015. I was studying then, and also working for Allevo. I did a lot of modeling jobs too.

I recently had a baby about ten months old,  it took me six months to heal from the cesarean section. Now I have been trying to lose weight by practicing sit-ups, but I am very careful so that I do not strain the cesarean section scars. (disclaimer) I love my three children dearly, I am a very happy mummy, not depressed or sad that I am a bit overweight. But I am seeking help, advice, and coaching from you guys so that I lose at least some kilos.

I hope these tips inspired you. Please kindly share with me how to lose tummy fat, i would love to learn from you!


Ekene Patience










5 Top Ways To Stay In Shape!

Hello, my amazing friends! How are you? I hope you all are doing well! Today, I am going to share with you tips on how to lose weight. I am a mummy, I gained weight during my pregnancies, after giving birth, losing baby weight is paramount. During my pregnancy, I weight almost 100 kg at the third trimester. I am currently really working really hard to get back to my usual weight of 60 kg, although I am not currently overweight.

There is no greater feeling than having your healthy happy baby in your arms. it is very important for mummy to lose weight because I had caesarean section during giving birth to my baby, I could not start working out until after five months after giving birth, because I was so scared that my wound will open and hurt my self. Below are tips that would help you lose weight

1. Drink a lot of water. Sometimes we feel hungry, actually, you are not hungry, but rather thirsty. rather than eating, drink lots of water

2. Exercise often. cycle for one or two hours daily. You can go for a long walk too

3. Eat lots of fish, meat, vegetable and fruits. Avoid food that contains high carbohydrates ok

4. practise meal prepping and planning

5. Do lots of situps on a daily basis

6. Avoid starvation

Aside from losing weight, it is very important to take good care of your skin, for instance, if your weight went from two hundred kilograms to seventy kilograms, you may experience sagginess in your abdominal area. If you do not work out properly, you may also experience stretch marks if you do not use the right cosmetics.  Please see more skincare advice videos below

I hope these tips inspire you. Thank you so much for reading. Jumbo or Albert heijn has great food already made salad, lots of vegetables, food items, drinks and more that can help you, loose weight.


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Hello, I am a photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me www.ekenepatience.com










Hello, I am a photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me www.ekenepatience.com

Hello, I am a photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me www.ekenepatience.com

Restaurant prepared me





Hello, I am a photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me www.ekenepatience.com







Prepared by me




How To Care Of The Elderly In The Netherlands!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. This is a requested blog post. The elderly persons in The Netherland need lots of care and attention. Persons above sixty years old are considered the elderly. The elderly persons who are well cared for tend to be happier and experience a longer life span. Elderly persons who are isolated and neglected tend to experience sadness, hopelessness, loneliness, heart failure and other disturbing health issues.

In The Netherlands, there are a lot of elderly persons. During my thesis research period with Rotterdam University of Applied science, one of my colleagues conducted research regarding loneliness amongst the elderly in The Netherlands, he found out that most elderly persons amongst his research population are very lonely.  Some of the reasons behind the loneliness of the elderly are due to the fact that they do not have frequent visits from their family members and friends, they are not independent and so on.  I have had the ample opportunity to have worked for some elderly persons in The Netherlands and in Scotland, then I was working with Allevo and Elder respectively.

In order to care better for the elderly and make them happier, the following are recommended;

  1. Visit the elderly often, at least every day of the week.
  2. Do not make them stay indoors all day for months without making sure their friends and family members visit them.  The elderly need company, they need someone to talk to, drink a cup of thee with or coffee and share laughter with. Isolation is very bad and unhealthy for the elderly.
  3. Take the elderly for a nice work in the park, children’s playground or to a nice restaurant for a decent dinner!
  4.  Hire help for them
  5. Help them with their daily activities such as self-care, personal hygiene and so on especially for the elderly with mobility issues.
  6. Have breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Eating alone can be very boring for the elderly
  7. If the elderly is suffering from acute arthritis, rheumatism, hire a physiotherapist or a professional masseuse to help them ease their pain.

I hope this blog post inspires you. I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you need my services.



Ekene Patience

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Shop my gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Beauty salon – Here



Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more-

Shop at www.awbridal.com www.ekenepatience.com

Hi dear, I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop for jewelries, wigs, makeup, drinks, cosmetics, fashion items, perfume from Europe. Please contact me if you are interested +31633651998 www.ekenepatience.com Our company ships worldwide

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper and a fashion stylist. I can help you and yours shop for travelling bag, lingerie,  cosmetics, drinks,  cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

Hello, I am a personal shopper, I can help you shop for lingeries, t shirt, school bags, boxers, food, socks, flight tickets, visa application, hotel reservations, airbnb reservationsfurnitures and more. Please contact me if you are interested in my servi

Hi ya,I am a beauty, health and it  consultant. Please contact me if you need my services xo www.ekenepatience.com


How To Communicate With Your Partner!

Hello, my amazing friends and family. How are you?  hope you all are doing well. This is a requested blog post. I was asked to share with you all how to communicate better with your partner.

Majority of all relationship happens to be successful or become unsuccessful due to communication. Great communication skills are important in marriage, partnership, business and more.

Instead of avoiding communicating with our partner due to the heat that comes up afterward, it is rather advisable to be able to listen to your partner, have the patience to ask your partner why he or she behaved in that particular way. Your objective is to understand the situation.

The following tips would enable you to have a better communication tips and have a  better relationship

  1. Smile always, think positively. Change the way you look at things. Having a positive mindset can help you build a better relationship
  2.  Be compassionate. Just be nice. Say nice things all the time to your partner
  3. Be respectful. Value and communicate your value to the other person.
  4. Do not criticize your partner
  5. Avoid assumptions and hard talk. Please do not bring up topics that might be suggestive or offend your partner.
  6. Be very polite. Do not suddenly go cold on your partner by practicing the silence treatment.
  7. Take the time to compliment each other on a daily basis.
  8. Do not walk out of your partner or behave very aggressive with him or her
  9. Do not scream or raise the tone of your voice when communicating with your partner, rather speak with a nice calm and soothing tone of voice.
  10. Deviate from washing your dirty linen in the public ( an idiom ) which means saying negative things about him or her, rather visit a professional pschologist or a relationship expert in your area to seek help.


I hope this blog post inspired you. I am a business, beauty and health consultant. If you need more healthy relationship tips, beauty, and business consultancy, please contact me.



Ekene Patience

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Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Shop Gorrilla’s coffee – Here






How to talk to your partner

Hello! I am a beauty, business and health consultant, I am also a  personal shopper. I can help you shop for travelling bag, lingerie, cloths, furnitures, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa application, and more- www.ekenepatience.com


Hello, I am a personal  shopper. I can  help you and yours shop for clothes, shoes, cosmetics, electronics,  flight tickets, hotel reservations and more.  Please contact me if you need my services. We ship worldwide www.ekenepatience.com


Hello, I am a photomodel and a beauty consultant! I do manicure, pedicure and makeup for male and female as well.Please contact me if you woud like to make lovely pictures of me. www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998

Shop at AW BRIDALS www.awbridals.com


Tips On How To Achieve Healthier Looking Skin in 2019!

Hello, my amazing friends and family! How are you today? I hope you all are doing well. My girlfriends in Germany asked me to share with you today tips on how to achieve glowing skin in 2019! Christmas is fast approaching and we ladies would like to look very nice and fabulous, the tips below will enable you to look more fabulous! I have been a beauty and health consultant for several years, I coach males and females on how to maintain their weight, loss weight, self-care, hygiene and more.

  1. Use great cosmetics and nutrients from Forever living products and Juiceplus.

Use great skin care froducts from De-tuninen,Kruidvat, Douglas, Iciparisxl. These shops mentioned has face wash, day and night cream, body ream, body oil such as bio-oil, masker and so on, depending on your budget. I elaborated more on the youtube video below.

  1. Visit a nice hotel such as Hilton hotel for a nice massage.
  2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid too much sugar ( carbohydrates in your meal).
  3. wash and change your bedsheet very regularly ( two to three times a week) use clean towels aswell
  4. See your doctor for regular check-ups and healthcare advice
  5. Exercise regularly by going for a long work, cycling and so on
  6. Drink lots of water, homemade juice as smoothies, celery juice and so on.


I hope these tips where  helpful. I am a forever living product beauty and health consultant, aside from that, I do manicure, pedicure, make-up,  and hair styling. Please contact me if you need some selfcare advice.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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Shop my Stylish look – Here

Beauty salon – Here


Makeup done by me❤❤❤❤Hello, my beautiful friends and family! A new awesome blog post just went up - www.ekenepatience.com. Please like, comment and share! xop.sNeed help with updating your cv, business training and also with starti

Please contact me if you need juice plus ❤www.ekenepatience.com


Hello friends and family! Do you need solar panels or other goods and services from Europe? Please contact me www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998


Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I am a beauty and health cosultant in Europe and Africa. Please come grab yourself these awesome Forever Living Product. Please contact me for more information - http://www.ekenepatience.com  Whatsapp  +31633651998

Shop at www.awbridal.com. www.ekenepatience.com

Hi ya! I am a a photo model and a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, flight tickets, hotel reservations,  please let  me  know if you  are interested. www.ekenepatience.com


Winter makeup inspiration

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Makeup done by me #mua #dress

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Hello, I am a photomodel and a beauty consultant! I do manicure, pedicure and makeup for male and female as well.Please contact me if you woud like to make lovely pictures of me. www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998

Winter must have


Coperate Social Responsibility Ideas For Top Multinational Companies!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today? I hope you all are doing great. I was inspired by one of my blog readers to share with you all and some top multinational companies on corporate social responsibility ideas.  Corporate social responsibility is an act of humanitarian service that can benefit businesses, their staffs and also individuals in the serenity where the business is operational.Top organisations such as Shell, Total, Chevron, Exxon mobile, Agip, MTN, Accenture consulting, KPMG, PwC, 7up Bottling company  and many others  can help their staffs and less priviledged ones in Africa or other countries by ;

  1. Providing Mobile Hospital trailers to rural areas with little or no medical health care facilities
  2. Build top Notch hospitals such as Erasmus, Amphia, AMC hospitals in rural areas of some African countries such as Nigeria or Ghana
  3. Donate free ambulances
  4. Build great universities such as Erasmus University, Vrije University Amsterdam and University of Dundee in Scotland
  5. Free food, shelter and clothes supply to persons in rural areas
  6. Volunteering in community service
  7. Charitable giving and donations to foundations.

I am the treasurer of Sticting Amor Agendo Foundation In The Netherlands.  Saaf helps less priviledged ones in Africa with educational and healthcare. Saaf is always on the lookout for volunteers who would like to help in the development and contribution of our projects. Donators are also very much welcome.

Are you a multinational company or an individual? Would you like to donate to Saaf foundation? Please contact me. your donations would be highly appreciated.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Shop Gorrilla’s coffee – Here


Hi dear! I am a beauty, business and health consultant. Please contact me  of you are interested in my services xo

Hi dear! I am a beauty, business and health consultant. Please contact me  of you are interested in my services xo



For sale ❤   I am a personal shopper. I can help you for these items and beyond.   Please contact me of you are interested to do business with me . We ship worldwide. Www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998. I am on whatsapp too xo

Corperate social responsibility for top multinational companies



Hi dear! I am a certified carer and beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your homeware services. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hi dear! I am a certified carer and beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your homeware services. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hello dear! I am a beauty, health and business consultant in The Netherlands. Would you like me to write an article regarding your business on my blog? Please contact me. xo www.ekenepatience.com




Skin Care Tips For Men 2019!

Hello handsome men in da house! I hope you all are doing great. This blog post is meant to inspire you guys on how to look, feel,smell good. Having nice, clear skin is absolutely great.

1.Eat properly and drink alot of water. Water is very good for your hair, skin and nail

2. Exercise often

3. Meditate and practise gratitude

4. Use cool perfumes and cosmetics  from brands such as Gucci, Dior, Prada, Hugo boss, Rituals. Wash your underarm properly when taking your bath. Also use mouth wash from Listerine after brushing your teeth. Use day and night cream from Biotherm or other brands, You can shop these from Ici Parijs in The Netherlands

5. Wear clean cloths everyday

6Listen to great songs from artist such as Bruno mars, Justin Bierber, Davido, David Guetta, Nikki Minaj, Cardi B, Jayz, and also gospel music.

7. Avoid too much smoking and alcohol consumption.

8. Touch often. Human touch is very important for human interaction, it can lower blood pressure and the stress hormones. But too much touch can make you look wierd.

9. Watch and listen to Ellen degeneres jokes!

Thank you so much for reading!


Ekene Patience

Dutch Version

Goedemorgen beste vrienden, vandaag ga ik het met jullie hebben over huidverzorging voor mannen, Er is een nog een tijd geweest dat huidverzorging alleen iets voor vrouwen was. De man moest alleen de huid schoon houden, dus douchen en verder niets. Als de man een creme gebruikte werd hij al snel gezien als een vrouwelijk type, dus verdacht.

Die tijd is gelukkig voorbij, tegenwoordig zijn er volop huidproducten voor mannen, en deze worden door mannen volop gebruikt. Door deze producten willen mannen er aantrekkelijker en jonger uitzien. Je kan ook zeggen dat mannen zuiniger worden op hun huid. Een goede zaak dus.Maar het is niet alleen de creme die de mannenhuid moet onderhouden, er zijn ook veel andere manieren om dit te doen, en ze zijn bovendien gratis. Ik noem er enkele:

-Roken en overmatig alcoholgebruik is een aanslag op je lichaam, je huid wordt er snel ouder door en de rimpels zie je sneller.

-Gevarieerd en gezond eten is belangrijk, bepaalde vitamines zijn een must voor een mooie huid.

-Ga niet onbeschermd lang in de zon zitten, door lang in de zon te zitten droogt de huid uit en veroudert de huid sneller.

-Sporten in het algemeen is goed voor de huid, het beschermt je tegen slechte invloeden van buitenaf.

-Het is verstandig om dagelijks veel water te drinken, het is niet alleen goed voor de huid maar voor het hele lichaam.

Beste vrienden, dit waren enkele tips voor een goede leefwijze en om en voor te zorgen dat je huid er jong en goed uit blijft zien.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here


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Need a new arm workout? Try this one from Fitness Director @ebenezersamuel23 . If you want more workouts from Samuel, check out his workout video program, The New Rules of Muscle, which is available at the link in our bio. This workout’s moves are below, details in audio: ************************* Bis 1) ez-bar curls wide, 6-8 reps, into dumbbell halfway lower curls, 6-8 reps. 4 sets. 2) kneeling hammer curls, 6-8 reps per arm, into eccentric-focused half-iso hammer curls, 6-8 total reps. 4 sets 3) ez-bar spider curls, 6-8 reps, into halfway hold alternating dumbbell spider curls, 3-6 reps per arm. 3 sets. ************************* Tris 1) double-explode close grip presses, 3-5 clusters, into close grip press reps, 3-6 reps. 4 sets 2) mixed style dumbbell decline skullcrushers: 3-5 clusters. 4 sets. 3) kneeling handed pressdowns, 10-12 reps, into hollow body handed kickbacks, 8-10 reps per arm. 3 sets. *************************

A post shared by Men's Health (@menshealthmag) on








Shop this great awesome skincare product at - www.duvolle.com


My official website - http://www.ekenepatience.com/


Happy weekend my most adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing great and pampering yourselves! Recently, I received a gift card from Douglas cosmetic shop in The Netherlands from one of my blog reader! I used it to buy some cool items such as


#lovely MiddelburgHi ya! Are you a male or female, would you like to learn how to apply makeup on your girlfriend, sister, wife, friend? please contact me. I am a makeup artist and beauty consultant in The Netherland. I also do manicure and pedicure.  Mak


How To Stop Stress and Relax More!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family. I hope you all are doing great. I was hired to share with you guys this blog post by a kind philanthropist. There are several ways to relax and ease stress. Stress can affect your health. Too much stress can lead to heart attack, burn out, a reduced amount of productivity,

There are several ways to reduce stress

  1. Practice exercise such as jogging, sit-ups, yoga, biking.
  2. Visit the spa
  3. Go for a message
  4. Eat properly
  5. Listen to good music
  6. Visit friends and family
  7. Practice forgiveness
  8. Do not listen to sad songs


Ekene Patience

Thank you so much for reading.

Dutch Version

Goedemorgen beste vrienden, Vandaag ga ik het met jullie hebben over hoe stress te verminderen en meer te relaxen.Tegenwoordig lijkt het of steeds meer mensen ziek worden ten gevolge van stress. Als je de huidige maatschappij vergelijkt met die van vroeger lijkt het wel of die veel complexer is geworden. Werk en vrije tijd lopen door elkaar heen, smartphones en sociale media doen er nog een schepje bovenop, je moet steeds bereikbaar zijn voor iedereen. Als je hieraan toegeeft loopt op de lange duur de emmer over en veroorzaak je stress, overspannenheid en een burn-out.

 Om deze stress tegen te gaan en meer te relaxen kan je aan het volgende denken.

 -Calculeer tegenslag in, niet altijd zit alles mee.

-Leer van je fouten, een ezel stoot zich in het algemeen geen 2x aan dezelfde steen.

-Sta open voor kritiek, accepteer dat je niet alles weet, en dat kritiek goed bedoeld kan zijn.

-Herken je grenzen, neem niet teveel hooi op de vork, je moet ook eens nee kunnen zeggen.

-Sporten is goed voor lichaam en geest, de hersenen worden beloond door genotshormonen, de tegenhanger van stresshormonen.

-Lachen en knuffelen zijn ook goed voor de genotshormonen.

-Als laatste, eet gezond, anders loop je het risico op overgewicht en andere aandoeningen.

Beste vrienden, dit waren zo enkele tips om stress te voorkomen en meer te relaxen.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels, cars, photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes, and hotels and give self-care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Patron – Here

Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands - www.ekenepatience.com



Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands - www.ekenepatience.com




_Hi  ya, I sell customised pictures! Please contact me if you are interested.xo www.ekenepatience.com


How To Make Your Nails Grow Longer And Healthier!

Hello friends!  Have you recently ditched acrylic nails and have decided to go natural? Well, you have made the right choice! Growing your natural nails is better. I have been a beauty consultant for almost a decade, I have done several manicure and pedicure. I truly enjoy doing manicure and pedicure because it helps me to be more relaxed. Today’s tip is on how you can make your nails look more healthier and fabulous.

  1. Eat healthier food. Food and fruits with essential vitamins are important. Lots of Fish, vegetables can help you grow healthier nails, aside from that, healthy food can help improve your sight. Drink lots of milk, Zalm fish and vegetables. De Tuinen en Kruidvat has awesome vitamins that can help you grow your hair and nails.
  2. Do not bit on your nails
  3. Use cuticle oil daily
  4. Use nail polish from Sally Hansen, Rituals or OPI
  5. File your nails often.

I hope these tips were helpful! I would love to learn from you how you take care of your nails and make them grow better, healthier and beautiful!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

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Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here


Hallo vrienden! Heb je onlangs acryl nagels gedumpt en besloten om natuurlijk te gaan? Nou, je hebt de juiste keuze gemaakt! Je natuurlijke nagels laten groeien is beter. Ik ben bijna tien jaar schoonheidsspecialist geweest, ik heb verschillende manicure en pedicure gedaan. Ik geniet echt van het doen van manicure en pedicure omdat het me helpt om meer ontspannen te zijn. De tip van vandaag is hoe je je nagels er gezonder en fantastisch kunt laten uitzien.

Eet gezonder eten. Voeding en fruit met essentiële vitamines zijn belangrijk. Veel vis, groenten kunnen u helpen gezondere nagels te laten groeien, maar daarnaast kan gezond voedsel uw site helpen verbeteren. Drink veel melk, Zalm vis en groenten. De Tuinen en Kruidvat heeft geweldige vitamines die je kunnen helpen je haar en nagels te laten groeien.
Breek niet op je nagels
Gebruik dagelijks nagelriemolie
Gebruik nagellak van Sally Hansen, Rituals of OPI
Dien je nagels vaak in.
Ik hoop dat deze tips nuttig waren! Ik zou heel graag van je leren hoe je voor je nagels zorgt en ze beter, gezonder en mooier laat worden!



See more here - www.ekenepatience.com





I do manicure and pedicure. Please contact me if you need my services. XO www.ekenepatience.com

Manicure donr by me

After look manicure  done by me


Pedicure done by me! Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Ekene Patience 2018! Hi lovelies! I hope you all are doing well. So many of my friends, family members and fans has been asking me so many questions, so I have decided to use this medium to answer all your questions 1.Which

Nail care tips