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Skin Care Tips 2018!

Hi love, today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on how to achieve proper healthier glowing skin –

  1. Remove makeup before going to bed
  2. Use day and night cream from loreal and Nivea. The Body shop  and lush also as amazing skincare items 
  3. Eat properly.
  4. Drink a lot of water every day, water helps your skin to glow
  5. Use bio oil to clear off dark spots and blemishes
  6. If you have chronic acne or excema, do visit your dermatologist.
  7. Too much sun can be bad for your skin,  always use sunscreen to protect your skin
  8. Sleep on a clean bedsheet on daily basis, wear clean clothes and use clean towels
  9. Use homemade items such as fresh tomatoes, Citroen and eggs as scrub and masker respectively. Never underestimate the magic these items can perform on your skin.

I hope these tips inspired you. Please do share with me how you do take good care of your selves.

I love you


Ekene Patience


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  • Clean bathroom


Designual dress

Dress – Designual


The Bodyshop cosmetics





Tips For Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hi, lovelies! I hope you all are doing great. Today’s topic is on easy ways to manage stress. Stress leads to depression, anxiety attack, lack of concentration and unhappiness. Stress can also reduce your output at work. Managing stress and being in the right state of mind can increase your productivity and happiness. Below are some cool ways to manage stress!

  1. Practice meditation every day
  2. Go for a long walk
  3. Go on vacation
  4. Dress well, clean your self well, improve your hygiene
  5. Go out with friends for dinner or to the beach
  6. go to a nice spa for a massage or for a foot or a body massage.
  7. listen to cool music
  8. Distract your self with awesome movies from Netflix when you have spare time
  9. Get your mind off whatever that makes you feel stressed. The more you think about it, the more you become upset. The best thing is to focus and invest your energy in less stressful activities.
  10. Make sure you use support system such as family, friends, say what is on your mind and clear it off, keeping all the anger, stress, or painful thoughts all to your self can be harmful. find someone you can talk to and confide in.


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Me and my lovelies!

Middelburg city

Middelburg is so awesome!



Ekene Patience

Head phone – www.vr-i.nl Jacket – Only


Rotterdam City, close to Hilton Hotel





Hair styling done by me


Love and Affection mood!

Dress – www.nelly.com Shoes – Justfab!

My current favourite pampering items

Pedicure done by me


Top Nutritional Delicious Food!

Hello, muffins! I hope you all are doing great. I have helped several of my friends, fans and family members to lose tons of calories by advising them on great delicious diets to take every day. During my study of Biochemistry, I learnt a lot about food biochemistry and great essential nutrients. Good food is great but the excess food is toxic for the body. Too much food intake can cause heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Tanya burr and Jamie Olivier has written terrific books and guide on how to make healthy meals. You can find their tutorials online too. Below are essential food items to incorporate in your diet on daily basis. Fruits such as apple, banana, mango etc

  1. Vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, broccoli. It is better to purchase little quality of food that would last you for one or two days than buying too much food that might expire after a couple of days.
  2. Lots of fish, meat, fish, chicken. Rice, potato and spaghetti are paramount.
  3. Lots of water, juice and at least 3 glass of milk every day for healthy bones and teeth. Milk contains calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient for healthy hair and bone. Fun fact, do you know that you can mix egg, yoghurt and olive oil when you apply it to your hair and face every day, it would help you look very young. You may also mix olive oil, kiwi and sugar on a bowl, apply it on your face as a scrub on daily basis, it will help your skin look spotless.
  4. Last but not the least, exercise often, run errands by taking a long walk, bike, wear amazing cloths  ( it does not have to be expensive, it should look neat and presentable and have fun!

I love you all so so much!

Thank you for all your love and support. I truly appreciate it.


Ekene Patience



Hallo, muffins! Ik hoop dat het goed met jullie gaat. Ik heb een aantal van mijn vrienden, fans en familieleden geholpen om tonnen calorieën te verliezen door hen te adviseren over heerlijke diëten die ze elke dag kunnen nemen. Tijdens mijn studie Biochemie heb ik veel geleerd over voedselbiochemie en belangrijke  essentiële voedingsstoffen. Goed eten is geweldig, maar het teveel aan voedsel is giftig voor het lichaam. Te veel voedselinname kan hartaandoeningen, obesitas en diabetes veroorzaken. Tanya burr en Jamie Olivier hebben geweldige boeken en richtlijnen geschreven over het maken van gezonde maaltijden. Je kunt hun tutorials ook online vinden. Hieronder staan essentiële voedingsproducten die dagelijks in uw dieet worden verwerkt. Fruit zoals appel, banaan, mango, enzvt.

-Groenten zoals komkommer, tomaat, broccoli. Het is beter om weinig voedsel aan te schaffen dat een of twee dagen meegaat dan te veel voedsel te kopen dat na een paar dagen kan vervallen.

-Veel vis, vlees, vis, kip. Rijst, aardappel en spaghetti staan voorop.

-Veel water, sap en minstens 3 glazen melk per dag voor gezonde botten en tanden. Melk bevat calcium. Calcium is een essentiële voedingsstof voor gezond haar en botten. Leuk feit, weet je dat je eieren, yoghurt en olijfolie kunt mengen als je het elke dag op je haar en gezicht aanbrengt, dan zou je er heel jong uitzien. Je kunt ook olijfolie, kiwi en suiker op een schaal mengen, dagelijks op je gezicht aanbrengen als scrub, het zal je huid er vlekkeloos laten uitzien.

Als laatste, maar niet de minste, loop vaank om je boodschappen te doen of fietsen, draag mooie kleden (het hoeft niet duur te zijn, het moet er netjes en toonbaar uitzien en altijd probeer plezier te hebben!

Ik hou zo veel van jullie allemaal!

Bedankt voor al je liefde en steun. Ik waardeer het echt.


Ekene Patience



Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience

Make-Up ad styling done by me

Ekene Patience




My First Week Of July 2018 Beauty Favourites!

Happy weekend my most adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing great and pampering yourselves! Recently, I received a gift card from Douglas cosmetic shop in The Netherlands from one of my blog reader! I used it to buy some cool items such as perfums, rituals products.

Therme has awesome cosmetic products such as massage oil, body cream and home spray! Aside from good cosmetics, perfumes and make-up, it essential to treat your self with a good meal. I like the perfume from Michael Kors and one million, I have been using the lip gloss from Estee Lauder and ysl, a must have. Skincare, Therme, rituals, Biotherm products are great brands. FOr men, Hugo boss, perfume, shower gel is also a  must-have.

Aside from beauty favourites, I have been listening to Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeeran, Sia music, absolutely fabulous!

My lovelies, Please do share with me your favourite July cosmetics and beauty products! I would love to learn from you!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Ekene Patience




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My cool gift





Easy Ways To Manage Loneliness.

Hello my Angels, I hope you all are doing great!  I have been planning to post this post for few weeks now but I wanted to get some good answers from my friends and family before I share.

I asked some of you on how you do manage loneliness, you guys gave me your honest thoughts. A short story, during my studies at Rotterdam University in The Netherlands, one of my colleagues conducted a thesis research on loneliness of the elderly in The Netherlands, he interviewed over two hundred elderly women living in home care buildings in the Netherlands, and his research results indicated that there is alarming rate of lonely elderly people in the Netherlands. Many of the elderly are lonely because they have less social networks, their children lives abroad, have disabilities or less amount of money to participate in social activities. Loneliness can lead to depression, heart ache and so many health problems (see this post here ).

Well some amazing ways the elderly can manage loneliness is by going to the movies, join a dance class, stay in close contacts with friends and family, engage in social activities such as group vacation, have a boyfriend or girlfriend to do fun things together, chill out in nice hotels from time to time.

I hope these tips were helpful.

P.s. These fun ideas I mentioned above can be practiced by youth’s as well. I have worked with hundreds of photographers in Europe as a photo model, I asked many of them why they went into photography, most of their answers is that photography helps them to meet new people and make more friends.
If you live alone, try as much as possible to engage in awesome activities, start a new study, schedule a coffee at Van Der Valk, skype a lot with friends and family, spend weekends together with your children and loved ones, find a good job, and travel. If you are single you may join dating sites.

If you sense you cannot manage your loneliness all by yourself, please do visit your doctor!
I hope these tips were helpful. Please do share with me how you tend to manage loneliness.
Thank you so much for reading.

Please do share this post if you did enjoyed reading it.

I love you!

Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Hallo mijn engelen, hoe gaat het met jullie? Ik ben van plan dit bericht nu een paar weken te posten, maar ik wilde goede antwoorden krijgen van mijn vrienden en familie voordat ik het kon delen.Ik vroeg sommigen van jullie hoe je eenzaamheid regelt, jullie gaven me je eerlijke gedachten. Een kort verhaal, tijdens mijn studie aan de Universiteit van Rotterdam in Nederland, een van mijn collega’s verrichtte een scriptieonderzoek naar de eenzaamheid van ouderen in Nederland, hij interviewde meer dan tweehonderd oudere vrouwen in verzorginghuis in Nederland, en zijn onderzoek resultaten bleek dat er zijn  verontrustend aantal eenzame ouderen in Nederland is. Veel ouderen zijn eenzaam omdat ze minder sociale netwerken hebben, hun kinderen in het buitenland wonen, een handicap of minder geld hebben om deel te nemen aan sociale activiteiten.

Eenzaamheid kan leiden tot depressie, hartpijn en zoveel gezondheidsproblemen. Welnu, sommige geweldige manieren waarop ouderen eenzaamheid kunnen beheren, zijn door naar de film te gaan, lid te worden van een dansles, in nauw contact te blijven met vrienden en familie, sociale activiteiten aan te gaan, zoals groepsreizen, een vriend of vriendin hebben om samen leuke dingen te doen, chillen in leuke hotels van tijd tot tijd. Ik hoop dat deze tips nuttig waren. Graag delen deze leuke ideeën die ik hierboven noemde, kunnen ook door jongeren worden toegepast. Als je alleen woont, probeer dan zo veel mogelijk geweldige activiteiten te ondernemen, een nieuwe studie te beginnen, veel te skype met vrienden en familie, weekends samen met je kinderen en geliefden door te brengen, een goede baan te vinden en te reizen. Als u alleenstaand bent, kunt u deelnemen aan datingsites. Ik hoop dat deze tips nuttig waren. Vertel me alsjeblieft hoe je de neiging hebt om eenzaamheid te managen. Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen. Deel dit bericht alstublieft als u het leuk vond om het te lezen. Ik hou van je!

Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Ekene Patience

Dress – www.nelly.com Hair – www.fresh-hair.nl


Jacket – Arma Shoes – Bonnie Shirt – Opus

Blazer – We Bag – Michael kors Shoes – Italian shop in Shoprite Nigeria Location – Van Vliet Trucks Rotterdam

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5 Great Ways To Relax!

Hello my lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on how to have a very relaxed stress free day.

1.  Meditation is a brilliant way to relax.  Ensure to have a good night rest on daily basis. Try to have a very silent morning whenever you wake up, pray, do yoga,have good breakfast and meditate. You can’t go wrong with a healthy breakfast such as toasted bread, lots of cheese, fish, fried egg and bacon. Incorporate fruits, juice to your meal. Visiting a nice restaurant, café alone or with friends and family would help you achieve a relaxed day.

2. Indulge in a leisure activity every day. Leisure activity involves going for a walk by the sea side all by your self or  wth friends, jogging, cooking , it all depends on where your passions lies.

3. Give yourself a hand massage or ask a professional for massage. Massage is very medicinal and can help you relax more

4. Painting is a great way to relax. I love painting with my kids and also

building lego. Bart Smit shop is the Netherlands has cool toys for kids and painting item.

5. Stretching helps you to relief stress, stretch your hands, legs, body as often as you can. You may also want to read some great books and listen to cool music as well.

I hope you are inspired. Please do share with me activities you indulge in to relax. Do remeber to share this post!

Thank you for reading


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Special Healthcare Tips For You !

Hello family!!! Yes, I called you family because i regard my online community as family. Massage is very important because your muscles get inflamed after working out, getting a massage will help all the toxins in your body out . Massage helps to clean your body internally. I love to get massage on my hair, face, neck and that makes me feel very cool!

Manicure and Pedicure is also very important to make you look so fabulous, it is impotant to maintain your self very well. A nice hot bath will help you feel better and an awesome self care tip. Lush has really nice scented balms and stones for bath. You may also want to try out bath soap from Dr Kniep, you can get it from De tuinen or Kruidvat. Pamper your self by lodging in a very nice hotel with welness Once in  a while, at least once a month!

Spend quality time with your family,  visit cool restaurants such as Fletchers, Van Der valk, Hilton, Amadore, Sheraton hotels, there are also very affordable places to hang out such as mcdonald,kfc, burger king or a short quick picnic by th seaside.

It feels better when you hang out very often with your family and loved once at least every week, because it helps in bonding .

Thank you so much for reading!

How do you spend quality time with your loved ones?

I do love to learn from you.

I love you so much!


Ekene Patience


Hallo-familie !!! Ja, ik heb jullie familie genoemd, omdat ik mijn online gemeenschap als familie beschouw. Massage is erg belangrijk omdat je spieren ontstoken raken na het sporten. Een massage zal alle gifstoffen in je lichaam helpen. Massage helpt je lichaam intern te reinigen. Ik ben dol op massage van mijn haar, gezicht, nek en dat geeft me een heel goede gevoel!

Manicure en pedicure zijn ook erg belangrijk om je er zo fantastisch uit te laten zien, het is heel belangrijk  om je zelf heel goed te houden. Een lekker warm bad zal je helpen je beter te voelen en een geweldige zelfzorg tip. Lush heeft echt mooie geurende balsems en stenen voor in bad. Misschien wil je ook badzeep van Dr. Kniep uitproberen, je kunt het krijgen van De tuinen of Kruidvat. Soms moet je jezelf verwenen door in een heel mooi hotel met welness te verblijven. Af en toe, minstens één keer per maand!

Het voelt beter als je vaak met je familie rondhangt en er minstens één keer per week van houdt, omdat het helpt bij het verlijmen.

Bedankt veel voor het lezen!

Hoe breng je quality time door met je geliefden?

Ik hou zoveel van jullie!




TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




Feel Good Therapy!

Hi beauties! From time to time, we all need some kind of self-confidence. Self-confidence is required for achieving a great balance in our daily lifestyle. Good self-confidence can help you during your career, job interview, relationship and so on. Below are some awesome tips to inspire you!

  1. Do not compare yourself with others, rather, remember your strengths and be happy for all the great things that is happening right now in your life.
  2. Invest in yourself, take care of yourself, wear makeup, watch your diet,  listen to great music,  read christian books, audibles,  motivational speech and  sleep well.
  3. Be very happy with all the precious blessings you have.
  4. Learn to accept and love  yourself just the way you are
  1. Minimise negative self-talk
  2. Celebrate other people and be happy for their achievements.

I hope these few tips were helpful.

Please do share with me your top tips on how you do boost your confidence. I do love to learn from you.

I just want to use this medium to say a big huge thank you to all my friends and family for all your emails, whatsapp messages, tweets with all the beautiful inspirational messages and prayers

I love you all  so much and remember confidence makes you sexier!!!


Ekene Patience


Hallo schoonheid! Van tijd tot tijd hebben we allemaal een vorm van zelfvertrouwen nodig. Zelfvertrouwen is vereist voor het bereiken van een goede balans in onze dagelijkse levensstijl. Goed zelfvertrouwen kan je helpen tijdens je loopbaan, sollicitatiegesprek, relatie enzovoort. Hieronder staan enkele geweldige tips om u te inspireren!

  1. Vergelijk jezelf niet met anderen, eerder, onthoud je sterke kanten en wees gelukkig voor alle geweldige dingen die er nu in je leven gebeuren.
  2. Investeer in jezelf, pas goed op jezelf, draag make-up, bekijk je dieet, luister naar geweldige muziek, geluidssignalen, motiverende spraak en slaap goed.
  3. Wees heel blij met alle kostbare zegeningen die je hebt.
  4. Leer jezelf te accepteren en van jezelf te houden zoals je bent.
  5. Minimaliseer negatieve zelfbespreking
  6. Vier andere mensen en wees blij voor hun prestaties.
    Ik hoop dat deze paar tips nuttig waren.

Geef me alsjeblieft je beste tips over hoe je je vertrouwen kunt vergroten. Ik vind het heel leuk om van jullie te leren.

Ik wil dit medium gewoon gebruiken om heel veel dank te zeggen aan al mijn vrienden en familie voor al je e-mails, whatsapp-berichten, tweets met alle mooie inspirerende berichten en gebeden

Ik hou zo veel van jullie allemaal!


Ekene Patience


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My 5 Top Beauty Resolution For 2018!

Hello angels! I have made some few beauty resolution for 2018! Have you made yours? 2017 has been a great year. These are resolution for next year!

  1. Eat more healthy items such as fruits and vegetables.
  2. Drink a lot of water.
  3. Schedule some minutes for me time.
  4. Be more prudent when it comes to spending, i shall conduct research on groupon sites and also buy affordable products on Amazon, eBay, everythingfivepound.
  5. Become more prayerful!
  6. Spend quality time with family and friends!!!

Goes & Middelburg in Zeeland are greaat cities for shopping. Check out my puctures i took in Goes. The last picture i took in Rotterdam by Erasmus bridge!

I do love to hear from you what your newer resolution is!

I love you!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


2014_07_30; Diana (12) Zeeland (80)


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Ekene Patience


Feel Good Therapy For Winter!!!

Hi lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. As a certified beauty consultant and biochemist, I learnt alot during my study years on some cool tips on how to feel good especially during the winter period, whereby the weather seems to be cold all the time. These are some tips for you:

  1. Drink lots of flavoured thee, soup, my favourite soup are fish soup, tomato, lentil soup.
  2. Dance dance dance or go for a walk. Taking a long walk or cycling can be very helpful. you tend to receive fresh air and experience beautiful nature.
  3. Do your manicure, pedicure, makeup, wash , clean your self and be ready for the day even if you do not have anywhere to visit
  4. Hang out and spend some quality times with friends and family.
  5. Buy your self a present. You do not wait until you receive a present from someone, you may give your self a nice flower or perfume.
  6. If you live in a cold (winter) country like the Netherlands, Belgium, you may want to visit a Sunny country such as the Maldives, Seychelles for holidays
  7. Pamper your self, visit a spa for massage, pampering, if you have enough money go on vacation to a nearby holiday homes, luxirious hotel etc
  8. If you are really bored and do not have much to do, start a class, you may start to tke a laguage lesson, beauty classes etc

I hope these tips were helpful!

p.s. I am not a medical doctor, these are just tips i use my self and has helped me alot to pep up my moods. If you are feeling very sad, depressed and experiencing some anxiety attack, I do advice you to see your doctor.

I love you


I just want to use this medium to say a big congratulations to my little sister for the birth of your newborn baby! I love you both so much.

And also a big congratulations to my older son for acquiring your b diploma for swimming. I am so so proud of you.


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup


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my lovely sister and her son!


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup



Having a positive mindset can improve your mood, I was watching t.v. the other day, a lady with terminal cancer was being coached by her doctor on how to overcome the anxiety she felt as a result of her ailment, the doctor advised her to pretend as if she is perfectly fine (live in denial), she should never think about the fact that she has cancer and would die in few year, the lady admitted that denial helped her to overcome depression, anxiety and sadness her ailment  caused her. She felt better and was more positive.  These are some more tips that would help you feel better.

  1. Celebrate even your smallest success. Keep a journal, write down 3 things each day that you are grateful for or went really well.
  1. Speak positively and in the present tense – instead of ‘I want to be happy’, change it to ‘I am happy’.
  1. Know that you can choose your thoughts. Train your mind to focus on the good in your life.



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience