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General Tips For Travellers!!!

Hello lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. Today, am going to share with you my favourite airlines. I enjoy travelling a lot and visiting new places, meeting new people, experiencing new culture . It helps me to understand cultural dimension, make new friends and most of all its nice to see new places. About a decade ago, I used to come from Nigeria to The Netherlands, 8 weeks on in Nigeria, two weeks off, I flew a lot with klm from  Lagos Nigeria to Amsterdam in The Netherlands.

Some other amazing countries I have been to are France, Germany , Spain, Turkey ,Greece , Italy, Belgium, Kenya and Nigeria. I flew with klm, British airways, Emirates, Kenya airlines, royal air Maroc, Turkish airline during my trips. These airlines mentioned above are my favourites. My younger sister is an entrepreneur like myself, I guess it runs in the blood. She sells flight tickets , her company’s name is called Solite Travel Nigeria.


Some health tips for you when travelling are as follow:

1.Do not be drunk  avoid drinking too much alcohol before travelling

2. Do not forget to set your alarm on while waiting for your flight to arrive, you might miss your flight

3. Leave your house at least 2 hours earlier than the flight boarding time, this act would enable you arrive in the airport online and prevent you from panicking.

4. Pack your luggage a day before the trip

5. Take some of your favourite items such as perfumes creams in miniature. You might need vaccination or anti malaria injections when visiting African countries.

6.Make sure you have your visa and all the proper documents ready for your trip.

I hope you are inspired! Please do share with me your favourite holidays destinations, I do love to learn from you.

I love you.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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How To Lose That Weight Fast!!!

Hi dear, I am so thrilled, today I was approached by skinnycoffee to become their brand ambassador.I have been so lucky to have been in contact with some cool companies such as vr-i.nl   Thank you so much for sending me these amazing products, I have also been fortunate to receive  other cool gifts such as weaves, shoes, cloths Tesco gift card, how amazing! Well Skinny coffee has inspired me to write this blog post. Do you know that you can lose wait while drinking an amazing coffee, yes. Skinny coffee has a lot of brand ambassadors that has great testimonies.

Some more awesome tips on how to lose wait are as follows:

  1. Eat steam and baked food. Prepare meals with lean fat meat such as dear, turkey, chicken and eat lots of fish such as salmon.
  2. Drink ice cold water everyday at least six cups.
  3. Drink thee or coffee!
  4. Buy snacks that benefit you, avoid too much chocolates and chips.
  5. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
  6. Eat five to six mini meals frequently everyday instead of three bunch of food such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, make sure that your mini meals are healthy.
  7. Exercise frequently, do a lot of jogging, running and long walk.
  8. Watch funny videos as well, studies has discovered that laughing real hard helps you to burn calories.
  9. prepare home made smoothie, check out my video below to learn how to.
  10. Do 20 sit ups at least every morning when you wake up. This helps you to burn belly fat

P.s. Please take general care of your self. I mean, wash your self daily, your hair, teeth, personal grooming. Be well kept. love you and stay fabulous alright!

I hope you are inspired!

I love you



I love you


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
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10 Ways To Improve Your Mood!!!

Hello muffins!!!  I was inspired to write this post by a friend of mine! Everybody is different, and everybody has different ways of dealing with periods when they are not in their best mood but if you’re looking for suggestions, you may find these helpful:

  1. Step back and self-reflect. Whenever I start feeling down, I try to stop, reflect, and get to the root of my feelings.
  2. Reach out to someone. I used to bottle up my feelings out of fear that I would be judged if I talked about them. I’ve since learned that reaching out to a loving, understanding person is one of the best things I can do. You can reach out to a trusted friend, partner or relative, it’s ok to cry on someone shoulder. You can discuss how you feel and brainstorm on how to make you feel better.
  3. Listen to music. Music can heal, put you in a better mood, and make you feel less alone, or take you on a mental journey.  I love listening to gospel music, Rihanna, Davido, Psquare, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Coldplay and wiz kid.
  4. Cuddle or play with pets. If you are blessed with pets, that is terrific, spending quality time with a loving pet can instantly make your heart and soul feel better.
  5. Go for a walk. Walking always helps me clear my head and shed negative energy. It’s especially therapeutic if you choose to walk at a scenic location. You may decide to register in a Gym, engage in sporting activities.
  6. Drink something healthy and reinvigorating. For some reason, orange juice always puts me in a better mood and makes me feel revitalized and serene. There are many health and mood benefits of drinking orange juice and other fruit juices. You may also want to drink minted thee or other flavored thee.
  7. Write. Writing is usually the first thing I do when I’m feeling down. It always helps me get my thoughts and feelings out in front of me.  I love writing this blog post to inspire, reach out to you my awesome readers. I do a lot of research, I do ask people some questions such as how to you get better at your job? What are the activities that you engage in to make you feel better, etc., I get a lot of feedback that is how I learn. Please do not be afraid to make new friends, and be open. It’s part of living! A friend of mine always says, you only live once, which is very true.
  8. Take a nap. Sometimes we just need to recharge. I always feel better after getting some rest.
  9. Plan a fun activity. Moping around never helps me feel any better, so it usually helps to plan something fun to do if I’m feeling up to it. It can be something as simple as creating my own vision board or something as big as planning a trip. I enjoy playing with my kids a lot. I also love to go window shopping when am bored, or hangout in the library, with friends, do my groceries, and cleaning your home, cloths, garage helps a lot too because your mind tend to be occupied and you do not get to think about negative stuff.
  10. Do something spontaneous. Some of my favorite memories entail choices I made spontaneously. We should all learn to let go of routine every now and then and do something exciting and unplanned. You may go for a spontaneous trip or decide to spontaneously do 200 meter race, challenge yourself every day, and have something or someone to look up to. You may listen to great motivators such as Oprah, Brian Tracy or listen to funny YouTube videos such as The Ellen show, two and half man and the big bang theory.

Please do share with me tips on how you tend to elevate your mood and feel better when ever you are not feeling so excited, do love to hear from you.

I hope you are inspired.

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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How amazing! Autumn is finally here!!! I went to Primark few day ago, saw some cool Christmas decorations. Yes, it’s almost Christmas too. Vey soon we all are going to start hearing the old amazing song, jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way! So for as long as I can remember autumn has been my favourite season. In my head it reminds me that we are heading toward the end of the year and it gives me another push to get busy working on my goals for the remained of the year. I also think it’s a combination of the natural change in colours, with gorgeous browns, yellows, reds of the leaves everywhere, and the cooler temperature that I love. I get this slightly weird sense of excitement when I realise autumn has arrived, and my mind starts buzzing with all the colors, styles and outfits that I have been looking forward to digging out. I love layering up, and getting the boots, scarves, and jackets out, (SOOO many options!) Also I love the feeling that Christmas is around the corner!

Although, am going to miss my pretty colorful summer outfits! Well, we have to wait till next year. If you happen to live in a warm country such as Nigeria, Ghana, well done and carryon with the colorful clothing!

Some healthcare tips, buy some cool scarfs for winter at H&M, primark to cover your chest in order to avoid cold, dress proberly, always have three layers of clothing before leaving the house.

Drink a lot of hot thee. Eat properly, use warm blanket in bed.

I hope these outfits inspires you! I have a combo of summer and autumn look here!

P.s Does anyone of you know where to shop for very cool affordable winter cloths? In the Netherlands, there is a shop called ZEELAND HALL and also dorcas winkels for very affordable cloths if you are on budget. You may want to check out Asos, C&A, primark, H&M, Newlook and Van Haren for shoes

I love you so much!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Makeup and Fashion Trend Autumn 2017!!!

Hello muffins! You all must have noticed, winter is around the corner, autumn is almost over! This blog post would inspire you on Makeup and fashionable styling for this season. I love wearing Mac lipstick, eyeliner,lipliner,concealer, foundation, blush etc. I also recommend black opal powder, concealer and foundation for dark skin ladies. Ysl, Blackup, Maybelline, Loreal are also great makeup brands. During the winter period, a good leather jacket from Omoda is a good buy. Primark has awesome clothing, manicure items and shoes for very affordable prices. In my video tutorial below, you would find some cool handbags you can wear for this season. Spending money on good quality handbags is a must, because it would last for decades. Few years ago, when I was still married, I used to get a lot of present from my hubby then such as handbags etc. Well if you do not have high income for high end products such as expensive bags, perfumes, you may want to save up and give your self a nice present everymonth, its a nice way to reward your awesome self.

Some good brands of bags are Gucci, Prada, Louis Vulton, Cartier, Michael Kors, DKNY, some cool perfumes for winter period is Channel, Chloe, Dolce and Gabana and Hugo boss. Sephora, Douglas, Ici parijs are great retailers. For Men, Channel perfume, Hugo boss, Calvin Klein are good buy.

It is also going to be very chilly during the winter period, drinking lots of hot thee, reading and listening to audio books and spending quality time with friends and family members is an awesome way to be happy this season.

I hope you are inspired!!!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


H&M Top

G – star jean

Mac red lipstick


Primark Grey Top

Hat – H&M

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High Demand For martenal Mobile Hospital In Nigeria!!!

Hello angels!!! Today’s blog post was inspired by one of my blog reader, thank you for your inspiration. It is a bit off the makeup, fashion video I love making for you all. I am going to introduce you to the enormous demand for martenal mobile hospital in Nigeria. As a Nigerian and Dutch, I can tell you there is a huge different between the health care system in Europe and in Africa especially in the rural areas of Nigeria. I would be very happy if there are enough mobile hospitals in Nigeria such as the Northern part of the country, to help women whom wants to give birth to be able to access great healthcare facilities.

During my final year study at the University in The Netherlands, I conducted a research on export of maternal mobile hospital to Nigeria, I called over 100 hospitals in NWSE of the country, the findings of the research was that there is high demand for mobile hospitals, medical equipment in the country. There is also high mortality rate for pregnant women in rural areas of Nigeria.  European countries such as The Netherlands, Germany, Scotland, England has top notch medical supplies. Nigerian government could collaborate with companies such as Philips, Lamboe in The netherlands, Jacaranda Trading B.V. for hospital equiptment  supplies!

I hope this post inspires you!

I love you!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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How to Lose the Baby Weight!!!



 Most pregnant women prefer to sit and engage in  less movement, this act can increase pregnancy weight. By the way, my  younger sister is heavily pregnant, congrats Sis and a very good friend of mine just put to bed, congratulation!!! I have been there twice and  I learnt some great tips and tricks on how to get back In shape after pregnancy. These tips are:

1. Practise a lot of sit ups after one month of delivery
2. Eat a lot of salad,
 fresh fish pepper soup, lots of fruits
3. Tie wrapper  or broad belt around your stomach right and leave it on for hours while you go about your daily activities, this Act help to reduce gas in your  stomach.
4 Use Palmers anti stretch mark on your stomach, bio oil is also very effective. Sliced lemon and giner added to water is a great drink that would help you lose belly fat (Please see more on the video tutorial below)
When taking your bath, use body scrub,  focus on the darker area of your skin after pregnancy such as your stomach and face.
5. Read a lot of articles online regarding losing weight and child care. Babycentre is a great website for that.

Incase you are struggling with child bearing and cant get pregnant. Nordica is a great place to be for ivf. The company has branches in Nigeria and other European countries.

Please avoid too much weight gain during pregnancy in order to reduces the chances of high blood pressure, excessive weight gain and difficulties during giving birth.

I hope these tips were helpful!!!

 I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

SHOP   @Here


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Healthy Lunch Ideas!!!

Hello lovelies, Hope you all are doing terrific!!! I was inspired by my girlfriend to write this post. She prepared very delicious pancakes,I tasted it, it was awesome!!! She added cheese and ham to it. She also taught me how to prepare pancaks.

How do you prepare a delicious pancake?  you set a hot pan on the as cooker, add a little oil to the pan and then add the mixed flour in the pan, set the heat very low. After 3 minutes, you have made your self a very delicious pancake. You may add cheese, fish or ham to it.

My other healthy lunch ideas are:

  1. Salad  wth fish, chicken  or beef. Lidl, Emte or albert heign has very affordable packed sald mixed and weel packaged
  2. Fruit salad, you may combine, apple, per, orange, strawberries and add a little honey to it. its so delicious. You may want to eat your fruit salad with yoghurt or a hot cup of thee.
  3. Chicken. I love chicken, KFC and mcdonald chicken nuggets are my favourites. I also love baking chicken at home. I usually add nando’s hot chicken peri-peri source
  4. Preparing smoothie home is a great way to stay healthy. You may want add fresh fruits and vegetables to your smootie.

Avoid too much fatty food, practise meal preping. Please see more pictures of healthy food idea here i specially selected.

I hope you are inspired.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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Tips on How To Look Younger!

Hiya!!! A lot of people do ask me my age, when ever I ask them to guess, I do hear age guess 10 years younger than my age! I tend to blush all the time. I am in my thirties now but I look few years younger than my actual age. Below are some health care practices that will help you look more young, nourished and well kept.

  1. Exercise often by walking, biking or going to the gym
  2. Sleep at least 8 hours every night
  3. Drink lot of water
  4. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  5. wear makeup, concealers can help women hide wrinkes, day and night cream can help you look fabulous and younger
  6.  Wear new cloths, primark, H&M has really affordable cloths that will help you look modern.
  7. Avoid drinking or eating food that might stain your teeth such as coffee, cola etc
  8. Dress your hair
  9. Do your manicure and pedicure regularly

I hope these tips wear helpful! If you need some more advice for your grooming, please do not hesitate to contact me. I give male and female advice. you may send me an email here


I love you so much!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

SHOP – Here


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How To Achieve Glowing Skin!!!

Hello Lovelies, I hope you all are doing well! Below is a video tutorial on how to achieve a beautiful glowing skin.

Drinking lots of water is essential to earn a glowing skin, you may want to exercise often. Using some good skin care products such as day and night cream, serum, face wash from brands such as Loreal, Channel, clarins, biotherm is an excellent way to achieve a radiant skin. I also love using bio oil on my face .

Essential vitamins such as vitamin A,C,D,E and vis oil helps alot aswell. Eating well balanced diet, sleeping enough also is paramount.

I hope these tips were helpful!!!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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