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Oh la la!!! Paris Adventure!

Paris is such as amazing place! I love the beautiful structures especially the ivory tower, the food there was impeccable. My trip few years ago to Paris was awesome. I went with my family, we had so much fun! I would love to visit paris again! Aside from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Paris is one of favourite cities in the world.

Where is your favourite holiday destination? I do love to learn from you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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10 Cool Things You Can Do Everyday To Improve Your Life

Hello my amazing fabulous beauties in the house!!! This blog post is dedicated to you in order to inspire you on how you can invest your time and energy in lucrative activities! Without much further ado, lets get started!!!

  1. Sing- Pratice singing, sing praises to God.  if you can not sing, join a music class, you might end up becoming so famous!
  2. Travel, If you do have an european passport, you can visit countries such as Spain, Greece for very affordable prices. Traveling helps you to become more educated, accomodating and versatile. Companies such as Sunweb has great holiday packages at very affordable prices
  3. Get out in nature. Go for walk with your loved ones, spend quality time together visit the streams, hiking, biking. If you are married, go for a dinner date with your husband or wife, plan a secret getaway or do  a simple picnic.
  4. Exercise. Exercise makes you look smarter, happier and feel better.
  5. Practise gratitude, be grateful for your loved ones, kids, family friend, job, gratitude helps to improve your relationship.
  6. Write, write a blog, keep a journal. writing helps to relax the brain. Keeping a journal helps you let go and forgive.
  7. Mediation is also awesome, meditate every day.try to pracise yoga at home. You may watch YouTube videos for inspiration
  8. Declutter your life, try to practice minimalism, live simply, you do not need to have all the best cloths, houses, cars to be happier. just live!!!
  9. Eat healthy food everyday.
  10. Relax, pursue your hobby, keep doing what you love no matter the circumstance.

I hope these tips were hepful!!!
I love you so so much!!!


Ekene Patience










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LIFESTYLE, Uncategorized

Best Places To Visit In Zeeland The Netherlands



Hello muffins! I hope you all are doing well! I have been living in Zeeland In The Netherland for a while now, and I have come to like it very much!There are awesome places you can visit that can make you fall deeper in love with Zeeland such as, Vacational homes of Roompot, restaurant de Afslag in Breskerns, Amadore Hotels and resorts, The Fletchers hotel, beachclub, De boulevard in Vlissingen and the cool shopping centres in Middelburg and  in Goes. You can even find cool designer cloths in some shops in Zeeland such cloths from GStar, Polo, Michael Kors bags, shoes from Omoda and Open 32. Cool cities to visit in zeeland includes, Domburg, Breskerns, Middelburg and Sluis

I truelly love zeeland and highly recommend Zeeland to my beautiful muffins in da house!

Please do share with me your favourite cities, I have been to Paris, London, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Nigeria, The Netherlands still remains my favourite country amongs all perhaps because I like cheese alot.lol.

Stay fabulous!!!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Please check out my current vlog, with Stylish outfits, Interior Deco, Advice and more!



Awesome Greece Holidays!

Hi muffins, few years, ago, I had an awesome holidays in Creta Greece! Hope this video inspires you! Crete Greece is an awesome country, the weather is nice and the food is delicious.!



Holidays in Spain LookBook

Few months ago, the weather was amazing in Europe, especially in Spain. I went with my family and it was amazing. The sea was blue and the weather was amazing in the beautiful city of Mallorca. I really enjoyed the meals too. I know it can get a bit boring to wear good sweater , winter coat and jeans everyday single day for months during  this winter months, so I decided to share with you some of my favorite summer looks to brighten up your winter days.
Let me know which one of the looks is your favorite and also I’d love to hear about your favorite ways of styling during your holidays

for outfit details + links!

Accessories- here

Outfit details – here

Ekene Patience



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