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How To Stop Stress and Relax More!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family. I hope you all are doing great. I was hired to share with you guys this blog post by a kind philanthropist. There are several ways to relax and ease stress. Stress can affect your health. Too much stress can lead to heart attack, burn out, a reduced amount of productivity,

There are several ways to reduce stress

  1. Practice exercise such as jogging, sit-ups, yoga, biking.
  2. Visit the spa
  3. Go for a message
  4. Eat properly
  5. Listen to good music
  6. Visit friends and family
  7. Practice forgiveness
  8. Do not listen to sad songs


Ekene Patience

Thank you so much for reading.

Dutch Version

Goedemorgen beste vrienden, Vandaag ga ik het met jullie hebben over hoe stress te verminderen en meer te relaxen.Tegenwoordig lijkt het of steeds meer mensen ziek worden ten gevolge van stress. Als je de huidige maatschappij vergelijkt met die van vroeger lijkt het wel of die veel complexer is geworden. Werk en vrije tijd lopen door elkaar heen, smartphones en sociale media doen er nog een schepje bovenop, je moet steeds bereikbaar zijn voor iedereen. Als je hieraan toegeeft loopt op de lange duur de emmer over en veroorzaak je stress, overspannenheid en een burn-out.

 Om deze stress tegen te gaan en meer te relaxen kan je aan het volgende denken.

 -Calculeer tegenslag in, niet altijd zit alles mee.

-Leer van je fouten, een ezel stoot zich in het algemeen geen 2x aan dezelfde steen.

-Sta open voor kritiek, accepteer dat je niet alles weet, en dat kritiek goed bedoeld kan zijn.

-Herken je grenzen, neem niet teveel hooi op de vork, je moet ook eens nee kunnen zeggen.

-Sporten is goed voor lichaam en geest, de hersenen worden beloond door genotshormonen, de tegenhanger van stresshormonen.

-Lachen en knuffelen zijn ook goed voor de genotshormonen.

-Als laatste, eet gezond, anders loop je het risico op overgewicht en andere aandoeningen.

Beste vrienden, dit waren zo enkele tips om stress te voorkomen en meer te relaxen.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels, cars, photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes, and hotels and give self-care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Patron – Here

Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands - www.ekenepatience.com



Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands - www.ekenepatience.com




_Hi  ya, I sell customised pictures! Please contact me if you are interested.xo www.ekenepatience.com


Qualities Of A Good Wife!

Hello, my adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing well. One of my regular blog reader and follower requested I share this post with you guys to teach women how to treat their men. In my opinion a good wife has to be loving, caring, clean and keep the house tidy, have good hygiene, respectful, be a good listener to her husband, never say negative or insulting words to her husband or children, never hit your man, never kick him out of the house because you may end up chasing him in the sweet arms of another woman, be patient, understanding, never check his emails, spy on your man or read his phone messages,gossip other women with her husband or in front of their kids, never starve her husband or kids, take the cloths to the laundry if she can not wash by herself, cook or prepare good meals, never do things or involve in actions to hurt a wife, mother, woman like you, if you can not cook, thuis bezorgd and other website has amazing sites for great food, trust him with all your heart and soul, care for him and his family, never gossip or discuss your husband with a stranger, be sweet, hot, spicy,be romantic, dance together, be willing to support her husband financially, morally, cuturally, intellectually in  the best way she can. Never judge a book by its cover, that means do not jump into conclusion over your husband/or wife before truelly, really to get to know them very well. I love to be caring and sweet to my man when am in a relationship. Men, please do the same to your woman! Be great and sweet to your wives too!

I hope these tips inspired you.

My loving friends, please do share with me and coach me on how to become a better lover, mother and care, I would love to learn from you.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience



Hallo, mijn lieve vrienden en familie! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal. Een van mijn vaste blog-lezers en volgers verzocht om deze post met jullie te delen om vrouwen te leren hoe ze hun mannen moeten behandelen. Naar mijn mening moet een goede vrouw liefdevol zijn, zorgzaam, schoon en het huis opgeruimd houden, goede hygiëne hebben, respectvol zijn, een goede luisteraar voor haar man zijn, nooit negatieve of beledigende woorden tegen haar man of kinderen zeggen, nooit je man slaan, gooi hem nooit het huis uit, want je zou hem misschien kunnen sturen in de zoete armen van een andere vrouw, geduldig zijn, begrijpen, zijn e-mails nooit lezen, je man bespioneren of zijn telefoonberichten lezen, andere vrouwen roddelen met haar man of voor hun kinderen, haar man of kinderen nooit uithongeren, de kleren naar de was brengen als ze niet alleen kan wassen, koken of goede maaltijden bereiden, nooit dingen doen of betrokken zijn bij acties om een vrouw, moeder, vrouw zoals jij pijn te doen , als je niet kunt koken, thuis bezorgd en andere website heeft geweldige sites voor lekker eten, vertrouw hem met je hele hart en ziel, zorg voor hem en zijn familie, roddel nooit of bespreek je man met een vreemde, wees lief, heet, pittig, romantisch zijn, samen dansen. Ik ben dol op zorgzaam en lief voor mijn man als ik een relatie heb. Mannen, doe alsjeblieft hetzelfde met je vrouw! Wees ook geweldig en lief voor je vrouwen!

Ik hoop dat deze tips je hebben geïnspireerd.

Mijn liefhebbende vrienden, deel me alsjeblieft en coach me om een betere minnaar, moeder en zorg te worden, ik zou heel graag van je leren.

Ik hou zo veel van jullie!


Ekene Patience

Shop – Here 

Connect with me

Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience






I truely love wearing dresses especially during  the summer period. I admire top artist such as Kim Kardeshian,Naomi Campbell, Oluchi Onweagba,  Beyonce, Victoria Becham, beauty byjj, Michelle phan, Rihanna, Gigi Hadid Beautybybel in their awesome dresses




The Ultimate Guide on Finding a Job!

Hello my lovelies, I hope you all are doing alright. I have coached many of my friends and family members to find a job or to become an entrepreneur. One of my aunt’s daughter is doing very well now in Lagos Nigeria, as a makeup artist, I remembered few years ago, I bought some cool make up items from The Netherlands, and gave some to her as a gift, she later started practising with makeup, now she is an independent t makeup artist, doing the makeup of very famous nolly wood actresses in Nigeria.

Today’s blog post is to inspire you on how to find a job and also some great advice for employers. According to a research carried out by LinkedIn, sixty percent of jobs are unadvertised. Open solicitation is a great way to find a job. Many international students has asked me for coaching on how to find a job as well. Most international students that came from Africa, China, India always faces challenges when they finish their programmes, some of them do wish to stay back in Europe to find a job, but most of them do not know how to go about it because of language barrier, new environment, cv customisation and so on. It is very important to have a job in order to be able to sustain one self.  Finding a job is not the key thing, but your ability to keep the job depending on your competencies and passion. My advice to you is to go for jobs that you are passionate about. Some skills such as time management, self-control, Social awareness.

Some cool sites for finding a job ASAP are as follow:
Gum tree
monster board
– job agencies such as Adecco, Tempo team.

Use key words when conducting research on google and be very specific.

Organisations should have good reputation and good role models to employees, be honest, self-aware, not deceitful, fairness, trust and has best interest of their employees at heart. A great organisations should also be able to create value for their employees. 


I hope this tips where helpful!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I conduct workshop  for makeup, skincare, search engine optimization, website building and styling. If you need any of my services afore mentioned, please do not hesistate to contact me. my email address is ekenepatience@yahoo.com, many thanks in advance xoxoxoxo



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My very beautiful aunty and her talented daughter ( my cousin) I am so happy dear to have the same passion with you – makeup artistry!


Stylish Work Wear Outfits!

Hello my beautiful fashionistas in da house! I hope you all are doing great. Please find some cool outfits below on how to style your self when going for a job interview or to your work place. You need to look smart and confident.  it is also important  to present your self in a great way. You need to look fine! Your resume has to look great too.

Make sure you wear clean cloths, keep looking online for jobs. There are numerous website for finding a job such as indeed.nl, monsterboad, national vacature, uwv in the netherlands, job rapido. You can ask your friends and family, have the know you are looking for a job have them coach you. keep updating your cv, stand tall, be strong, and make it right loves.

Look for top four companies you like to work for, contact the director of these company, and have them know you do love to wor for them.

I hope you are inspired. Your jobis to get a job from now onward! You are now  the director of the new company called ‘GET A JOB!!!

I do love to learn from you how you find a great job. I am currently a master student in Management and marketing and looking for a befitting job.

Your brilliant tips is highly welcome.

I love you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Hallo mijn mooie fashionista’s in da house! Ik hoop dat het goed met jullie gaat.Hieronder enkele coole outfits over hoe je jezelf kunt stylen wanneer je op zoek bent naar een sollicitatiegesprek. Je moet er slim en zelfverzekerd uitzien. Je moet je zelf op een geweldige manier presenteren. Je moet er goed uitzien! Je CV moet er ook geweldig uitzien.

Zorg ervoor dat u schone kleren draagt, blijf online op zoek naar werk. Er zijn heel veel van websites voor het vinden van een baan, zoals indeed.nl, monsterboad, nationale vacature, uwv in nederland, job rapido. Je kunt je vrienden en familie vragen of ze weten dat je op zoek bent naar een baan als ze je coachen. blijf je cv updaten, sta rechtop, wees sterk en maak het goed liefdes.

Zoek naar de vier beste bedrijven waar je graag voor werkt, neem contact op met de directeur van dit bedrijf en laat ze weten dat je graag voor ze wilt werken.

Ik hoop dat je geïnspireerd bent. Jouw taak is om vanaf nu een baan te krijgen! U bent nu de directeur van het nieuwe bedrijf ‘GET A JOB !!!

Ik vind het heel leuk om van je te leren hoe je een geweldige baan vindt. Ik ben momenteel een masterstudent Management en marketing en zoek voor een passende baan.

Uw schitterende tips zijn van harte welkom.

Ik hou van je.


Ekene Patience


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I am sorry if you have seen some of these pictures in my previous post, just created a compiled outfit lookbook for your inspiration.




How To Prepare For Christmas!

Few weeks from now is Christmas! Yaas!!! I am so excited and yet to decorate my house. I have been so busy with studies and school examinations. I am so thrilled. Most shops in The Netherlands and in United kingdom has amazing presents for Christmas, I usually buy my presents from Media art in Holland, Bol.com, Sephora, River island,  H&M, Douglas, Ici Parijs, Omoda and Open32 shop in Goes The Netherlands. My favourite food for Christmas is rice, chicken or turkey. Christmas is an amazing time to spend quality time and sharing presents with your loved ones. I am so excited for wonderful December, my second son had his birthday this month and also a good friend of mine. Happy birthday to you all celebrating this month. Make sure you take good care of yourself this wonderful time of the year!  Christmas period is not only the time to merry, but also time to hit the gym and eat a little healthier.

This post was suggested by a friend of mine, thank you so much! I do love to hear from you your favourite activities during the Christmas period!]

Thank you so much for reading!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Fun Tips!!!

Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing well. Please make sure you dress up properly before leaving your home so that you can avoid freezing, it is absolutely cold these days. Today, am so thrilled to share with you amazing tips on how to feel better, less lonely especially if you are living alone. During my studies at Rotterdam University, I learnt from my colleague whom was writing a thesis on Loneliness experienced by the elderly and it’s management. Well I learnt a lot from him, because he shared his thesis work with me.

See below some cool tips on how you can feel less lonely, especially if you are single, in school far away from your friends and family or an elderly. Here we go!!

  1. Read a lot, books helps you to keep your mind occupied, read awesome novels, books etc
  2. Watch Nollywood movies ( Nigerian movies) or Hollywood movies, there are a lot of movies these days on YouTube. You would love them.
  3. If you are an elderly, call your family often or have them call you. You can video call on WhatsApp or skype.
  4. Go for a walk!
  5. Indulge in a hobby such as cooking writing, jogging, photography singing, makeup
  6. Develop good relationship with your neighbours and make new friends, so you can visit them and chat.
  7. Adopt a child or a pet.
  8. Travel! Rent a hotel or Airbnb room somewhere in the world, hop in the plane and fly away!!!

I hope these tips where helpful! Please do share with me how you manage loneliness, I do love to hear from you. Please do share this article to inspire others too!

I love you so much.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

ekene patience 5

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Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience


Feel Good Therapy For Winter!!!

Hi lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. As a certified beauty consultant and biochemist, I learnt alot during my study years on some cool tips on how to feel good especially during the winter period, whereby the weather seems to be cold all the time. These are some tips for you:

  1. Drink lots of flavoured thee, soup, my favourite soup are fish soup, tomato, lentil soup.
  2. Dance dance dance or go for a walk. Taking a long walk or cycling can be very helpful. you tend to receive fresh air and experience beautiful nature.
  3. Do your manicure, pedicure, makeup, wash , clean your self and be ready for the day even if you do not have anywhere to visit
  4. Hang out and spend some quality times with friends and family.
  5. Buy your self a present. You do not wait until you receive a present from someone, you may give your self a nice flower or perfume.
  6. If you live in a cold (winter) country like the Netherlands, Belgium, you may want to visit a Sunny country such as the Maldives, Seychelles for holidays
  7. Pamper your self, visit a spa for massage, pampering, if you have enough money go on vacation to a nearby holiday homes, luxirious hotel etc
  8. If you are really bored and do not have much to do, start a class, you may start to tke a laguage lesson, beauty classes etc

I hope these tips were helpful!

p.s. I am not a medical doctor, these are just tips i use my self and has helped me alot to pep up my moods. If you are feeling very sad, depressed and experiencing some anxiety attack, I do advice you to see your doctor.

I love you


I just want to use this medium to say a big congratulations to my little sister for the birth of your newborn baby! I love you both so much.

And also a big congratulations to my older son for acquiring your b diploma for swimming. I am so so proud of you.


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup


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my lovely sister and her son!


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup



Having a positive mindset can improve your mood, I was watching t.v. the other day, a lady with terminal cancer was being coached by her doctor on how to overcome the anxiety she felt as a result of her ailment, the doctor advised her to pretend as if she is perfectly fine (live in denial), she should never think about the fact that she has cancer and would die in few year, the lady admitted that denial helped her to overcome depression, anxiety and sadness her ailment  caused her. She felt better and was more positive.  These are some more tips that would help you feel better.

  1. Celebrate even your smallest success. Keep a journal, write down 3 things each day that you are grateful for or went really well.
  1. Speak positively and in the present tense – instead of ‘I want to be happy’, change it to ‘I am happy’.
  1. Know that you can choose your thoughts. Train your mind to focus on the good in your life.



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




How To Find A Job ASAP!!!

Hello my adorable friends, How are you all doing? Hope awesome! I have helped a whole lot of students to gain employment by coaching them especially during my schools day at Rotterdam University In The Netherlands. Once, I coached over seventy students on how to start their own business, build a website and all the good jazz! Recently a very close friend of mine asked me to coach her on how to find a student job especially for the weekend (part time) . I decided to create this blog post to inspire you all my awesome friends whom may be looking for  job or have friends who need one. Lets get started:

  1. Go online, search LinkedIn, Indeed.com, Monster board, job bird, jobrapido, student jobs. There are millions of job opening out there, you have to use the right key word. For example, lets say you need a cleaning job in Milan. You have to search on Google, ‘cleaning job Milan’ or student jobs Milan, got it?
  2. Create a decent c.v. There are several examples of decent cv you can emulate from online.
  3. create a LinkedIn profile
  4. Ask friends and family to coach you on how to find a job
  5. submit your c.v. personally to company’s or organizations you are interested in. Lets say you like to do house keeping jobs, you may want to print several cv and submit to all the hotels close to you. you can do some research online too and submit your cv to their email address. if you do have call credit, call the company, ask them if they need personals first before sending in your cv.
  6. Attend job workshop at your school.
  7. dress neatly when going for an interview and wear good makeup and lovely outfits. you can buy some cool cloths from Zara, H&M, Esprit.. watch You tube videos to get inspired on how to look formal for a job interview.
  8. body language is also important as much as verbal language, have the right posture and gestures during your interviews.

If you do succeed to acquire the job, endevour to do your best during your probational period which is usually 3 to six months before you earn your permanent contract.

So here you have my awesome tips for a job interview.

I wish you  all the very best my lovelies.

I love you



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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How To Find a Job!!!

FashionRocks1210-147 FashionRocks1210-148 FashionRocks1210-149 FashionRocks1210-154

3fm serious request Eindhoven (glazenhuis)2010 in The Netherlands!!

Hiya Muffins, I hope you all are doing great. Have you guys been wondering how to find a new job lately?

Well here are some cool tips on how to do so.

  1. You can register your own business at chamber of commerce and become self employed person ( you may need a website as well. wix.com or wordpress can be used for building a website)
  2. Work for a boss, search website such as LinkedIn, indeed, monster board, studentjobs, Linkedin, jop rapido, for job offers.
  3. Become a photo model, actor, figurant in movies, search for casting calls on Facebook, twitter, goggle by using the right keyword.
  4. Become a you tuber, make movies and promote your self on other social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram.
  5. Promote products for other businesses or become a drop shipper.
  6. Start selling your own stuff you do no need on ebay.
  7. Contact companies directly, e.g if you are interested in cleaning jobs, search for cleaning job agencies in your area by searching on google, use the right key word, call or email them
  8. Search on Facebook for job coach, ask your friends who do work how they found their job.
  9. connect with alumni by attending events.

Remember, working would enable you earn money. money is important for enjoying a decent lifestyle such as spending quality time with your family and friends, going on vacation to Maldives, Barbados or other awesome countries, buying nice cars, houses and so on.

I hope you are inspired. Please do let me know if these tips were helpful.

I love you.




TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


p.s. I am currently looking for a job, if you have any tips, please do contact me – ekenepatience@yahoo.com Please find my digital cv HERE





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Time for Confidence!!!!

Confidence is one thing we all struggle with from time to time especially if you are an introvert. Here is a short story for you. Once upon  time, Over a decade ago,  I was a very very shy girl, my girlfriend’s then at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria  then in Nigeria during the pre science programme I took part in for one year in order to study medicine after the programme ( although I ended up studying biochemistry on another university and graduated as a biochemist) literally forced me to contest for a beauty pageant, because I did not  have nice cloths, not enough money,  not such a popular girl at shool then,Also  did not have enough confidence to contest for the miss Mbaukwu beauty pageant, my friends had to rally around to all the necessary items I needed for the pageant such as awesome shoes ,cloths, I needed,

My girlfriends also helped me to organise people that would cheer me up then during the beauty pageant. Guess what , I won the beauty pageant. In essence , if you are not a very confident person, you need to hang around with friends and family whom reminds you of how amazing you are. Secondly, try to make new friends, wear neat Cloths , practise self grooming,  read books on how to be more confident, listen to online tutorials too.  All these tips would enable you make new friends and become more confident. Eating well, wearing makeup, emulating from very confident people (role models, mine are Bob Proctor, Naomi Cambell, Beyonce, Rihanna, Genevieve Nnaji, Prink and many more ) being in shape and exercising often is  also an optimum way to stay in shape and look fabulous. I hope these tips inspired you. I love you so much.


Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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