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Hugo Boss


14 Top Fashion Shops!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you?

I hope you all are doing well.

Today, I am going to share with you nine top fashion shops in my own opinion.

  1. Dior Amsterdam
  2. Hugo Boss Amsterdam
  3. Balmain Amsterdam
  4. Hermes Amsterdam
  5. Gucci London
  6. Femme Luxe
  7. Fendi Amsterdam
  8. Zizi Cardow
  9. Nellyone
  10. Zara Rotterdam
  11. Versace
  12. Gerry Weber Middelburg
  13. Boohoo
  14. Pretty little thing


These above-mentioned fashion shop offers very beautiful outfits for men and women!

Most men and women loves to look great and fabulous. Amsterdam is a very beautiful city in The Netherland. Most of these above mentioned fashion brands can be found in the shopping streets of Amsterdam and other cities in The Netherlands. You may also want to shop online.

Amazon is also a great platform for shopping for lovely outfits!

Thank you so much for reading my blog

Ekene Patience


FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


My websites

EKENEPATIENCE.ORG ‣ @ekenepatience.org

BLACKNOIR.ME ‣ @blacknoir.me

MY FABULOUS BEAUTIES ‣ @myfabulousbeauties.com

FABULOUS BEAUTIES FOOD ‣ @fabulousbeautiesfood.com



My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos on Blacknoir  – Here


Story book –Here

My YouTube Video – Here

My gig – here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here


Fashion – Here

Cars  Here


More exciting photos and videos

Blacknoir.me – Here
myfabulousbeauties.com – Here
ekenepatience.org – Here








Please order your fabulous pictures and videos – Whatsapp +31683059224


Top Fashion Outlets In Berlin!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well. Today, I am going to share with you top fashion brands you may be able to buy in Berlin in my own opinion

  1. Michael Kors
  2. Hugo Boss
  3. Gucci
  4. Tommy Hilfiger
  5. Designual 

Germany has other awesome shops such as star bucks, costa  and more. You may also lodge in beautiful hotels such as Novotel or Marriot hotel in Berlin Belgium

Do visit berlin, Germany for shopping experience!

Thank you so much for reading my blog!


Ekene Patience


5 Top Shops In Paris!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

There are five top fashion shops in my very own opinion in Paris

1. Hugoboss
2. Tommy hilfiger
3. Gucci
4. Louis vulton
5. Prada
Shopping in Paris is fun and great. You may combine your awesome shopping redevous with lodging at a nice hotel, if you are a photo model, you may decide to make lovely pictures in a nice hotel room in Paris. Sofitel Paris is recommended.

Parisian style is always fun , pretty and fabulous! Chanel is also an awesome brand you can find in Paris.

Are you a top photo model from The Netherlands, do make paris france your next holiday destination, you would love it!

Thanks for reading my blog.


Ekene Patience


FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

French DelightHere

My gigs on Fiverr – Here

Content Marketing and Photos  on Blacknoir  – Here

Webshop  – Here

Story book  – Here


My Youtube  Video –  Here

My gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here



7 top fashionable items recommended for Christmas period 2021

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you today? I hope you all are doing fine. There are seven fashionable items you and your loved ones can wear/ rock this festive period and look great;

1. Dresses from ted baker
2. Espirit jacket
3. Shoes from nike, guess or from dr. Martens
4. Headset from vr-i.nl
5. Calvin klein shoes, jeans or g-star jean
6. Zara
7. Boohoo dresses.

The reasons i recommend these outfit is because, as a model, i have had the ample opportunity to wear some of these above mentioned brands of clothes during my photoshoot. These above mentioned items are great, durable and easy to maintain.

Aside from these above mentioned brand of clothing, you can wear other high end brands such as michael kors, dior, hermes and more. Perfumes from the brand dior, gucci and prada is highly recommended for male and female.  For skin care, items from the body shop, rituals, lush is a must have. I hope you are inspired.

Thank you so much for reading my blog


Ekene Patience

Webshop –  – Here

Story book  – Here

Youtube –  Here

My gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Affiliate Marketing – Here

Real Estate management – Here







My 7 Favourite Scents!

Hello, my beautiful angels! How are you all doing? I hope you are doing great. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on my favourite scents. Perfume helps me to feel more confident and feminine. Below are some of my favourite scents;

  1. Michael Kors
  2. Chanel
  3. Dior
  4. Gucci
  5. Hugo boss
  6. Calvin Klein
  7. The body shop

I buy my perfumes from Douglas, Rituals, Ici Paris, The Body shop,  Zara, Etos and Kruidvat has also very nice and affordable perfumes.  I am a certified beauty consultant in The Netherlands. I have diploma in Perfumerie, Cosmetics, Skincare and makeup. These perfume brands has perfumes for male as well. I am a beauty consultant and a personal shopper, I can help you shop for great perfumes for your self or loved ones. Please contact me if you need some beauty, business and healthcare advice.

Thank you so much for reading my blog!



Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Shop Gorrilla’s coffee – Here


Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands - www.ekenepatience.com


Goedemorgen dames en heren. Fijn dag toegewenst xo


Good morning my lovelies! Have a blessed day xo www.ekenepatience.com


Happy birthday to me! xo www.ekenepatience.com


Hello! I am a personal shopper in Europe. Please contact me if you need these beautiful items xo WhatsApp- +31620175330

I am a personal shopper. I help male and females shop for cosmetics, shoes, clothing, watches, perfume. please contact me if you need my services www.ekenepatience.com

DressFor sale ❤   I am a personal shopper. I can help you for these items and beyond.   Please contact me of you are interested to do business with me . We ship worldwide. Www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998. I am on whatsapp too xo

For sale ❤   I am a personal shopper. I can help you for these items and beyond.   Please contact me of you are interested to do business with me . We ship worldwide. Www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998. I am on whatsapp too xo

Original Cosmetics for sale Retailers and wholesalers are welcome Email - +31620175330 ekenepatience@yahoo.com  prices on request xoxo Ekene Patience

For sale ❤   I am a personal shopper. I can help you for these items and beyond.   Please contact me of you are interested to do business with me . We ship worldwide. Www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998. I am on whatsapp too xo



Hi ya! I am a  personal shopper. I can help you shop for bed, Cloths,  cosmetics, electronics. Out company ships worldwide. Www.ekenepatience.com



My favourite  perfumes xo

For sale ❤   I am a personal shopper. I can help you for these items and beyond.   Please contact me of you are interested to do business with me . We ship worldwide. Www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998. I am on whatsapp too xo

My favourite  perfumes xo

E-commerce business advice


Favourite Skincare Cosmetics 2019!

Hello! my beautiful friends and family, thank you so much for visiting my blog. Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you. I enjoy using cosmetics from Europe because it makes my skin glow! I also like using Nigerian cosmetics as well. Below are my favorite cosmetics  I often purchase and use.  my favorite cosmetics from Ici Paris, Douglas, De Bijenkorf, and Sephora.

  1. Rituals
  2. Clarins
  3. Dior
  4. Biotherm
  5. De Tuinen
  6. Hugo Boss
  7. Dolce and Gabbana
  8. Smash box
  9. Nivea

I hope this blog post inspires you. I am a certified beauty consultant in The Netherlands, with diplomas in skincare, makeup, cosmetics, and perfumery. I also do manicure, pedicure and offer healthcare tips.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Hallo mijn beste vrienden. Vandaag gaan wij het hebben over mijn favoriete  cosmetica producten. Cosmetica is een verzamelnaam voor middelen ter verbetering van hygiëne, lichamelijke reinheid en uiterlijk schoon.

Toch blijft het met producten voor de huidverzorging oppassen. We lezen steeds “natuurlijk is gezond”. Maar het is in de huidverzorging hetzelfde als met voeding, alle planten zijn natuurlijk, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat wij alle planten zo maar kunnen eten, sommige zijn zelfs giftig. Gebruik van natuurlijke producten voor de huidverzorging moet dan ook gebeuren op basis van nauwgezette selectie. Indien dit niet goed gebeurt werkt het product niet en kan zelfs schade toebrengen aan de huid. De meest voorkomende huidschade is contactallergie.

Sommige parfums mogen dan lekker ruiken, en ook al bestaan ze uit natuurlijke stoffen, ze kunnen na verloop van tijd eczeem (huidveroudering) veroorzaken.

Welnu mijn beste vrienden, ik ga jullie niet bang maken. Ik wil alleen dit zeggen, gebruik natuurlijke huidverzorging weldoordacht en met kennis van zaken.


Make-up done by me


Hi ya! I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, please let  me  know if you  are interested . www.ekenepatience.com

My teeth looks whiter now after using the whitening pen. Would you like to have a try? Please contact me


Styling done by me

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998

Hi dear, I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop for jewelries, wigs, makeup, drinks, cosmetics, fashion items, perfume from Europe. Please contact me if you are interested +31633651998 www.ekenepatience.com Our company ships worldwide




My Current Favourite Jeans!

Hello my amazing fashionistas in da house! I hope you all are doing great. These are my current favourite jeans! I love wearing jeans from brand names such as Levi, G- Star, Gaastra, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Car Jeans, Only, H&M, We. You can not go wrong with few pair of branded jeans in your wardrobe. These above mentioned brands has jeans for male and females. I do buy my jeans from open 32 in Goes, In The Netherlands, De Bijenkorf and on Zalando. Bos Men in The Netherlands has awesome suits for male. C& A has also high quality clothing for male, females and kids.

My lovelies, where do you purchase your lovely cloths? I would love to learn from you.Bythe way, I am a personal shopper, if you need items such as perfums, cloths, cars , wrist watches from europe, please do let me know.

Thank you so much for reading my blogs and for all your love and kindness, I do appreciate each and everyone of you. I love your inspirations and above all,

I love you!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

jacket, g-star, zeeland, beauty, massage


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man 2

12000431194_df96a21827_o P1104146 PB053479 (1) P2021556 P2031577 DOflN6IWAAAcnsF PA293394 PB053473 PB053482

Tommy Hilfiger Jeans




Levi Jeans – Open 32 Gos, The Netherlands


jean, black jeans,


G- Star Jeans

university of dundee, dundee, model, photomodel

university of Dundee
