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Femme luxe 9th Collaboration!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well.  A few days ago, Femme Luxe sent me three awesome jogging trousers and one sweater to my business address in The Netherlands. Due to the fact that I am currently in Nigeria visiting my friends and family, Femme Luxe the outfit to my business address in The Netherlands. I approached this beautiful model via a friend of mine, she said yes!!! I am so happy she accepted my proposal to be my model.

My beautiful model modeled the outfits indoors and outdoors. Femme luxe has sent me several dresses. I am very happy how the joggers fit my model so well. She looks so pretty and fabulous in these outfits. These joggers can be used for jogging, staying indoors, going for walk, shopping in Jumbo supermarket and of course for modeling!

By the way, Merry Christmas and happy new year in advance! The Christmas period is the time of the season we tend to spend with friends and family, shop for really nice outfits, shoes, delicious meals and so on. Are you on a budget? Would you like to look really cute this Christmas season, Femme Luxe has really beautiful outfits for female.

Thank you so much Femme Luxe for sending me these lovely outfits!



Ekene Patience

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Thank you so much @FemmeLuxeFinery for these lovely outfit. My beautiful model looking so fabulous xoxo


Thank you so much @FemmeLuxeFinery for these lovely outfit. My beautiful model looking so fabulous xoxo




Thank you so much @FemmeLuxeFinery for these lovely outfit. My beautiful model looking so fabulous xoxo
