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How To Develop A Long Lasting Relationship!

Hello my  dearest friends, I hope you all are doing great! I am so pleased to share with you my thoughts on how to develop love and long lasting relationship with your friends, family, brothers and sisters and also with your collegues. Love is a great thing, it is very important to share and express love with your brothers, sisters, mother, sibling. I remember while growing up, my parent gave me and my siblings the best love ever, my parent  gave us proper training, we had great bond, i am my siblings went to the same primary and secondary school, church, had almost the same friends, we slept together everyday on daily basis, today I still remember vividly my youthful age. I am so thankful to my parent for their undilluted love.

Share love with your husband, boyfriend, tell them everyday how  loving and special they are to you, doing so, you tend to practise emotional attunement. Practise daily comunication with each other, trust others, have healthy conflicts, if one misbehaves and apologies, try to apologise and forgive because no one is perfect.

In a loving relationship, you have to ask your self, do i trust my partner? trust is the most important aspect of a long lasting relationship. Avoid fighting with your partner, rather ask yourself is this a battle i do wish to indulge in.

All in all, love one another, spend quality time with your loved ones and never give up on the one you love no matter the circumstance. I hope you are inspired!

I love you


Ekene Patience

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New born baby Kenneth in Nigeria

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New born baby Timothy in Goes The Netherlands

Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Holidays in Spain!

I and my amazing family had an awesome holidays in Mallorca Spain! Spain is a great place to live, visit, have fun. The food there is perfect! We were at the beach alot! The night life and hotels there is superb! You can book for holidays at Sunweb in The Netherlands. Klm also has fare rates for your trips without delays and stress!

I wore several styles outfits during my family vacation in Spain. If you ask anyone what style means to them, chances are the majority are going to have some variation of this answer: Style is expression. From the shoes on your feet to the jewels around your neck, fashion gives us a chance to explore different ways to express ourselves. I’ve always seen style as confidence-building; as an adolescent and a young adult I always had reservations about how to dress myself and what I could and couldn’t experiment with. But I’ve become so comfortable with the idea of testing out different styles that I may not normally have thought were “me,”
I hope these looks inspires you!
je tem!

I highly recommend spain for your next holiday destination!

p.s. I created a vlog in The Netherlands recently, Please find the video beow!


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An awesome family is the most beautiful gift anyone could ever wish for. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I also appreciate all my fans, followers, friends. I just want to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to each and everyone that have been there for me. I do appreciate you all alot, even though I do not say or express it often. i do really care and appreciate each and and evey one of you. like the saying goes, A friend in need is a friend indeed.  During my study years in the Netherlands, I have achieved a great relationship with some of my co students, collegues and mentor, I do regard them as family as well. I do have perhaps more than one hundred family members

Please do show some love to your loved and dearest one! See more of our family phores HERE

Thanks for stopping by!



Ekene Patience


















