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7 Websites To Find A Job!

Hello my amazing friends and family! How are you? I hope you are doing well! Finding a job is very important . If you are employed you would be able to indulge in fun activities, buy your self nice hair, perfume, clothing, shoes and replace your electronics when damaged. Today I have decided to share with you top companies for finding a job

  1. Linkedin
  2. Indeed
  3. Gumtree
  4. National vacature
  5. werk.nl
  6. zeelandnet.nl
  7. stagemotors


During my university studies in The Netherlands, I have helped several of my colleagues to become self employed, thought them on how to build a website, thought some of my classmates which websites to look for internship companies and so on.

I am a freelancer for cavazanni recruitment agency and CVEST. Cavazanni recruitment agency is involved in recruiting staffs worldwide, the company help you format your cv, recruits oil and gas staffs, Cvest company are involved in fashion and real estate investment. The company is very good at investment advice. If you do want to buy properties in Nigeria , europe or any other country, divest can assist you with decent investment advice.

If you do need help with blogging, social media advertising, collaboration, script writing, modelling, acting, investment advice, please contact me

I hope this blog post inspired you!

`If you do need help with business consultancy, please do contact me. These companies I do freelance jobs with offers their services in Nigeria, uk, usb and beyond!


Ekene Patience

Salon – Here

Translation –  Here

My gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here

Affiliate Marketing – Here











How To Find A Job ASAP!!!

Hello my adorable friends, How are you all doing? Hope awesome! I have helped a whole lot of students to gain employment by coaching them especially during my schools day at Rotterdam University In The Netherlands. Once, I coached over seventy students on how to start their own business, build a website and all the good jazz! Recently a very close friend of mine asked me to coach her on how to find a student job especially for the weekend (part time) . I decided to create this blog post to inspire you all my awesome friends whom may be looking for  job or have friends who need one. Lets get started:

  1. Go online, search LinkedIn, Indeed.com, Monster board, job bird, jobrapido, student jobs. There are millions of job opening out there, you have to use the right key word. For example, lets say you need a cleaning job in Milan. You have to search on Google, ‘cleaning job Milan’ or student jobs Milan, got it?
  2. Create a decent c.v. There are several examples of decent cv you can emulate from online.
  3. create a LinkedIn profile
  4. Ask friends and family to coach you on how to find a job
  5. submit your c.v. personally to company’s or organizations you are interested in. Lets say you like to do house keeping jobs, you may want to print several cv and submit to all the hotels close to you. you can do some research online too and submit your cv to their email address. if you do have call credit, call the company, ask them if they need personals first before sending in your cv.
  6. Attend job workshop at your school.
  7. dress neatly when going for an interview and wear good makeup and lovely outfits. you can buy some cool cloths from Zara, H&M, Esprit.. watch You tube videos to get inspired on how to look formal for a job interview.
  8. body language is also important as much as verbal language, have the right posture and gestures during your interviews.

If you do succeed to acquire the job, endevour to do your best during your probational period which is usually 3 to six months before you earn your permanent contract.

So here you have my awesome tips for a job interview.

I wish you  all the very best my lovelies.

I love you



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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How To Find a Job!!!

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3fm serious request Eindhoven (glazenhuis)2010 in The Netherlands!!

Hiya Muffins, I hope you all are doing great. Have you guys been wondering how to find a new job lately?

Well here are some cool tips on how to do so.

  1. You can register your own business at chamber of commerce and become self employed person ( you may need a website as well. wix.com or wordpress can be used for building a website)
  2. Work for a boss, search website such as LinkedIn, indeed, monster board, studentjobs, Linkedin, jop rapido, for job offers.
  3. Become a photo model, actor, figurant in movies, search for casting calls on Facebook, twitter, goggle by using the right keyword.
  4. Become a you tuber, make movies and promote your self on other social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram.
  5. Promote products for other businesses or become a drop shipper.
  6. Start selling your own stuff you do no need on ebay.
  7. Contact companies directly, e.g if you are interested in cleaning jobs, search for cleaning job agencies in your area by searching on google, use the right key word, call or email them
  8. Search on Facebook for job coach, ask your friends who do work how they found their job.
  9. connect with alumni by attending events.

Remember, working would enable you earn money. money is important for enjoying a decent lifestyle such as spending quality time with your family and friends, going on vacation to Maldives, Barbados or other awesome countries, buying nice cars, houses and so on.

I hope you are inspired. Please do let me know if these tips were helpful.

I love you.




TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


p.s. I am currently looking for a job, if you have any tips, please do contact me – ekenepatience@yahoo.com Please find my digital cv HERE





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