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How To Care For Your Dearie!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? Today, I am going to inspire all the men around the world on how to take care of your derie ( your wife, girlfriend, lover, woman in my own opinion. Women are like flowers, women need to be taken care of and not be hurt physically, emotionally nor verbally.

  1. Send her flowers
  2. Be a good listener
  3. Give her compliments
  4. Do not be selfish in bed., rather touch her and give her affection, not once a week, or in a year, but on daily basis.
  5. Gift her, please do not send your wife gift that is not from your heart.
  6. Please do destroy her items, rather help in maintaining it
  7. Men avoid verbal, mental, emotional abuse towards your wife.
  8. Do not take items or your wife’s belongings and sell them or give them to another woman without her knowledge.
  9. If your wife can not make children, please see a doctor, do an ivf (invitro fertilization)  if need be. Please do not insult her due to inability to get pregnant or try to solve the pregnncy issue by yourself as a man, rather do it together.
  10. Never judge your wife. Leave God in heaven to judge. If your wife makes mistake, do not beat her up in the house or on the street, rather correct her, guide and coach her
  11. Some men do set their wife up with other men in order to test her faithfulness towards him. Men, do remember that your wife is only human and not God, so please do not tempt your wife, rather, coach, teach, uplift and love her unconditionally.
  12. If your wife offends you, forgive her instantly, avoid setting her up with togs, implicating her or to a vulnerable situation.
  13. Do not stop her hone, her home internet connections, her browsing history, rather trust her
  14. These above-mentioned tips are also applicable to women. Women should also be nice, kind to their husband.
  15. Men, if your wife does tell you what she likes and not like, please stick to that, please do avoid engaging in the same activities that may upset her. For example, if your wife does like a tidy home, please keep it tidy all the time.
  16. Please do not ears drop on your wife, spy on her or deceive and lie to her, rather, protect her, guide and love your wife.
  17. Have fun and enjoy your marriage life.
  18. Never blame a woman for mistakes she did not commit intentionally. For example, if you just met your girlfriend, if you never asked her if she was married or not in the first place, before entering a relationship with her, do not blame her afterwards when you find out she is married because you never asked her in the first place. Some married women and men do keep their marriage status to themselves when they are not asked due to privacy reasons. It is not in my place nor yours to judge such individuals. Rather, be very sure of whom you are dating before finally deciding to marry them eventually.


Disclaimer, I am not a marriage expert rather, I am writing in regards to how I would be liked to be treated as a wife, hence I have some marriage experience.

I am very pleased to announce to you all that I have finally started writing my digital book here. Thank you all so much for your love, kindness and inspirations.

I love you!


Ekene Patience

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Shop Your Fabulous Lipstick With Duvolle!

Hello, my fabulous friends and family! Welcome back! Today, I have lip swatch blog post for you guys today!  Yuppie!!! I regard myself as a very lucky woman! I tend to receive items worldwide from time to time to review on my blog! Thank you, Lord!  A few weeks ago, I received Duvolle facial cleanser, recently, I received some lipstick.  The lipstick are matte, the other side of the lipstick has lipgloss. The lipsticks are well pigmented and have a great texture on my lip. I love the way I make my lip feel very smooth and creamy. The lipstick lasts up to ten hours on your lip. The part of the lipstick is that it makes my lip scent like roses! Would you like to try out my lipsticks with me? Please feel free to contact me! Thank you so so much duvolle for sending me these amazing lipstick! You guys are simply the best!

Thank you so much for reading my angels! Please do shop your great lipstick at www.duvolle.com

I love you!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

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Shop your fabulous lipstick at www.duvolle.com

Shop your fabulous lipstick at www.duvolle.com



Shop your awesome lipstick with www.duvolle.com

Shop your fabulous lipstick with www.duvolle.com

Munich vibes




Qualities Of A Good Wife!

Hello, my adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing well. One of my regular blog reader and follower requested I share this post with you guys to teach women how to treat their men. In my opinion a good wife has to be loving, caring, clean and keep the house tidy, have good hygiene, respectful, be a good listener to her husband, never say negative or insulting words to her husband or children, never hit your man, never kick him out of the house because you may end up chasing him in the sweet arms of another woman, be patient, understanding, never check his emails, spy on your man or read his phone messages,gossip other women with her husband or in front of their kids, never starve her husband or kids, take the cloths to the laundry if she can not wash by herself, cook or prepare good meals, never do things or involve in actions to hurt a wife, mother, woman like you, if you can not cook, thuis bezorgd and other website has amazing sites for great food, trust him with all your heart and soul, care for him and his family, never gossip or discuss your husband with a stranger, be sweet, hot, spicy,be romantic, dance together, be willing to support her husband financially, morally, cuturally, intellectually in  the best way she can. Never judge a book by its cover, that means do not jump into conclusion over your husband/or wife before truelly, really to get to know them very well. I love to be caring and sweet to my man when am in a relationship. Men, please do the same to your woman! Be great and sweet to your wives too!

I hope these tips inspired you.

My loving friends, please do share with me and coach me on how to become a better lover, mother and care, I would love to learn from you.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience



Hallo, mijn lieve vrienden en familie! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal. Een van mijn vaste blog-lezers en volgers verzocht om deze post met jullie te delen om vrouwen te leren hoe ze hun mannen moeten behandelen. Naar mijn mening moet een goede vrouw liefdevol zijn, zorgzaam, schoon en het huis opgeruimd houden, goede hygiëne hebben, respectvol zijn, een goede luisteraar voor haar man zijn, nooit negatieve of beledigende woorden tegen haar man of kinderen zeggen, nooit je man slaan, gooi hem nooit het huis uit, want je zou hem misschien kunnen sturen in de zoete armen van een andere vrouw, geduldig zijn, begrijpen, zijn e-mails nooit lezen, je man bespioneren of zijn telefoonberichten lezen, andere vrouwen roddelen met haar man of voor hun kinderen, haar man of kinderen nooit uithongeren, de kleren naar de was brengen als ze niet alleen kan wassen, koken of goede maaltijden bereiden, nooit dingen doen of betrokken zijn bij acties om een vrouw, moeder, vrouw zoals jij pijn te doen , als je niet kunt koken, thuis bezorgd en andere website heeft geweldige sites voor lekker eten, vertrouw hem met je hele hart en ziel, zorg voor hem en zijn familie, roddel nooit of bespreek je man met een vreemde, wees lief, heet, pittig, romantisch zijn, samen dansen. Ik ben dol op zorgzaam en lief voor mijn man als ik een relatie heb. Mannen, doe alsjeblieft hetzelfde met je vrouw! Wees ook geweldig en lief voor je vrouwen!

Ik hoop dat deze tips je hebben geïnspireerd.

Mijn liefhebbende vrienden, deel me alsjeblieft en coach me om een betere minnaar, moeder en zorg te worden, ik zou heel graag van je leren.

Ik hou zo veel van jullie!


Ekene Patience

Shop – Here 

Connect with me

Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience






I truely love wearing dresses especially during  the summer period. I admire top artist such as Kim Kardeshian,Naomi Campbell, Oluchi Onweagba,  Beyonce, Victoria Becham, beauty byjj, Michelle phan, Rihanna, Gigi Hadid Beautybybel in their awesome dresses




How To Develop A Long Lasting Relationship!

Hello my  dearest friends, I hope you all are doing great! I am so pleased to share with you my thoughts on how to develop love and long lasting relationship with your friends, family, brothers and sisters and also with your collegues. Love is a great thing, it is very important to share and express love with your brothers, sisters, mother, sibling. I remember while growing up, my parent gave me and my siblings the best love ever, my parent  gave us proper training, we had great bond, i am my siblings went to the same primary and secondary school, church, had almost the same friends, we slept together everyday on daily basis, today I still remember vividly my youthful age. I am so thankful to my parent for their undilluted love.

Share love with your husband, boyfriend, tell them everyday how  loving and special they are to you, doing so, you tend to practise emotional attunement. Practise daily comunication with each other, trust others, have healthy conflicts, if one misbehaves and apologies, try to apologise and forgive because no one is perfect.

In a loving relationship, you have to ask your self, do i trust my partner? trust is the most important aspect of a long lasting relationship. Avoid fighting with your partner, rather ask yourself is this a battle i do wish to indulge in.

All in all, love one another, spend quality time with your loved ones and never give up on the one you love no matter the circumstance. I hope you are inspired!

I love you


Ekene Patience

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New born baby Kenneth in Nigeria

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New born baby Timothy in Goes The Netherlands


4 Ways To Achieve A Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hello my dearest friends,  I have been asked alot by my friends, fans, followers, family members tips on how to become happier. Some of us may become unhappy due to the fact they lost  job, contract lost a loved one or financially drained.  Some  people tend to use anti depressant to combat it. As a biochemist, I learnt during my study years there are some amazing ways you can actually become happier, fight depression and stress with out consuming drugs that can harm your health especially drugs with side effects.

Below are some of my tips:

  1. Distract your self, try as much as you can to look for something you love doing, become a photographer, start a  new study, babysiter, painter, join a dancing class and so on and so forth. look good on daily basis.
  2. Create balance and evacuate your self from an environment, jobs that is risky for your health and wellbeing. I do believe in the saying, health is wealth. Some of us do stay in a job that you love but might be dangerous, be very careful and make the right decision, please never risk your health no matter your circumstance.
  3. Build meaningful connection, make friends, reconcile with your self, fury or whom ever that has ever offended you. The word of God sttes that  God forgives us of all our sins as long as we forgive our neigbours.
  4. Visit musuems, zoo, go for date, jogging, makeover, manicure, pedicure, spa and so on.

I hope you are inspired.

Thank you so so much for reading. Please find video below with tips on how to become happier.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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Happy Birthday Son!


Happy birthday my adorable loving son! You have been a great blessing to our family, I love you. You have been an amazing kid, Always so happy, kind, selfless and healthy son. I love you and your brother from the bottom of heart. I give God the glory for your life.

Both of you boys have been amazing blessed and intelligent  kids!

I just want to use this opportunity to thank all my amazing friends and family members for all your love and support. I do appreciate all your support towards us.

thank you!

Gefeliciteerd lieve Timo!

Ik hou van je!



Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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Feel Good Therapy For Winter!!!

Hi lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. As a certified beauty consultant and biochemist, I learnt alot during my study years on some cool tips on how to feel good especially during the winter period, whereby the weather seems to be cold all the time. These are some tips for you:

  1. Drink lots of flavoured thee, soup, my favourite soup are fish soup, tomato, lentil soup.
  2. Dance dance dance or go for a walk. Taking a long walk or cycling can be very helpful. you tend to receive fresh air and experience beautiful nature.
  3. Do your manicure, pedicure, makeup, wash , clean your self and be ready for the day even if you do not have anywhere to visit
  4. Hang out and spend some quality times with friends and family.
  5. Buy your self a present. You do not wait until you receive a present from someone, you may give your self a nice flower or perfume.
  6. If you live in a cold (winter) country like the Netherlands, Belgium, you may want to visit a Sunny country such as the Maldives, Seychelles for holidays
  7. Pamper your self, visit a spa for massage, pampering, if you have enough money go on vacation to a nearby holiday homes, luxirious hotel etc
  8. If you are really bored and do not have much to do, start a class, you may start to tke a laguage lesson, beauty classes etc

I hope these tips were helpful!

p.s. I am not a medical doctor, these are just tips i use my self and has helped me alot to pep up my moods. If you are feeling very sad, depressed and experiencing some anxiety attack, I do advice you to see your doctor.

I love you


I just want to use this medium to say a big congratulations to my little sister for the birth of your newborn baby! I love you both so much.

And also a big congratulations to my older son for acquiring your b diploma for swimming. I am so so proud of you.


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup


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my lovely sister and her son!


Travel, Food, Holidays, Ekene Patience, Healthcare, Scotland, Makeup Artist, vlogger, london, fashion, woman, african, nigerian, model, styl, lifestyle,cosmetics, makeup



Having a positive mindset can improve your mood, I was watching t.v. the other day, a lady with terminal cancer was being coached by her doctor on how to overcome the anxiety she felt as a result of her ailment, the doctor advised her to pretend as if she is perfectly fine (live in denial), she should never think about the fact that she has cancer and would die in few year, the lady admitted that denial helped her to overcome depression, anxiety and sadness her ailment  caused her. She felt better and was more positive.  These are some more tips that would help you feel better.

  1. Celebrate even your smallest success. Keep a journal, write down 3 things each day that you are grateful for or went really well.
  1. Speak positively and in the present tense – instead of ‘I want to be happy’, change it to ‘I am happy’.
  1. Know that you can choose your thoughts. Train your mind to focus on the good in your life.



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

How To Be Happier!!!

Hello muffins, I hope all is well!!! Jogging is a great way to boost your happiness level. I tend to jog at least once a week. Eating healthy is also essentials. I do pamper my self by giving moi  a nice gift such as perfume, good cosmetics, dress up, washing myself properly.

Avoid being fearful! Be more confident and confront your fears. You are perfect just the way you are. If you are in a bad relationship, change it, if you are having a bad diet, change it.  Do Always what you love doing! I love modelling, food, cooking, writing,  sports, makeup and I do that everyday!

Spending quality time with my friends and family makes me happier too! One of my very good friend gave me a great advice few years ago, when I was having difficult times then, he told me, stay closer to your friends and the once that loves you more when you are having challenging times!

Reading a listening to motivational audio is also a great way to boost your mood such as audio from Bob Proctor, Brian Tracey  Dani Johnson, Partricia Bright! Below, I made a video to inspire you with more tips!

I hope you are motivated to become more happy.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience



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